7,701 research outputs found

    The Overview of SME Development Situation in Ten Cities / Provinces and Some Initial Findings

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    For about twenty years of Doi Moi with the transition to a market based economy, oriented to socialism and consistent realization of multi-sector economic development policies in Vietnam, SMEs have witnessed significant steps in their development, increased very fast in terms of number. It can be said that SMEs have had a very important role in the liberalizing and developing production force, mobilizing internal resources for socio-economic development, making a critical contribution to economic restoration and growth, increase in export value, budget income as well as effectivley addressing social issues such as employment creation, poverty reduction and hunger eradication.Vietnam, SMEs, development, economic development

    An Investigation into the Critical Reading Skills of Engineering Students at 2 Private Universities in Malaysia and Vietnam

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    This study compares the critical reading proficiency of engineering students from two private institutions in Malaysia and Vietnam. It examines the degree to which PISAbased critical reading test scores of first- and final-year students vary. 182 engineering students, including 86 Malaysian and 96 Vietnamese undergraduates, were involved in this project. Descriptive and quantitative analyses were performed on the data. According to the findings, most students at two universities exhibited moderate critical reading skills. Moreover, the study’s outcomes revealed no substantial disparities between the critical reading levels of the final year Malaysian and Vietnamese students. By contrast, the performance of first-year students at two universities varied significantly on some test items. Some considerations regarding the selection of Western-based texts and the use of open-ended questions in the PISA reading test that might cause difficulties for Eastern students are also demonstrated in this study. Keywords: critical reading, Pisa 2018 reading assessment, engineering students, higher educatio

    Influence of operating conditions on the emissions qualities of gasboilers.

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    katedra: KVM; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 72 s.The aim of this bachelor work is to verify influence of operating conditions and adjustment parameters on emission qualities of a gas boiler. In the practical part, studies quantities influencing emissions (gas composition, gas temperature, gas pressure) and analyses results of measuring. Assesses dependences of emissions on particular parameters (content of oxygen in combustion products and output of source). Analyses measured data by electrochemical cells of type MRU 95/3 CD.Cílem práce je ověřit vliv provozních podmínek a parametrů seřízení kotle na emisní vlastnosti plynového kotle. V praktické části sleduje veličiny ovlivňující emise (složení plynu, teplota plynu, tlak plynu ) a analyzuje výsledky měření. Posuzuje závislosti emisí na jednotlivých parametrech (obsah kyslíku ve spalinách a výkon zdroje). Naměřená data analyzuje elektrochemickými články typ MRU 95/3 CD

