98 research outputs found

    Electron microscopy analysis of ATP-independent nucleosome unfolding by FACT

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    FACT is a histone chaperone that participates in nucleosome removal and reassembly during transcription and replication. We used electron microscopy to study FACT, FACT:Nhp6 and FACT:Nhp6:nucleosome complexes, and found that all complexes adopt broad ranges of configurations, indicating high flexibility. We found unexpectedly that the DNA binding protein Nhp6 also binds to the C-terminal tails of FACT subunits, inducing more open geometries of FACT even in the absence of nucleosomes. Nhp6 therefore supports nucleosome unfolding by altering both the structure of FACT and the properties of nucleosomes. Complexes formed with FACT, Nhp6, and nucleosomes also produced a broad range of structures, revealing a large number of potential intermediates along a proposed unfolding pathway. The data suggest that Nhp6 has multiple roles before and during nucleosome unfolding by FACT, and that the process proceeds through a series of energetically similar intermediate structures, ultimately leading to an extensively unfolded form

    Peculiarities of development of innovative enterprises in Kazakhstan

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    In modern conditions of development of the national economy, one of the main priorities, for an increasingly conscious Kazakhstan society, is the need to follow the course of innovation policy, since the level of competitiveness of domestic enterprises depends on innovative activity in the scale of the global economy, the share in different types of markets and the effectiveness of innovation. In this article, a literature review of domestic and foreign reseach is conducted, which carried out the regularities and the features of the development of innovation and innovation action, including the Republic of Kazakhstan. As a result of the conducted study, the theoretical and the methodological aspects of researching the development of innovation policy are systematized, on the basis of which the corresponding conclusions are drawn.peer-reviewe

    Communication of uneasiness with sociability level at teenagers

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    In this article the research of communication of uneasiness with sociability at teenagers is made.В данной статье описаны результаты исследования связи тревожности с уровнем общительности у старших школьников

    Progressive Tax Scale as a Factor of Economic Stability of the Budget System of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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    CC BY-NC-ND 4.0The purpose of the study is to cover the main theoretical aspects related to the concept of a progressive tax scale; to analyse the history of the development of a progressive tax scale; to substantiate expediency of application of a progressive scale of the taxation as the factor of economic stability of the budgetary system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The study is based on the methodology of scientific knowledge, systematic analysis of the theory of progressive taxation. In addition, the study also used the following leading methods – the method of scientific abstraction, generalisation, comparison, analysis and synthesis, grouping, formalisation, historical and logical analysis of theoretical and practical material. For example, with the help of the method of scientific knowledge, the tendency of development and functioning of a progressive tax scale was studied. Methods of abstraction and generalisation allowed identifying the main aspects that need to be taken into account when introducing a progressive tax scale in the tax system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The method of comparison helped to compare the practice of other countries in the field of functioning of the progressive tax scale. Using the historical method, the evolution of the formation of a progressive tax scale was revealed. The article presents a detailed analysis of the evolution of the progressive tax scale. Researchers are trying to reveal the meaning of basic concepts and categories, to characterise the progressive tax scale, as well as to justify the necessity of its application for the purpose of economic stability of the budget system of the Republic of Kazakhstan


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    This work was supported by the Russian Scientific Foundation (project 22-23-00006)

    Subjective perception by students of quality and significance of the employment and their psychoemotical condition

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    In this article, we examine the relationship between the psych emotional state of students of clinical psychologists in the classroom with the assessment of the quality and significance of the training. The research was carried out with the purpose of revealing the consistency of the subjective perception of the educational process and the emotional attitude of the students towards it. The results obtained can be used to improve the quality of education and help students develop a motivational sphere.В данной статье рассмотрена связь психоэмоционального состояния студентов клинических психологов на занятии с оценкой ими качества и значимости обучения. Исследование было проведено с целью выявления согласованности субъективного восприятия учебного процесса и эмоционального отношения студентов к нему. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы в целях улучшения качества образования и помощи студентам в развитии мотивационной сфер

    The specificity of psychological protection in the period of remission in patients with cancer

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    The article defines the concept of psychological protection, describes the specificity of the manifestation of each of the 8 types of protection. The authors gave answers to the following questions - What kind of psychological defense is dominant in people with cancer in remission and in people who do not have this disease? What features have data protection and how manifest in human life?В статье дано развёрнутое определение понятию психологической защиты, описана специфика проявления каждой из 8 типов защит. Авторы дают ответы на следующие вопросы: Какая психологическая защита является доминирующей у людей с онкологическими заболеваниями в стадии ремиссии и у людей, не имеющих данное заболевание? Какие особенности имеют данные защиты и как проявляются в жизни человека