99 research outputs found

    Relaxing or Constraining Foreign Ownership Structure in the United Arab Emirates

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    This essay covers the subject of foreign ownership restrictions in LLCs in UAE mainland. In the beginning the study will guide us through an overview of the incorporation process and recognized company structures, which further specifies the differences between free zone and mainland. Accordingly, the study narrows down to focus on mainland LLCs, where the 49/51 rule, which restricts foreign investors to own more that 49% of a company in UAE mainland, will be presented. As the restriction on foreign ownership rights often results in conflicts between concerned shareholders, the paper investigates strategies to resolve such disputes. What we find is that conflicts between a foreign owner and a local owner usually origin in the ownership structure. The problem is to determine which is the “valid” structure: is it the registered structure (accordingly with the 49/51 rule)? Or, is it a different structure agreed in a separate contract, i.e. side agreement? Side agreements usually stand as an affirmation of trust to specify that the UAE shareholder is not in fact the real owner of 51% share capital but rather the agent holding the same for the benefit of the foreign shareholder. Several studies are included to provide diverse conclusions and perspectives on foreign ownership restrictions, and a significant passage through case law presents deliberations of side agreement’s “validity”. UAE’s legal development in terms of the New CCL and the Anti-Fronting Law is then identified and explained. While the New CCL aims to relax foreign ownership restrictions in certain sectors, the Anti-Fronting Law’s target is to prohibit side agreements. It is found that the UAE will face a period of thoughtfulness, as it is necessary to find a balance between the country’s intentions of attracting international capital whilst ensuring a central role for UAE nationals in the domestic economy. It is also discovered that prohibiting side agreements could have a rather harsh impact on minority shareholders, who often relies on such arrangements. This further strengthens the support against the adoption of the Anti-Fronting Law. Ultimately, the thesis will outline advantages and disadvantages while considering if foreign ownership structure should be restricted or relaxed in light of the two new laws and of side agreements. It is determined that the New CCL’s positive implications overtake the negative aspects. Side agreements are proven valuable tools, if it keeps all parties satisfied and reflects the true agreement. Evidentially, it is found that the there should be no adoption of the Concealment Law. Focus should lie on the New CCL, providing relaxed ownership structure toward foreign investors. Side agreements should instead be acknowledged along with the 49/51 rule in the New CCL.Denna uppsats behandlar restriktioner för