95 research outputs found

    La contribución de la empresa con la sociedad: tipos y valoración de las formas de colaboración

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    This paper offers a typology of corporate contributions to society, within the corporate community investments strategy. It also evaluates the different tactics according to several criteria to conclude which one could have the greatest impact on communities. The paper concludes that the types of contribution which are based on the donation of unique resources and capabilities and those stemming from strategic planning, negotiated with stakeholders, are the ones that could have the greatest social impact.Este artículo clasifica las formas de contribución de una empresa a la sociedad en el marco de la acción social de la empresa, y las evalúa atendiendo a diferentes criterios, para concluir con cuál de estas formas podría generar mayor impacto. El artículo apunta que las formas de contribución que se basan en la donación de recursos y capacidades únicas de la empresa, y que responden a una planificación estratégica, consensuada con los grupos de interés, son las que podrían generar un mayor impacto social

    The Role of Emotion Discourse and Pathic Stigma in the Delegitimization of Consumer Practices

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    Abstract Drawing on institutional theory and discursive psychology, this article elucidates how actors use emotion discourse to undermine the legitimacy of consumer practices. Based on an empirical investigation of the bullfighting controversy in Spain, our work shows how activists engage in the production and circulation of compelling emotional prototypes of their adversaries. Such emotional prototypes constitute the discursive foundations of a pathic stigma, which, once established, taints the identity of the social groups associated with the practice. Our work frames the centrality of pathic stigmatization as a cultural mechanism mediating the relationship between emotion discourse and the subsequent delegitimization of consumer practices. We make three key contributions to the literature: we advance a rhetorical perspective on emotions and their role in deinstitutionalization processes; we further develop the theory of marketplace sentiments by showing how sentiments operate downstream; and we provide evidence of the sociocultural mechanisms underpinning the emotional vilification, stereotyping and stigmatization of consumer collectives.</jats:p

    Corporate contributions to society: types and worth of the kinds of collaboration

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    This paper offers a typology of corporate contributions to society, within the corporate community investments strategy. It also evaluates the different tactics according to several criteria to conclude which one could have the greatest impact on communities. The paper concludes that the types of contribution which are based on the donation of unique resources and capabilities and those stemming from strategic planning, negotiated with stakeholders, are the ones that could have the greatest social impact

    El “activismo” de los socioscomo catalizador de laresponsabilidad social de la empresa: aplicación a las organizaciones de participación

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    In this paper we intend to analyse the real application of the shareholders´ voting rights as a means to encourage social commitments among companies. Shareholders activism has succeeded in introducing corporate governance and corporate social responsibility in companies. The current framework of shareholders activism in Spain is analysed. Besides, we tried to answer two research questions: 1. partners in cooperatives do have or may have a significant and active role in implementing CSR in their organizations, which may be different from the shareholders´ role in listed companies; 2. social economy organizations, by their own mission and identity, comply with social demands.Shareholders activism; members; corporate social responsibility; social economy; corporate governance.

    Understanding the expansion of circular markets: Building relational legitimacy to overcome the stigma of second-hand clothing

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    Despite evidence showing that the expansion of circular markets, particularly second-hand clothing markets, may be constrained by so-called green stigma, our understanding of the extent to which stigma can be decreased is limited. By focusing on the cultural construction of the mass second-hand clothing market in a European country, this study demonstrated that the emotional and validation work carried out by institutional actors—i.e., players (vendors), media and consumers—constructs the relational legitimacy of the market, which eventually leads to market expansion. The results of this study provide a novel explanation of market expansion by unveiling a key mediating process: the formation of a new habitus that, in turn, sustains the construction of relational legitimacy judgements of circular business models by overcoming green stigma. The results also inform the study of transitions by showing that micro-foundational work can explain market expansion

    Los productos socialmente responsables y su actividad comercializadora por los proveedores de servicios financieros de la economía social: sociedades cooperativas de crédito y cajas de ahorro

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    As with the developments that have been taking place now that business organisations are taking on Corporative Social Responsibility activities, the marketing of financial products included in what has recently become known as socially responsible investment (SRI) has now become the order of the day in today’s financial systems. This is due to financial institutions seeking competitive advantages in mature and highly competitive markets through differentiation, something they can at least partly achieve by promoting a wide range of ethical and socially-responsible products that represent a growing market with genuine characteristics like those of the very institutions for which the role of this type of products is analysed: credit cooperatives and savings banks. This article explains the results of a study on these companies and their marketing policy with regards to the portfolio of products with a distinct socially-responsible profile. The results indicate that the SRI market in Spain, unlike in other European countries, has not yet reached maturity and the demand is low. Moreover, even though the very nature of the institutions in question confirms it, the reality is that these products occupy a secondary position in terms of their turnover.Socially responsible financial product, marketing, credit cooperatives, savings banks, ethical investment, socially-responsible investment.

