49 research outputs found

    Collective rotational motion of freely expanding T84 epithelial cell colonies

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    Coordinated rotational motion is an intriguing, yet still elusive mode of collective cell migration, which is relevant in pathological and morphogenetic processes. Most of the studies on this topic have been carried out on epithelial cells plated on micropatterned substrates, where cell motion is confined in regions of well-defined shapes coated with extracellular matrix adhesive proteins. The driver of collective rotation in such conditions has not been clearly elucidated, although it has been speculated that spatial confinement can play an essential role in triggering cell rotation. Here, we study the growth of epithelial cell colonies freely expanding (i.e. with no physical constraints) on the surface of cell culture plates and focus on collective cell rotation in such conditions, a case which has received scarce attention in the literature. One of the main findings of our work is that coordinated cell rotation spontaneously occurs in cell clusters in the free growth regime, thus implying that cell confinement is not necessary to elicit collective rotation as previously suggested. The extent of collective rotation was size and shape dependent: a highly coordinated disc-like rotation was found in small cell clusters with a round shape, while collective rotation was suppressed in large irregular cell clusters generated by merging of different clusters in the course of their growth. The angular motion was persistent in the same direction, although clockwise and anticlockwise rotations were equally likely to occur among different cell clusters. Radial cell velocity was quite low as compared to the angular velocity, in agreement with the free expansion regime where cluster growth is essentially governed by cell proliferation. A clear difference in morphology was observed between cells at the periphery and the ones in the core of the clusters, the former being more elongated and spread out as compared to the latter. Overall, our results, to our knowledge, provide the first quantitative and systematic evidence that coordinated cell rotation does not require a spatial confinement and occurs spontaneously in freely expanding epithelial cell colonies, possibly as a mechanism for the system

    Restoration of CFTR function in patients with cystic fibrosis carrying the F508del-CFTR mutation

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    <div><p>Restoration of BECN1/Beclin 1-dependent autophagy and depletion of SQSTM1/p62 by genetic manipulation or autophagy-stimulatory proteostasis regulators, such as cystamine, have positive effects on mouse models of human cystic fibrosis (CF). These measures rescue the functional expression of the most frequent pathogenic CFTR mutant, F508del, at the respiratory epithelial surface and reduce lung inflammation in <i>Cftr<sup>F508del</sup></i> homozygous mice. Cysteamine, the reduced form of cystamine, is an FDA-approved drug. Here, we report that oral treatment with cysteamine greatly reduces the mortality rate and improves the phenotype of newborn mice bearing the <i>F508del-CFTR</i> mutation. Cysteamine was also able to increase the plasma membrane expression of the F508del-CFTR protein in nasal epithelial cells from <i>F508del</i> homozygous CF patients, and these effects persisted for 24 h after cysteamine withdrawal. Importantly, this cysteamine effect after washout was further sustained by the sequential administration of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a green tea flavonoid, both <i>in vivo</i>, in mice, and <i>in vitro</i>, in primary epithelial cells from CF patients. In a pilot clinical trial involving 10 <i>F508del-CFTR</i> homozygous CF patients, the combination of cysteamine and EGCG restored BECN1, reduced SQSTM1 levels and improved CFTR function from nasal epithelial cells <i>in vivo</i>, correlating with a decrease of chloride concentrations in sweat, as well as with a reduction of the abundance of <i>TNF/TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor)</i> and <i>CXCL8</i> (<i>chemokine [C-X-C motif] ligand 8</i>) transcripts in nasal brushing and TNF and CXCL8 protein levels in the sputum. Altogether, these results suggest that optimal schedules of cysteamine plus EGCG might be used for the treatment of CF caused by the <i>F508del-CFTR</i> mutation.</p></div

    A pathogenic role for cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator in celiac disease

