61 research outputs found

    Narrating Cases: a Storytelling Approach to Case Study Analysis in the Field of Lifelong Learning Policies

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    The paper aims to discuss the narrative approach to case study analysis, drawing on the research carried out within the H2020 European Project YOUNG_ ADULLLT. It aimed to analyse Lifelong Learning (LLL) policies targeted to young adults in Europe, particularly those in situations of social exclusion, focusing on the different ways in which the policies are socially embedded in specific local contexts across Europe. By a multimethod and multilevel perspective, the research sought to explore the interplay between structural, institutional and individual levels to understand the relationship and complementarity between the LLL policies and the young people\u2019s social conditions, needs and expectations. The paper focuses on the narrative approach, namely the \u201cstorytelling strategy\u201d, adopted to examine the Lifelong Learning policies chosen as case studies in their social, political and economic realities. Different examples of storytelling and their contribution to analyse LLL policies are explored. Lastly, we critically discuss whether the narrative approach allowed to build a dense portrait able to yield the complexity and the specificity of the cases, reconstructing the story of the meaning of Lifelong Learning in different constellations. Epistemological and methodological considerations on the use of narrative approach in social science are provided, highlighting its opportunities and limits

    Effect Of Priming On Seed Vigor Of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)

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    Priming is a process that controls the process of hydration of seeds for the ongoing metabolic processes before germination. Research on priming was conducted at ICERI seed laboratory from May to September 2009 to evaluate the effect of different priming methods on wheat seed vigor. Physical properties and chemical composition of seed were evaluated before seeds were treated. The priming treatment were conducted by soaking 250 g of seed in 500 mL of solution for hydropriming and halopriming. Two seed lots of Nias and Dewata variety were subjected to heated and unheated distilled water for 12hours and subjected to KCl and CaCl2 at 10, 20, and 30 ppm and unprimed seed. The experiment were arranged in completely randomized design, replicated thrice. Vigor evaluation by observed seed germination, simultaneity growth, germination rate, seedling dry weight, electric conductivity of seed leakage and length of primary root. The results showed that highest germination, simultaneity growth, seedling dry weight, and length of primary root, were priming treatment with KCl 30 ppm and CaCl2 20 and 30 ppm. Priming with distilled water for 12 hours gave higher germination percentage and simultaneity growth

    Online tutoring roles: Italian teachers\u2019 professional development experience

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    The chapter presents a case study of a training course involving Italian early-secondary school teachers, which focuses on online tutors\u2019 activities and roles. After a brief literature review, it relates the topic to the national e-learning training context, clarifying the tutors\u2019 expected tasks within the evaluated teachers\u2019 professional training experience. The aim is to analyze the roles played by tutors in the 2.0 learning environment, exploring when, how and why they used synchronous and asynchronous communicative tools and educational resources available on the e-learning platform, as well the kind of support they provided to learners and the relationship they established with them during the training path. The research describes a complex set of online competences and skills which are required of tutors, stressing the key role of the human factor in supporting learners, and identifies factors for improving the design of an effective online tutoring model for adult learners

    Insegnanti 2.0: una professionalit\ue0 in evoluzione tra tradizione e innovazione tecnologica

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    In Italia, il Ministero dell\u2019Istruzione, dell\u2019Universit\ue0 e della Ricerca (MIUR), in coerenza con la Digital Agenda for Europe (Commissione Europea 2010), promuove da anni la diffusione delle TIC nelle scuole attraverso investimenti e formazione degli insegnanti. Si inserisce in questo contesto il progetto Cl@ssi 2.0 scuole secondarie di primo grado (MIUR 2009; Schietroma 2011), avviato nell\u2019a.s. 2009/2010 nell\u2019ambito del Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale. Il contributo presenta i dati emersi da un questionario somministrato agli insegnanti delle Cl@ssi 2.0 ed esplora diversi aspetti della loro professionalit\ue0 legati alle TIC, nella consapevolezza che il background e gli orientamenti personali potenzialmente determinano diversi atteggiamenti e comportamenti nell\u2019utilizzo delle Tic nelle pratiche educative.In Italy, in line with the Digital Agenda for Europe (European Commission 2010), the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) for years has promoted the spread of ICT in schools through investments and training of teachers. Within this context, the project Cl@ssi 2.0 schools secondary schools (Ministry of Education 2009; Schietroma 2011) has started in 2009/2010 school year as an action of the National Digital School. The chapter presents the findings from a questionnaire administered to teachers of Cl@ssi 2.0 and it explores different aspects of their ICT skills, knowing that the background and the personal guidance potentially determine different attitudes and behaviors in the use of ICT in educational practices

