33 research outputs found

    Fast simulation of the pantograph-catenary dynamic interaction

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    Simulation of the pantograph-catenary dynamic interaction has now become a useful tool for designing and optimizing the system. In order to perform accurate simulations, including system non-linearities, the Finite Element Method is commonly employed combined with a time integration scheme, even though the computational time required may be longer than with the use of other simpler approaches. In this paper we propose a two-stage methodology (Offline/Online) which notably reduces the computational cost without any loss in accuracy and makes it possible to successfully carry out very efficient optimizations or even Hardware in the Loop simulations with real-time requirements.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support received from the FPU program offered by the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte under grant number (FPU13/04191), and also funding from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2016/007).Gregori Verdú, S.; Tur Valiente, M.; Nadal Soriano, E.; Aguado, J.; Fuenmayor Fernández, FJ.; Chinesta, F. (2017). Fast simulation of the pantograph-catenary dynamic interaction. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 129:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.finel.2017.01.007S11312

    Bilateral early activation of retinal microglial cells in a mouse model of unilateral laser-induced experimental ocular hypertension

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    The immune system plays an important role in glaucomatous neurodegeneration. Retinal microglial reactivation associated with ganglion cell loss could reportedly contribute to the glaucoma progression. Recently we have described signs of microglia activation both in contralateral and ocular hypertension (OHT) eyes involving all retinal layers 15 days after OHT laser induction in mice. However, no works available have analyzed the microglial activation at earliest time points after OHT induction (24 h) in this experimental model. Thus, we seek to describe and quantify signs of microglia activation and differences depending on the retinal layer, 24 h after unilateral laser-induced OHT. Two groups of adult Swiss mice were used: age-matched control (naïve) and lasered. In the lasered animals, OHT eyes as well as contralateral eyes were analyzed. Retinal whole-mounts were immunostained with antibodies against Iba-1 and MHC-II. We quantified the number of microglial cells in the photoreceptor layer (OS), outer plexiform layer (OPL), and inner plexiform layer (IPL); the number of microglial vertical processes connecting the OPL and OS; the area of the retina occupied by Iba-1+ cells (Iba1-RA) in the nerve fiber layer-ganglion cell layer (NFL-GCL), the total arbor area of microglial cells in the OPL and IPL and; Iba-1+ cell body area in the OPL, IPL and NFL-GCL. In contralateral and OHT eyes the morphological features of Iba-1+ cell activation were: migration, enlargement of the cell body, higher degree of branching and reorientation of the processes, radial disposition of the soma and processes toward adjacent microglial plexuses, and presence of amoeboid cells acting as macrophages. These signs were more pronounced in OHT eyes. Most of Iba-1+ cells did not express MHC-II; rather, only dendritic and rounded cells expressed it. In comparison with naïve eyes, in OHT eyes and contralateral eyes no significant differences were found in the microglial cell number; but there was a significant increase in Iba1-RA. The total arbor area of microglial cells was significantly decreased in: i) OHT eyes with respect contralateral eyes and naïve-eyes in IPL; ii) OHT eyes with respect to naïve eyes in OPL. The number of microglial vertical processes connecting the OPL and OS were significantly increased in contralateral eyes compared with naïve-eyes and OHT eyes. In OPL, IPL and NFL-GCL, the cell body area of Iba-1+ cells was significantly greater in OHT eyes than in naïve and contralateral eyes, and greater in contralateral eyes than in naïve eyes. A non-proliferative microglial reactivation was detected both in contralateral eyes and in OHT eyes in an early time after unilateral laser-induced OHT (24 h). This fast microglial activation, which involves the contralateral eye, could be mediated by the immune system

    Retinal Molecular Changes Are Associated with Neuroinflammation and Loss of RGCs in an Experimental Model of Glaucoma