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    Intestinal handling of dietary proteins usually prevents local inflammatory and immune responses and promotes oral tolerance. However, in ~ 1% of the world population, gluten proteins from wheat and related cereals trigger an HLA DQ2/8-restricted TH1 immune and antibody response leading to celiac disease. Prior epithelial stress and innate immune activation are essential for breaking oral tolerance to the gluten component gliadin. How gliadin subverts host intestinal mucosal defenses remains elusive. Here, we show that the \u3b1-gliadin-derived LGQQQPFPPQQPY peptide (P31-43) inhibits the function of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), an anion channel pivotal for epithelial adaptation to cell-autonomous or environmental stress. P31-43 binds to, and reduces ATPase activity of, the nucleotide-binding domain-1 (NBD1) of CFTR, thus impairing CFTR function. This generates epithelial stress, tissue transglutaminase and inflammasome activation, NF-\u3baB nuclear translocation and IL-15 production, that all can be prevented by potentiators of CFTR channel gating. The CFTR potentiator VX-770 attenuates gliadin-induced inflammation and promotes a tolerogenic response in gluten-sensitive mice and cells from celiac patients. Our results unveil a primordial role for CFTR as a central hub orchestrating gliadin activities and identify a novel therapeutic option for celiac disease

    Reduced caveolin-1 promotes hyperinflammation due to abnormal heme oxygenase-1 localization in lipopolysaccharide-challenged macrophages with dysfunctional cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator

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    We have previously reported that TLR4 signaling is increased in LPS-stimulated cystic fibrosis (CF) macrophages (M\u3a6s), contributing to the robust production of proinflammatory cytokines. The heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1)/CO pathway modulates cellular redox status, inflammatory responses, and cell survival. The HO-1 enzyme, together with the scaffold protein caveolin 1 (CAV-1), also acts as a negative regulator of TLR4 signaling in M\u3a6s. In this study, we demonstrate that in LPS-challenged CF M\u3a6s, HO-1 does not compartmentalize normally to the cell surface and instead accumulates intracellularly. The abnormal HO-1 localization in CF M\u3a6s in response to LPS is due to decreased CAV-1 expression, which is controlled by the cellular oxidative state, and is required for HO-1 delivery to the cell surface. Overexpression of HO-1 or stimulating the pathway with CO-releasing molecules enhances CAV-1 expression in CF M\u3a6s, suggesting a positive-feed forward loop between HO-1/CO induction and CAV-1 expression. These manipulations re-established HO-1 and CAV-1 cell surface localization in CF M\u3a6s. Consistent with restoration of HO-1/CAV-1-negative regulation of TLR4 signaling, genetic or pharmacological (CO-releasing molecule 2) induced enhancement of this pathway decreased the inflammatory response of CF M\u3a6s and CF mice treated with LPS. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the counterregulatory HO-1/CO pathway, which is critical in balancing and limiting the inflammatory response, is defective in CF M\u3a6s through a CAV-1-dependent mechanism, exacerbating the CF M\u3a6 response to LPS. This pathway could be a potential target for therapeutic intervention for CF lung disease

    Cysteamine re-establishes the clearance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by macrophages bearing the cystic fibrosis-relevant F508del-CFTR mutation

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    International audienceCystic fibrosis (CF), the most common lethal monogenic disease in Caucasians, is characterized by recurrent bacterial infections and colonization, mainly by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, resulting in unresolved airway inflammation. CF is caused by mutations in the gene coding for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein, which functions as a chloride channel in epithelial cells, macrophages, and other cell types. Impaired bacterial handling by macrophages is a feature of CF airways, although it is still debated how defective CFTR impairs bacterial killing. Recent evidence indicates that a defective autophagy in CF macrophages leads to alterations of bacterial clearance upon infection. Here we use bone marrow-derived macrophages from transgenic mice to provide the genetic proof that defective CFTR compromises both uptake and clearance of internalized Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We demonstrate that the proteostasis regulator cysteamine, which rescues the function of the most common F508del-CFTR mutant and hence reduces lung inflammation in CF patients, can also repair the defects of CF macrophages, thus restoring both bacterial internalization and clearance through a process that involves upregulation of the pro-autophagic protein Beclin 1 and re-establishment of the autophagic pathway. Altogether these results indicate that cysteamine restores the function of several distinct cell types, including that of macrophages, which might contribute to its beneficial effects on CF