120 research outputs found
Translation,adaptation,and clinical validation of the Premature Ejaculation DiagnosticToolinSpanish(Colombia)
Premature ejaculation is the most prevalent form of sexual dysfunction in men. The Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool (PEDT) is an instrument used to evaluate premature ejaculation. It offers adequate psychometric properties and good reliability.
To adapt and validate a Colombian version of the PEDT in Colombian clinical and nonclinical samples.
Two samples were used in this study. The first was made up of 1110 men who were recruited to evaluate validity and reliability. Their ages ranged from 19 to 65 years (mean ± SD, 39.71 ± 12.53). The second sample included 123 men (66.7%) who did not meet diagnostic criteria for premature ejaculation per the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10), while 33.3% met ICD-10 criteria for this dysfunction. Their ages ranged from 18 to 65 years (34.19 ± 12.65). Scores were used to calculate the cutoff.
A translated and adapted version of the PEDT was developed specifically for Colombia. All participants completed the Colombian version of the PEDT, a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Colombian version of the Massachusetts General Hospital–Sexual Functioning Questionnaire, and a semistructured interview based on the ICD-10.
The results showed adequate psychometric properties and satisfactory internal consistency and confirmed the 1-dimensional factorization of the scale. According to ICD-10 criteria, the study also confirmed significant differences between participants who self-reported premature ejaculation and those who did not. In addition, it showed adequate evidence of convergent validity, with a moderate correlation with sexual functioning scores. As a result, the cutoff point was set to 10.5, with an area under the curve of 96.8%. Therefore, a score ≥11 points suggested the presence of premature ejaculation.
Clinical Translation
The current Colombian version of the PEDT is a useful instrument that determines the presence of premature ejaculation that is compatible with ICD-10 criteria.
Strengths and Limitations
The Colombian version of the PEDT presents evidence of reliability and validity, a confirmed 1-dimensional factorization, and a cutoff point for Hispanic populations. More in-depth evaluation of the diagnosis of premature ejaculation is required, and further research among other Spanish-speaking countries and sexual minorities is recommended.
The Colombian version of the PEDT is a psychometric adequacy tool for evaluating and diagnosing premature ejaculation, following the ICD-10 criteria.Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz via research project 5527015
Colombian Clinical Validation of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5)
Funding: This study was made possible thanks to funding provided by Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz from a research project revised (Number: 2015-009 55270152 ), granted to the corresponding author.Background: Erectile dysfunction represents an important health problem and the instrument most frequently used for the evaluation of its evaluation is the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5). Aim: Due to lack of adaptation and validation for Spanish-speaking populations, this study aimed to adapt and validate the Colombian version of International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5). Methods: Two independent samples were evaluated. One used to validate the scale and the other to calculate cut-off point of this version, with 2,021 men from the general population and outpatients from a clinic. The age range was 18 to 75 years old (M = 37.80; SD = 14.06). The second sample included 74 men, 64.9% did not meet DSM-5 criteria for erectile dysfunction, and 35.1% meet DSM-5 criteria to ED. Age range was 19 to 73 years old (M = 40.38; SD = 13.22). Outcomes: All participants answered the Spanish versions of the International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) and the Massachusetts General Health-Sexual Functioning Questionnaire. Results: The Colombian version of IIEF-5 showed adequate psychometric properties, confirmed the one-dimension factorization of the scale, and showed adequate evidence of reliability and validity. Significant differences were observed in the IIEF-5 total score between the non-clinical and clinical groups who meet DSM-5 criteria for erectile dysfunction, with a large effect size. Also, the cut-off the Colombian version was set to 16, with an area under the curve of 94.9%. Clinical Implications: The Colombian version of the IIEF-5 is a useful evaluation instrument that provides to determine the presence of erectile dysfunction compatible with DSM-5 criteria. Strengths & Limitations: The inventory reports adequate psychometric properties, a confirmed one-dimensional structure, evidence of reliability and validity, and the first cut-off point for Hispanic populations. A more in-depth evaluation of the diagnosis of ED and thus replication in other Spanish-speaking countries and sexual minorities is recommended. Conclusion: The Spanish version of the IIEF-5 is a useful evaluation tool for identifying erectile dysfunction, following DSM-5 criteria.Fundacion Universitaria Konrad Lorenz
2015-009 5527015
Equivalence and standard scores of the Hurlbert Index of Sexual Assertiveness across spanish men and women
