4,776 research outputs found

    Emissions of plant protection products from glasshouses to surface water in The Netherlands

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    Momenteel wordt een vast percentage van 0.1% gebruikt voor de emissie van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen vanuit kassen naar het oppervlaktewater. Metingsgegevens van waterschappen wijzen erop dat de emissie van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden naar het oppervlaktewater hoger zijn dan aangenomen wordt in de toelatingsprocedure. Dit rapport onderzoekt of nieuwe benaderingen nodig zijn. De onderzoeksresultaten duiden er op dat de werkelijke emissie sterk verschilt tussen verschillende gewassen, teeltsystemen en toedieningswijzen. Dit zou in de evaluatie van de emissie meegenomen moeten worden

    From ternary to binary base and back

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    We describe a two-state machine which converts a number given in ternary base to this number in binary base—or vice versa

    Unstable coronal loops : numerical simulations with predicted observational signatures

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    We present numerical studies of the nonlinear, resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) evolution of coronal loops. For these simulations we assume that the loops carry no net current, as might be expected if the loop had evolved due to vortex flows. Furthermore the initial equilibrium is taken to be a cylindrical flux tube with line-tied ends. For a given amount of twist in the magnetic field it is well known that once such a loop exceeds a critical length it becomes unstableto ideal MHD instabilities. The early evolution of these instabilities generates large current concentrations. Firstly we show that these current concentrations are consistent with the formation of a current sheet. Magnetic reconnection can only occur in the vicinity of these current concentrations and we therefore couple the resistivity to the local current density. This has the advantage of avoiding resistive diffusion in regions where it should be negligible. We demonstrate the importance of this procedure by comparison with simulations based on a uniform resistivity. From our numerical experiments we are able to estimate some observational signatures for unstable coronal loops. These signatures include: the timescale of the loop brightening; the temperature increase; the energy released and the predicted observable flow speeds. Finally we discuss to what extent these observational signatures are consistent with the properties of transient brightening loops.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Distribution of genetic diversity in wild European populations of prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola): implications for plant genetic resources management

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    Genetic variation in Lactuca serriola, the closest wild relative of cultivated lettuce, was studied across Europe from the Czech Republic to the United Kingdom, using three molecular marker systems, simple sequence repeat (SSR, microsatellites), AFLP and nucleotide-binding site (NBS) profiling. The ‘functional’ marker system NBS profiling, targeting disease resistance genes of the NBS/LRR family, did not show marked differences in genetic diversity parameters to the other systems. The autogamy of the species resulted in low observed heterozygosity and high population differentiation. Intra-population variation ranged from complete homogeneity to nearly complete heterogeneity. The highest genetic diversity was found in central Europe. The SSR results were compared to SSR variation screened earlier in the lettuce collection of the Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN). In the UK, practically only a single SSR genotype was found. This genotype together with a few other common SSR genotypes comprised a large part of the plants sampled on the continent. Among the ten most frequent SSR genotypes observed, eight were already present in the CGN collection. Overall, the CGN collection appears to already have a fair representation of genetic variation from NW Europe. The results are discussed in relation to sampling strategies for improving genebank collections of crop wild relatives