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    Signaling mediated by cytokines and chemokines is involved in glaucoma-associated neuroinflammation and in the damage of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Using multiplexed immunoassay and immunohistochemical techniques in a glaucoma mouse model at different time points after ocular hypertension (OHT), we analyzed (i) the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, anti-inflammatory cytokines, BDNF, VEGF, and fractalkine; and (ii) the number of Brn3a+ RGCs. In OHT eyes, there was an upregulation of (i) IFN-γ at days 3, 5, and 15; (ii) IL-4 at days 1, 3, 5, and 7 and IL-10 at days 3 and 5 (coinciding with downregulation of IL1-β at days 1, 5, and 7); (iii) IL-6 at days 1, 3, and 5; (iv) fractalkine and VEGF at day 1; and (v) BDNF at days 1, 3, 7, and 15. In contralateral eyes, there were (i) an upregulation of IL-1β at days 1 and 3 and a downregulation at day 7, coinciding with the downregulation of IL4 at days 3 and 5 and the upregulation at day 7; (ii) an upregulation of IL-6 at days 1, 5, and 7 and a downregulation at 15 days; (iii) an upregulation of IL-10 at days 3 and 7; and (iv) an upregulation of IL-17 at day 15. In OHT eyes, there was a reduction in the Brn3a+ RGCs number at days 3, 5, 7, and 15. OHT changes cytokine levels in both OHT and contralateral eyes at different time points after OHT induction, confirming the immune system involvement in glaucomatous neurodegeneration

    Caracterizacion en roedores adultos de la población de células ganglionares de retina melanopsínicas y estudio de la degeneración de las células ganglionares tras hipertensión ocular y neuroprotección

