1,392 research outputs found

    Content Delivery Latency of Caching Strategies for Information-Centric IoT

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    In-network caching is a central aspect of Information-Centric Networking (ICN). It enables the rapid distribution of content across the network, alleviating strain on content producers and reducing content delivery latencies. ICN has emerged as a promising candidate for use in the Internet of Things (IoT). However, IoT devices operate under severe constraints, most notably limited memory. This means that nodes cannot indiscriminately cache all content; instead, there is a need for a caching strategy that decides what content to cache. Furthermore, many applications in the IoT space are timesensitive; therefore, finding a caching strategy that minimises the latency between content request and delivery is desirable. In this paper, we evaluate a number of ICN caching strategies in regards to latency and hop count reduction using IoT devices in a physical testbed. We find that the topology of the network, and thus the routing algorithm used to generate forwarding information, has a significant impact on the performance of a given caching strategy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that focuses on latency effects in ICN-IoT caching while using real IoT hardware, and the first to explicitly discuss the link between routing algorithm, network topology, and caching effects.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, journal pape

    Taxonomic Study of Non-alkaliphilic Halococci

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    Ninety-six extremely halophilic, non-alkaliphilic cocci were isolated from several salterns in different geographical areas of Spain. These strains, together with seven reference strains of the genus Halococcus, were characterized by means of 114 phenotypic features, the results being analysed by numerical techniques using the simple matching (SsM) coefficient and the unweighted pair group clustering (UPGMA) algorithm. At the 70% similarity level, four phenons were obtained. Phenon A contained 87 strains, including all the reference strains, and was considered to comprise members of the only named species of the genus Halococcus, H . rnorrhuae. Phenons B and C , which included five and seven strains respectively, showed greater metabolic versatility than phenon A. The four strains belonging to phenon D were significantly different from the other phenons in that they produced acid from glucose and were able to use most of the organic compounds tested. The results indicate that there is phenotypic diversity among the members of the genus Halococcus and that phenon D may constitute a new taxon

    Fundamento del derecho natural según los principios de la doctrina de la ciencia

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    1.-El carácter de la racionalidad consiste en que el agente [das Handelnde] y lo actuado [das Behandelte] son uno y lo mismo; y con esta descripción se ha agotado el ámbito de la razón como tal. El uso del lenguaje ha depositado en la palabra Yo este concepto sublime para aquéllos que son capaces de él, para los que son capaces de la abstracción de su propio Yo

    CSR and branding in emerging economies: The effect of incomes and education

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    Sustainable development is a fundamental objective for guaranteeing the future of the planet. Taking into account the impact of emerging economies on the global economy and the scarcity of papers that have considered the effect of CSR initiatives on consumer behavior on those economies, it seems that further research on this issue is necessary. In particular, we analyze the extent to which CSR affects the connection and links of the consumer to the brand (i.e., self–brand connection, brand engagement). The main contribution of the paper to the field is the analysis of the interaction between CSR and branding in the context of an emerging economy. To that aim, and also in a novel way, we use the Stimuli–Organism–Response (SOR) model for a sample of more than 400 food and beverage consumers in Metropolitan Lima, Peru. Our results show that CSR effectively acts as a stimulus for consumers to identify and link to brands and that, in addition, these links generate buy-back (i.e., loyalty) and recommendation behaviors (i.e., WOM) which, in turn, create a great commercial value for companies. This research also analyses how incomes and educational levels moderate the intensity of such links. For practical implications, global trends in managing CSR and branding may be useful, although some cross-cultural and context-specific adaptations are necessary

    Management of female genital mutilation / cutting-related obstetric complications: a training evaluation

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    Although female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) is a prevalent practice in Liberia, healthcare workers lack the capacity to provide adequate care for FGM/C survivors. Therefore, Liberian nurses, physician assistants, midwives and trained traditional midwives were trained in sexual, obstetric and psychosocial care for FGM/C survivors in 2019. Through questionnaires, we assessed knowledge acquisition, trainee attitudes towards FGM/C care and acceptability to implement WHO-endorsed recommendations. The questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics for quantitative data and an inductive approach for qualitative data. A total of 99 female and 34 male trainees participated. Most trainees perceived FGM/C as harmful to women''s health, as a violation of women''s rights and showed a willingness to change their clinical practice. While 82.8% (n = 74/90) perceived their role in advocating against FGM/C, 10.0% (n = 9/90) felt that they should train traditional circumcisers to practice FGM/C safely. The pre-training FGM/C knowledge test demonstrated higher scores among physician assistants (13.86 ± 3.02 points) than among nurses (12.11 ± 3.12 points) and midwives (11.75 ± 2.27 points). After the training, the mean test score increased by 1.69 points, from 12.18 (±2.91) points to 13.87 (±2.65) points. The trainings successfully increased theoretical knowledge of FGM/C-caused health effects and healthcare workers'' demonstrated willingness to implement evidence-based guidelines when providing care to FMG/C survivors

