9 research outputs found

    Benchmarking open source and paid services for speech to text: an analysis of quality and input variety

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    IntroductionSpeech to text (STT) technology has seen increased usage in recent years for automating transcription of spoken language. To choose the most suitable tool for a given task, it is essential to evaluate the performance and quality of both open source and paid STT services.MethodsIn this paper, we conduct a benchmarking study of open source and paid STT services, with a specific focus on assessing their performance concerning the variety of input text. We utilizes ix datasets obtained from diverse sources, including interviews, lectures, and speeches, as input for the STT tools. The evaluation of the instruments employs the Word Error Rate (WER), a standard metric for STT evaluation.ResultsOur analysis of the results demonstrates significant variations in the performance of the STT tools based on the input text. Certain tools exhibit superior performance on specific types of audio samples compared to others. Our study provides insights into STT tool performance when handling substantial data volumes, as well as the challenges and opportunities posed by the multimedia nature of the data.DiscussionAlthough paid services generally demonstrate better accuracy and speed compared to open source alternatives, their performance remains dependent on the input text. The study highlights the need for considering specific requirements and characteristics of the audio samples when selecting an appropriate STT tool

    Valutazione di Health Technology Assessment del sistema di sanificazione biologico a base di probiotici del genere Bacillus (PCHS)

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    Le infezioni correlate all’assistenza: priorità per la salute pubblica Epidemiologia delle infezioni correlate all’assistenza in Italia e loro impatto per la salute pubblica Sistemi di sanificazione attualmente disponibili in Italia Il Probiotic Cleaning Hygiene System (PCHS): caratteristiche della tecnologia, aspetti di efficacia e sicurezza Un sistema di sanificazione a base di probiotici per la riduzione delle infezioni correlate all’assistenza e la resistenza antimicrobica: analisi dell’impatto sul budget Impatto ambientale per la salute pubblica degli attuali sistemi di sanificazione di ambienti/superfici in setting assistenziale e comunitario e potenziali benefici dei nuovi sistemi innovativi Analisi delle principali raccomandazioni nazionali su sanificazione e disinfezione degli ambienti sanitari Valutazione etica dell’utilizzo del Probiotic Cleaning Hygiene System (PCHS) in Italia Elementi chiave per il processo decisional

    Disease-Free Survival after Breast Conservation Therapy vs. Mastectomy of Patients with T1/2 Breast Cancer and No Lymph Node Metastases: Our Experience

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    Several retrospective analyses of large amounts of contemporary data have shown the superiority of breast conservative surgery (BCS) over mastectomy carried out in the early stage of breast cancer. The characteristics of the patients and cancers that are most likely to benefit from BCS remain unclear. In our work, we analyzed the disease-free survival (DFS) of a cohort of patients treated with BCS or mastectomy between 1995 and 2018 in our institute with pT1-2, pN0, or cM0 breast cancer. The DFS curves of patients treated with both mastectomy and quadrantectomy were compared in the different subsamples with respect to the clinical and histopathological characteristics. We identified 188 eligible patients treated with BCS and 64 patients treated with mastectomy. DFS was not found to be statistically higher in patients treated with BCS compared to those treated with mastectomy, who achieved a 5-year DFS of 89.9% vs. 81.3% and a 10-year DFS of 78.9% vs. 79.3%, respectively. No significant differences were detected for the DFS curves when patients were differentiated by the type of surgical treatment received, age, and the tumor histological characteristics. We verified a p-value just above the 10% significance threshold for patients with tumor dimensions between 20 mm and 50 mm and molecular sub-type Luminal B. In our experience, treatment with mastectomy is not associated with improved DFS compared to treatment with BCS in women with early-stage tumors

    [Health Technology Assessment of the Probiotic Cleaning Hygiene System (PCHS)]

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    Le infezioni correlate all’assistenza (ICA) e la resistenza agli antibiotici (Antimicrobial Resistance, AMR) rappresentano una vera e propria emergenza sanitaria, con un impatto rilevante in termini clinici, sociali ed economici [1]. L’utilizzo eccessivo e inappropriato di farmaci antimicrobici è uno dei principali fattori di insorgenza della resistenza agli antibiotici nei patogeni umani, a causa di mutazioni o scambi genetici che ne facilitano la sopravvivenza. Gli effetti della resistenza, ovvero l’incapacità di un antibiotico, somministrato alle dosi terapeutiche, di ridurre la sopravvivenza o inibire la replicazione di un batterio patogeno, comportano gravi rischi di salute pubblica a livello globale, con aumento di mortalità per infezioni e ingenti costi sanitari e sociali. L’antibioticoresistenza è un fenomeno multifattoriale e multisettoriale, contro il quale interventi singoli e sporadici mostrano un impatto limitato [1, 2]. Una delle più importanti conseguenze derivanti da tale fenomeno è rappresentata dalle ICA che, assenti al momento del ricovero, si manifestano in un individuo durante la degenza in ospedale o in un qualsiasi contesto assistenziale, con una sempre più crescente selezione di ceppi di patogeni Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR

    Pentraxin 3 in patients with severe sepsis or shock: the ALBIOS trial

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    Background: The long pentraxin PTX3 is a key component of the humoral arm of innate immunity related to sepsis severity and mortality. We evaluated the clinical and prognostic significance of circulating PTX3 in the largest cohort ever reported of patients with severe sepsis or septic shock. Materials and methods: Plasma PTX3 was measured on days 1, 2 and 7 after randomization of 958 patients to albumin or crystalloids for fluid resuscitation in the multicentre Albumin Italian Outcome Sepsis (ALBIOS) trial. We tested the association of PTX3 and its changes over time with clinical severity, prevalent and incident organ dysfunctions, 90-day mortality and treatment. Results: PTX3 was high at baseline (72 [33\u2013186] ng/mL) and rose with the severity and number of organ dysfunctions (P < 0\ub7001) and the incidence of subsequent new failures. The PTX3 concentration dropped from day 1 to 7, but this decrease was less pronounced in patients with septic shock (P = 0\ub70004). Higher concentrations of PTX3 on day 1 predicted incident organ dysfunctions. Albumin supplementation was associated with lower levels of PTX3 in patients with septic shock (P = 0\ub7005) but not in those without shock. In a fully adjusted multivariable model, PTX3 on day 7 predicted 90-day mortality. Smaller drops in PTX3 predicted higher 90-day mortality. Conclusions: In severe sepsis and septic shock, early high PTX3 predict subsequent new organ failures, while a smaller drop in circulating PTX3 over time predicts an increased risk of death. Patients with septic shock show lower levels of PTX3 when assigned to albumin than to crystalloids

    Italian cancer figures, report 2014: Prevalence and cure of cancer in Italy

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    This Report intends to estimate the total number of people still alive in 2010 after cancer diagnosis in Italy, regardless of the time since diagnosis, and to project these estimates to 2015. This study is also aimed to estimate the number of already cured cancer patients, whose mortality rates have become undistinguishable from that of the general population of the same age and sex

    Italian cancer figures, report 2014: Prevalence and cure of cancer in Italy

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    OBJECTIVES: This Report intends to estimate the total number of people still alive in 2010 after cancer diagnosis in Italy, regardless of the time since diagnosis, and to project these estimates to 2015. This study is also aimed to estimate the number of already cured cancer patients, whose mortality rates have become undistinguishable from that of the general population of the same age and sex. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study took advantage of the information from the AIRTUM database, which included 29 Cancer Registries (covering 21 million people, 35% of the Italian population). A total of 1,624,533 cancer cases diagnosed between 1976 and 2009 contributed to the study. For each registry, the observed prevalence was calculated. Prevalence for lengths of time exceeding the maximum duration of the registration and of the complete prevalence were derived by applying an estimated correction factor, the completeness index. This index was estimated by means of statistical regression models using cancer incidence and survival data available in registries with 18 years of observation or more. For 50 types or combinations of neoplasms, complete prevalence was estimated at 1.1.2010 as an absolute number and as a proportion per 100,000 inhabitants by sex, age group, area of residence, and years since diagnosis. Projections of complete prevalence for 1.1.2015 were computed under the assumption of a linear trend of the complete prevalence observed until 2010. Validated mixture cure models were used to estimate: the cure fraction, that is the proportion of patients who, starting from the time of diagnosis, are expected to reach the same mortality rate of the general population; the conditional relative survival (CRS), that is the cumulative probability of surviving some additional years, given that patients already survived a certain number of years; the time to cure, that is the number of years necessary so that conditional survival in the following five years (5-year CRS) exceeds the conventional threshold of 95% (i.e., mortality rates in cancer patients become undistinguishable compared to those of the general population); the proportion of patients already cured, i.e., people alive since a number of years exceeding time to cure. RESULTS: As of 1.1.2010, it was estimated that 2,587,347 people were alive after a cancer diagnosis, corresponding to 4.4% of the Italian population. A relevant geographical heterogeneity emerged, with a prevalence above 5% in northern registries and below 4% in southern areas. Men were 45% of the total (1,154,289) and women 55% (1,433,058). In the population aged 75 years or more, the proportions of prevalent cases were 20% in males and 13% in females, 11% between 60 and 74 years of age in both sexes. Nearly 600,000 Italian women were alive after a breast cancer diagnosis (41% of all women with this neoplasm), followed by women with cancers of the colon rectum (12%), corpus uteri (7%), and thyroid (6%). In men, 26% of prevalent cases (295,624) were patients with prostate cancer, 16% with either bladder or colon rectum cancer. The projections for 1.1.2015 are of three million (3,036,741) people alive after a cancer diagnosis, 4.9% of the Italian population; with a 20% increase for males and 15% for females, compared to 2010. The cure fractions were heterogeneous according to cancer type and age. Estimates obtained as the sum of cure fractions for all cancer types showed that more than 60% of patients diagnosed below the age of 45 years will reach the same mortality rate of the general population. This proportion decreased with increasing age and it was 5 years earlier (long-term survivors). Time to cure (5-year CRS>95%) was reached in 25 years after cancer diagnosis in patients with liver and larynx cancers, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, myeloma, and leukaemia. Time to cure was reached by 27% (20% in men and 33% in women) of all people living after a cancer diagnosis, defined as already cured. CONCLUSIONS: The study showed a steady increase over time (nearly +3% per year) of prevalent cases in Italy. A quarter of Italian cancer patients alive in 2010 can be considered as already cured. The AIRTUM Report 2014 describes characteristics of cancer patients and former-patients for 50 cancer types or combinations by sex and age. This detailed information promotes the conduction of studies aimed at expanding the current knowledge on the quality of life of these patients during and after the active phase of treatments (prevalence according to health status), on the long-term effects of treatments (in particular for paediatric patients), on the cost profile of cancer patients, and on rare tumours. All these observations have a high potential impact on health planning, clinical practice, and, most of all, patients' perspective