    Geopolymer composite for fire-resistance

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    Disertační práce představuje výzkum materiálů odolných proti ohni a jejich použití ve stavebních konstrukcích za účelem prevence a ochrany bezpečnosti osob při vzniku požáru. Autor práce aplikoval technologii povrchové úpravy nanášením ohnivzdorných kompozitních materiálů na povrch základních materiálů ve stavebních konstrukcích. Povrstvené ohnivzdorné kompozity na konstrukčních površích jsou nehořlavé a mohou bránit šíření ohně, aby se prodloužil čas pro evakuaci lidí v případě požáru. Ohnivzdorné kompozitní materiály vyvinuté v práci byly založeny na geopolymerní matrici komerčně dostupné v České republice.Autor práce s kolegy provedli výzkumné práce na Technické univerzitě v Liberci (TUL) a ve společnosti Pavus a.s. také. Autor vyvinul nové geopolymerní pěny (GF) jako ohnivzdorné kompozitní materiály pro povlakování základních materiálů. Vyvinuté GF mají nízkou hmotnost, velmi nízkou tepelnou vodivost, odolnost vůči vysokým teplotám nad 1000 °C a flexibilní použitelnost. GF se povlakovaly na povrch substrátu laminováním a nástřikem. Autor zkoumal a hodnotil požární odolnost GF povlakování na površích ocelových, betonových, dřevěných, hliníkových a polystyrenových materiálů na TUL. Kromě toho byla ve společnosti Pavus a.s. zkoumána a zhodnocena požární odolnost GF na površích betonových desek, OSB panelů a ocelových plechů.Výsledky experimentů na TUL ukázaly, že GF jsou vhodné povlakové materiály pro většinu substrátů, jako jsou ocel, beton, dřevo, hliník a polystyren. Ohnivzdorná doba materiálů povlakovaných ochrannou vrstvou GF je výrazně zvýšená. Doba ohnivzdornosti ocelových a betonových desek, OSB panelů, hliníkových a polystyrénových desek pokrytých vrstvou GF o různých tloušťkách je u oceli 134 min, u betonu 100 min, u OSB panel 99 min, u hlinik 125 min a u polystyreny15 min. Výsledky měření ve společnosti Pavus a.s ukázaly, že GF povlakování na betonových deskách, OSB panelech a ocelových deskách měly doby ohnivzdornosti 180 min (beton), 130 min (OSB panel) a 50 min (ocel).Geopolymer vyztužený materiály šetrnými k životnímu prostředí (vlna, čedič, rýžová slupka) navíc v práci prokázal významné zlepšení svých mechanických vlastností a doby ohněvzdornosti. GF byla měřena měrná hustota (546 - 1028 kg.m-3), koeficient tepelné vodivosti (0,13 - 0,359 W/m.K), pórovitost (41,8 - 62,5%), pevnost v tlaku (1,94 - 9 MPa) a pevnost v ohybu (0,96 - 2,93 MPa).Autorovy výzkumné výsledky ukázaly,že GF je vynikající povlakovací materiál pro ohnivzdorné účely při vysokých teplotách.The thesis presents the research of fire-resistant materials and their application in building constructions for the purpose of preventing and protecting the safety of people when the fire occurs. The thesis author has applied the technology of surface treatment by coating fire-resistant composite materials on the surface of base materials in building structures. The coating fire-resistant composite materials on the structural surfaces can be fire-retardant and preventing the spread of fire to increase the time for evacuating the people in the case of fire. The fire-resistant composite materials developed in the thesis were based on geopolymer matrix commercialized in the Czech Republic.The thesis author and colleagues conducted huge research work at the Technical University of Liberec (TUL) and the company of Pavus a.s. as well. The author has developed new geopolymer foams (GFs) as fire-resistant composite materials used for coating the base materials. The developed GFs have lightweight, low thermal conductivity, high-temperature resistance above 1000 °C, and flexible applicability. The GFs have coated on the substrate surfaces by laminating and spraying methods. The author has investigated and assessed the fire-resistance of GFs coated on the surfaces of the steel, concrete, wood, aluminum, and polystyrene structures at the TUL. In addition, the fire-resistance of GFs on the surfaces of concrete slabs, OSB panels, and steel plates has been examined and evaluated at the company Pavus a.s.Research results at the TUL have shown that GFs are suitable coating materials for most substrates such as steel, concrete, wood, aluminum, and polystyrene materials. The fire-resistant time of the substrate materials coated with a GF protective layer is greatly improved. The fire-resistant periods of steel plates, concrete slabs, OSB panels, aluminum plates, and polystyrene boards covered with a GF protective layer with different thicknesses are 134, 100, 99, 125 and 15 min, respectively. In addition, research results at the company Pavus a.s indicated that the GFs coated on the concrete slabs, OSB panels, and steel plates had the respective fire-resistant times of 180, 130, and 50 min.Moreover, in the thesis geopolymer reinforced with environmentally friendly materials (wool, basalt, rice husk) has shown a significant improvement in its mechanical properties and the fire-resistant time. The density, thermal conductivity coefficient, porosity, compressive and flexural strength of the GFs were measured as 546 - 1028 kg.m-3, 0.13 - 0.359 W/m.K, 41.8 - 62.5 %, 1.94 - 9 MPa, 0.96 - 2.93 MPa, respectively.In short, the research results in this thesis have shown that the GF is an excellent coating material for the fire-resistant purpose at high-temperature


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    An anti-serial fluxgate sensor configuration is proposed in this report. The design comprises two identical bilayer-rod fluxgate sensors connected anti-serially in a straight line. Each bilayer-rod sensor is constructed of an excitation coil and a pick-up coil wrapped around a core. The core material consists of Metglas ribbon, an amorphous alloy with high permeability, negligible hysteresis, and a high saturated magnetic field. The core is cut into a bar shape and uses double layers to enhance modulated flux density. A high sensitivity of 10 mV/Oe (with excitation of 45 kHz and 250 mA) is obtained experimentally with low noise of 1´10-5 Oe/Ö Hz at 1 Hz. In measurements of weak magnetic fields, the azimuth response indicates its vector feature. The proposed design is suitable for electronic compass and displacement applications

    Pest Smart interventions and their influence on farmer pest management practices in Tra Hat village, Bac Lieu Province, Vietnam

