8,328 research outputs found

    Conserving Approximations in Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory

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    In the present work we propose a theory for obtaining successively better approximations to the linear response functions of time-dependent density or current-density functional theory. The new technique is based on the variational approach to many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) as developed during the sixties and later expanded by us in the mid nineties. Due to this feature the resulting response functions obey a large number of conservation laws such as particle and momentum conservation and sum rules. The quality of the obtained results is governed by the physical processes built in through MBPT but also by the choice of variational expressions. We here present several conserving response functions of different sophistication to be used in the calculation of the optical response of solids and nano-scale systems.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, revised versio

    On the Executability of Interactive Computation

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    The model of interactive Turing machines (ITMs) has been proposed to characterise which stream translations are interactively computable; the model of reactive Turing machines (RTMs) has been proposed to characterise which behaviours are reactively executable. In this article we provide a comparison of the two models. We show, on the one hand, that the behaviour exhibited by ITMs is reactively executable, and, on the other hand, that the stream translations naturally associated with RTMs are interactively computable. We conclude from these results that the theory of reactive executability subsumes the theory of interactive computability. Inspired by the existing model of ITMs with advice, which provides a model of evolving computation, we also consider RTMs with advice and we establish that a facility of advice considerably upgrades the behavioural expressiveness of RTMs: every countable transition system can be simulated by some RTM with advice up to a fine notion of behavioural equivalence.Comment: 15 pages, 0 figure

    Modelling and Analysis of the European Milk and Dairy Market

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    Many-body Green's function theory for electron-phonon interactions: the Kadanoff-Baym approach to spectral properties of the Holstein dimer

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    We present a Kadanoff-Baym formalism to study time-dependent phenomena for systems of interacting electrons and phonons in the framework of many-body perturbation theory. The formalism takes correctly into account effects of the initial preparation of an equilibrium state, and allows for an explicit time-dependence of both the electronic and phononic degrees of freedom. The method is applied to investigate the charge neutral and non-neutral excitation spectra of a homogeneous, two-site, two-electron Holstein model. This is an extension of a previous study of the ground state properties in the Hartree (H), partially self-consistent Born (Gd) and fully self-consistent Born (GD) approximations published in Ref. [arXiv:1403.2968]. We show that choosing a homogeneous ground state solution leads to unstable dynamics for a sufficiently strong interaction, and that allowing a symmetry-broken state prevents this. The instability is caused by the bifurcation of the ground state and understood physically to be connected with the bipolaronic crossover of the exact system. This mean-field instability persists in the partially self-consistent Born approximation but is not found for the fully self-consistent Born approximation. By understanding the stability properties, we are able to study the linear response regime by calculating the density-density response function by time-propagation. This functions amounts to a solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation with a sophisticated kernel. The results indicate that none of the approximations is able to describe the response function during or beyond the bipolaronic crossover for the parameters investigated. Overall, we provide an extensive discussion on when the approximations are valid, and how they fail to describe the studied exact properties of the chosen model system.Comment: 12 figure

    Wick Theorem for General Initial States

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    We present a compact and simplified proof of a generalized Wick theorem to calculate the Green's function of bosonic and fermionic systems in an arbitrary initial state. It is shown that the decomposition of the non-interacting nn-particle Green's function is equivalent to solving a boundary problem for the Martin-Schwinger hierarchy; for non-correlated initial states a one-line proof of the standard Wick theorem is given. Our result leads to new self-energy diagrams and an elegant relation with those of the imaginary-time formalism is derived. The theorem is easy to use and can be combined with any ground-state numerical technique to calculate time-dependent properties.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure; extended version published in Phys. Rev.

    Correlation effects in bistability at the nanoscale: steady state and beyond

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    The possibility of finding multistability in the density and current of an interacting nanoscale junction coupled to semi-infinite leads is studied at various levels of approximation. The system is driven out of equilibrium by an external bias and the non-equilibrium properties are determined by real-time propagation using both time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) and many-body perturbation theory (MBPT). In TDDFT the exchange-correlation effects are described within a recently proposed adiabatic local density approximation (ALDA). In MBPT the electron-electron interaction is incorporated in a many-body self-energy which is then approximated at the Hartree-Fock (HF), second-Born (2B) and GW level. Assuming the existence of a steady-state and solving directly the steady-state equations we find multiple solutions in the HF approximation and within the ALDA. In these cases we investigate if and how these solutions can be reached through time evolution and how to reversibly switch between them. We further show that for the same cases the inclusion of dynamical correlation effects suppresses bistability.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Total energies from variational functionals of the Green function and the renormalized four-point vertex

