2,039 research outputs found

    Past Experiences, Future Problems?

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    A significant tombstone in an unexpected little place

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    Comparative survey of the legal challenges faced by mixed-use sectional title (condominium) developments

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    CITATION: Van Der Merwe, C. G. 2018. Comparative survey of the legal challenges faced by mixed-use sectional title (condominium) developments. Journal of South African Law / Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, 2018(1):36-51.The original publication is available at https://journals.co.zaENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the years mixed-use sectional titles (strata titles, condominium) schemes have become increasingly popular over the world and also in South Africa. A mixeduse sectional titles scheme consists typically of a combination of residential and commercial units, but the term can also apply to the combination of residential units and office units or a combination of residential, commercial and office units.1 The increased popularity of mixed-use residential and commercial schemes2 can be attributed to the increased popularity of residential strata title homes in general. Again, the ability to combine the carefree lifestyle afforded by strata title ownership with the conveniences of in-house shops, offices and restaurants appeals to many house buyers.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toenemende skaarsheid van bekostigbare boupersele in middestede, en die vernuwing van middestede dwarsoor die wêreld, maak gemengde deeltitelontwikkeling ’n aantreklike opsie vir voornemende kopers. Die kopers van besigheids- en kantooreenhede, verkry ’n gesogte lokaliteit in die middestad sowel as ’n aantal potensiële klante in dieselfde gebou. Buiten ’n gesogte middestadlokaliteit, bekom die kopers van residensiële eenhede ook die gerief om moeiteloos inkopies in dieselfde gebou te kan doen en aldaar van professionele dienste gebruik te kan maak. Die ontwikkelaar moet die bestuursdokumente van die skema sorgvuldig met die nodige regsadvies voorberei ten einde die belange van die eienaars van die verskillende samestellende dele van die skema so goed as moontlik te probeer balanseer en ook voorsiening te maak vir aanpassings by toekomstige veranderende ekonomiese en sosiale omstandighede. In hierdie bydrae word aangetoon dat die uitdagings wat gemengde deeltitelontwikkelings in Suid- Afrika in die gesig staar, dieselfde is as wat ontwikkelaars in Australië en die Verenigde State van Amerika ondervind. Die bydrae wys die verskillende kwessies uit waaraan aandag gegee moet word by die opstel van die bestuursdokumente van ’n gemengde deeltitelskema. Daar sal oorweeg moet word of die besondere skema deur ’n sentrale bestuursliggaam bestuur moet word en of daar voorsiening gemaak moet word vir afsonderlike subsidiêre bestuursliggame vir elkeen van die samestellende komponente van die gemengde deeltitelskema. Verdere sake wat aandag verdien, is onder andere hoe die koste vir die gesamentlike gebruik van sekere fasiliteite tussen die komponente verdeel moet word; hoe spesiale feestelikhede in die besigheidskomponent gereguleer moet word; die verlening van uitsluitlike voordele aan sommige komponente, byvoorbeeld die reg om mededinging te verbied; watter gebruiksbeperkings ingevoer moet word; die beskikbaarheid van parkeerplekke vir eienaars, hul besoekers, klante en kliënte; universele onderhoudsvereistes vir die hele gebou; versekeringskwessies; en die aanvaarding van geskikte gedragsreëls vir die onderskeie komponente van die betrokke deeltitelskema.https://journals.co.za/content/journal/10520/EJC-c1867afa9?fromSearch=truePublishers versio

    ELIM Hospital - The first 100 Years part 1

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    Totius as teoloog

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    Die modeme teenstelling en probleem van sogenaamde ontwikkelde, dikwels oorontwikkclde, lande en volke teenoor ander wat onder- of onontwikkeld is, geld vandag tot ’n baie groot mate ook in die teologie. Basies moet ons dankbaar wees dat in die geleerde teologie vandag soveel aandag gegec word aan die Bybel as Woord van God, op welke wyse dan ook al, en dat tegelykertyd Bybelverkope orals in die wêreld toeneem en glo onlangs ’n hoogtepunt in Suidelike Afrika bereik het

    Francois Jacobus van Zyl, hoogleraar 1960-1978

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    Francois Jacobus van Zyl, professor 1960-1978Professor Francois Jacobus van Zyl (6th May 1913-) served as head of the Department of Science of Religion and Missiology, Faculty of Theology (Sec A),University of Pretoria, during the period 1960-1978. This article (compiled from two previously published articles) contains a short biography, a discussion of hisviews on theology, Science of Religion, Philosophy of Religion, and Missiology. He is portrayed as a theologian with Barthian convictions. He worked from a broad theological base which can be described as ‘theology of the Word’. His primary audience was the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk and his theological activities(especially in the period 1960-1983) must be seen in relation to his influential role in the same church

    Time dependent properties of thermoplastic protein produced from bloodmeal with sodium sulphite as an anti-crosslinking agent

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    The aim of this research was to investigate how the time dependent mechanical behaviour of bloodmeal-based thermoplastic was affected by varying sodium sulphite content at two injection moulding temperatures (120°C at exit or 140°C at exit). Thermoplastic protein was prepared by extrusion with 2, 3 or 4g sodium sulphite (SS), 3g sodium dodecyl sulphate, 10 g urea, 20 g triethylene glycol and 40 g water per 100 g bloodmeal, then injection moulded into test specimens. Pull to break, creep and stress relaxation tests were performed on conditioned samples and glass transition temperature (Tg) was determined by dynamic mechanical analysis. Ultimate tensile strength was 7.9, 7.6 and 5.6 MPa for samples moulded at 120°C and 7.6, 6.3 and 5.7 MPa when moulded at 140°C with 2, 3 and 4 g SS respectively. Experimental creep data was modelled with a 4 element model, consisting of a spring and dashpot in parallel, in series with an additional spring and dashpot. Plotting creep compliance versus time showed increasing chain mobility as SS content increased. Relaxation was modelled with the Struik equation for short-time experiments. Relaxation times were 530, 360 and 250 s with 2, 3 and 4 g SS respectively when moulded at the lower temperature. At 140°C, relaxation times were 440, 430 and 190 s for these SS contents. Tg was in the range 57-65°C (1 Hz peak in tanδ) for all samples, but was lowest for samples with 4 g SS. These results show that both increased sodium sulphite and the higher moulding temperature increased chain mobility in the processed plastic

    Kruisiging beswaar

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    Willem Johannes Bam

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    Des Dall

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