69 research outputs found


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    Solid domestic wastes contain a components which can become nutrients for a pretty wide spectrum of types of microorganisms some of which are harmful for human and environment. The climate on territory of Ukraine promotes their intensive reproduction in such conditions. All organisms, including microorganisms, mainly consist of carbon and therefore represent the carbon containing components of waste dumps, namely organic. Monitoring of the conditions of microbiological pollution of urban systems on the territory of which surely there are solid waste damps as part of technogenic and ecological safety of these systems, can take one of main places in ecological safety management systems

    Use of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry detection in determination of arsenic bioaccumulation in Trifolium pratense L. from contaminated soil

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    Increment of arsenic (As) in soil, a highly poisonous element, is a considerably important issue nowadays due to its danger of entry to the environmental cycles and food contamination. Bioaccumulation properties of many plants have been studied, although a very few reveal as a proper bioaccumulator plant for As. The Red clover, Trifolium pratense L. geographically widespread. The aim was conducted in order to determine the potential ability of this plant for cleaning up contaminated soil. Food grown on such lands usually contains heavy metals. Phytoremediation treatment of the soil prevents their entry into food, because it reduces the concentration of pollutants. Eighty-five Red clover one month old plants were grown in a nursery until transplant into the contaminated soil by inorganic As. Leaves and roots of 60 of plants sample were taken separately in every ten day during 60 days and analysed by ICP-OES while 25 samples were kept in different pH (8-4) in contaminated soil samples. Mean values of inorganic As(V) and As(III) in shoots and roots of plants were determined, and the statistical approaches were used for establishing the differences Bioaccumulation factor was calculated for As contents of plant parts for every 10 days. The soil arsenic level (19.09 mg/kg) higher than the global average (10.0 mg/kg), but within the maximum acceptable limit for agricultural soil (20.0 mg/kg) recommended by the European Union after 10 days. The lowest mean arsenic concentration was found after 40 days of cultivation of plant in pH=6 (1.01 mg/kg). It was observed that Red clover had suitable ability for phytoextraction method and soil recovery more Arsenic in pH<7 after 20-30 days of growth. The rate of As uptake by Red clover was significantly affected by the grown days after cultivated in contaminated treated (p<0.05) and pH of soil while up-taking in pH≤6 (p-value <0.05)

    The nature and detection of unauthorized waste dump sites using remote sensing

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    Now a day’s waste disposal has become a massive tricky for environmentalist, as it is responsible for a various issue such as sanitary hygienic, ecological security, illegal dumps, lack of paved or asphalt access roads to the landfill, inadequate treatment facilities and low efficiency of public services of waste management. In the present study, we have discussed the detection of unauthorized dumps of municipal solid waste being potential raw materials for biofuel obtaining. The aim of the study is to investigate the possibility of using wide access data of remote sensing of Earth and geographic information technologies for operative detection of unauthorized waste dumps for the further extraction of waste from the environment to turn them into biofuel. The topicality of the study is substantiated with the complexity of detection of unauthorized waste dumps due to their multiplicity adjoined with unknown geographic and temporary dislocation. The universal classification of the image does not allow detecting unauthorized waste dumps and determining whether these wastes may be the source of potential raw materials for biofuel obtaining. The research results show that the developed specialized model based on the exclusion of the low hazard dumpsites allows distinguishing dump areas enriched with carbon-containing materials

    Biofortification of Oryza sativa L. with agri-food waste to improve the dietary value of crops

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    Due to the low dietary value of crops, Zn-deficient soils and insufficient intake of other minerals, soil fortification is often necessary. Fortification is defined as the addition of one or more crucial nutrients to a food to reduce poverty in a population or specific population groups. Currently available technologies for rice fortification with vitamins and minerals are high-energy and time-consuming methods. Therefore, mineral enrichment of crops has received much attention from scientists. The originality of the current study consists in determining the optimal use of hard hazelnut shells, orange peel and rice husks for enrichment of paddy soil and simultaneous immobilization of heavy metals. The combination of the identified wastes, namely hazelnut shells, orange peel and rice husks, showed good potential for immobilization/elimination or reduction of heavy metals to less than permissible limits. Therefore, the use of this combination could be an effective strategy to both introduce new micronutrients into rice grain and remove heavy metals

