17 research outputs found

    The Effects of Social Identity and Emotional Connection on SubjectiveWell-Being in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic for a Spanish Sample.

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    This study analyzes whether the degree of social identity and the degree of emotional connection influence the subjective well-being of individuals that participated in collective acts of support for health personnel fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic. Our sample was composed of 810 participants who resided in Spain (339 women and 471 men) with an average age of 34.22 (SD = 12.56). All of them frequently participated in the acts of support that took place each day of the lockdown decreed by the National Government on 14 March 2020. The results show that the greater identification with the group (the country) and the greater the emotional connection, the higher the scores obtained in subjective well-being. The results also show that emotional connection had a positive effect on emotional subjective well-being, mediated by the social identity activated in the collective act. The results are interpreted from the perspective of social identity that highlights the role played by social identity in influencing health and subjective well-being

    Revisitando el concepto de la banalidad del mal desde la perspectiva del liderazgo de identidad

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    The concept of the banality of evil has been used to explain human evil. This concept has been very influential in social psychology and in the other social sciences. Empirical support for this concept has been provided by the results obtained in the Milgram experiments on obedience and in the Stanford prison experiment (SPE), among others. However, it has received relevant criticism from the disciplines of history and social psychology. Reanalysis of the Milgram and EPE studies does not support the classic theoretical formulations offered by Milgram and Zimbardo. A different theoretical explanatory model of the results is needed in the light of variations in the levels of obedience in Milgram’s experiments and in the behaviour of the guards and prisoners in the SPE. Framed within the perspective of social identity theory, Haslam and Reicher proposed that the role of identity leadership is a key concept to explain the results obtained in these studies.El concepto de la banalidad del mal ha sido utilizado para explicar la maldad humana. Este concepto ha sido muy influyente en la psicología social y en el resto de las ciencias sociales. Los resultados obtenidos en los experimentos de Milgram sobre obediencia y en el experimento de la prisión de Stanford (EPS) han sido considerados como muestras de apoyo empírico al concepto de la banalidad del mal. Pero este concepto está recibiendo importantes críticas desde la historia y desde la propia psicología social. El reanálisis de los estudios de Milgram y del EPS no apoya las formulaciones teóricas clásicas formuladas por Milgram y Zimbardo. La variabilidad de los niveles de obediencia en los experimentos de Milgram y en el comportamiento mostrado por los guardias y prisioneros en el EPS requieren otro modelo teórico explicativo de tales resultados. Enmarcados dentro de la perspectiva de la identidad social, Haslam y Reicher proponen que el papel del liderazgo de identidad es un concepto clave para explicar los resultados obtenidos en estos estudios

    Movilidad social y satisfacción laboral en población española emigrada a Alemania

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    Este artículo analiza la movilidad social y satisfacción laboral (SL) en una muestra de 200 inmigrantes en Alemania procedentes de diferentes lugares de España, comparando resultados para hombres y mujeres y para grupos con diferentes características sociales o formativas. Las variables evaluadas son: movilidad social, satisfacción laboral, burnout, características del puesto y ajuste laboral. Los resultados muestran que mujeres y varones tienen niveles similares en SL, cinismo y agotamiento, en tanto que los hombres se perciben más autoeficaces. Las clases sociales inferiores y los trabajadores con menores ingresos puntúan menos en SL y autoeficacia. El cinismo, la autoeficacia, la sobrecualificación y las características del puesto predicen tanto la SL extrínseca (50’2%) como la intrínseca (58’2%). Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento de la realidad laboral actual de los trabajadores inmigrantes entre países europeos.This article analyses social mobility and job satisfaction (JS) in immigrants, considering his burnout at work and other labour characteristics. In a sample of 200 migrants in Germany from different parts of Spain results for men and women and for groups with different social and educational characteristics are compared. The evaluated variables are: social mobility, job satisfaction, burnout, job characteristics and labour adjustment. The results show that women and men have similar levels in JS, cynicism and exhaustion; more men are perceived self-efficacy. The lower classes and workers with lower incomes scored least in JS and efficacy. Cynicism, self-efficacy, overqualification and job characteristics predict both extrinsic JS (50.2%) and intrinsic (58.2%). This study contributes to the understanding of the current labour situation of Spanish workers in a European country