    The Influence of Social and Environmental Labels on Purchasing: An Information and Systematic-heuristic Processing Approach

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    Este documento tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de las etiquetas sociales y ecológicas (SE ) en la decisión de compra de productos que portan esta marca distintiva. Con base en las teorías propuestas por el information processing model y el systematic-heuristic model, este trabajo analiza el proceso de compra de productos con etiquetas SE . Para la recolección de datos se empleó un cuestionario estructurado en entrevistas individuales que fue aplicado a 400 consumidores responsables de la compra de productos de consumo masivo en sus hogares, los cuales fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente mientras se encontraban en centros comerciales de cuatro puntos de la ciudad de Madrid, España. El instrumento preguntó a los consumidores sobre el reconocimiento del producto, conocimiento del contenido, la credibilidad, y la utilidad percibida para 12 marcas diferentes. El análisis de la influencia de las etiquetas en la decisión de compra se llevó a cabo usando el modelo de análisis de ruta (path analysis). Los resultados sugieren que la compra de productos social y ambientalmente sostenibles, es el resultado de la co-ocurrencia del procesamiento de información sistemático y heurístico dentro del consumidor, puesto que la decisión de compra de este tipo de productos se ve influenciada por el proceso de reconocimiento del producto, el conocimiento de su contenido, del ente emisor de la etiqueta y su credibilidad, y la utilidad percibida del producto. La motivación a estar informado se cuenta como un factor determinante dentro del proceso, al ser un antecedente de la conciencia, la comprensión y la utilidad percibida. El modelo propuesto muestra la existencia de un modo de procesamiento dual: sistemático y heurístico, en el que una limitada capacidad cognitiva podría explicar la co-existencia de estos dos modos de procesamiento de la información. En conclusión, el presente documento añade valor a la literatura sobre etiquetas sociales y ambientales y el consumo de los productos etiquetados, en cuanto aplica el modelo de procesamiento de información, el cual no había sido empleado en el análisis del consumo responsable. Adicionalmente, este trabajo abre las puertas a la investigación en el área estableciendo una teorización complementaria a las ya existentes, que se basan mayoritariamente en las actitudes del consumidor y no en el procesamiento de la información percibida

    Spanish Adaptation of the Illinois Sexual Harassment Myth Acceptance

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    Sexual harassment is among the most serious forms of gender violence, and what all violent acts have in common are the many myths associated with them. Three studies were conducted to adapt a Spanish version of the Illinois Sexual Harassment Myth Acceptance (ISHMA) scale, which assesses myths about sexual harassment. The first study aimed to, for the first time, present psychometric data on the Spanish version of the ISHMA. The participants were 339 college students. After adapting the items and measuring their content validity, we examined the test’s dimensional structure, statistically analyzed the items, and determined the instrument’s reliability (α = .91 for the total scale and between .77 and .84 for the different dimensions). Study 2 involved 326 adult participants from the general population and its objective was to evaluate the scale’s dimensional structure through confirmatory factor analysis (χ2 143 = 244.860, p < .001; GFI = .952; CFI = .958; RMSEA = .034 [.026 – .041]). The third study was conducted in order to measure convergent validity in both students and adults from the general population. Differences by gender were found in all dimensions being the females’ means higher than males (Cohen´s d between .38 and .62). Our findings suggest the Spanish version of the ISHMA is a useful instrument to study myths about sexual harassment.Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia for the R&D project ‘Sexist ideology and power inequality in the development and maintenance of Sexual Harassment’ (Ref. PSI2011–29720)Project of Excellence of the Junta de Andalucía ‘Psychosocial analysis of legitimacy and prejudice in the maintenance of asymmetrical social relationships’ (Ref. SEJ-6225)Grant from the FPU (AP2009–2940) Program of the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte given to the second author

    La implicación de las sociedades cooperativas de crédito y las cajas de ahorros en los productos y servicios financieros socialmente responsables

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    Las cooperativas de crédito y las cajas de ahorro, como entidades financieras de Economía Social, presentan una serie de características que permiten establecer una identidad de objetivos entre su actividad y las particularidades de los instrumentos socialmente responsables. Con el objetivo de analizar si existe esta vinculación, se ha realizado un estudio basado en la realización de cuestionarios. Este trabajo recoge una parte de este proyecto de investigación en la que se pone de manifiesto la implantación de los diferentes productos y servicios financieros socialmente responsables en la oferta actual de las cajas de ahorro y en las cooperativas de crédito, así como la percepción de las mismas sobre el futuro de los citados instrumentos

    La implicación de las sociedades cooperativas de crédito y las cajas de ahorros en los productos y servicios financieros socialmente responsables

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    Las cooperativas de crédito y las cajas de ahorro, como entidades financieras de Economía Social, presentan una serie de características que permiten establecer una identidad de objetivos entre su actividad y las particularidades de los instrumentos socialmente responsables. Con el objetivo de analizar si existe esta vinculación, se ha realizado un estudio basado en la realización de cuestionarios. Este trabajo recoge una parte de este proyecto de investigación en la que se pone de manifiesto la implantación de los diferentes productos y servicios financieros socialmente responsables en la oferta actual de las cajas de ahorro y en las cooperativas de crédito, así como la percepción de las mismas sobre el futuro de los citados instrumentos