1,035 research outputs found

    Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world : proceedings of the fifth international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas : Wageningen, the Netherlands, May 30-June 3, 2010

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    Proceedings of the fifth international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas : Wageningen, the Netherlands, May 30-June 3, 201

    Ozi ́s Bed and Breakfast: A case of translation

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    Following actor-network theory, this paper analyses the way a tourism entrepreneur called Ozi tried to collectively promote Malindi (Kenya) as a tourist destination by adopting information and communication technology (ICT). Ozi started his business, Ozi's Bed and Breakfast, in 1985. After a successful start, ethnic violence in the coast region in 1997 and subsequent negative publicity, crumbling infrastructure and inadequate marketing led to a decline in tourist numbers in Kenya in general and at Ozi's Bed and Breakfast in particular. To overcome these drawbacks, Ozi took the initiative to join forces with other entrepreneurs to promote Malindi cooperatively using ICT. However, to translate ICT into the network of Malindi's tourism entrepreneurs a lot of (new) actors and entities had to be enrolled in the network. This paper shows how the introduction of ICT, just like any other new technological development, unfolds alongside social, political and economic dynamics. Poor telecommunication links, conflicts of interests, inadequate information management and sharing, poor relations between key stakeholders, and lack of trust and investors are just a few of the factors explaining the failure of the project. In other words, the entrepreneurs in Malindi were not yet able to fine-tune their activities to create convergence that will enable the collective use of ICT to promote Malindi and themselves. The case study illustrates the obstacles small entrepreneurs encounter in effectively introducing ICT in tourism, as well as the complex ways tourism unfolds as the result of processes of ordering, negotiation, representation and... (see the PDF file).Following actor-network theory, this paper analyses the way a tourism entrepreneur called Ozi tried to collectively promote Malindi (Kenya) as a tourist destination by adopting information and communication technology (ICT). Ozi started his business, Ozi's Bed and Breakfast, in 1985. After a successful start, ethnic violence in the coast region in 1997 and subsequent negative publicity, crumbling infrastructure and inadequate marketing led to a decline in tourist numbers in Kenya in general and at Ozi's Bed and Breakfast in particular. To overcome these drawbacks, Ozi took the initiative to join forces with other entrepreneurs to promote Malindi cooperatively using ICT. However, to translate ICT into the network of Malindi's tourism entrepreneurs a lot of (new) actors and entities had to be enrolled in the network. This paper shows how the introduction of ICT, just like any other new technological development, unfolds alongside social, political and economic dynamics. Poor telecommunication links, conflicts of interests, inadequate information management and sharing, poor relations between key stakeholders, and lack of trust and investors are just a few of the factors explaining the failure of the project. In other words, the entrepreneurs in Malindi were not yet able to fine-tune their activities to create convergence that will enable the collective use of ICT to promote Malindi and themselves. The case study illustrates the obstacles small entrepreneurs encounter in effectively introducing ICT in tourism, as well as the complex ways tourism unfolds as the result of processes of ordering, negotiation, representation and... (see the PDF file)

    Explicit and implicit self-esteem and their associations with symptoms of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents

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    Negative self-esteem is an important transdiagnostic factor underlying various youth psychological problems. Most studies so far have examined the role of more conscious, explicit self-esteem, assessed with self-report questionnaires. Our study investigated the role of explicit as well as implicit self-esteem (with Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale and the implicit association test, respectively), and the nature of their interaction in explaining children’s and adolescents’ internalizing symptomatology. Self-esteem, depression, and anxiety symptoms were assessed in 279 youths (mean age: 13.92; 52% females). Explicit self-esteem (ESE) was consistently negatively related to internalizing symptoms, whereas implicit self-esteem (ISE) was not. For DSM-related anxiety symptoms, the interaction between ISE and ESE was significant: in youths who displayed low to average ESE, higher ISE predicted more anxiety symptoms, whereas for youths with high ESE, increased ISE was associated with lower levels of anxiety symptoms. Overall, our results suggest that explicit self-esteem is an important factor in explaining internalizing symptomatology for children and adolescents.</p

    These routes are made for walking : understanding the transactions between nature, recreational behaviour and environmental meanings in Dwingelderveld National Park, the Netherlands

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    Er is aangetoond dat natuurgebieden bijdragen aan het fysieke en psychische welzijn van mensen. Echter, een te hoge recreatiedruk kan kwetsbare ecosystemen beschadigen en bovendien de beleving van bezoekers nadelig beĂŻnvloeden. Zo is het groeiende aantal bezoekers aan bijvoorbeeld de Nederlandse nationale parken voor beheerders van deze gebieden een belangrijk aandachtspunt. Om natuurgebieden effectief te beheren, kunnen zoneringsplannen een nuttig hulpmiddel zijn. Zoneren is het aanbrengen van een ruimtelijke geleding waardoor gebiedsdelen ontstaan die elk bestemd worden voor verschillende activiteiten, ervaringen of bezoekintensiteiten. De ontwikkeling van zoneringsplannen is echter moeilijk als het inzicht ontbreekt in de precieze vraag naar verschillende recreatievormen, belevingen en huidige gebruiksniveaus. Met het voorgaande als uitgangspunt heeft de huidige studie tot doel om de relatie tussen de omgeving, recreatieve belevingen en het gedrag in een natuurgebied te begrijpe

    Indexatieperspectief geëindigd door ontbinding pensioenfonds. Werkgever verplicht tot verdere nakoming of compensatie?