    Refugee Women with a History of Trauma: Gender Vulnerability in Relation to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

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    Refugees represent a population whose living conditions have a strong impact on their mental health. High rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), more than other mental disorders, have been found in this group, with women having the highest incidence. The objective of the present systematic review was to identify and examine studies from the last fifteen years on the relationship between the impact of traumatic experiences and PTSD psychopathology in refugee women. Twelve studies were included, from which the overall results approved this relation. In addition, six of these studies show that exposure to sexual trauma in refugee women is associated with the high odds of being at risk for PTSD. These findings suggest that gender-related traumatic experiences can explain the high rate of PTSD in refugee women and highlight the unmet need for psychosocial health care in this population.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Persons Who Fear Freedom and Equality Are the Ones Who Most Blame Women Who are Victims of Acquaintance Rape

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://beta.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/9564This study analyzes whether the degree of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation influence the blame placed on a woman who is the victim of an acquaintance rape. The participants read a rape scenario and responded to three questionnaires about the blame of the victim, right-wing authoritarianism, and social dominance. The results show that greater blame was attributed to the victim when the participants scored high in right-wing authoritarianism or social dominance. They also reveal an interaction between both variables: participants who scored high in both right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance attributed the greatest blame to the victim

    Prejudice towards Immigrants: The Importance of Social Context, Ideological Postulates, and Perception of Outgroup Threat.

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    Recent years have witnessed a rise in support for political parties with an anti-immigration sentiment and nationalistic rhetoric as their distinguishing traits. Within this context, our study, through a survey, analyses the relation of prejudice toward immigrants with ideological postulates of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance and outgroup threat. With a sample of 247 individuals (54.7% men and 45.3% women), our results reveal that positions favouring right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance and perception of realistic and symbolic threat have an influence on negative attitudes toward immigrants. At the same time, greater prejudice is found in those individuals scoring high in authoritarianism and symbolic threat. These results confirm, on one hand, the dual process motivation model of ideology and prejudice, and on the other, the bifactor structure of outgroup threat. As a conclusion, we propose that in order to foment peaceful coexistence and reduce hostility towards minority groups within today’s social context, it is important to consider the relevance of ideological postulates and outgroup threat. It is a priority to design public policies that favour the inclusion and integration of minority groups with the goal of building more sustainable societies that respect human rights

    Satisfacción vital y su relación con otras variables psicosociales en población española residente en Alemania

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    This study analysed the psychosocial variables related to life satisfaction in a population of Spanish residents in Germany. The psychosocial variables were as follows: social support, self-esteem, job satisfaction, and attachment to and identification with the place of residence. Sociodemographic factors were also considered: job position, level of ability in the German language, monthly income, and perceived social class. The sample comprised 206 participants. The results showed that the participants had medium or medium-high scores on all the psychosocial variables and that there were significant correlations between them. Regarding the sociodemographic factors, although no significant association was found between life satisfaction and having a job, significant associations were found between life satisfaction and the other factors. Of these factors, perceived social class had the biggest effect. The results also showed that intrinsic job satisfaction, perceived social class, attachment to the place of residence, and self-esteem predicted life satisfaction (explaining 55.5% of variance). These results are in contrast with other studies on life satisfaction in immigrant populations.Este estudio analiza qué variables psicosociales están relacionadas con la satisfacción vital en población española residente en Alemania. Para ello se consideran las siguientes: apoyo social, autoestima, satisfacción laboral y apego e identidad con el lugar. Se tienen en cuenta también factores sociodemográficos, en concreto: empleo, conocimiento del alemán, ingresos mensuales recibidos y clase social percibida. Con una muestra de 206 personas, los resultados muestran un nivel medio o medio-alto en las variables psicosociales consideradas y correlaciones significativas entre ellas. Respecto a los factores sociodemográficos, no se muestran diferencias significativas en satisfacción vital por el hecho de tener empleo, pero sí para el resto de factores en sentido ascendente. Entre ellos, aquel de mayor efecto es la clase social percibida. Los resultados también indican que satisfacción laboral intrínseca, clase social percibida, apego al lugar y autoestima son variables predictivas de satisfacción vital, explicando un 55.5% de la varianza. Según lo anterior, se observan diferencias con otros estudios sobre satisfacción vital en población inmigrante

