113 research outputs found

    A new method to energy saving in a micro grid

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    Optimization of energy production systems is a relevant issue that must be considered in order to follow the fossil fuels consumption reduction policies and CO2 emission regulation. Increasing electricity production from renewable resources (e.g., photovoltaic systems and wind farms) is desirable but its unpredictability is a cause of problems for the main grid stability. A system with multiple energy sources represents an efficient solution, by realizing an interface among renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, and conventional power generators. Direct consequences of multi-energy systems are a wider energy flexibility and benefits for the electric grid, the purpose of this paper is to propose the best technology combination for electricity generation from a mix of renewable energy resources to satisfy the electrical needs. The paper identifies the optimal off-grid option and compares this with conventional grid extension, through the use of HOMER software. The solution obtained shows that a hybrid combination of renewable energy generators at an off-grid location can be a cost-effective alternative to grid extension and it is sustainable, techno-economically viable, and environmentally sound. The results show how this innovative energetic approach can provide a cost reduction in power supply and energy fees of 40% and 25%, respectively, and CO2 emission decrease attained around 18%. Furthermore, the multi-energy system taken as the case study has been optimized through the utilization of three different type of energy storage (Pb-Ac batteries, flywheels, and micro—Compressed Air Energy Storage (C.A.E.S.)

    Energy study of a non-residential and historic building in transient conditions

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    The purpose of this manuscript is to analyse the interventions of energy retrofit of a non-residential and historic building, through dynamic simulation by the use of the TRNsys code. The study is made up of some steps: - the analysis of the building and utility data, including study of the installed equipment and analysis of energy bills; - the survey of the real operating conditions; - the selection and the evaluation of energy conservation measures; - the identification of interventions of energy retrofit; - TRNsys simulation of the effects of these interventions on the energy behaviour of the building. The present paper aims to present the results of the study, to discuss the expected energy behaviour of the building and to comment on the options for introducing energy conservation technique

    Analysis of thermal field within an urban canyon with variable thermophysical characteristics of the building's walls.

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    In a typical urban configuration, a microclimatic analysis has been carried out. Using a CFD method, a N-S oriented urban street canyon, with a given H/W ratio, has been examined. The standard k–Δ turbulence model has been used to simulate a three-dimensional flow field and to calculate the thermo-fluid dynamics parameters that characterize the street canyon. In this study has been analyzed the thermal flow field when the walls of the building change the properties of solar radiation absorption, in particular for α=0.2 and α=0.8. Solar radiation considered is that of 21/07 in Milan in two different hours: at 11:00 a.m. and at 02:00 p.m. The study shows the importance of the thermophysical properties of a wall, in the development of the thermal field and flow field. This is a very important topic, in terms of improvement of well-being and the quality of the air within the cities, through the choice of materials and colors of the facades of buildings.

    On the impact of urban micro climate on the energy consumption of buildings

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    The energy consumption of urban buildings is affected by the surrounding microclimate which differs from standard weather data and by mutual obstructions between buildings, which decrease sunlight and wind potentials for internal solar gains and passive cooling. The building construction itself affects both outdoor and indoor microclimate. This research addresses these interdependences in respect with energy performance. An urban structures are investigated with a fixed value of H/W and solar orientation. The numerical method used is the building energy model (TRNSYS), for simulating building energetic and thermal responses to external and internal settings and the Sombrero software to evaluate the to evaluate the shading of surrounding buildings

    A new tri-generation system: thermodynamical analysis of a micro compressed air energy storage

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    There is a growing interest in the electrical energy storage system, especially for matching intermittent sources of renewable energy with customers’ demand. Furthermore, it is possible, with these system, to level the absorption peak of the electric network (peak shaving) and the advantage of separating the production phase from the exertion phase (time shift). CAES (compressed air energy storage systems) are one of the most promising technologies of this field, because they are characterized by a high reliability, low environmental impact and a remarkable energy density. The main disadvantage of big systems is that they depend on geological formations which are necessary to the storage. The micro-CAES system, with a rigid storage vessel, guarantees a high portability of the system and a higher adaptability even with distributed or stand-alone energy productions. This article carries out a thermodynamical and energy analysis of the micro-CAES system, as a result of the mathematical model created in a Matlab/Simulink¼ environment. New ideas will be discussed, as the one concerning the quasi-isothermal compression/expansion, through the exertion of a biphasic mixture, that will increase the total system efficiency and enable a combined production of electric, thermal and refrigeration energies. The exergy analysis of the results provided by the simulation of the model reports that more than one third of the exergy input to the system is lost. This is something promising for the development of an experimental device

    Energy and thermodynamical study of a small innovative compressed air energy storage system (micro-CAES)