    Exploring the Impact of ICTs in Education: Controversies and Challenges

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    Educational innovation is considered as a top priority all over the world, and the potential of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to foster it increasingly is recognized (European Commission, 2015; Eurydice, 2011; OECD, 2010). In formal education settings, however, ICT adoption often is regarded as a highly demanding challenge that usually meets resistance by schools. Although it is largely believed that decades of large investments in ICTs and the increasing digitalization of teaching and learning processes can benefit the education system at different levels, data to support the perceived benefits are limited and evidence of effective impact is elusive or even debatable (Bocconi et al., 2013; UNESCO, 2009). This essay offers a conceptual framework providing multiple angles for the assessment of ICT impact on education. It presents the various aspects to take into account and questions what is to be assessed, the appropriate methodologies to be implemented, and the most suitable indicators. Such issues are discussed in light of an Italian case study showing the complexity of ICT innovations in schooling and dealing with methodological aspects connected to the definition of a set of indicators addressed to explore technology-based school innovations

    L\u2019autonomia scolastica e gli obiettivi del miglioramento dell\u2019organizzazione

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    Il capitolo propone riflessioni sugli effetti dei sistemi di valutazione e accountability, cos\uec come previsti dal Decreto istitutivo del Sistema Nazionale di Valutazione (SNV, Decreto n. 80/2013), sulle pratiche di orientamento scolastico attuate dagli Istituti e sui processi di scelta di famiglie e studenti. Le riflessioni si sviluppano nell\u2019ambito dei processi di decentralizzazione e autonomia del sistema scolastico in Italia e l\u2019attenzione di focalizza su due dimensioni. Una prima rinvia alla relazione tra autonomia, accountability e risultati di apprendimento degli studenti, indagando se la pubblicazione dei risultati delle singole scuole in test standardizzati costituisca per la scuola uno stimolo al miglioramento o, piuttosto, produca effetti non previsti e indesiderati o contrari agli obiettivi preposti. Una seconda dimensione si riferisce all\u2019emersione di un sistema di quasi-mercato nel campo dell\u2019istruzione e alle relative conseguenze in termini di competizione fra scuole e processi di scelta delle famiglie: l\u2019interrogativo sul quale il paper intende riflettere \ue8 se un tale sistema rappresenti la chiave per il miglioramento della qualit\ue0 dei servizi e dell\u2019offerta formativa, o, piuttosto, rischi di innescare nuove discriminazioni in ambito educativo. The chapter focuses on the effects of the National Evaluation System (SNV, Decree no. 80/2013) on the practices of educational guidance implemented by schools and on the processes of families and students\u2019 school choice. The reflections are developed within the processes of decentralization and autonomy of the Italian education system and the attention focuses on two dimensions. The first one refers to the relationship between autonomy, accountability and results of student learning, investigating whether the publication of the results of individual schools on standardized tests constitute a stimulus for school improvement or, rather, it produces unintended and undesirable effects. A second dimension relates to the emergence of a quasi-market system in education and its consequences in terms of competition between schools and the processes of choice of families: the question under analysis is whether such a system is the key to improve the quality of school services and training offer or, rather, it risks of triggering new forms of discrimination in education

