4 research outputs found

    The Genomes of the Fungal Plant Pathogens Cladosporium fulvum and Dothistroma septosporum Reveal Adaptation to Different Hosts and Lifestyles But Also Signatures of Common Ancestry.

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    We sequenced and compared the genomes of the Dothideomycete fungal plant pathogensCladosporium fulvum (Cfu) (syn. Passalora fulva) and Dothistroma septosporum (Dse) that are closely related phylogenetically, but have different lifestyles and hosts. Although both fungi grow extracellularly in close contact with host mesophyll cells, Cfu is a biotroph infecting tomato, while Dse is a hemibiotroph infecting pine. The genomes of these fungi have a similar set of genes (70% of gene content in both genomes are homologs), but differ significantly in size (Cfu \u3e61.1-Mb; Dse 31.2-Mb), which is mainly due to the difference in repeat content (47.2% in Cfu versus 3.2% in Dse). Recent adaptation to different lifestyles and hosts is suggested by diverged sets of genes. Cfu contains an α-tomatinase gene that we predict might be required for detoxification of tomatine, while this gene is absent in Dse. Many genes encoding secreted proteins are unique to each species and the repeat-rich areas in Cfu are enriched for these species-specific genes. In contrast, conserved genes suggest common host ancestry. Homologs of Cfu effector genes, including Ecp2 and Avr4, are present in Dse and induce a Cf-Ecp2- and Cf-4-mediated hypersensitive response, respectively. Strikingly, genes involved in production of the toxin dothistromin, a likely virulence factor for Dse, are conserved in Cfu, but their expression differs markedly with essentially no expression by Cfu in planta. Likewise, Cfu has a carbohydrate-degrading enzyme catalog that is more similar to that of necrotrophs or hemibiotrophs and a larger pectinolytic gene arsenal than Dse, but many of these genes are not expressed in planta or are pseudogenized. Overall, comparison of their genomes suggests that these closely related plant pathogens had a common ancestral host but since adapted to different hosts and lifestyles by a combination of differentiated gene content, pseudogenization, and gene regulation

    Mutational and Selective Pressures on Codon and Amino Acid Usage in Buchnera, Endosymbiotic Bacteria of Aphids

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    We have explored compositional variation at synonymous (codon usage) and nonsynonymous (amino acid usage) positions in three complete genomes of Buchnera, endosymbiotic bacteria of aphids, and also in their orthologs in Escherichia coli, a close free-living relative. We sought to discriminate genes of variable expression levels in order to weigh the relative contributions of mutational bias and selection in the genomic changes following symbiosis. We identified clear strand asymmetries, distribution biases (putative high-expression genes were found more often on the leading strand), and a residual slight codon bias within each strand. Amino acid usage was strongly biased in putative high-expression genes, characterized by avoidance of aromatic amino acids, but above all by greater conservation and resistance to AT enrichment. Despite the almost complete loss of codon bias and heavy mutational pressure, selective forces are still strong at nonsynonymous sites of a fraction of the genome. However, Buchnera from Baizongia pistaciae appears to have suffered a stronger symbiotic syndrome than the two other species

    Genome-Wide Computational Function Prediction of Arabidopsis Proteins by Integration of Multiple Data Sources1[C][W][OA]

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    Although Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) is the best studied plant species, the biological role of one-third of its proteins is still unknown. We developed a probabilistic protein function prediction method that integrates information from sequences, protein-protein interactions, and gene expression. The method was applied to proteins from Arabidopsis. Evaluation of prediction performance showed that our method has improved performance compared with single source-based prediction approaches and two existing integration approaches. An innovative feature of our method is that it enables transfer of functional information between proteins that are not directly associated with each other. We provide novel function predictions for 5,807 proteins. Recent experimental studies confirmed several of the predictions. We highlight these in detail for proteins predicted to be involved in flowering and floral organ development

    Genomic data from the potato

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    Available here is the genome of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), the first genome sequenced from the asterid clade. Potato is a member of the Solanaceae, a plant family that includes many other economically important species, such as tomato, petunia, eggplant, tobacco, and pepper. As the potato is both clonally propagated and the world;s most important non-grain food crop, its genome is a valuable agricultural resource. The Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium sequenced two species: the heterozygous diploid S. tuberosum Group Tuberosum cultivar, RH89-039-16 (RH), and the doubled monoploid S. tuberosum Group Phureja clone DM1-3 516R44 (DM). The potato genome consists of 12 chromosomes, of which over 80% of the homozygous clone’s 844-megabase genome were assembled. Genome analysis revealed evidence of at least two genome duplication events and identified a number of asterid-specific genes. Comparison between the two clones identified frequent gene variations and mutations, which may cause inbreeding depression