Título: Equivalencia y Baremos del Hurlbert Index of Sexual Assertiveness Entre Hombres y Mujeres Españoles. Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la presencia de invarianza de medida y funcionamiento diferencial del ítem de la versión española del Hurlbert Index of Sexual Assertiveness en función del sexo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 1.600 mujeres y 1.598 hombres de España, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 84 años. El Hurlbert Index of Sexual Assertiveness solo mostró invarianza débil entre hombres y mujeres. El análi-sis de funcionamiento diferencial del ítem mostró que únicamente el ítem 2 ("Creo que soy tímido en el ámbito sexual") mostró funcionamiento diferencial uniforme moderado. De forma más específica, las mujeres tendieron a responder "Siempre" a este ítem de forma más frecuente que los hombres. Los resultados sugirieron eliminar el ítem 2 resultando en una versión final compuesta por 18 ítems agrupadas en dos dimensiones, con buenos índices de fiabilidad tanto para hombres como para mujeres. Los baremos obtenidos para la escala de Inicio y Ausencia de timidez/Rechazo reflejaron la existencia de roles sexuales tradicionales en hombres y mujeres. Palabras clave: Asertividad sexual; Hurlbert Index of Sexual Assertiveness; invarianza de medida; funcionamiento diferencial del ítem; baremos. Abstract: The purpose of the present study was to analyze the measurement invariance and differential item functioning of the Spanish version of the Hurlbert Index of Sexual Assertiveness across gender. The sample was composed of 1,600 women and 1,598 men from Spain, with ages ranging from 18 to 84 years old. The Hurlbert Index of Sexual Assertiveness only showed weak invariance for men and women. The differential item functioning analysis showed that only item 2 ("I feel that I am shy when it comes to sex") flagged moderate uniform differential item functioning. More specifically, women tended to respond "Always" to this item more frequently than did men. Results strongly suggested eliminating item 2, resulting in a final version with 18 items clustered into two dimensions with good reliability values for men and women. Standard scores for both Initiation and No Shyness/Refusal reflected traditional sexual scripts for men and women
Propiedades psicométricas de una versión breve de la Escala de Ajuste Diádico en muestras españolas
La Escala de Ajuste Diádico (EAD) es el instrumento de elección en la
evaluación de la calidad de las relaciones de pareja. En España, a pesar de contar con
varias traducciones de la escala, no existen estudios que avalen sus propiedades
psicométricas. Por ello, este estudio instrumental tiene como objetivos analizar algunas
propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la EAD y desarrollar una versión
abreviada de la misma. Una muestra de 710 sujetos con pareja estable completó la EAD
y el Cuestionario de Aserción en la Pareja. Los resultados indican problemas con la
estructura factorial, por lo que se desarrolla una versión breve, mediante un análisis
discriminante, compuesta por 14 ítems, que se vio reducida a una versión final de 13.
Los análisis sobre esta versión final mostraron una adecuada fiabilidad y validez. Tanto
el análisis factorial exploratorio como el confirmatorio mostraron una estructura interna
compuesta por tres factores de primer orden coherentes con el planteamiento original
del autor. Por último, se desarrolló un punto de corte para la versión abreviada que
mostró un poder de clasificación muy similar al de la versión original. Se discuten las
posibles implicaciones para su uso clínico, así como las directrices para estudios
futuros.Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) is the main selected measure to assess quality of relationship in couples. Despite that there are several Spanish translations of this scale, there is no study that guarantees its psychometric properties. Therefore, the aims of this instrumental study are to analyze some psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the DAS and to develop an abridged version. A total sample of 710 individuals with steady couple filled in the DAS and the Couple Assertion Questionnaire. Results showed that there are some problems with the factorial structure and therefore, a short version was made. This short version was developed by means of a discriminant analysis and was composed by 14 items but finally, this version was shortened into 13 items. Analyses about this final version showed a suitable validity and reliability. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicated an internal structure composed by three factors of first order that were consistent with the original approach of the author. Finally, a cut-off point was developed for the short version which showed a similar classification power to the original version. Implications for the use of this scale in clinical settings are discussed as well as guidelines for future
studies.Este trabajo forma parte del Proyecto de Investigación SEJ2007-61824 financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, concedido al tercer autor
Desarrollo de una versión española breve del Negative Attitudes Toward Masturbation Inventory
This study has been funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia,Innovación y Universidades through the Research ProjectRTI2018-093317-B-I00 and the Bursary FPU18/03102 for Uni-versity Professor Training as part of the first author’s thesis(Psychological Doctoral Programme B13 56 1; RD 99/2011).Background/Objective: Masturbation has historically been a sexual behaviour associated
with negative connotations, as a consequence of traditional orthodox positions, despite
its positive impact on health. The instruments developed to measure the attitude towards masturbation
are scarce, and none of them have been validated in the Spanish adult population.