    Field hospital wastewater treatment scenario

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    In extreme situations with a large number of victims, field hospitals are deployed to provide patients with medical treatment. The large number of patients with different types of medications used generates the problem of hospital waste accumulation, including hospital wastewater (HWW). Wastewater is water having compromised characteristics that adversely affect the environment. Many countries do not have strict regulations regarding the disposal of hospital effluent, which contains pathogens, toxic chemicals and radioisotopes. The disposal of such substances poses a serious threat to public health and the environment. This paper discusses the possibilities of field hospital wastewater management development. Micropollutants, including pharmaceuticals, are found in different ecosystem elements, like soil, surface and ground water, drinking water as well as treated effluent from conventional wastewater treatment plants. Wastewater discharged from different health facilities, with varying concentrations of pharmaceuticals, is often mixed with municipal sewage, thus remains untreated even after passing through conventional treatment plants. Extensive experience in the application of different types of HWW treatment methods allows the development of an optimal treatment scenario for field hospital wastewater problem resolution, including the combination of Microbiological Reactor and Fenton Process technologies. They are applicable in the case of low wastewater flow rate values, specific for field hospital conditions

    Advancement in Ozone base wastewater treatment technologies: Brief review

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    Over 70% of the planet's surface is covered by water. A universal solvent, water can dissolve a wide variety of compounds. The majority of water contamination is caused by human activity. Increasing water use and pollution are to blame for the current shortage of fresh water supplies. Population expansion, agricultural runoff, and municipal wastewater are the primary sources of pollution in the river. To conduct the study, the logical chain was developed. For the review, open sources of scientific information were used. The focus was on publications from the last 10 years and at the same time; earlier works were taken into accounts that have useful information for this study, which were identified in the list of references when studying recent sources. The number of sources published earlier than 10 years ago does not exceed 7% of the total number of references. The present study aims to determine the optimum conditions for best removal of contaminants as the review focuses on advancement in Ozonation/AOP technology, different type of methods used for drugs removal and different operating condition. Various modern treatment procedures make extensive use of drinking water treatment plants. Water shortages in countries can be alleviated by implementing some of the recommendations made in the research. More catchment areas need to be developed; strict management policies and guidelines should be implemented. Ozonation can also more effectively remove certain personal care products (PPCPs) from the skin. Recycled water can be disinfected using ozonation, which breaks down ozone in water. When ozone is used in this way, it is an effective parasiticide, germicide, and virucidal agent. It can also remove the chroma compounds, smells, infections, and many micro-pollutants simultaneously. Ozone-based AOP should be studied in the future to see whether it is cost-effective and to see if it consumes more energy than other traditional treatment methods

    Kinetics of Cd, Co and Ni Adsorption from Wastewater using Red and Black Tea Leaf Blend as a Bio-adsorbent

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    Every year there is deterioration in water quality. This is due to human activity. The current environmental strategies of many countries motivate the scientific community to develop reliable, economically viable and environmentally friendly technologies that are able to remove pollutants from the environment, including water. The study purpose is to determine of influence regularity of the bio-adsorbent composition and amount, which consists of red and black tea leaves mixture, on the Cd, Co and Ni adsorption process based on experimental data. As well as determine the most rational bio-adsorbent dose and the necessary red and black tea dose in bio-adsorbent to achieve MPC of heavy metals, with which process duration will be minimal. Initially, to study the adsorption process kinetics, the nature of the curve that describes the obtained experimental values was visually analyzed. To determine the adsorption process kinetic regularity, which most adequately and reliably describes the experimental data and to determine the values of the coefficients in the exponential regularity, the least squares method was used. It was observed that for Cd and Co, an increase in the black and red tea amount leads to a drastic reduction of the adsorption process time (up to 10 times); while for Ni the black tea addition slows down the adsorption process. Ni adsorption is the most complex and for certain bio-adsorbent composition values, complete Ni removal cannot be achieved in a technologically reasonable adsorption time. The technological process of Cd, Co and Ni adsorption can be expedient, if it is carried out in several stages with optimal red and black tea amounts for each of the metals. Adsorption process kinetic regularity, which was determined, can be used to calculate of adsorption process technological parameters in values wide range

    Investigation in Techniques for Using Sewage Sludge as an Energy Feedstock: Poland’s Experience