    Perceived stress in university students: the influence of academic burnout and engagement

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    URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/IJERI/article/view/2558En los últimos años, el sistema universitario español se ha incorporado al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, suponiendo un cambio de paradigma del proceso enseñanza/aprendizaje en las aulas del que aún no se conoce con exactitud sus efectos directos en la población estudiantil universitaria. El presente trabajo analiza el estrés percibido, burnout y engagement en este colectivo. Con un total de 409 participantes de tres titulaciones diferentes, los resultados muestran que las personas encuestadas presentan agotamiento, ineficacia y estrés percibido en relación en el ámbito académico, pero al mismo, sienten orgullo, utilidad y demuestran implicación en sus estudios. Los niveles de estas variables muestran diferencias según el sexo (t-Student) y la titulación cursada (ANOVA-Tukey). Por otra parte, el análisis de regresión (stepwise) señala que agotamiento, inadecuación, vigor y sexo son factores explicativos del estrés percibido de los estudiantes universitarios explicando el 35.4% de la varianza. Entre ellos, el agotamiento es el factor que aporta un mayor nivel explicativo (23.5%). Igualmente, se obtiene que los modelos predictivos son diferentes en hombres y en mujeres. Las conclusiones obtenidas pueden ser relevantes para la elaboración de programas educativos destinados a incrementar el bienestar psicológico del estudiante universitario.In recent years, the Spanish University system was integrated into the European Higher Education Area, what led to a change of paradigm in the teaching/learning process whose effects on university student population are still unknown. Perceived stress, burnout and engagement in this group were analysed in this study. With a sample made up of 409 people from 3 degrees, results showed students experienced exhaustion, inefficiency and perceived stress related with their studies while also feeling pride, usefulness and involvement with them. Distinctive patterns according to sex (t-Student) and degree (ANOVA-Tukey) were also noted in these variables by the results. On the other hand, exhaustion, mismatch, vigour and sex were identified as explanatory factors for perceived stress in university students by regression analysis (stepwise). Among them, exhaustion was the factor showing the highest explanatory level (23.5%). Likewise, different predictive models were obtained for men and women. Conclusions of this study can be relevant in order to elaborate educational programmes for increasing university students' psychological well-being.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Estrés percibido en estudiantes universitarios: influencia del burnout y del engagement académico

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    En los últimos años, el sistema universitario español se ha introducido en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Ello ha supuesto un cambio de paradigma del proceso enseñanza/aprendizaje en las aulas, pero del que aún no se conoce con exactitud sus efectos. El presente trabajo analiza a los estudiantes de educación superior en base a tres variables: estrés percibido, burnout y engagement. Con un total de 409 participantes de tres titulaciones diferentes, los resultados muestran que los estudiantes presentan agotamiento, ineficacia y estrés percibido en relación a sus estudios, pero al mismo, sienten orgullo, utilidad y demuestran implicación en lo que hacen. Estos resultados indican patrones diferenciales según el sexo y la titulación cursada. Por otra parte, el análisis de regresión señala que agotamiento, inadecuación, vigor y sexo son factores explicativos del estrés percibido de los estudiantes universitarios. Entre ellos, el agotamiento es el factor que aporta un mayor nivel explicativo. Igualmente, se obtiene que los modelos predictivos son diferentes en hombres y en mujeres. Las conclusiones obtenidas pueden ser relevantes para la elaboración de programas educativos destinados a incrementar el bienestar psicológico del estudiante universitario


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    The current labor market is characterized by high unemployment rates, temporality, segmentation and precarious conditions. The numerical facet of employment is the focus of all concerns once more, casting aside any efforts regarding quality. In this context, emigration becomes a possible alternative once again, as it was in the past, and job satisfaction studies by social psychologists become a necessary focus of interest. This paper outlines the factors that can determine the two dimensions of job satisfaction, both intrinsic and extrinsic ones, and the psychosocial effects for this population that derive from them. With them we intend to offer some intervention guidelines in order to improve quality of life and well-being in this group