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    A pre-Pest Smart (baseline) and post-Pest Smart intervention study was carried out 15 months after the baseline study was conducted to assess the influence of the Pest Smart activities on farmers’ practices, attitudes and beliefs on pest management in Tra Hat village, Bac Lieu Province, Vietnam. Farmers advocating Pest Smart activities showed favorable changes in their practices, attitudes and beliefs. Farmers reported an increase in dry yield of rice, reduced rice seeding rate (from 6.9 t/ha to 7.8 t/ha), reduced application of nitrogenous fertilizer (from 109.5 kg/ha to 93.3 kg/ha), and reduced number of insecticide sprays per season (from 3.4 times per season to 2.7 times per season). The perceived losses were also reduced significantly from 1,452 kg/ha to 718 kg/ha (reduction of 51% perceived loss of rice yield to pests)

    The impact of participation in the comprehensive and progressive trans-pacific partnership agreement on exports: The case of Vietnam

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    World Trade organization (WTO) accession can be seen as a milestone marking Vietnam's first step towards integration. The country is now trying to negotiate a number of free trade agreements called “new generation FTAs” in particular the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership - CPTPP (or TPP-11), which is expected to constitute the second step for Vi-etnam towards stronger integration. In addition to analyzing the characteristics of the CPTPP as a new generation FTA, this paper uses quantitative methods to forecast the impact of Vietnam’s CPTPP participation on the increase in exports. The results show that with the participation of the CPTPP, the average growth in Vietnam’s export turnover will increase by 1.9% compared with the non-CPTPP scenario. The paper also suggests measures to promote the export of Vietnamese goods in the context of participation in CPTPP

    Kinematics and H_2 morphology of the multipolar Post-AGB star IRAS 16594-4656

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    context: The spectrum of IRAS 16594-4656 shows shock excited H_2 emission and collisionally excited emission lines such as[O I],[C I],and [Fe II]. aim: The goal is to determine the location of the H_2 and [Fe II] shock emission, to determine the shock velocities,and constrain the physical properties in the shock. methods: High resolution spectra of the H_2 1-0 S(1),H_2 2-1 S(1), [Fe II], and Paβ\beta emission lines were obtained with the near infrared spectrograph Phoenix on Gemini South. results: The position-velocity diagrams of H_2 1-0 S(1), H_2 2-1 S(1), and [Fe II] are presented. The H_2 and [Fe II] emission is spatially extended. The collisionally excited [O I] and [C I] optical emission lines have a similar double peaked profile compared to the extracted H_2 profile and appear to be produced in the same shock. They all indicate an expansion velocity of ~8 km/s and the presence of a neutral, very high density region with nen_{\rm e} about 3 x 10^6 to 5 x10^7 cm3^{-3}. The [Fe II] emission however is single peaked. It has a gaussian FWHM of 30 km/s and a total width of 62 km/s at 1% of the peak. The Paβ\beta profile is even wider with a gaussian FWHM of 48 km/s and a total width of 75 km/s at 1% of the peak. conclusions: The H2_2 emission is excited in a slow 5 to 20 km/s shock into dense material at the edge of the lobes, caused by the interaction of the AGB ejecta and the post-AGB wind. The 3D representation of the H_2 data shows a hollow structure with less H_2 emission in the equatorial region. The [Fe II] emission is not present in the lobes, but originates close to the central star in fast shocks in the post-AGB wind or in a disk. The Paβ\beta emission also appears to originate close to the star.Comment: 11 pages and 8 figures; A&A in press; the paper includig high resolution figures can be downloaded from http://homepage.oma.be/gsteene/publications.htm

    Allelic segregation and independent assortment in <i>T. brucei</i> crosses: proof that the genetic system is Mendelian and involves meiosis

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    The genetic system on Trypanosoma brucei has been analysed by generating large numbers of independent progeny clones from two crosses, one between two cloned isolates of Trypanosoma brucei brucei and one between cloned isolates of T. b. brucei and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, Type 2. Micro and minisatellite markers (located on each of the 11 megabase housekeeping chromosomes) were identified, that are heterozygous in one or more of the parental strains and the segregation of alleles at each locus was then determined in each of the progeny clones. The results unequivocally show that alleles segregate in the predicted ratios and that alleles at loci on different chromosomes segregate independently. These data provide statistically robust proof that the genetic system is Mendelian and that meiosis occurs. Segregation distortion is observed with the minisatellite locus located on chromosome I of T. b. gambiense Type 2 and neighboring markers, but analysis of markers further along this chromosome did not show distortion leading to the conclusion that this is due to selection acting on one part of this chromosome. The results obtained are discussed in relation to previously proposed models of mating and support the occurrence of meiosis to form haploid gametes that then fuse to form the diploid progeny in a single round of mating