346 research outputs found

    Percepción visual y rendimiento académico : estudio piloto del programa de M. Frostig sobre el desarrollo visual aplicado a 1º y 2º de preescolar

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    Este artículo es el resultado de un estudio Piloto de los efectos inmediatos de la aplicación del ler. Nivel del Programa Frostig, en 1er y 2º curso de Preescolar. En ambos cursos los niños han sido subdivididos en dos grupos: experimental y control (grupo A y B). Las pruebas administradas para observar los efectos inmediatos han sido el propio test de Frostig y el Bender. Al finalizar la aplicación del ler. Nivel del Programa, los resultados muestran una diferencia significativa entre ambos grupos A y B, y en ambos cursos, en el test de Frostig, pero no en el Bender. También muestran una diferencia significativa entre los resultados obtenidos antes de iniciar la experiencia y los obtenidos al finalizar el ler. Nivel del Programa Frostig. Hemos invertido la situación experimental en el 2º curso de Preescolar, y los nuevos resultados obtenidos no muestran diferencias significativas ni entre los grupos A y B, ni entre los resultados obtenidos en la 2ª y esta 3ª administración de las pruebas. A la vista de dichos resultados replantea la metodologia que se ha de seguirse en un próximo estudio.The goal of this preliminary study is to evaluate the short term effects of Frostig Program (1st level) in both the 1st and 2nd grade of preschool children. Two groups of subjects, experimental and control, were given the Frostig and Bender tests. At the end of the Program we found a significant difference between the two groups, in both grades, in the Frostig test only. Then, the experimental situation was reversed in the 2nd grade, but we did not find any significant difference between the experimental and control group with regard to the first situation, following these results some changes in the design are suggested

    Sensitivity of a distributed temperature-radiation index melt model based on AWS observations and surface energy balance fluxes, Hurd Peninsula glaciers, Livingston Island, Antarctica

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    We use an automatic weather station and surface mass balance dataset spanning four melt seasons collected on Hurd Peninsula Glaciers, South Shetland Islands, to investigate the point surface energy balance, to determine the absolute and relative contribution of the various energy fluxes acting on the glacier surface and to estimate the sensitivity of melt to ambient temperature changes. Long-wave incoming radiation is the main energy source for melt, while short-wave radiation is the most important flux controlling the variation of both seasonal and daily mean surface energy balance. Short-wave and long-wave radiation fluxes do, in general, balance each other, resulting in a high correspondence between daily mean net radiation flux and available melt energy flux. We calibrate a distributed melt model driven by air temperature and an expression for the incoming short-wave radiation. The model is calibrated with the data from one of the melt seasons and validated with the data of the three remaining seasons. The model results deviate at most 140 mm w.e. from the corresponding observations using the glaciological method. The model is very sensitive to changes in ambient temperature: a 0.5 ◦ C increase results in 56 % higher melt rates

    Theoretical Reflection about Socio-Educatives Aspects of Techno-Scientific Leisure

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    En el presente texto se hace un análisis y evaluación de la sociología del ocio tecnocientífico. Se desarrolla una caracterización del ocio para, posteriormente, hacer un estudio socio-hermenéutica de su impacto a nivel socio-educativo.This text provides an analysis and assessment of sociology of techno-scientific leisure. It develops a characterization of leisure, and then it makes a socio-hermeneutical impact to socio-educative level

    Transcultures and Communities: exercises to validate and design a set of tales on migrations

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    Comunicación presentada en 5th International Conference of the Association of Architectural Educators, University of Westminster, 24-26 April 2019.Literary studies’ main object of study is the dynamics and devices involved in textual stories. Traditionally, architecture studies design spaces for experiences. It corresponds to sociology studies to reveal the interrelations between humans and their environment. Finally, geopolitical studies classically focus on political powers linked to the geographical space. In this context, this paper presents a multidisciplinary set of exercises that took place during the first semester of the academic year 2018/19, in which these four disciplines shared objectives and methods in relation with a common topic: migrations in the mid-20th Century. These exercises are based on literary narratives and non-literary texts about migration, border-crossing and transcultural identities compiled in the volume Journeys. How travelling fruit, ideas and buildings rearrange our environment (published by the Canadian Centre for Architecture in 2010), acknowledging the value of non-human migrants through topics and stories by establishing complex connections between them. The work presented in this paper describes how students are capable of implementing procedures learnt from other fields of knowledge (e.g. such as storyboards, sociograms or image tagging) for developing a traditional architectural design project. The educational challenge is presented by the definition of methodologies and the identification of statements. The research developed in this contribution focuses on different degrees of integration and rootedness of modern migrations caused by climatic, cultural, labour or economic reasons. Is it a suitable topic for the four disciplines involved? It certainly provides an opportunity to speculate with non-humans, goods and knowledge beyond anthropocentric discourse. In particular, the subject allows us to compare migrants and remittances i.e. non-monetary transfers such as consumer goods, customs and technologies

    Los Almendros (La Roda): a new Paleolithic site in Albacete

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    El yacimiento de Los Almendros se ubica en la localidad manchega de La Roda (Albacete). El material lítico estudiado fue recogido utilizando un sistema radial de sectorización que cubría 2500 metros cuadrados de una superficie problemática, con zonas de abundante monte bajo, y otras, más despejadas. En total se hallaron 1004 restos líticos, fundamentalmente en cuarcita. De ellos, 163 son útiles, destacando las raederas, lascas retocadas, y raspadores. Una primera aproximación a las características de la industria lítica nos ha permitido sugerir su atribución crono-cultural al tecno-complejo Musteriense.The site of Los Almendros is located in La Roda (Albacete). The lithic material studied was gathered through a radial sectorization collecting system which covered a problematic surface of 2500 m2, including zones of abundant scrubland and others clearer. A total amount of 1004 lithic pieces were registred, mainly in quartzite, 163 of which were tools. The side-scrapers, retouched flakes, and scrapers are the most numerous. A first approach to the features of the lithic industry has allowed us to suggest the crono-cultural attribution of this site to a Mousterian period

    Randomised clinical trial of a manual therapy programme to reduce the evolution time of axillary web syndrome in women affected by breast cancer: study protocol

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    Introduction Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumour in women, with more than 2 million new cases annually worldwide. One of the most frequent and well-known surgical and post-actinic sequelae is post-mastectomy lymphoedema. The axillary web syndrome is another sequela that limits the functionality of the patient and delays the protocol time of administering cancer treatments; and in many cases, this sequela is misdiagnosed. This surgical sequela usually disappears spontaneously after the third month of appearance, but this implies a long period of discomfort and limitations for the patient, at the same time, it may delay the application of radiotherapy within the indicated protocol deadline (due to a need for body posture). Methods and analysis With the present quasi-experimental study, we intend to show the application of physiotherapy and stretching from the beginning of the appearance of the axillary cord, in a controlled and scheduled way by the physiotherapist. It is possible to reduce the time in which the lymphatic thrombus is present and, therefore, recover functionality and mobility, reduce pain and be able to apply treatments within the established deadline. We intend to apply this therapy into the intervention group and compare thrombus evolution time with the control group. Ethics and dissemination This trial has the approval of the Andalucia Ethics Committee (PEIBA code 1909-N1-21, reg. number 171.21)