utlĂ€ndskt Ă€gande i aktiebolag i Förenade Arab Emiraten (UAE). Till en början kommer studien att guida oss genom en översikt av bolagsetablering samt bolagsstrukturer i landet, vilket sedermera leder till att specificera skillnaderna mellan frizon och fastland. Följaktligen avgrĂ€nsas studien för att snĂ€vare fokusera pĂ„ aktiebolag i fastlandet. HĂ€r presenteras ”49/51 regeln”, vilken begrĂ€nsar utlĂ€ndska investerare att Ă€ga mer Ă€n 49 % i ett sĂ„dant bolag. Eftersom en restriktion av utlĂ€ndsk Ă€ganderĂ€tt ofta resulterar i konflikter mellan berörda aktieĂ€gare, undersöks olika strategier för att lösa sĂ„dana tvister. Vad vi finner Ă€r att konflikter mellan en utlĂ€ndsk aktieĂ€gare och en lokal aktieĂ€gare ofta har sitt ursprung i just Ă€garstrukturen. Problemet Ă€r sĂ„lunda att avgöra vilken struktur som Ă€r den gĂ€llande: Ă€r det Ă€gandestrukturen som har registrerats hos myndigheterna (i enlighet med 49/51 regeln)? Eller, en annan, olik, struktur som överenskommits i ett separat kontrakt, dvs. sidoavtal? Sidoavtal mellan aktieĂ€gare i UAE utgör ofta en bekrĂ€ftelse pĂ„ att den lokala aktieĂ€garen i sjĂ€lva verket inte Ă€r Ă€gare till 51 % av aktiekapitalet, utan snarare en ”agent” innehavande samma Ă€gandeandel till förmĂ„n för den utlĂ€ndska aktieĂ€garen. Ett flertal studier analyseras och bidrar till olika perspektiv gĂ€llande Ă€ganderestriktioner och en betydande vandring genom rĂ€ttspraxis presenterar diskussioner och beslut gĂ€llande sidoavtal. Följaktligen genomgĂ„r uppsatsen UAE:s rĂ€ttsliga utveckling i förhĂ„llande till the New CCL och the Anti-Fronting Law. Medan the New CCL bland annat syftar till att minska restriktioner för utlĂ€ndskt Ă€gande i vissa sektorer, Ă€r the Anti-Fronting Law:s mĂ„l att förbjuda sidoavtal kringgĂ„ende 49/51 regeln. Resultatet visar att det blir nödvĂ€ndigt för UAE att, i ljuset av dessa tvĂ„ lagar, finna en balans mellan landets avsikt att attrahera internationellt kapital och samtidigt bevara en central roll för lokala medborgare i den inhemska ekonomin. Vidare framför studien att ett förbud mot sidoavtal, i syfte att undkomma 49/51 regeln, kan ha en relativt drastisk pĂ„verkan pĂ„ minoritetsĂ€gare som ofta förlitar sig pĂ„ sĂ„dana uppgörelser. Detta pĂ„visar bland annat stöd emot antagandet av the Anti-Fronting Law, samt en positiv instĂ€llning till sidoavtalets existens. I slutĂ€ndan utvĂ€rderas fördelar och nackdelar med restriktioner av utlĂ€ndskt Ă€gande. Detta skildras i bemĂ€rkelsen av de tvĂ„ nya lagarna samt i betydelsen av sidoavtal. Vi finner att the New CCL:s positiva verkningar övertar de negativa aspekterna. Sidoavtal bevisas var en fungerande metod; om alla parter hĂ„lls nöjda samt om sĂ„dana avtal Ă„terspeglar den verkliga Ă€gandestrukturen. Följaktligen resoneras att the Anti-Fronting Law inte bör implementeras. Fokus torde istĂ€llet ligga pĂ„ the New CCL som syftar till att minska restriktioner för utlĂ€ndskt Ă€gande i vissa sektorer. Sidoavtal bör erkĂ€nnas tillsammans med 49/51 regeln i the New CCL

    N Infinite Dimensional Quadratic Volterra Operators

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    In this paper we study a class of quadratic operators named by Volterra operators on infinite dimensional space. We prove that such operators have infinitely many fixed points and the set of Volterra operators forms a convex compact set. In addition, it is described its extreme points. Besides, we study certain limit behaviors of such operators and give some more examples of Volterra operators for which their trajectories do not converge. Finally, we define a compatible sequence of finite dimensional Volterra operators and prove that any power of this sequence converges in weak topology.Comment: 21 page

    Stability and monotonicity of Lotka–Volterra type operators

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    In the present paper,we investigate stability of trajectories ofLotka–Volterra (LV) type operators defined in finite dimensional simplex.We prove that any LV type operator is a surjection of the simplex. It is introduced a newclass of LV-type operators, called MLV type ones, and we show that trajectories of the introduced operators converge. Moreover, we show that such kind of operators have totally different behavior than f-monotone LV type operators

    Preschool childrenÂŽs language strategies : Language strategies for invitation, exclusion or negotiation in social interactions

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    Sammanfattning Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka hur samt vilka sprĂ„kstrategier barnen anvĂ€nder i sina sociala interaktioner med andra barn och hur dessa sprĂ„kstrategier pĂ„verkar deras kamratrelationer. För att möjliggöra uppnĂ„endet av syftet studerades barnens interaktioner utifrĂ„n tre frĂ„gestĂ€llningar som fokuserade pĂ„ barnens sprĂ„kstrategier för att inbjuda, utesluta eller förhandla med kamrater i lek. Undersökningen bedrevs utifrĂ„n det sociokulturella perspektivet, dĂ„ det verbala sprĂ„ket och interaktion med andra barn ses som nödvĂ€ndigt för barns lĂ€rande och utveckling inom detta perspektiv. Denna studie genomfördes med deltagande observation som metod dĂ„ barnens handlingar och interaktioner behövde studeras i deras dagliga miljö, som Ă€r förskolan. Jag valde deltagande observation som metod eftersom jag ville delta och befinna mig nĂ€ra barnen i förskolan för att undersöka och skapa mig en bild av barnens verklighet. Dessa observationer genomfördes med fĂ€ltanteckningar dĂ€r jag kontinuerligt skrev ner barnens handlingar och uttalande i löpande text. Resultatet visade att barnen har en oerhörd kontroll och medvetenhet kring sprĂ„k och vilka sprĂ„kstrategier som ska anvĂ€ndas nĂ€r och hur. PĂ„ denna förskola och i denna barngrupp upptĂ€cktes Ă„tta sprĂ„kstrategier som barnen anvĂ€nde för att inbjuda, utesluta eller förhandla med kamrater under lek. Dessa sprĂ„kstrategier synliggjorde Ă€ven hur barnens kamratrelationer pĂ„verkades pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt, beroende pĂ„ om sprĂ„kstrategin uteslöt, inbjöd eller rörde sig om förhandling i interaktionerna.Abstract The aim of this thesis was to investigate how and which language strategies children used in their social interactions with other children and how these language strategies affected their peer relationships. In order to enable achievement of the aim of this thesis was the study on children’s interactions based on three questions that focused on childrenÂŽs language strategies to invite, exclude or negotiate with peers during play. The study was based on the socio- cultural perspective, because verbal language and interaction with other children is seen as essential for childrenÂŽs learning and development in this perspective. This study was implemented with participant observation as method because the childrenÂŽs actions and interactions needed to be studied in their daily environment, which is the preschool. The choice of participant observation as method was made because I wanted to participate in the childrenÂŽs interactions and be near the children in the preschool, to investigate my aim and create a picture of the childrenÂŽs reality. These observations were carried out with field notes where I constantly wrote down the childrenÂŽs actions and statements in running text. The results of the study showed that the children have a tremendous control and awareness about language and which language strategies to use when and how. In this preschool and in this group of children eight language strategies was discovered that the children used to invite, exclude or negotiate with peers during play. These language strategies made visible even how childrenÂŽs peer relationships were affected in different ways, depending on whether the language strategy excluded, invited or was about negotiation during the interactions

    The Enneagram and Myers-Briggs Within a Neuroscientific Framework

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    The Enneagram and Myers-Briggs are two well-known personality typing systems that classify personality in different ways. Despite their widespread use, the relationship between the two systems is not well understood. Moreover, we do not yet know how these two aspects of personality emerge from neurobiological processes in the brain. This article presents a model that outlines the specific differences and connections between the two systems, interpreted within a neuroscientific framework. The Enneagram patterns can be correlated with primary emotional processes in the midbrain and limbic system, while the Myers-Briggs patterns correlate with higher cognitive functions in the neocortex. Operating from these two brain levels, the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs patterns interact with each other through bottom-up and top-down influences. In this context, Enneagram patterns influence the development of Myers-Briggs patterns, and Myers-Briggs patterns modulate the expression of Enneagram patterns. In this respect, the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs serve as complementary descriptions of personality that, when used together, can provide a comprehensive understanding of personality. This model could potentially offer significant insights that can guide future research on the neuroscience of personality

    A Neuroscientific View on the Enneagram of Personality

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    The Enneagram is a personality typing system that categorizes individuals into nine distinct types based on their emotional and instinctual patterns. Recently, this typological system has gained considerable attention from neuroscientists, in terms of its potential to help us chart the complexities of emotional brain processes. This article will explore the correlations between the Enneagram and the seven primary-process emotional systems charted by neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp: FEAR, RAGE, GRIEF, SEEKING, LUST, CARE, and PLAY. These correlations may potentially have significant implications for our future understanding of the connection between neuroscience and personality