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    Objetivos • Caracterizar la población de CGRm del ratón pigmentado y albino adulto. • Estudiar la degeneración de las CGR y las CGRm después de HTO en ratón pigmentado. • Estudiar la degeneración de las CGR y las CGRm después de HTO y su protección con BDNF en rata albina adulta. Material y métodos Para la realización de los experimentos se utilizaron ratones machos pigmentados y albinos adultos y ratas hembras adultas albinas. Las manipulaciones de los animales se realizaron siguiendo la normativa europea (Directiva 2010/63/UE) y nacional (RD 53/2013) sobre la protección de los animales utilizados para la experimentación y otros fines científicos. Para caracterizar la población de CGRm del ratón pigmentado y albino adulto, se inmunodetectaron secciones transversales de retina y retinas a plano con el anticuerpo contra la melanopsina, con el anticuerpo contra Brn3a y se contratiñeron los núcleos de todas las células de la retina con DAPI. Para estudiar la proyección de las CGRm, se aplicó en ambos CS o en el muñón del nervio óptico el trazador neuronal OHSt. Para estudiar la degeneración de las CGR y las CGRm después de HTO en ratón pigmentado, se caracterizó el modelo de HTO fotocoagulando con láser las venas perilimbares y epiesclerales del ratón. Para analizar el curso temporal de daño axonal y muerte de las CGR y las CGRm, las CGR fueron trazadas retrógradamente desde los CS con OHSt, las retinas se inmunodetectaron con Brn3a y melanopsina, y se analizaron a las 2 y 4 semanas. Para estudiar la degeneración de las CGR y las CGRm después de HTO y su protección con BDNF en rata albina adulta, se analizó el curso temporal de daño axonal y muerte de las CGR y CGRm tras HTO en retinas tratadas con BDNF o vehículo. Las CGR fueron trazadas retrógradamente desde los CS con FG, y las retinas se inmunodetectaron con Brn3a y se analizaron a 12 y 15 días tras la inducción de la HTO. Para el análisis estadístico, el test Kruskal-Wallis se utilizó cuando se compararon dos o más grupos y el test Mann-Whitney cuando se compararon dos grupos solamente. Las diferencias entre grupos se consideraron estadísticamente significativas para p<0.05. Resultados Los ratones pigmentados y albinos tienen un número similar de CGRm (1.021±109 CGRm pigmentado y 962±169 CGRm albino). En los ratones pigmentados las CGRm son más abundantes en la retina tempora y en los albinos están más localizadas en la retina superior. Ambos ratones también tienen CGRm desplazadas (CGRm-d) en la capa nuclear interna, que representan el 14% del total de CGRm en ratones pigmentados y el 5% en los albinos. El marcaje desde ambos CS muestra que el 98% (pigmentado) y el 97% (albino) de la población total de CGRm se marcan retrógradamente, mientras que el estudio de colocalización de melanopsina y Brn3a confirma que un porcentaje muy pequeño de CGRm expresa este factor de transcripción en ratones. En el estudio del marcaje retrógrado colocando OHSt en el muñón del nervio óptico demuestra que no todas las CGRm eran trazadas. Existía una subpoblación de CGRm-d (14% en pigmentados y 28% en albinos) y CGRm residentes en la zona ciliar marginal de la retina (20% en pigmentados y 24% en albinos) que no se trazaban desde el nervio óptico; por lo que estas células no envían el axón a través del nervio óptico y pueden ser consideradas interneuronas de la retina, quizá relacionadas con el reflejo pupilar intrínseco. En el estudio de la caracterización del modelo de hipertensión ocular en el ratón pigmentado observamos un aumento significativo de la presión intraocular desde las primeras 6 horas de la fotocoagulación láser hasta los 5 días. En ratón pigmentado, la HTO resulta en una pérdida difusa y/o sectorial de CGR trazadas con el trazador neuronal OHSt (CGR OHSt+) (50% a 2 semanas y 62% a 4 semanas). Sin embargo, a las 2 semanas aún se observa un 66% de CGR marcadas con Brn3a (CGR Brn3a+). Esto indica que sobreviven en la retina aproximadamente un 16% de CGR cuyo transporte axonal retrógrado está comprometido. Parte de estas CGR acaban muriendo y a las 4 semanas el número de CGR trazadas con OHSt e inmunodetectadas con Brn3a se iguala. La población de CGRm disminuyó aproximadamente al 59% a las 2 semanas y al 46% a las 4 semanas, valores similares a los de las CGR Brn3a+ para los mismos tiempos. La distribución topográfica de la pérdida de CGRm, aunque era mayor en la zona supero-temporal de retina, no era sectorial, sino difusa a lo largo de la retina y no se complementaba con la distribución de la pérdida del resto de CGR. En rata albina, la HTO resulta en una pérdida sectorial de las CGR FG+ (78 y 84% a los 12 y 15 días, respectivamente). El número de CGR Brn3a+ fue significativamente mayor para ambos tiempos de estudio, esto indica que una proporción considerable (≈21 - 26%) de CGR sobreviven en la retina con su transporte axonal retrógrado deteriorado. Las CGRm también presentaron una disminución significativa (50-51%) y esta pérdida, al igual que en ratón, fue difusa. La administración intravítrea de BDNF aumentó la supervivencia de las CGR Brn3a+ a 81 y 