26 research outputs found

    Critical linkages between land use change and human health in the Amazon region : a scoping review

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    Land use change (LUC) is a main cause of global environmental change, and is an important activity to be studied. Our research aims to examine the current state of evidence on the link between LUC and human health in the Amazon region. We conducted a scoping review of literature in two research databases, resulting in 14 papers for analysis. Our analysis demonstrated a lack of clear definitions for LUC, a wide variety of negative health effects from LUC, the lack of qualitative articles, a lack of studies exploring the potential positive health effects of LUC, and the predominance of studies coming from the Brazilian Amazon. Our study validated the prevailing idea that LUC can lead to negative health consequences, if not managed properly

    Strategies to promote health literacy from primary care: a perspective that considers the realities of low and middle-income countries

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    La alfabetización en salud se asocia con mejores resultados de salud. Los profesionales de salud de atención primaria generalmente brindan la mayor parte de la atención a los pacientes y también suelen ser el primer punto de contacto para los pacientes dentro de un sistema de salud. En este artículo se discuten cuatro estrategias para promover la alfabetización en salud en el entorno de atención primaria: 1) Mejorar las habilidades de comunicación del clínico, 2) Usar herramientas de e-Salud, 3) Promover el autocuidado del paciente, y 4) Desarrollar sistemas de apoyo y entornos de cuidado. Estas estrategias se discuten en el contexto de las realidades de los países de ingresos medios y bajos, como el caso de Perú.Health literacy is associated with better health outcomes. Primary care professionals generally provide most of the care to patients and are also often the first point of contact for patients within a health system. This article discusses four strategies to promote health literacy in the primary care setting: 1) Improve the clinician’s communication skills, 2) Use e-Health tools, 3) Promote patient self-care, and 4) Develop support systems and care environments. These strategies are discussed in the context of the realities of low and middle income countries, as in the case of Peru

    Community perceptions of health and rodent-borne diseases along the Inter-Oceanic Highway in Madre de Dios, Peru.

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    BACKGROUND: Madre de Dios is located in the southeastern Amazonian region of Peru. Rodents have been estimated to be the reservoirs for up to 50 % of emerging zoonotic pathogens, including a host of viruses, bacteria, and parasites. As part of a larger study involving both human and animal research, this study serves to obtain a broader understanding of the key challenges and concerns related to health and rodent-borne illnesses from the perspective of the people living in these communities. METHODS: We used a mixed methods approach, which comprised of 12 focus group discussions, 34 key informant interviews and the application of a survey (n = 522) in four communities along the Inter-Oceanic Highway (IOH) in Madre de Dios, Peru over a two-year period. RESULTS: Although 90 % of survey respondents answered that rodents can transmit diseases and had seen rodents in their homes and immediate surroundings, most could not name specific rodent-borne diseases and, when probed, described rodents as pests or nuisance animals, but were not concerned about acquiring illnesses from them. Key informant interview data suggests that there has been a perceived increase in the amount of rodents in the communities since the construction of the IOH, however this potential increase was not coupled with increased knowledge about diseases or perceived risks among these key informants. Health providers also mentioned a lack of diagnostic tools specific for rodent-borne illnesses. This may be related to the fact that although a common rodent-borne disease like leptospirosis is frequently detected in the region, it is not routinely and readily diagnosed, therefore the real burden of the disease and exposure risk can be underestimated. If rodent-borne diseases are not on the radar of health professionals, they may not consider presumptive treatment, which could result in unnecessary morbidity and mortality. CONCLUSION: Awareness of rodent-borne diseases is still lacking in the area, even among health care professionals within the communities, despite the known burden of diseases like leptospirosis. We expect to report further findings as we obtain more information from all the study components

    Gender differences in sex-related alcohol expectancies in young adults from a peri-urban area in Lima, Peru Diferencias de género en las expectativas generadas por el consumo de alcohol relacionadas con el sexo en adultos jóvenes de la periferia urbana de Lima, Perú