This study aims to propose a short version of the Negative Attitudes Toward Masturbation Inventory
(NATMI) and examine their psychometric properties (reliability and evidence of validity)
in the Spanish adult population. Method: A total of 4,116 heterosexual adults aged 18-83 years
(M = 40.58; SD = 12.24; 54.64% women) participated in the study. In addition to the NATMI,
they answered other scales to assess sexual attitudes, sexual desire, propensity to become
sexually excited/inhibited and sexual functioning. Results: Analysis of the construct validity
of the NATMI resulted in a reduced version of ten items grouped into a single factor explaining
66% of the variance (ordinal alpha = .95). The evidence of validity is clear, as subjects
with negative and positive attitude towards masturbation differed in religiousness, frequency
of masturbation, erotophilia, positive attitude towards sexual fantasies, sexual inhibition and
sexual functioning. Conclusions: The Spanish short version of NATMI provides reliable and valid
measures in the Spanish adult population.Antecedentes/objetivo: La masturbación ha sido una conducta sexual asociada históricamente a connotaciones negativas, como consecuencia de posturas tradicionales ortodoxas, a pesar de su impacto positivo en la salud. Son escasos los instrumentos desarrollados para medir la actitud hacia la masturbación, no existiendo ninguno validado en población adulta española. El objetivo de este estudio es proponer una versión breve del Negative Attitudes Toward Masturbation Inventory (NATMI) y examinar sus propiedades psicométricas (fiabilidad y evidencias de validez) en población adulta española. Método: Participaron 4.116 adultos heterosexuales de 18-83 años (M = 40,58; DT = 12,24; 54,64% mujeres), que respondieron además del NATMI a otras escalas para evaluar actitudes sexuales, deseo sexual, propensión a excitarse/inhibirse sexualmente y funcionamiento sexual. Resultados: El análisis de la validez de constructo dio lugar a una versión reducida de diez ítems agrupados en un único factor que explica el 66% de la varianza (alfa ordinal = 0,95). Se aportan evidencias de validez, ya que los sujetos con actitud negativa y positiva hacia la masturbación se diferencian en religiosidad, frecuencia de masturbación, erotofilia, actitud positiva hacia las fantasías sexuales, inhibición sexual y funcionamiento sexual. Conclusiones: La versión española breve del NATMI proporciona medidas fiables y validas en población adulta española.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades
B13 56 1
RD 99/201
Invarianza de la versión española de la Sexual Double Standard Scale por sexo, edad y nivel educativo
The Sexual Double Standard Scale (SDSS) is one of the
most widely-used scales for evaluating the Sexual Double Standard (SDS)
and the Spanish version of the scale displays adequate psychometric
properties in the adult Spanish population. The aim of this study is to
examine the factorial invariance and differential item functioning (DIF)
of the Spanish version according to sex, education level, and age, with
the objective of describing and comparing SDS based on these variables.
Method: A sample of 3,838 heterosexual participants was used (1,908
men and 1,930 women) between the ages of 18 and 90. Results: The
results showed that the factorial structure of the SDSS is invariant in
terms of sex and education level; with none of these items displaying DIF.
