218 research outputs found

    Social Structure and Personality Assortment Among Married Couples

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    We study the influence of social structure on assortative mating for personality in a large national sample (n=3616) of married and cohabitating couples in the Netherlands. We find that couples with higher levels of education and from dissimilar religious origins are more similar with regard to prosocial personality characteristics. Because levels of education and religious heterogamy have increased, assortative mating for prosocial personality increases.

    Доктринальні аспекти юридичного складу свободи заповіту

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    Розглядаються основоположні засади юридичного складу свободи заповіту.Рассматриваются основоположные засады юридического состава свободы заве­щания.In this study are considered basic provisions of legal composition of freedom testament. Spesifically, driving list of titles, what a legator canavail, disposing of own heirdom in case of inevitable offensive of the death

    Changing dynamics in problematic personality: A multiwave longitudinal study of the relationship between shyness and aggressiveness from childhood to early adulthood

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    This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The present longitudinal study investigated cascade effects linking the longitudinal trajectories of shyness and aggressiveness between age 4 and 23 and individual differences in this longitudinal relationship. Results demonstrated that there were cascade effects from shyness to adjacent measures of aggressiveness at three moments in time, and that the dynamics of these relationships changed over time. Children who were shy at age 6 became less aggressive at age 7 and the same effect was found between age 8 and age 10. From adolescence to early adulthood, the direction of the relationship changed and shy adolescents at age 17 became increasingly aggressive 5 years later. Interindividual differences were found in the latter cascade effect in that shyness at age 17 only predicted an increase in aggressiveness at age 23 for adolescents receiving low levels of support from their parents and for adolescents spending little time in part-time work. Together, findings suggest the importance of examining the development of normal variations in personality and personality disorders from a developmental perspective and taking into account person–environment interactions.Peer Reviewe

    Розрахунок довговічності матеріалів при нерегулярному непропорційному навантажуванні

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    Із метою розробки адекватних моделей для розрахунку довговічності аналізуються наведені в літературних джерелах експериментальні дані щодо малоциклової втоми сталі 304 та титанового сплаву ВТ9 під час деформування за складними історіями навантаження, що являють собою у просторі повних деформацій послідовність блоків різних за формою циклів. За базові використовуються чотири моделі накопичування пошкоджень та деформаційний критерій малоциклової втоми. Виконано порівняльний аналіз моделей прогнозування довговічності. Показано, що застосування удосконаленого нелінійного правила накопичування пошкоджень дозволяє покращити результати прогнозування довговічності, причому у більшій мірі для програм, що включають непропорційні цикли.С целью разработки адекватных моделей для расчета долговечности анализируются приведенные в литературных источниках данные по малоцикловой усталости стали 304 и титанового сплава ВТ9 в процессе деформирования по сложным историям нагружения, которые представляют собой в пространстве полных деформаций последовательность блоков разных по форме циклов. В качестве базовых применяются четыре модели накопления повреждений и деформационный критерий малоцикловой усталости. Проведен сравнительный анализ моделей прогнозирования долговечности. Показано, что применение усовершенствованного нелинейного правила накопления повреждений позволяет улучшить результаты прогнозирования долговечности, причем в большей степени для программ, которые включают непропорциональные циклы.We analyze the experimental data available in the literature on low-cycle fatigue of 304 steel and VT9 titanium alloy subjected to loads with complex loading histories, which are represented in the space of total deformations by a sequence of loading blocks consisting of cycles of various shapes. As models for the material life prediction, we use four models of damage accumulation, as well as the low-cycle fatigue deformation criterion. A comparative analysis of life prediction models is provided. It is shown that application of the refined nonlinear damage accumulation rule leads to the improvement of the life prediction results, which effect is more pronounced for loading programs containing nonproportional cycles

    Parental Self-Control and the Development of Male Aggression in Early Childhood: A Longitudinal Test of Self-Control Theory

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    A number of studies have evaluated associations between parenting practices, adolescent self-control, and adolescent antisocial behavior. Yet, few studies have examined associations between these constructs in early childhood or examined the extent to which both maternal and paternal self-control shapes them. To address these gaps, the current study utilizes longitudinal data collected on a sample of 117 Dutch boys and their parents to investigate the across time interrelationships between parental self-control, ineffective parenting, child self-control, and child aggression. The results provide evidence of an indirect association between maternal self-control and early childhood self-control through maternal ineffective parenting, an indirect association between maternal ineffective parenting and early childhood aggression through early childhood self-control, and an indirect association between maternal self-control and early childhood aggression through both maternal ineffective parenting and early childhood self-control. In contrast, paternal self-control and paternal ineffective parenting were unrelated to child self-control and child aggression. The implications and limitations of the study are discussed

    Do Adolescents Engage in Delinquency to Cope with Depressive Symptoms? Revisiting the Longitudinal Link Between Delinquency and Depressive Symptoms While Considering Moderation by Ethnicity, Adolescent Phase, and Gender