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    OBJECTIVES: To estimate the effect of sex-related alcohol expectancies (SRAE) on hazardous drinking prevalence and examine gender differences in reporting SRAE. METHODS: Trained research assistants administered part of a questionnaire to 393 men and 400 women between 18 and 30 years old from a peri-urban shantytown in Lima, Peru. The remaining questions were self-administered. Two measuring instruments-one testing for hazardous drinking and one for SRAE-were used. Multivariate data analysis was performed using logistic regression. RESULTS: Based on odds ratios adjusted for socio-demographic variables (age, marital status, education, and employment status) (n = 793), men with one or two SRAE and men with three or more SRAE were 2.3 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.4-3.8; p = 0.001) and 3.9 (95% CI = 2.1-7.3; p OBJETIVOS: Estimar el efecto de las expectativas generadas por el consumo de alcohol relacionadas con el sexo (SRAE) sobre la prevalencia del consumo peligroso y analizar las diferencias en la información sobre las SRAE según el género. MÉTODOS: Asistentes entrenados aplicaron parte de un cuestionario a 393 hombres y 400 mujeres de 18 a 30 años de edad residentes en un barrio marginal periurbano de Lima, Perú. Los participantes respondieron las preguntas restantes de forma individual. Se emplearon dos instrumentos de evaluación: uno sobre el consumo peligroso y otro sobre las SRAE. Se realizó un análisis multifactorial de los datos mediante regresión logística. RESULTADOS: Según las razones de posibilidades (odds ratios) ajustadas por algunas variables sociodemográficas (edad, estado marital, educación y situación laboral) (n = 793), los hombres con una o dos SRAE y los que tenían tres SRAE o más presentaron 2,3 (intervalo de confianza de 95% [IC95%]: 1,4 a 3,8; P = 0,001) y 3,9 (IC95%: 2,1 a 7,3; P < 0,001) veces más probabilidades, respectivamente, de ser bebedores peligrosos que los hombres sin SRAE. Los hombres informaron SRAE en una proporción significativamente mayor que las mujeres. CONCLUSIONES: En un barrio periférico pobre de Lima, las SRAE se asociaron significativamente con el consumo peligroso de bebidas alcohólicas en hombres, pero no en mujeres, y se observaron diferencias en la información sobre las SRAE según el género

    Seeking information and services associated with reproductive health among rural Peruvian young adults: exploratory qualitative research from Amazonas, Peru

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    Abstract Background Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) literacy allows young adults to make informed decisions about health outcomes. In Peru, roughly one fifth of the population lives in rural areas, and little is known about where young adults in rural areas get their SRH information. The aim of this study was to identify what motivates and influences young adults to seek information and care related to SRH in three rural communities in the highlands of Northern Peru. Methods Five gender-stratified focus group discussions with a total of 24 participants, and nine follow-up interviews were conducted to generate in-depth narrative data and triangulate data from the target group. Participants were women and men aged 18–24. The focus group discussions and interviews explored sources of reproductive health information, the role of informal social networks, barriers to care, and primary health concerns of the target population. Results Main findings include: (1) The two greatest perceived SRH risks were unwanted pregnancy and abnormal discharge; (2) There appears to be limited concern about HIV or other sexually transmitted infections in the narratives; (3) There is a low quality of information concerning SRH, with discrepancies between the genders; (4) A broad spectrum of sources for SRH information were cited, including Internet, traditional healers, and specialized care; and varied by gender and life experience; (5) Having trust in the information source was the primary variable associated with uptake of services and/or access to information for both men and women. However, men reported more embarrassment around seeking services and information, whereas women faced more physical barriers. Conclusions There is a lack of SRH information among young adults in some communities in the northern highlands of Peru. Both schools and health centers were noted as being trusted and established information sources for all genders so could be a key resource to explore as a way to disseminate information

    “I wanted information”: navigating breast Cancer and its treatment in Lima, Peru

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    Abstract Background Breast cancer impacts millions of people worldwide, and in Peru, breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer related death among women. Breast cancer treatment is physically and emotionally burdensome and challenging for patients. Methods In-depth interviews were conducted with 14 female breast cancer patients and survivors in Lima, Peru. The interviews explored four main themes: the women’s emotional experiences, coping mechanisms, resources available or needed, and advice for newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. Results Respondents described a tremendous lack of informational support during and after diagnosis and treatment and requested more of this support from health professionals. Social support groups were helpful to participants; however, these forms of support were not available to all participants. Emotional and esteem support seemed amply received from family and friends, faith organizations, and fellow cancer patients. Participants experienced a range of emotions upon diagnosis and during treatment including fear, anxiety, difficulty accepting bodily changes, loneliness, and denial. Conclusion Breast cancer and its treatment can be a long, emotional journey; more extensive forms of informational support could help patients cope with this process