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    Hof Amsterdam2019/139FdR – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Teaching and training for general practice: a Dutch academic success story

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    Design and pilot results of a single blind randomized controlled trial of systematic demand-led home visits by nurses to frail elderly persons in primary care [ISRCTN05358495]

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    BACKGROUND: The objective of this article is to describe the design of an evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of systematic home visits by nurses to frail elderly primary care patients. Pilot objectives were: 1. To determine the feasibility of postal multidimensional frailty screening instruments; 2. to identify the need for home visits to elderly. METHODS: Main study: The main study concerns a randomized controlled in primary care practices (PCP) with 18 months follow-up and blinded PCPs. Frail persons aged 75 years or older and living at home but neither terminally ill nor demented from 33 PCPs were eligible. Trained community nurses (1) visit patients at home and assess the care needs with the Resident Assessment Instrument-Home Care, a multidimensional computerized geriatric assessment instrument, enabling direct identification of problem areas; (2) determine the care priorities together with the patient; (3) design and execute interventions according to protocols; (4) and visit patients at least five times during a year in order to execute and monitor the care-plan. Controls receive usual care. Outcome measures are Quality of life, and Quality Adjusted Life Years; time to nursing home admission; mortality; hospital admissions; health care utilization. Pilot 1: Three brief postal multidimensional screening measures to identify frail health among elderly persons were tested on percentage complete item response (selected after a literature search): 1) Vulnerable Elders Screen, 2) Strawbridge's frailty screen, and 3) COOP-WONCA charts. Pilot 2: Three nurses visited elderly frail patients as identified by PCPs in a health center of 5400 patients and used an assessment protocol to identify psychosocial and medical problems. The needs and experiences of all participants were gathered by semi-structured interviews. DISCUSSION: The design holds several unique elements such as early identification of frail persons combined with case-management by nurses. From two pilots we learned that of three potential postal frailty measures, the COOP-WONCA charts were completed best by elderly and that preventive home visits by nurses were positively evaluated to have potential for quality of care improvemen

    Understanding barriers to women seeking and receiving help for perinatal mental health problems in UK general practice: development of a questionnaire

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    Aim To develop a questionnaire to measure quantitatively barriers and facilitators to women’s disclosure of perinatal mental health problems in UK primary care. To pilot and evaluate the questionnaire for content validity and internal consistency. Background Around 15% of women develop a mental illness in the perinatal period, such as depression, anxiety or PTSD. In the United Kingdom, 90% of these women will be cared for in primary care, yet currently in as many as 50% of cases, no discussion of this issue takes place. One reason for this is that women experience barriers to disclosing symptoms of perinatal mental illness in primary care. These have previously been explored qualitatively, but no tool currently exists with which to measure these barriers quantitatively. Methods Questionnaire items, drawn from qualitative literature and accounts of women’s experiences, were identified, refined iteratively, and arranged in themes. The questionnaire was piloted using cognitive debriefing interviews to establish content validity. Women completed a refined version online. Responses were analysed using descriptive statistics. Internal consistency of subscales was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha. Findings Cognitive debriefing interviews with five women showed the majority of questionnaire items were relevant, appropriate and easy to understand. The final questionnaire was completed by 71 women, and the majority of subscales had good internal consistency. The barrier scoring most highly was fear and stigma, followed by willingness to seek help and logistics of attending an appointment. Family/partner support and GPs’ reaction were the lowest scoring barriers. Factors facilitating disclosure were GPs being empathetic and non-judgemental, and listening during discussions. In the future this questionnaire can be used to examine which barriers are most important for particular groups of women. This may enable development of strategies to improve acknowledgement and discussion, and prevent under-recognition and under-treatment, of perinatal mental health problems in primary care

    Perceived (In)justice of Public Land Acquisition

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    Many studies have addressed the justice of public land acquisition, but few studies have addressed the question of what landowners perceive as just. Individual perceptions drive an important part of the social and scientific debates on legitimate and just land acquisition. This article addresses this gap by studying landowners’ and land purchasers’ perceptions of just land acquisition. We did this by uncovering the prevailing discourse on just land acquisition and studying the values that shaped people’s perceptions of just land acquisition. The results showed that perceptions of justice are based on the values of lawfulness, decentness and equality. These values were translated into different norms that resulted in expectations pertaining to just land acquisition. Insight into the different perceptions and the prevailing discourse of just land acquisition and their underlying values increases the understanding of land acquisition processes and land policy strategies. First, it becomes apparent that land acquisition has an essential element of injustice that cannot be avoided by a good process or a just compensation fee. Second, insight in different discourses provides valuable input for debates on just land acquisition. Third, such insight shows that money is not always a sufficient means of indemnification. The combination of sufficient financial compensation, the opportunity of a new location, attractive selling conditions and accurate and open process are all important requisites to ensure that public land acquisition is perceived by the majority of landowners as just.</p