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    The co-occurrence between delinquency and depression in adolescence is well-documented. However, Psychology (Failure model and Acting out Model) and Criminology (Strain Theory) theories are divided on the potential longitudinal link between these two behaviors and empirical studies show mixed findings. The present 3-wave longitudinal study tested these opposing theories, using cross-lagged panel modeling on an ethnically and socio-economically diverse sample (T1: N=602; M age= 13.50 (SD = 1.23); 46.4% female). Furthermore, we investigated whether moderation by ethnicity (non-Western ethnic minority versus Western ethnic majority [i.e., ethnically Dutch]) or adolescent phase by gender (early adolescent girls versus mid-late adolescent girls versus early adolescent boys versus mid-late adolescent boys) were present. For the total sample, results showed that higher levels of delinquency predicted lower levels of depressive symptoms, consistent with Strain theory that suggests that adolescents may resort to delinquency to cope with depression. As for significant moderation links: (1) higher levels of delinquency predicted lower levels of depressive symptoms (Strain theory), especially in mid-late adolescent girls, (2) higher levels of delinquency predicted higher levels of depressive symptoms (Failure model) for early adolescent girls, and (3) higher levels of depressive symptoms predicted higher levels of delinquency (Acting out model and Strain theory) for mid-late adolescent boys. Although no ethnicity moderation effects were found, consistent with strain theories, ethnic minority adolescents reported significantly more depressive symptoms (T1 and T3) but not higher delinquency levels than ethnic majority adolescents. Thus, the mixed findings found in previous studies for the link between delinquency and depression could be because gender-by-adolescent-phase moderation effects were overlooked. Implications for the Acting out model, Failure model, and Strain theories are discussed

    Narrative identity characteristics and personality pathology: An exploration of associations from a dimensional and categorical perspective in a clinical sample of youth

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    Narrative identity, as an integral element of personality, has gained increased attention for understanding personality pathology. In this study, associations between narrative identity characteristics (i.e., event valence, theme, contextual coherence, thematic coherence, self-event connection valence, agency, and communion) and personality pathology were examined. Personality pathology was conceptualized as (a) levels of personality (dys)functioning and maladaptive personality traits, (b) six trait facet profiles, and (c) categorical DSM-5 (fifth edition of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) diagnoses. Data of 242 youth (Mage = 18.79; SDage = 2.65) were collected as part of a longitudinal study on personality development. Narratives were assessed with turning point interviews, and trait and functioning levels with self-report questionnaires. The narrative identity characteristics of a negative valence, a negative self-event connection valence, low agency, and low communion were associated with higher levels of personality dysfunctioning, negative affectivity, detachment, and psychoticism. These characteristics were also associated with the borderline, avoidant, obsessive-compulsive, and schizotypal trait facet profiles. No associations were found when considering personality pathology from a categorical perspective. Findings may inspire researchers and clinicians to give personal stories a more central role in their work

    Integrating shared and unique approaches in personality assessment: A case formulation of Emma

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    Even though the shift to a dimensional perspective on personality and psychopathology is increasingly substantiated by scientific evidence, clinicians may still struggle to apply this transition in clinical practice on an individual level. The question may not be if but how we adopt this ‘new’ perspective. In this paper we guide clinicians along McAdam's three-layered theoretical model of personality as a suitable approach for making this transition in clinical assessment. McAdam's model provides a dimensional and developmental framework that integrates nomothetic and idiographic approaches by assessing dispositional traits, characteristic adaptations and the narrative identity. As such, it may structure the process of assessment, case formulation and treatment planning. The developmental perspective makes it useful to gain a nuanced understanding of the personality of individuals of all ages, and may be particularly suitable for youth. In addition, with identity formation as a key developmental milestone, the inclusion of narrative identity is informative for this phase. The use of this framework is illustrated with a case formulation of Emma, an 18 year old women who is referred to specialized mental health care in the Netherlands. We draft a theoretically driven case-formulation and treatment plan. The picture of Emma, that is obtained by mapping her development along dispositional traits, characteristic adaptations and narrative identity, facilitates communication and treatment planning. As such, the case of Emma presents an example of clinical assessment that integrates unique individual and more standardized information to personality and simultaneously illustrates how clinicians may apply a dimensional, developmental theoretical framework of personality and psychopathology in clinical practice

    Using Response Surface Analysis to Interpret the Impact of Parent-Offspring Personality Similarity on Adolescent Externalizing Problems

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    Personality similarity between parent and offspring has been suggested to play an important role in offspring's development of externalizing problems. Nonetheless, much remains unknown regarding the nature of this association. This study aimed to investigate the effects of parent-offspring similarity at different levels of personality traits, comparing expectations based on evolutionary and goodness-of-fit perspectives. Two waves of data from the TRAILS study (N = 1587, 53% girls) were used to study parent-offspring similarity at different levels of personality traits at age 16 predicting externalizing problems at age 19. Polynomial regression analyses and Response Surface Analyses were used to disentangle effects of different levels and combinations of parents and offspring personality similarity. Although several facets of the offspring's personality had an impact on offspring's externalizing problems, few similarity effects were found. Therefore, there is little support for assumptions based on either an evolutionary or a goodness-of-fit perspective. Instead, our findings point in the direction that offspring personality, and at similar levels also parent personality might impact the development of externalizing problems during late adolescence. (C) 2017 The Authors. European Journal of Personality published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psycholog