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    The sludge generated from wastewater treatment facilities contains high nutrients and is characterized by high heating values.Thus, the sludge enriched with organic matter and nutrients is a potential candidate for its application as fertilizers and an alternate energy feedstock. Nowadays, energy independence contributes to the economic stability of the country, and therefore the search for alternate energy sources is an acute issue. This paper presents a case study on using sewage sludge as an energy feedstock in Poland. The physicochemical characteristics of the sewage sludge are presented. The fuel properties of sewage sludge generated from different waste water treatment plant (WWTP) are summarized. The calorific value of sewage sludge generated in Poland is insufficient for effective use as an energy raw material, therefore, energy potential of mixture of sludge with other waste have been studied. The general trend of sewage sludge formation and the quantitative forecast for the future showed that in 2020, compared to 2012, sludge accumulation increased by 6.9%, but compared to 2019 – decreased by 3%. From 2012 to 2020 the average, sewage sludge accumulation increased annually by 0.8%. This demonstrates the heterogeneity of waste streams for the production of alternative fuels and a modest increase in sewage sludge production in the coming years. This made it possible to prepare several options for the further development of research in the field of developing technologies for obtaining alternative energy. Also this study will help the prospective researchers understand sewage sludge generation and its use as energy feedstock

    Rainfall Prediction using Artificial Neural Network in Semi-Arid mountainous region, Saudi Arabia

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    Rainfall prediction using Artificial Intelligence technique is gaining attention nowadays. Semi-arid region receives rainfall below potential evapotranspiration but more than arid region. However, in mountainous semi-arid region high rainfall intensity makes it highly variable. This renders rainfall prediction difficult by applying normal techniques and calls for data pre-processing. This study presents rainfall prediction in semi-arid mountainous region of Abha, KSA. The study adopted Moving Average (Method) for data pre-processing based on 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years and 10 years. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was trained for a period of 1978-2016 rainfall data. The neural network was validated against the existing data of period 1997-2006. The trained neural network was used to predict for period of 2017-2025. The performance of the model was evaluated against AAE, MAE, RMSE, MASE and PP. The mean absolute error was observed least in 2 years moving average model. However, the most accurate prediction models were obtained from 2 years moving average and 5 year moving average. The study concludes that ANN coupled with MA have potential of predicting rainfall in Semi-Arid mountainous region

    Аналіз шляхів забезпечення екологічної безпеки продуктів нанотехнологій протягом їх життєвого циклу

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    Recommendations for conducting ecological evaluation of nanomaterials are prepared. It is necessary to exercise control in order to establish effect of nanoproducts on the environment and human health for safe and productive use of nanotechnology. A general procedure for the system of nanosafety and certification of nanoindustry product should be based on creating standardizing, legislative and methodological support of safety system in the process of production, handling and disposal of nanomaterials. It was found that in order to perform assessment, nanoproducts should be examined at all stages of the life cycle. A scheme of the life cycle of nanomaterials was developed, which should be considered as a multi-stage process from the preparation of the source material to the reclamation. According to the methods proposed and recommendations developed, ecological assessment of porous indium phosphide and the device based on it, indium nitride, was performed. Nanostructures are investigated using the methods of scanning electronic microscopy, chemical analysis, the method of average projected diameter, gravimetric method, etc. It was found that porous indium phosphide may be health hazardous. Porous indium phosphide is formed by the method of electrochemical etching in the solutions of acids. Such methods of synthesis of nanostructures pose an ecological threat. Understanding these threats will optimize the processes of formation and operation of nanomaterials for ecological safety and will highlight the key moments of safe usage and disposal of products of nanotechnology.Разработаны рекомендации для проведения экологической экспертизы наноматериалов. Установлено, что для проведения экспертизы нанопродукты следует исследовать на всех стадиях жизненного цикла. Разработана схема жизненного цикла наноматериалов, которая представляет собой многостадийный процесс от подготовки исходного материала до утилизации. Проведена экологическая оценка пористого фосфида индия и устройства на его основе – нитрида индияРозроблено рекомендації для проведення екологічної експертизи наноматеріалів. Встановлено, що для проведення експертизи нанопродукти слід досліджувати на всіх стадіях життєвого циклу. Розроблено схему життєвого циклу наноматеріалів, що представляє собою багатостадійний процес від підготовки вихідного матеріалу до утилізації. Проведено екологічну оцінку поруватого фосфіду індію та приладу на його основі – нітриду інді