Only items 11 and 14 display DIF in terms of age and, therefore, it is
recommended that these items be excluded when making comparisons
between age ranges. The association of SDSS with sex, education level,
and age follows the expected results. Conclusions: The Spanish version
of the SDSS is invariant and, as a consequence, can be used in different
types of samples.la Sexual Double
Standard Scale (SDSS) es una de las escalas más empleadas para evaluar
el doble estándar sexual (DES) y la versión española presenta adecuadas
propiedades psicométricas en población adulta. El objetivo de este estudio
es estudiar la invarianza factorial y el funcionamiento diferencial de
los ítems (DIF) de la versión en español según sexo, nivel de estudios
y edad, con la fi nalidad de describir y comparar el DES en función de
estas variables. Método: se empleó una muestra de 3.838 heterosexuales
(1.908 hombres y 1.930 mujeres) entre 18 y 90 años de edad. Resultados:
los resultados obtenidos muestran que la estructura factorial de la SDSS
es invariante por sexo y nivel educativo, no presentando DIF ninguno de
sus ítems. Solo los ítems 11 y 14 presentan DIF en función de la edad, por
lo que se recomienda su eliminación en el caso de hacer comparaciones
entre grupos etarios. La asociación del SDSS con el sexo, nivel de estudios
y edad sigue los resultados esperados. Conclusiones: la versión española
de la SDSS es invariante, por lo que se puede emplear en diferentes tipos
de muestra.This study has been funded by the Ministerio de Economía y
Competitividad through the Research Project PSI2014-58035-R
and the Bursary FPU 16/04429 for University Professor Training,
as part of the first author’s thesis (Psychology Doctoral Programme
B13 56 1; RD 99/2011)
Intención de uso del preservativo en contextos sexuales hipotéticos de riesgo en hombres y mujeres heterosexuales
100-118 p. :ilustraciones, capítulo de libro electrónicoEl preservativo apareció hace varios siglos, según afirman Lugones & Ramírez, (2013) como la solución para controlar la natalidad y evitar ciertas enfermedades como la sífilis. Su uso profiláctico se conoce en Europa desde el siglo XVI, donde se utilizaba un tejido de lino. En el siguiente siglo aparecen los preservativos de cuero y a finales del siglo XIX se introducen los de caucho (Guereña, 2004).Capítulo 5ISBN: 978958580475
Psychometric Properties of the Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale among Young Colombians
(1) Background: This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale among Colombian youth. (2) Method: A total of 2873 men and women between 18 and 26 years old (M = 21.45, SD = 2.26) took part in this study. All participants answered a socio-demographic survey, the Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale, the UCLA Multidimensional Condom Attitudes Scale, The Condom Use Errors and Problems Scale, and the Sexual Assertiveness Scale. Sampling was web-based, and the survey was distributed via Facebook. (3) Results: The Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale demonstrated adequate reliability (ordinal α ranged = 0.76 to 0.92). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis suggested a four-factor structure with an explained variance of 69%. This dimensionality was also invariant across gender. Moreover, positive attitudes toward condom use were significantly associated with appropriation and assertiveness. Two dimensions (appropriation and partner disapproval) showed significant gender differences. (4) Conclusions: The Spanish–Colombian version of the Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale is a psychometrically adequate instrument to measure perceived condom use self-efficacy. This scale can be used in both research and professional settings to measure self-efficacy at using condoms in young people
Método SERVQUAL para la medición de la satisfacción en pacientes del régimen contributivo en Colombia
13-29 p. :ilustraciones, capítulo de libro electrónicoEn Colombia, son múltiples las dificultades que se han presentado en relación con las entidades promotoras de salud (EPS) y con la prestación de servicios, debido a que se han centrado en obtener mayores beneficios económicos como empresas, en lugar de centrarse en responder a las necesidades de los consumidores
de los servicios de salud (Peláez, 2014). De hecho, la principal función empresarial debería ser enfocarse en satisfacer las necesidades y expectativas del consumidor, por ser este el principal perceptor de la calidad y quien finalmente valora el servicio (Deming, 1989). Por esto, la medición de la satisfacción de los afiliados a
las EPS permite abordar la relación entre lo que el paciente espera recibir (expectativas) y lo que finalmente siente que recibe (percepciones).Capítulo 1ISBN: 978958580475
Estilos de vida y prácticas de consumo de hombres y mujeres diagnosticados y tratados de cáncer
87-99 p. :ilustraciones, capítulo de libro electrónicoEl cáncer se ha convertido en un desafío para la ciencia, la medicina, los gobiernos, las organizaciones y las instituciones tanto del sector público como privado, así como para las personas independiente de si padecen o no una enfermedad. Se ha identificado que muchos tipos de cáncer son evitables a través de la prevención, detección precoz, curación, o en últimas los tratamientos paliativos y calidad de vida para quienes, aun combatiéndola, no logran sobrevivir a ella. Las investigaciones demuestran que dentro de los factores de riesgo de padecer cáncer, se encuentran patrones de conducta y hábitos que constituyen el estilo de
vida, los cuales al ser modificados determinan cambios en las condiciones de calidad de vida y consumo (Organización Mundial de la Salud -OMS, 2005).Capítulo 4ISBN: 978958580475
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