64 research outputs found

    Instabilities leading to vortex lattice formation in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We present a comprehensive theoretical study of vortex lattice formation in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates confined by a rotating elliptical trap. We consider rotating solutions of the classical hydrodynamic equations, their response to perturbations, as well as time-dependent simulations. We discriminate three distinct, experimentally testable, regimes of instability: {\em ripple}, {\em interbranch}, and {\em catastrophic}. Under symmetry-breaking perturbations these instabilities lead to lattice formation even at zero temperature. While our results are consistent with previous theoretical and experimental results, they shed new light on lattice formation.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum magnetism and topological ordering via enhanced Rydberg-dressing near F\"orster-resonances

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    We devise a cold-atom approach to realizing a broad range of bi-linear quantum magnets. Our scheme is based on off-resonant single-photon excitation of Rydberg PP-states (Rydberg-dressing), whose strong interactions are shown to yield controllable XYZ-interactions between effective spins, represented by different atomic ground states. The distinctive features of F\"orster-resonant Rydberg atom interactions are exploited to enhance the effectiveness of Rydberg-dressing and, thereby, yield large spin-interactions that greatly exceed corresponding decoherence rates. We illustrate the concept on a spin-1 chain implemented with cold Rubidium atoms, and demonstrate that this permits the dynamical preparation of topological magnetic phases. Generally, the described approach provides a viable route to exploring quantum magnetism with dynamically tuneable (an)isotropic interactions as well as variable space- and spin-dimensions in cold-atom experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Anisotropic and long-range vortex interactions in two-dimensional dipolar Bose gases

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    We perform a theoretical study into how dipole-dipole interactions modify the properties of superfluid vortices within the context of a two-dimensional atomic Bose gas of co-oriented dipoles. The reduced density at a vortex acts like a giant anti-dipole, changing the density profile and generating an effective dipolar potential centred at the vortex core whose most slowly decaying terms go as 1/ρ21/\rho^2 and ln(ρ)/ρ3\ln(\rho)/\rho^3. These effects modify the vortex-vortex interaction which, in particular, becomes anisotropic for dipoles polarized in the plane. Striking modifications to vortex-vortex dynamics are demonstrated, i.e. anisotropic co-rotation dynamics and the suppression of vortex annihilation.Comment: PRL accepted, 6 pages, 5 figure

    Dynamical Instability of a Rotating Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We calculate the hydrodynamic solutions for a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate with long-range dipolar interactions in a rotating, elliptical harmonic trap, and analyse their dynamical stability. The static solutions and their regimes of instability vary non-trivially on the strength of the dipolar interactions. We comprehensively map out this behaviour, and in particular examine the experimental routes towards unstable dynamics, which, in analogy to conventional condensates, may lead to vortex lattice formation. Furthermore, we analyse the centre of mass and breathing modes of a rotating dipolar condensate.Comment: 4 pages, including 2 figure

    Collective excitation frequencies and stationary states of trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates in the Thomas-Fermi regime

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    We present a general method for obtaining the exact static solutions and collective excitation frequencies of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) with dipolar atomic interactions in the Thomas-Fermi regime. The method incorporates analytic expressions for the dipolar potential of an arbitrary polynomial density profile, thereby reducing the problem of handling non-local dipolar interactions to the solution of algebraic equations. We comprehensively map out the static solutions and excitation modes, including non-cylindrically symmetric traps, and also the case of negative scattering length where dipolar interactions stabilize an otherwise unstable condensate. The dynamical stability of the excitation modes gives insight into the onset of collapse of a dipolar BEC. We find that global collapse is consistently mediated by an anisotropic quadrupolar collective mode, although there are two trapping regimes in which the BEC is stable against quadrupole fluctuations even as the ratio of the dipolar to s-wave interactions becomes infinite. Motivated by the possibility of fragmented BEC in a dipolar Bose gas due to the partially attractive interactions, we pay special attention to the scissors modes, which can provide a signature of superfluidity, and identify a long-range restoring force which is peculiar to dipolar systems. As part of the supporting material for this paper we provide the computer program used to make the calculations, including a graphical user interface.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Exact solutions and stability of rotating dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates in the Thomas-Fermi limit

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    We present a theoretical analysis of dilute gas Bose-Einstein condensates with dipolar atomic interactions under rotation in elliptical traps. Working in the Thomas-Fermi limit, we employ the classical hydrodynamic equations to first derive the rotating condensate solutions and then consider their response to perturbations. We thereby map out the regimes of stability and instability for rotating dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates and in the latter case, discuss the possibility of vortex lattice formation. We employ our results to propose several novel routes to induce vortex lattice formation in a dipolar condensate.Comment: 12 pages with 6 figure