67% a los 12 y 15 días, respectivamente, pero no tuvo ningún efecto sobre las CGRm. D. Francisco Javier Valiente Soriano “Characterization in adult rodents of the melanopsin retinal ganglion cells population and study of the retinal ganglion cells degeneration after ocular hypertension and neuroprotection” SUMMARY Objetives • Characterization of the mRGC population of adult pigmented and albino mouse. • Study the RGC and mRGC degeneration after OHT in the pigmented mouse. • Study the RGC and mRGC degeneration after OHT and their protection with BDNF in adult albino rat. Material and methods To perform the experiments we used adult pigmented mice, adult albino mice and female adult albino rats. Manipulations of animals were carried out according to the European (Directive 2010/63/UE) and National (RD 53/2013) regulations existing on the protection of animals used for experimentation and other scientific purposes. To study the characterization of the mRGC population of adult pigmented and albino mouse, cross sections of retina and whole mounts were immunoreacted with anti-melanopsin antibody, with anti-Brn3a antibody and stained with DAPI. To study the projection of the mRGC, the neuronal tracer OHSt was applied in both SC or in the optic nerve. To study the RGC and mRGC degeneration after OHT in the pigmented mouse, ocular hypertension model was performed by laser photocoagulation of the perilimbar and epiescleral veins of the experimental eye. To study the time course of the axonal damage and RGC and mRGC death caused, the RGC were traced from the SC with OHSt and retinas were immunodetected with Brn3a and melanopsin and analyzed at 2 and 4 weeks. To study the RGC and mRGC degeneration after OHT and their protection with BDNF in adult albino rat, we analyzed the time course of the axonal damage and RGC and mRGC death after OHT in BDNF or vehicle-treated retinas, RGC were retrogradely traced from the SC with the retrogradely transported tracer fluorogold (FG), retinas were immunodetected with Brn3a and analyzed at 12 and 15 days after the induction of OHT. For statistical analysis, Kruskal–Wallis test was used when comparing more than two groups and Mann–Whitney when comparing two groups only. Differences were considered significant when p<0.05. Results Both pigmented and albino mice have a similar number of mRGC (1,021±109 mRGC in pigmented, 962±169 mRGC in albino). The mRGC are most abundant in the temporal retina in pigmented mice, and in dorsal retina in albino mice. Both mice also have displaced mRGC (d-mRGC) located in the inner nuclear layer representing 14% of the total population of mRGC in pigmented mice and 5% in albino mice. The 98% (pigmented) or 97% (albino) of the total population of mRGC were marked retrogradely from both SC, while the colocalization study of melanopsin and Brn3a confirms that a very small percentage of this transcription factor was expressed by mice mRGC. A surprising fact in the study of retrograde labeling with OHSt applied on the ON stump was that not all the mRGC were traced. A subpopulation of d-mRGC (14% in pigmented and 28% in albino) and mRGC located in the ciliary marginal zone of the retina (20% pigmented and 24% in albino) that were not traced from the optic nerve, that means that these cells do not send an axon into the optic nerve and can be considered an interneuron of the retina, perhaps related to the intrinsic pupil reflex. In the study of the characterization of ocular hypertension model in pigmented mouse, a significant increase of the intraocular pressure (IOP) was observed from 6 hours of laser photocoagulation up to 5 days. OHT results in a sectorial and/or diffuse loss of RGC traced with OHSt (OHSt+RGC) (50% at 2 weeks and 62% at 4 weeks). However, at 2 weeks, 66% of RGC, which were immunodetected with Brn3a (Brn3a+RGC) were still present. This indicates that at this time around 16% of RGC survive in the retina with their retrograde axonal transport committed. These RGC, however, died at 4 weeks and the number of traced OHSt+RGC and immunodetected Brn3a+RGC was equal. The mRGC population decreased to 59% at 2 weeks and to 46% at 4 weeks. These percentages of loss were similar to the Brn3a+RGC at the same time points. The loss of the mRGC was higher in the supero-temporal area of the retina. However, this loss was not sectorial, but was diffuse along the retina, and did not parallel the distribution of loss of the rest of RGC. In albino rat, OHT resulted in a sectorial loss of FG+RGC (78-84% at 12 and 15 days, respectively). The number of Brn3a+RGC was significantly higher in both times of study, which indicates that a significant proportion (≈21-26%) of RGC survive in the retina with their impaired retrograde axonal transport. The mRGC also presented a significant reduction of approximately 50-51%, and this loss, as in mice, was diffuse. The intravitreal administration of BDNF increased the Brn3a+RGC survival to 81% and 67% at 12 and 15 days, respectively, but had no effect on the mRGC. The study of the inner retinal vasculature did not show any abnormality that could explain the sectorial loss of RGC

