23 research outputs found

    Características da marcha de um paciente com osteoartrose de quadril com e sem auxílio de bengala

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar características espaciais, temporais e espaço-temporais da marcha de um paciente com osteoartrose de quadril com e sem o auxílio de dispositivo (bengala). O caso é o de um sujeito com osteoartrose de quadril esquerdo de 63 anos, 97,8 kg e 1,76 m. Um sistema de reconstrução tridimensional de movimento foi utilizado para análise da marcha. Foram registrados três ciclos completos da marcha com e sem a utilização da bengala, sendo analisadas variáveis espaciais, temporais e espaço-temporais. Foi feita análise estatística, com nível de significância de 5%. Os principais resultados indicam que o comprimento de passo direito (CPD) e esquerdo (CPE), bem como o comprimento total do ciclo, foram superiores com o uso da bengala durante a marcha; o CPE foi significativamente maior do que o CPD quando o sujeito utilizava a bengala; todas as variáveis temporais foram estatisticamente menores com o uso da bengala; a cadência da marcha e a velocidade foram estatisticamente superiores com a bengala. Pode-se concluir que o uso da bengala gerou diferenças significativas no comportamento das variáveis espaciais, temporais e espaço-temporais durante a marcha, melhorando de forma significativa a eficiência do movimento do paciente com osteoatrose de quadril.The purpose of this study was to compare cane-assisted and non-assisted gait temporal, spatial and spatiotemporal features in a patient with hip osteoarthrosis. The patient studied, with left hip osteoarthrosis, was 63 years old and had 97.8 kg and 1.76 m. A three-dimensional analysis system was used for the analysis of gait. Three complete gait cycles with and without cane assistance were recorded, where temporal, spatial and spatiotemporal variables were analysed. Descriptive statistics was used with the level of significance set at 5%. Main results show that left step length (LSL), right step length (RSL) and stride length were greater during cane-assisted gait; LSL was significantly longer than RSL when the patient used the cane; all temporal variables were statistically lesser in cane-assisted gait; and cadence and walking speed were statistically higher during cane-assisted gait. It may thus be said that use of the cane by the patient with hip osteoarthrosis caused significant differences in spatial, temporal and spatiotemporal variables during gait and significantly improved efficiency of the movement

    Feature reduction and multi-classification of different assistive devices according to the gait pattern

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    Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a surgical procedure used in patients with Osteoarthritis to improve their state. An understanding about how gait patterns differ from patient to patient and are influenced by the assistive device (AD) that is prescribed is still missing. This article focuses on such purpose. Standard walker, crutches and rollator were tested. Symmetric indexes of spatiotemporal and postural control features were calculated. In order to select the important features which can discriminate the differences among the ADs, different techniques for feature selection are investigated. Classification is handled by Multi-class Support Vector Machine. Results showed that rollator provides a more symmetrical gait and crutches demonstrated to be the worst. Relatively to postural control parameters, standard walker is the most stable and crutches are the worst AD. This means that, depending on the patient's problem and the recovery goal, different ADs should be used. After selecting a set of 16 important features, through correlation, it was demonstrated that they provide important quantitative information about the functional capacity, which is not represented by velocity, cadence and clinical scales. Also, they were capable of distinguishing the gait patterns influenced by each AD, showing that each patient has different needs during recovery.The authors report no conflicts of interest. This study was supported by the Portuguese Science Foundation (grant SFRH/BD/76097/2011).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of gait performance of knee osteoarthritis patients after total knee arthroplasty with different assistive devices

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    Introduction: Nowadays Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA) affects a large percentage of the elderly, and one solution is to perform a Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA). In this paper, one intends to study the gait and posture of these patients after the TKA, while walking with three assistive devices (ADs) (crutches, standard walker (SW) and rollator with forearm supports (RFS)). Methods: Eleven patients were evaluated in 2 phases: 5 days and 15 days after surgery. This evaluation was conducted with two inertial sensors, one attached to the operated leg ankle, to measure spatiotemporal parameters, and the other at the sacrum, to measure posture and fall risk-related parameters. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with repeated measures was performed to detect group differences. Results: The MANOVA results show that all spatiotemporal parameters are significantly different (p 0.05). The interaction between time and ADs only affects significantly the velocity (p < 0.05). In terms of fall risk parameters, time only significantly affects the antero-posterior direction (p < 0.05) and ADs affects significantly root mean square in medio-lateral direction (p < 0.05). In terms of interaction between time and ADs, there are no statistical significant differences. Conclusion: This study concludes that depending on the state of recovery of the patient, different ADs should be prescribed. On the overall, standard walker is good to give stability to the patient and RFS allows the patient to present a gait pattern closer to a natural gait.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio