30 research outputs found

    Impacto de la inmunoquimioterapia antilinfomatosa sobre el estado inmunológico y virológico de los pacientes adultos con infección por virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana afectos de leucemia o linfoma de Burkitt

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    Objectiu. Analitzar l'impacte de la immunoquimioteràpia antilimfomatosa en l'estat immunològic i virològic a llarg termini dels pacients amb leucèmia/limfoma de Burkitt i infecció pel virus de la immunodeficiència humana (VIH). Pacients y mètode. Dels 25 pacients VIH positius inclosos en l'assaig clínic BURKIMAB del grup cooperatiu PETHEMA entre juliol de 2003 i febrer de 2009, 14 van tenir un seguiment superior a un any. Tots ells van rebre teràpia antirretroviral de gran activitat durant i després de la immunoquimioteràpia. En aquests pacients es va avaluar la resposta virològica (CV 200/L), així com els events tardans relacionats amb el VIH. Resultats. Tretze pacients (93%) eren homes, amb una mediana d'edat de 37 (extrems 31-54) anys. El seguiment medià dels 14 pacients va ser de 37 mesos, (extrems 13-43). Tres (21%) presentaven una resposta immunològica i virològica al TARGA en el moment del diagnòstic de la LB i tots ells van romandre en aquesta situació després de completar la immunoquimioteràpia i durant el seguiment a llarg termini. Quatre (29%) pacients en resposta immunològica però amb càrrega viral detectable en el moment del diagnòstic van assolir la resposta virològica i la van mantenir. Finalment, 5/7 (71%) pacients amb infecció pel VIH no controlada en el moment del diagnòstic van assolir i mantenir la resposta immunològica i virològica després de la immunoquimioteràpia. Després d'un seguiment de 496 pacients-any no s'ha reportat cap pèrdua de resposta al tractament amb TARGA. S'han diagnosticat 4 infeccions associades al VIH: infeccions por micobactèries (2), gastroenteritis de repetició per Blastocystis hominis i sífilis. Un pacient va desenvolupar un sarcoma de Kaposi. Fins la data no s'ha produït cap mort en aquests pacients. Conclusions: La immunoquimioteràpia en els pacients afectes de LB i infecció pel VIH no ha afectat negativament a la resposta virològica ni immunològica obtinguda amb el TARGA y s'ha associat a una baixa incidència d'events relacionats amb el VIH.Objetivo. Analizar el impacto de la inmunoquimioterapia antilinfomatosa en el estado inmunológico y virológico a largo plazo de los pacientes con leucemia/linfoma de Burkitt (LB) e infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Pacientes y método. De los 25 pacientes VIH positivos incluidos en el ensayo clínico BURKIMAB del grupo cooperativo PETHEMA entre julio de 2003 y febrero de 2009, 14 tuvieron un seguimiento superior a un año. Todos ellos recibieron terapia antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA) durante y después de la inmunoquimioterapia. En estos pacientes se evaluó la respuesta virológica (CV 200/L), así como los eventos tardíos relacionados con el VIH. Resultados. Trece pacientes (93%) eran varones, con una mediana de edad de 37 (extremos 31-54) años. El seguimiento mediano de los 14 pacientes fue de 37 meses, (extremos 13-43). Tres (21%) presentaban una respuesta inmunológica y virológica al TARGA en el momento del diagnóstico de la LB y todos ellos permanecieron en esta situación después de completar la inmunoquimioterapia y durante el seguimiento a largo plazo. Cuatro (29%) pacientes en respuesta inmunológica pero con carga viral detectable en el momento del diagnóstico alcanzaron la respuesta virológica y la mantuvieron. Finalmente, 5/7 (71%) pacientes con infección por VIH no controlada en el momento del diagnóstico alcanzaron y mantuvieron la respuesta inmunológica y virológica después de la inmunoquimioterapia. Después de un seguimiento de 496 pacientes-año no se ha reportado ninguna pérdida de repuesta al tratamiento con TARGA. Se han diagnosticado 4 infecciones asociadas al VIH: infecciones por micobacterias (2), gastroenteritis de repetición por Blastocystis hominis y sífilis. Un paciente desarrolló un sarcoma de Kaposi. Hasta la fecha no se ha producido ningún fallecimiento en estos pacientes. Conclusiones: La inmunoquimioterapia en los pacientes afectos de LB e infección por el VIH no ha afectado negativamente a la respuesta virológica e inmunológica obtenida con el TARGA y se ha asociado a una baja incidencia de eventos relacionados con el VIH

    A pediatric regimen for adolescents and young adults with Philadelphia chromosome‐negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Results of the ALLRE08 PETHEMA trial

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    Background: Pediatric-based or -inspired trials have improved the prognosis of adolescents and young adults (AYA) with Philadelphia chromosome-negative (Ph-neg) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Methods: This study reports the results of treatment of the ALLRE08 trial, a full pediatric trial for AYA aged 15-30 years with standard-risk (SR) ALL. Results: From 2008 to 2018, 89 patients (38 adolescents [15-18 years] and 51 young adults [YA, 19-30 years], median age: 20 [15-29] years) were enrolled in the ALLRE08 trial. The complete response (CR) was 95%. Twenty-two patients were transferred to a high-risk (HR) protocol because of poor marrow response on day 14 (n = 20) or high-level of end-induction minimal residual response (MRD ≥ 0.25%, n = 2). Cumulative incidence of relapse (CIR) at 5 years was 35% (95%CI: 23%-47%), with significant differences between adolescents and YA: 13% (4%-28%) vs 52% (34%-67%), P = .012. No treatment-related mortality was observed in 66/66 patients following the ALLRE08 trial vs 3/23 patients moved to a HR trial. The estimated 5-year overall survival (OS) was 74% (95%CI: 63%-85%), with significantly higher rates for adolescents vs YA: 87% (95%CI: 74%-100%) vs 63% (46%-80%), P = .021. Although CIR or OS were lower in patients who were transferred to a HR trial, the differences were not statistically significant (CIR: 34% [21%-47%] vs 37% [14%-61%]; OS: 78% [66%-90%] vs 61% [31%;91%]). Conclusion: A full pediatric trial is feasible and effective for AYA with Ph-neg, SR-ALL, with better results for adolescents than for YA. Outcome of patients with poor early response rescued with a HR trial was not significantly inferior

    A pediatric regimen for adolescents and young adults with Philadelphia chromosome-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia : Results of the ALLRE08 PETHEMA trial

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    Altres ajuts: Supported in part by grants from Fundació La Caixa and CIBERONC (JMHR and AO).Pediatric-based or -inspired trials have improved the prognosis of adolescents and young adults (AYA) with Philadelphia chromosome-negative (Ph-neg) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). This study reports the results of treatment of the ALLRE08 trial, a full pediatric trial for AYA aged 15-30 years with standard-risk (SR) ALL. From 2008 to 2018, 89 patients (38 adolescents [15-18 years] and 51 young adults [YA, 19-30 years], median age: 20 [15-29] years) were enrolled in the ALLRE08 trial. The complete response (CR) was 95%. Twenty-two patients were transferred to a high-risk (HR) protocol because of poor marrow response on day 14 (n = 20) or high-level of end-induction minimal residual response (MRD ≥ 0.25%, n = 2). Cumulative incidence of relapse (CIR) at 5 years was 35% (95%CI: 23%-47%), with significant differences between adolescents and YA: 13% (4%-28%) vs 52% (34%-67%), P = .012. No treatment-related mortality was observed in 66/66 patients following the ALLRE08 trial vs 3/23 patients moved to a HR trial. The estimated 5-year overall survival (OS) was 74% (95%CI: 63%-85%), with significantly higher rates for adolescents vs YA: 87% (95%CI: 74%-100%) vs 63% (46%-80%), P = .021. Although CIR or OS were lower in patients who were transferred to a HR trial, the differences were not statistically significant (CIR: 34% [21%-47%] vs 37% [14%-61%]; OS: 78% [66%-90%] vs 61% [31%;91%]). A full pediatric trial is feasible and effective for AYA with Ph-neg, SR-ALL, with better results for adolescents than for YA. Outcome of patients with poor early response rescued with a HR trial was not significantly inferior. A full pediatric trial is feasible and effective for adolescent and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, with better results for adolescents than for young adults. The outcome of patients showing poor early response was not significantly inferior than that observed for good responders after being transferred to a high-risk trial

    Efficacy and safety of native versus pegylated Escherichia coli asparaginase for treatment of adults with high-risk, Philadelphia chromosome-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Native or pegylated (PEG) asparaginase (ASP) are commonly used in treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), but have been scarcely compared in the same trial in adult patients. Native vs. PEG-ASP administered according to availability in each center were prospectively evaluated in adults with high-risk ALL. Ninety-one patients received native ASP and 35 PEG-ASP in induction. No significant differences were observed in complete remission, minimal residual disease levels after induction and after consolidation, disease-free survival, and overall survival. No significant differences in grades 3–4 toxicity were observed in the induction period, although a trend for higher hepatic toxicity was observed in patients receiving PEG-ASP. In this trial the type of ASP did not influence patient response and outcome.Supported in part with the grants PI10/01417 from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias and RD12/0036/0029 from RTICC, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, 2014 SGR225(GRE), CERCA Program, Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain, and a funding from ‘La Caixa’ Foundation

    Feasibility and outcomes after dose reduction of immunochemotherapy in young adults with Burkitt lymphoma and leukemia: results of the BURKIMAB14 trial

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    High dose -intensive or infusional intermediate -dose immunochemotherapy is highly effective treatment for Burkitt lymphoma irrespective of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. However, toxicities of these regimens are relevant, especially in older adults and elderly patients. The prospective multicenter BURKIMAB14 trial included four to six blocks of immunochemotherapy according to stage (localized: 1 and 2 non -bulky; advanced: 2 bulky, 3, 4) and age, with dose reduction in patients >55 years old. Dose -intensity of chemotherapy was reduced in patients 55 years old had a significantly higher treatment -related mortality despite dose reduction of chemotherapy. With a median follow-up of 3.61 years the 4 -year OS probability was 73% (range, 63-81%). Age (55 years) and stage (localized vs. advanced) had prognostic significance. No significant differences in OS were observed in HIV -positive versus HIV -negative patients. The results of BURKIMAB14 are similar to those of other dose -intensive immunochemotherapy trials. Age >55 years and advanced stage, but not HIV infection, were associated with poor survival. Dose reduction of chemotherapy in young adults in CMR is safe and does not impact outcomes (clinicaltrials gov. Identifier: NCT05049473)

    European LeukemiaNet 2017 risk stratification for acute myeloid leukemia: validation in a risk-adapted protocol

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    The 2017 European LeukemiaNet (ELN 2017) guidelines for the diagnosis and management of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) have become fundamental guidelines to assess the prognosis and postremission therapy of patients. However, they have been retrospectively validated in few studies with patients included in different treatment protocols. We analyzed 861 patients included in the Cooperativo Para el Estudio y Tratamiento de las Leucemias Agudas y Mielodisplasias-12 risk-adapted protocol, which indicates cytarabine-based consolidation for patients allocated to the ELN 2017 favorable-risk group, whereas it recommends allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT) as a postremission strategy for the ELN 2017 intermediateand adverse-risk groups. We retrospectively classified patients according to the ELN 2017, with 327 (48%), 109 (16%), and 245 (36%) patients allocated to the favorable-, intermediate-, and adverse-risk group, respectively. The 2- and 5-year overall survival (OS) rates were 77% and 70% for favorable-risk patients, 52% and 46% for intermediate-risk patients, and 33% and 23% for adverse-risk patients, respectively. Furthermore, we identified a subgroup of patients within the adverse group (inv(3)/t(3;3), complex karyotype, and/or TP53 mutation/17p abnormality) with a particularly poor outcome, with a 2-year OS of 15%. Our study validates the ELN 2017 risk stratification in a large cohort of patients treated with an ELN-2017 risk-adapted protocol based on alloSCT after remission for nonfavorable ELN subgroups and identifies a genetic subset with a very poor outcome that warrants investigation of novel strategies

    Adverse prognostic impact of complex karyotype (≥3 cytogenetic alterations) in adult T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL)

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    © 2021 The Author(s).The potential prognostic value of conventional karyotyping in adult T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) remains an open question. We hypothesized that a modified cytogenetic classification, based on the number and type of cytogenetic abnormalities, would allow the identification of high-risk adult T-ALL patients. Complex karyotype defined by the presence of ≥3 cytogenetic alterations identified T-ALL patients with poor prognosis in this study. Karyotypes with ≥3 abnormalities accounted for 16 % (22/139) of all evaluable karyotypes, corresponding to the largest poor prognosis cytogenetic subgroup of T-ALL identified so far. Patients carrying karyotypes with ≥3 cytogenetic alterations showed a significantly inferior response to therapy, and a poor outcome in terms of event-free survival (EFS), overall survival (OS) and cumulative incidence of relapse (CIR), independently of other baseline characteristics and the end-induction minimal residual disease (MRD) level. Additional molecular analyses of patients carrying ≥3 cytogenetic alterations showed a unique molecular profile that could contribute to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms of resistance and to evaluate novel targeted therapies (e.g. IL7R directed) with potential impact on outcome of adult T-ALL patients.This project was supported by the AECC (GC16173697BIGA); ISCIII (PI19/01828) co-funded by ERDF/ESF "A way to make Europe"/ "Investing in your future", CERCA/Generalitat de Catalunya SGR 2017 288 (GRC)/ “La Caixa” P. Barba was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III FIS16/01433 and PERIS 2018-2020 from Generalitat de Catalunya (BDNS357800)

    Adverse prognostic impact of complex karyotype (≥3 cytogenetic alterations) in adult T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL)

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    The potential prognostic value of conventional karyotyping in adult T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) remains an open question. We hypothesized that a modified cytogenetic classification, based on the number and type of cytogenetic abnormalities, would allow the identification of high-risk adult T-ALL patients. Complex karyotype defined by the presence of ≥3 cytogenetic alterations identified T-ALL patients with poor prognosis in this study. Karyotypes with ≥3 abnormalities accounted for 16 % (22/139) of all evaluable karyotypes, corresponding to the largest poor prognosis cytogenetic subgroup of T-ALL identified so far. Patients carrying karyotypes with ≥3 cytogenetic alterations showed a significantly inferior response to therapy, and a poor outcome in terms of event-free survival (EFS), overall survival (OS) and cumulative incidence of relapse (CIR), independently of other baseline characteristics and the end-induction minimal residual disease (MRD) level. Additional molecular analyses of patients carrying ≥3 cytogenetic alterations showed a unique molecular profile that could contribute to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms of resistance and to evaluate novel targeted therapies (e.g. IL7R directed) with potential impact on outcome of adult T-ALL patients

    Outcomes and prognostic factors of adults with refractory or relapsed T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia included in measurable residual disease-oriented trials

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    Despite high complete remission (CR) rates with frontline therapy, relapses are frequent in adults with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) with limited salvage options. We analyzed the outcomes and prognostic factors for CR to salvage therapy and overall survival (OS) of patients with R/R T-ALL included in two prospective measurable residual disease-oriented trials. Seventy-five patients (70 relapsed, 5 refractory) were identified. Relapses occurred in bone marrow, isolated or combined in 50 patients, and in the central nervous system (CNS; isolated or combined) in 20. Second CR was attained in 30/75 patients (40%). Treatment with FLAG-Ida and isolated CNS relapse were independently associated with a higher CR rate after first salvage therapy. The median OS was 6.2 (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.9–8.6) months, with a 4-year OS probability of 18% (95% CI, 9%–27%). No differences in survival were observed according to the treatment with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients in CR after first salvage therapy. Multivariable analysis showed a ≥12-month interval between first CR and relapse, CR after first salvage therapy and isolated CNS relapse as favorable prognostic factors for OS with hazard ratios (HR) (95% CI) of 1.931 (1.109–3.362), 2.958 (1.640–5.334), and 2.976 (1.157–7.655), respectively. This study confirms the poor outcomes of adults with R/R T-ALL among whom FLAG-Ida was the best of the rescue therapies evaluated. Late relapse, CR after first rescue therapy and isolated CNS relapse showed prognostic impact on survival. More effective rescue therapies are needed in adults with R/R T-ALL.La Caixa" Foundation and ISCIII, Grant/ Award Number: PI19/01828; Generalitat de Catalunya (GRC), Grant/Award Number: 2017 SGR28

    Genomics improves risk stratifi cation of adults with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia enrolled in measurable residual disease-oriented trials

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    Genetic information has been crucial to understand the pathogenesis of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) at diagnosis and at relapse, but still nowadays has a limited value in a clinical context. Few genetic markers are associated with the outcome of T-ALL patients, independently of measurable residual disease (MRD) status after therapy. In addition, the prognostic relevance of genetic features may be modulated by the specific treatment used. We analyzed the genetic profile of 145 T-ALL patients by targeted deep sequencing. Genomic information was integrated with the clinical -biological and survival data of a subset of 116 adult patients enrolled in two consecutive MRD-oriented trials of the Spanish PETHEMA (Programa Espanol de Tratamientos en Hematologia) group. Genetic analysis revealed a mutational profile defined by DNMT3A/ N/KRAS/ MSH2/ U2AF1 gene mutations that identified refractory/resistant patients. Mutations in the DMNT3A gene were also found in the non-leukemic cell fraction of patients with T-ALL, revealing a possible mutational-driven clonal hematopoiesis event to prime T-ALL in elderly. The prognostic impact of this adverse genetic profile was independent of MRD status on day +35 of induction therapy. The combined worse-outcome genetic signature and MRD on day +35 allowed risk stratification of T-ALL into standard or high-risk groups with significantly different 5 -year overall survival (OS) of 52% (95% confidence interval: 37-67) and 17% (95% confidence interval: 1-33), respectively. These results confirm the relevance of the tumor genetic profile in predicting patient outcome in adult T-ALL and highlight the need for novel gene-targeted chemotherapeutic schedules to improve the OS of poor-prognosis T-ALL patients