    Innovation and education systems: teachers experiencing Interactive Whiteboards

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    Abstract- The article aims to provide a critical perspective on the ongoing Information and Communication Technologies’ application in education, analyzing the development of technology-based school innovations and their effective implementation. It presents an evaluation case study referred to an Italian government program for teachers ’ professional development aimed to develop and to improve the educational practices innovation through the diffusion and the use of Interactive Whiteboards in Italian primary and secondary schools. The aim is to identify some improvements factors towards different types of technology-based school innovations, taking into account the translation process from the starting of innovation to its implementation. The article provides some reflections to better understand the concept of innovation in education sector, mainly focusing on technological innovations trough the use of new technological tools in teaching and learning processes. It identifies critical success and failure factors for school technology-based innovation, deepening, in particular, teachers ’ point of view, investigating their experience in experimenting the use of interactive whiteboard in classroom. The case study provides some empirical findings that underline the crucial role of teachers to ensure the promotion of education systems ’ innovation through the use of new technologies in educational practices, as well as the need to provide them adequate professional development opportunities to reduce the still existing digital divide in school systems. This means wonder about what this implies for education and training policies and how policy makers could promote technology-based school innovations, trough suitable institutional and government initiatives aimed to innovate educational methods and practices in order to improve both the services provided to studentsand teachers ’ professional competences

    Valutare l\u2019impatto delle TIC a scuola: alcune riflessioni sull\u2019uso di indicatori

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    L\u2019innovazione educativa \ue8 una priorit\ue0 assoluta in tutto il mondo e le potenzialit\ue0 delle Tecnologie dell\u2019Informazione e della Comunicazione (TIC) nel promuoverla sono sempre pi\uf9 enfatizzate. Tuttavia, nonostante sia generalmente riconosciuto che la digitalizzazione dei processi di insegnamento-apprendimento possa giovare i sistemi educativi a diversi livelli, i dati a supporto dei benefici percepiti sono limitati e le evidenze sugli impatti effettivi sono spesso contraddittori (UNESCO, 2009, Eurydice, 2011). L\u2019articolo, specificando il significato di \u2018innovazione scolastica basata sulla tecnologia\u2019 (Pedr\uf2, 2010), propone alcune riflessioni sulla valutazione dell\u2019impatto delle TIC in ambito educativo. Si evidenzia la necessit\ue0 di assumere un approccio multidimensionale, sottolineando la complessit\ue0 nel definire set di indicatori valutativi che riescano a cogliere i molteplici aspetti dei fenomeni indagati e come questi siano interconnessi. Distinguendo fra indicatori di input, processo e outcome/impatti, si sostiene la necessit\ue0 di adottare un approccio articolato che esige l\u2019uso integrato di indicatori quantitativi e qualitativi e si problematizza la complessa interazione con la tendenza attuale verso la calcolabilit\ue0 e la misurabilit\ue0 delle pratiche educative. La valutazione dell\u2019uso delle TIC in ambito educativo vive la tensione fra l\u2019attuale tendenza alla standardizzazione di input, processi e output e la spinta alla personalizzazione che le stesse tecnologie sembrano incoraggiare. Infine, si evidenzia la necessit\ue0 di una maggiore integrazione fra azioni top-down e bottom-up attraverso l\u2019attiva partecipazione di tutta la comunit\ue0 scolastica verso la definizione condivisa di indicatori, metodi e strumenti valutativi per una comprensione pi\uf9 completa dei processi di innovazione basata sulla tecnologia

    Families, care and work in European Mediterranean Countries: findings and lessons from a comparative analysis of work-life balance policies

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    The article explores work-life balance policies in five European Mediterranean countries: France, Greece, Italy, Spain and Turkey. The aim is to analyze how the interplay among different role of state, markets, third sector and families shapes work and family-care dimensions, within the economic, social, cultural contemporary context and the challenges prompted by the conditions of global crisis. Trough a cross-national comparison using Eurostat and Oecd data, it draws a synthesis of national labor markets\u2019 features, shows the main trends regarding families\u2019 size, composition and models and presents statutory Maternity, Paternity and Parental leave arrangements, early childcare services\u2019 availability and family allowances system. Findings identify common aspects and differences among countries\u2019 regulations, confirming the relationship between work-life balance policies and the different socio-economic contexts as well as cultural patterns and welfare regimes. The article conclude providing recommendations for politics to close the gap between today\u2019s work and family realities and policies and practices governing their interrelationships, reflecting on the potential impact not only on individuals, but also on organizations and society
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