311 research outputs found

    Microwave propagation through isotropic inhomogeneous photoconductive media

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    The electromagnetic field equations for microwave propagation through a rectangular waveguide filled with a lossy, isotropic, linear, inhomogeneous material are derived in matrix form and solved numerically by computer. The theoretical effects of photo-induced conductivity and dielectric constant variations on microwave attenuation, phase shift, and voltage standing wave ratio are plotted for typical examples in the X-band frequency range. The theoretical calculations indicate that a two order-of-magnitude change in the conductivity can produce a 25 db change in the attenuation or a 100 degree change in the angle of the reflection coefficient. The theoretical predictions are verified qualitatively by experiments performed on photosensitive cadmium sulfide. An unusually strong, room temperature resonance phenomena was observed experimentally in cadmium sulfide. Electron plasma resonance is the suspected explanation, but no definite conclusions are drawn. Several new microwave applications for photoconductive materials are described. Theoretical calculations coupled with experimental measurements produced accurate conductivity measurement of thin (0.05 mm) silicon wafers at X-band frequencies. This technique could be readily adapted to large-scale automatic conductivity measurements. Microwave measurement of the free electron lifetime in photo-excited cadmium sulfide is also reported --Abstract, page ii

    ESD Currents and Fields on the VCP and the HCP Modeled using Quasi-Static Approximations

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    The horizontal coupling plane (HCP) and the vertical coupling plane (VCP) are essential elements of the standardized electrostatic discharge (ESD) test. They are used for testing the robustness of equipment against indirect (nearby) discharges. This article analyzed the current and the fields on the HCP and the VCP using plane wave, transmission line, quasi-static theory. The objective is to illustrate the dominating physical processes on these planes. The work is based on measurements of the transient currents and fields using broadband sensors

    Solar-Cell Design Based On A Distributed Diode Analysis

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    The front surface of a p-n junction solar cell has resistive losses associated with the diffused layer, the metal-semiconductor contact, and the grid structure. These losses are analyzed by considering the spatially distributed nature of the p-n junction and the grid conductors. This distributed diode analysis is especially useful for solar cells operated under concentrated sunlight conditions. The results show the dependence of the V-I characteristics and the maximum power output per unit cell on the ratio of the diffused layer resistance to the junction dynamic resistance. This ratio can assist the designer in establishing proper grid structure geometries and should typically be less than 0.1 if the power output per unit cell is to be within 3 percent of that for the lossless case. Experimental measurements are reported which confirm the theoretical calculations. An analysis of the grid conductor losses associated with multiple-connected unit cells shows the disastrous effect that the grid header resistance can have on the performance of a solar cell. The results indicate that the use of a tapered header conductor to decrease the metal coverage may actually worsen cell performance. Copyright © 1978 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

    Estimation of Printed Circuit Board Power Bus Noise at Resonance Using a Simple Transmission Line Model

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    The maximum coupling between printed circuit board components connected to the same power-ground plane pair often occurs at or near power bus resonances. Theoretically, the transfer coefficient, S 21 , between two locations on the power bus can be as high as 0dB (i.e. perfect coupling) near resonant frequencies. However, in practice the coupling is usually much less due to losses in the power bus structure. Determining exactly what the maximum coupling will be in a lossy power bus structure requires a numerical model or measurement. However, an estimation of the maximum coupling can be obtained by drawing an analogy between two-dimensional printed circuit board power buses and one-dimensional transmission lines. In this paper, a one-dimensional lossy transmission-line model is employed to simulate power-ground plane pairs and calculate S 21 between a noise source and a load. A simple formula for estimating the maximum coupling is derived from the transmission line model. This formula illustrates the effect that plane spacing, dielectric loss and board dimensions have on the maximum coupling between components attached to the same power bus structur

    Investigation of Fundamental Mechanisms of Common-Mode Radiation from Printed Circuit Boards with Attached Cables

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    Fundamental mechanisms leading to common-mode radiation from printed circuit boards with attached cables have been studied. Two primary mechanisms have been identified, one associated with a differential-mode voltage that results in a common-mode current on an attached cable, and another associated with a differential-mode current that results in a common-mode current on the cable. The two mechanisms are demonstrated through numerical and experimental results

    Identifying and Quantifying Printed Circuit Board Inductance

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    The concepts of inductance and partial inductance play a key role in printed circuit board (PCB) modeling. The inductance of the signal path is an important parameter in high-speed signal integrity calculations. Delta_I noise modeling, crosstalk calculations, and common-mode source identification all rely heavily on accurate estimations of the partial inductance associated with traces, vias, and signal return paths on printed circuit boards. The paper begins by identifying and quantifying the parameters that affect the inductance of typical PCB geometries. Closed-form equations are provided for estimating the partial inductances of simple trace, via, and ground plane configurations. Finally, the issue of current crowding around via connections in planes and its affect on the partial inductance of the plane is addressed

    Estimating DC Power Bus Noise

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    Simultaneous switching noise (SSN) resulting from IC devices can result in significant power bus noise, as well as radiation problems. An approach for estimating the power bus noise spectrum is presented in this paper. The power bus noise caused by digital circuits injecting high-frequency noise onto the DC buses feeding digital devices is calculated. The transient current drawn by an IC device is modeled using the load current and the shoot-through current through the power dissipation capacitance. Modeling and experimental results for several digital chips are shown. The modeling agrees well with the experimental results

    Deposition of CdTe by spray pyrolysis

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    We report the spray pyrolysis of thin films of CdTe which show promise as a base material for solar cell applications. The films predominately show a zinc blende structure and appear to be intrinsic. Microprobe analysis indicates an excess of cadmium but this is not detectable by X-ray diffraction or from electrical conduction measurements. Measurements indicate a nominal direct bandgap of 1.47 eV and an absorption coefficient of the order of 104 cm−1. The room temperature electrical resistivity is of the order of 107 Ω cm
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