    A Chronic Ocular-Hypertensive Rat Model induced by Injection of the Sclerosant Agent Polidocanol in the Aqueous Humor Outflow Pathway

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    Background: To induce a moderate chronic ocular hypertension (OHT) by injecting polidocanol, a foamed sclerosant drug, in the aqueous humor outflow pathway. Methods: Intraocular pressure (IOP) was monitored for up to 6 months. Pattern and full-field electroretinogram (PERG and ERG) were recorded and retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness were assessed in vivo with optical coherence tomography (OCT) and ex vivo using Brn3a immunohistochemistry. Results: In the first 3 weeks post-injection, a significant IOP elevation was observed in the treated eyes (18.47 3.36 mmHg) when compared with the control fellow eyes (12.52 2.84 mmHg) (p 25% over the baseline. PERG responses were seen to be significantly reduced in the hypertensive eyes (2.25 0.24 V) compared to control eyes (1.44 0.19 V) (p < 0.01) at week 3, whereas the ERG components (photoreceptor a-wave and bipolar cell b-wave) remained unaltered. By week 24, RNFL thinning and cell loss in the ganglion cell layer was first detected (2/13, 15.3%) as assessed by OCT and light microscopy. Conclusions: This novel OHT rat model, with moderate levels of chronically elevated IOP, and abnormal PERG shows selective functional impairment of RGC.Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017–2020 (RD16/0008/0026; RD16/0008/0020; FIS/PI 18-00754)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SAF2015-67643, CIBER-BBN)Fundación Séneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología Región de Murcia (19881/GERM/15)4.556 JCR (2019) Q1, 74/297 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology1.317 SJR (2019) Q1, 8/77 SpectroscopyNo data IDR 2019UE

    Ocular Hypertension Results in Retinotopic Alterations in the Visual Cortex of Adult Mice

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    PURPOSE: Glaucoma is a group of optic neuropathies characterized by the loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Since ocular hypertension (OHT) is a main risk factor, current therapies are predominantly based on lowering eye pressure. However, a subset of treated patients continues to lose vision. More research into pathological mechanisms underlying glaucoma is therefore warranted in order to develop novel therapeutic strategies. In this study we investigated the impact of OHT from eye to brain in mice. METHODS: Monocular hypertension (mOHT) was induced in CD-1 mice by laser photocoagulation (LP) of the perilimbal and episcleral veins. The impact on the retina and its main direct target area, the superficial superior colliculus (sSC), was examined via immunostainings for Brn3a, VGluT2 and GFAP. Alterations in neuronal activity in V1 and extrastriate areas V2L and V2M were assessed using in situ hybridization for the activity reporter gene zif268. RESULTS: Transient mOHT resulted in diffuse and sectorial RGC degeneration. In the sSC contralateral to the OHT eye, a decrease in VGluT2 immunopositive synaptic connections was detected one week post LP, which appeared to be retinotopically linked to the sectorial RGC degeneration patterns. In parallel, hypoactivity was discerned in contralateral retinotopic projection zones in V1 and V2. Despite complete cortical reactivation 4 weeks post LP, in the sSC no evidence for recovery of RGC synapse density was found and also the concomitant inflammation was not completely resolved. Nevertheless, sSC neurons appeared healthy upon histological inspection and subsequent analysis of cell density revealed no differences between the ipsi- and contralateral sSC. CONCLUSION: In addition to RGC death, OHT induces loss of synaptic connections and neuronal activity in the visual pathway and is accompanied by an extensive immune response. Our findings stress the importance of looking beyond the eye and including the whole visual system in glaucoma research.peerreview_statement: The publishing and review policy for this title is described in its Aims & Scope. aims_and_scope_url: http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=icey20status: publishe

    Potential role of P2X7 receptor in neurodegenerative processes in a murine model of glaucoma

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    Glaucoma is a common cause of visual impairment and blindness, characterized by retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death. The mechanisms that trigger the development of glaucoma remain unknown and have gained significant relevance in the study of this neurodegenerative disease. P2X7 purinergic receptors (P2X7R) could be involved in the regulation of the synaptic transmission and neuronal death in the retina through different pathways. The aim of this study was to characterize the molecular signals underlying glaucomatous retinal injury. The time-course of functional, morphological, and molecular changes in the glaucomatous retina of the DBA/2J mice were investigated. The expression and localization of P2X7R was analysed in relation with retinal markers. Caspase-3, JNK, and p38 were evaluated in control and glaucomatous mice by immunohistochemical and western-blot analysis. Furthermore, electroretinogram recordings (ERG) were performed to assess inner retina dysfunction. Glaucomatous mice exhibited changes in P2X7R expression as long as the pathology progressed. There was P2X7R overexpression in RGCs, the primary injured neurons, which correlated with the loss of function through ERG measurements. All analyzed MAPK and caspase-3 proteins were upregulated in the DBA/2J retinas suggesting a pro-apoptotic cell death. The increase in P2X7Rs presence may contribute, together with other factors, to the changes in retinal functionality and the concomitant death of RGCs. These findings provide evidence of possible intracellular pathways responsible for apoptosis regulation during glaucomatous degeneration