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    We derive variational expressions for the grand potential or action in terms of the many-body Green function GG which describes the propagation of particles and the renormalized four-point vertex Γ\Gamma which describes the scattering of two particles in many-body systems. The main ingredient of the variational functionals is a term we denote as the Ξ\Xi-functional which plays a role analogously to the usual Φ\Phi-functional studied by Baym (G.Baym, Phys.Rev. 127, 1391 (1962)) in connection with the conservation laws in many-body systems. We show that any Ξ\Xi-derivable theory is also Φ\Phi-derivable and therefore respects the conservation laws. We further set up a computational scheme to obtain accurate total energies from our variational functionals without having to solve computationally expensive sets of self-consistent equations. The input of the functional is an approximate Green function G~\tilde{G} and an approximate four-point vertex Γ~\tilde{\Gamma} obtained at a relatively low computational cost. The variational property of the functional guarantees that the error in the total energy is only of second order in deviations of the input Green function and vertex from the self-consistent ones that make the functional stationary. The functionals that we will consider for practical applications correspond to infinite order summations of ladder and exchange diagrams and are therefore particularly suited for applications to highly correlated systems. Their practical evaluation is discussed in detail.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures. Physical Review B (accepted

    Kadanoff-Baym approach to time-dependent quantum transport in AC and DC fields

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    We have developed a method based on the embedded Kadanoff-Baym equations to study the time evolution of open and inhomogeneous systems. The equation of motion for the Green's function on the Keldysh contour is solved using different conserving many-body approximations for the self-energy. Our formulation incorporates basic conservation laws, such as particle conservation, and includes both initial correlations and initial embedding effects, without restrictions on the time-dependence of the external driving field. We present results for the time-dependent density, current and dipole moment for a correlated tight binding chain connected to one-dimensional non-interacting leads exposed to DC and AC biases of various forms. We find that the self-consistent 2B and GW approximations are in extremely good agreement with each other at all times, for the long-range interactions that we consider. In the DC case we show that the oscillations in the transients can be understood from interchain and lead-chain transitions in the system and find that the dominant frequency corresponds to the HOMO-LUMO transition of the central wire. For AC biases with odd inversion symmetry odd harmonics to high harmonic order in the driving frequency are observed in the dipole moment, whereas for asymmetric applied bias also even harmonics have considerable intensity. In both cases we find that the HOMO-LUMO transition strongly mixes with the harmonics leading to harmonic peaks with enhanced intensity at the HOMO-LUMO transition energy.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Submitted at "Progress in Nonequilibrium Green's Functions IV" conferenc

    Ensemble v-representable ab-initio density functional calculation of energy and spin in atoms: atest of exchange-correlation approximations

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    The total energies and the spin states for atoms and their first ions with Z = 1-86 are calculated within the the local spin-density approximation (LSDA) and the generalized-gradient approximation (GGA) to the exchange-correlation (xc) energy in density-functional theory. Atoms and ions for which the ground-state density is not pure-state v-representable, are treated as ensemble v- representable with fractional occupations of the Kohn-Sham system. A newly developed algorithm which searches over ensemble v-representable densities [E. Kraisler et al., Phys. Rev. A 80, 032115 (2009)] is employed in calculations. It is found that for many atoms the ionization energies obtained with the GGA are only modestly improved with respect to experimental data, as compared to the LSDA. However, even in those groups of atoms where the improvement is systematic, there remains a non-negligible difference with respect to the experiment. The ab-initio electronic configuration in the Kohn-Sham reference system does not always equal the configuration obtained from the spectroscopic term within the independent-electron approximation. It was shown that use of the latter configuration can prevent the energy-minimization process from converging to the global minimum, e.g. in lanthanides. The spin values calculated ab-initio fit the experiment for most atoms and are almost unaffected by the choice of the xc-functional. Among the systems with incorrectly obtained spin there exist some cases (e.g. V, Pt) for which the result is found to be stable with respect to small variations in the xc-approximation. These findings suggest a necessity for a significant modification of the exchange-correlation functional, probably of a non-local nature, to accurately describe such systems. PACS numbers: 31.15.