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    There is a growing interest in the electrical energy storage system, due to the high penetration of the energy produced by renewable sources, the possibility of leveling the absorption peak of the electric network (peak shaving) and the advantage of separating the production phase from the exertion phase (time shift). Compressed air energy storage systems (CAES) are one of the most promising technologies of this field, because they are characterized by a high reliability, low environmental impact and a remarkable energy density. The main disadvantage of big systems is that they depend on geological formations which are necessary to the storage. The micro-CAES system, with a rigid storage vessel, guarantees a high portability of the system and a higher adaptability even with distributed or stand-alone energy productions. This article carries out a thermodynamical and energy analysis of the micro-CAES system, a result of the mathematical model created in a Matlab/SimulinkÂź environment. New ideas will be discussed, as the one concerning the quasi-isothermal compression/expansion, through the exertion of a biphasic mixture, that will increase the total system efficiency and enable a combined production of electric, thermal and refrigeration energies. This is something promising for the development of an experimental devic

    Applications of Micro-CAES Systems: Energy and Economic Analysis☆

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    Abstract The present study concerns the development of a micro-CAES system for thermal and electrical energy storage for residential and non-residential users (shelter/remote users including), in order to reduce energy costs and increase the reliability of energy supply from renewable sources. The micro-CAES system allows you to store the electricity generated from renewable and conventional sources to pressure energy. Further thermal energy can be recovered from conversion process, stored and used for space heating or hot water. The micro-CAES allows you to reduce peak energy demand by utilities (peak shaving), decrease the size of the power generation devices (downsizing), reduce the power of the contract with the grid operator, size the system on the load curve power users in order to increase energy efficiency and economic sustainability reducing management costs with the advantage to reduce operating costs, use of non-toxic materials, zeroing of GHG emissions (zero emission). The innovative technology is based on high-efficiency energy storage process via storage of compressed air at high pressure, quasi-isothermal compression of a mixture air-liquid for heat storage and supply of electrical power constant during the expansion. The air-liquid mixture with excellent ratio between the phases allows you to obtain quasi-isothermal compression, with maximum compression efficiency and high thermal exchange, it enables to have a constant electrical power during the expansion, at a constant pressure during discharge. A dedicated software enables to manage the micro-CAES system to adapt its operation as a function of external conditions and user requirements. An energetic and economic analysis has been performed identifying the optimal size reference. The power supply system provides for the integration of small wind and photovoltaic with a storage system based on micro-CAES. The technological challenge is to be able to ensure a constant power level selected throughout the day

    How the urban environment affects the microclimate and the building energy demand for the City of Rome

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    Urban heat island has significant impacts on buildings? energy consumption. The phenomenon is associated with increased urban air temperatures compared to the air temperature of the surrounding rural or suburban areas. The ambient air temperature growth due to climate changes and the urban heat island phenomenon are dramatically increasing the cooling demand in buildings. This is worsened by irradiation conditions, construction technologies, and subjective comfort expectations. This paper examines the impact of the urban environment on the energy demand of buildings, considering the case of two districts of the city of Rome, Italy: one is representative of a central zone, the other of a rural zone. Weather data were then used to calculate the thermal demand of a typical Italian building, ideally located in the monitored areas of the city. Standalone building with modified weather file was modeled in TRNSYS. Results show that urban heat island intensity causes an increase in cooling demand up to +33% for the urban area (+20% for the rural area) compared to the demand calculated using weather data from airportual areas. On the other hand, urban heat island intensity has a positive effect on heating demand which turns out to decrease up to -32% for the urban area (-14% for the rural area)

    Moddicom: a Complete and Easily Accessible Library for Prognostic Evaluations Relying on Image Features

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    Decision Support Systems (DSSs) are increasingly exploited in the area of prognostic evaluations. For predicting the effect of therapies on patients, the trend is now to use image features, i.e. information that can be automatically computed by considering images resulting by analysis. The DSSs application as predictive tools is particularly suitable for cancer treatment, given the peculiarities of the disease –which is highly localised and lead to significant social costs– and the large number of images that are available for each patient. At the state of the art, there exists tools that allow to handle image features for prognostic evaluations, but they are not designed for medical experts. They require either a strong engineering or computer science background since they do not integrate all the required functions, such as image retrieval and storage. In this paper we fill this gap by proposing Moddicom, a user-friendly complete library specifically designed to be exploited by physicians. A preliminary experimental analysis, performed by a medical expert that used the tool, demonstrates the efficiency and the effectiveness of Moddicom

    Experimental validation of a heat transfer model in underground power cable systems

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    This paper presents the laboratory test stand that is used for experimental validation of underground power cable system models. Determination of temperature distribution in the vicinity of the cable is the main goal of the study. The paper considers a system of three power cables, situated in the in-line arrangement, and buried in sand. Three electrical heaters of special construction are used in order to simulate the heat flux that is generated in the power cables during their operation. The test stand is designed to be placed in a thermoclimatic chamber, which allows testing the system in various thermal conditions when the ambient temperature changes by 20 C to 30 C. Numerical computations of the steady-state temperature fields are performed using the finite element method