    β-alanine supplementation induces taurine depletion and causes alterations of the retinal nerve fiber layer and axonal transport by retinal ganglion cells

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    International audienceTo study the effect of taurine depletion induced by β-alanine supplementation in the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), and retinal ganglion cell (RGC) survival and axonal transport. Albino Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups: one group received β-alanine supplementation (3%) in the drinking water during 2 months to induce taurine depletion, and the other group received regular water. After one month, half of the rats from each group were exposed to light. Retinas were analyzed in-vivo using Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT). Prior to processing, RGCs were retrogradely traced with fluorogold (FG) applied to both superior colliculi, to assess the state of their retrograde axonal transport. Retinas were dissected as wholemounts, surviving RGCs were immunoidentified with Brn3a, and the RFNL with phosphorylated high-molecular-weight subunit of the neurofilament triplet (pNFH) antibodies. β-alanine supplementation decreases significantly taurine plasma levels and causes a significant reduction of the RNFL thickness that is increased after light exposure. An abnormal pNFH immunoreactivity in some RGC bodies, their proximal dendrites and axons, and a further diminution of the mean number of FG-traced RGCs compared with Brn3a + RGCs, indicate that their retrograde axonal transport is affected. In conclusion, taurine depletion causes RGC loss and axonal transport impairment. Finally, our results suggest that care should be taken when ingesting β-alanine supplements due to the limited understanding of their potential adverse effects

    Microglia in mouse retina contralateral to experimental glaucoma exhibit multiple signs of activation in all retinal layers

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    Background: Glaucomatous optic neuropathy, a leading cause of blindness, can progress despite control of intraocular pressure - currently the main risk factor and target for treatment. Glaucoma progression shares mechanisms with neurodegenerative disease, including microglia activation. In the present model of ocular hypertension (OHT), we have recently described morphological signs of retinal microglia activation and MHC-II upregulation in both the untreated contralateral eyes and OHT eyes. By using immunostaining, we sought to analyze and quantify additional signs of microglia activation and differences depending on the retinal layer. Methods: Two groups of adult Swiss mice were used: age-matched control (nai¨ve, n = 12), and lasered (n = 12). In the lasered animals, both OHT eyes and contralateral eyes were analyzed. Retinal whole-mounts were immunostained with antibodies against Iba-1, MHC-II, CD68, CD86, and Ym1. The Iba-1+ cell number in the plexiform layers (PL) and the photoreceptor outer segment (OS), Iba-1+ arbor area in the PL, and area of the retina occupied by Iba-1+ cells in the nerve fiber layer-ganglion cell layer (NFL-GCL) were quantified. Results: The main findings in contralateral eyes and OHT eyes were: i) ameboid microglia in the NFL-GCL and OS; ii) the retraction of processes in all retinal layers; iii) a higher level of branching in PL and in the OS; iv) soma displacement to the nearest cell layers in the PL and OS; v) the reorientation of processes in the OS; vi) MHC-II upregulation in all retinal layers; vii) increased CD68 immunostaining; and viii) CD86 immunolabeling in ameboid cells. In comparison with the control group, a significant increase in the microglial number in the PL, OS, and in the area occupied by Iba-1+ cells in the NFL-GCL, and significant reduction of the arbor area in the PL. In addition, rounded Iba-1+ CD86+ cells in the NFL-GCL, OS and Ym1+ cells, and rod-like microglia in the NFL-GCL were restricted to OHT eyes. Conclusions: Several quantitative and qualitative signs of microglia activation are detected both in the contralateral and OHT eyes. Such activation extended beyond the GCL, involving all retinal layers. Differences between the two eyes could help to elucidate glaucoma pathophysiology