    Evaluación sensorial de quesos españoles y portugueses

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    Con el objetivo de evaluar sensorialmente algunos quesos portugueses y españoles, se realizaron dos evaluaciones distintas: una degustación realizada de forma rápida e informal de 9 quesos diferentes (4 españoles y 5 portugueses), y una evaluación sensorial individual de 8 quesos diferentes (4 españoles y 4 portugueses). En la prueba de degustación el atributo Sabor es el menos consensual entre los consumidores. Cuanto a la evaluación sensorial, los quesos españoles presentaron una mayor homogeneidad en los resultados, y fueron mejor evaluados globalmente. Aparentemente, los catadores españoles son más sensibles a la intensidad del olor y del sabor de los quesos, lo que podrá estar relacionado con el tipo de quesos que los consumidores españoles y portugueses consumen habitualmente. Las catadoras parecen más sensibles a la intensidad del olor del queso que los catadores, lo que está de acuerdo con las referencias sobre la mayor sensibilidad de las mujeres a los olores, justificada en términos evolutivos por su comportamiento reproductivo y maternal. En lo que respeta a las diferencias observadas entre quesos portugueses y españoles, éstas se pueden deber a diferencias tecnológicas entre los procesos productivos

    What do we know about the future of rice in relation to food system transformation?

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    Food, land, and water systems face daunting challenges in the future, and the body of research exploring these challenges is growing rapidly. This note is part of a series developed by the CGIAR Foresight Initiative to summarize what we know today about the future of various aspects of food systems. The goal of these notes is to serve as a quick reference, point to further information, and help guide future research and decisions. Key messages Global rice production remains more stable than maize and wheat in recent years, while rice consumption continues to increase, albeit at a slower pace. Rice production and consumption is projected to increase worldwide, and Asia to continue as the world’s leading source of rice through 2050. Southeast Asia’s rice surplus will increase by 2040 by closing the exploitable yield gap by half. The global rice sector will experience an increasing economic surplus and declining number of undernourished children and population at risk of hunger with faster productivity growth. Demographic changes and rice trade policy reforms will be the main drivers of rice demand and prices in rice-producing and rice-importing countries

    Doctrina de la Ciencia nova methodo

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    "Querer es algo originario, lo más primario e inmediato ¡Quiere una vez y mira cómo lo haces! (...) Querer algo es una experiencia categórica incondicionada. Lo querido aparece como un postulado absoluto de efectividad que exige sólo este ser y ningún otro. En el querer nos manifestamos como produciendo algo nuevo que antes no existía (...) El querer aparece, por tanto, como productor desde una limitación autorealizativa de la capacidad de la voluntad (...) Según esto, la voluntad es algo absoluto; sujeto y objeto son uno y precisamente lo mismo (...) Soy uno, el que quiere y el que piensa queriendo. (Sucede así con el querer lo mismo que con el sentimiento: que también según lo anterior, era absoluto e inmediato) Así algo inmediato es necesario para deducir de él lo mediato. De ahí que el querer sea lo más alto y originario: si no me pienso queriendo, nada es (...) No llego a ser nada, sino que soy absolutamente mediante la voluntad pura. En virtud de ella mi esencia completa -ser- está determinada. Soy un ser que quiere para toda la eternidad. Este querer puro es mi ser, y mi ser es mi querer. Nada puede añadirse a esto. Antes lo llamábamos la realidad originaria (raíz) del Yo; pues sólo un querer, y el querer puro, es capaz de llegar a ser inmediatamente objeto de la conciencia. De ahí que este querer puro tenga que tener realidad originaria (...) La Doctrina de la Ciencia considera el mundo inteligible como condición del mundo de los fenómenos. Este se construye sobre aquél, y el mundo inteligible reposa sobre el Yo, y éste sobre sí mismo. Sólo en el querer del Yo, sujeto y objeto son uno y el mismo a la vez; mediante el querer y el pensar del querer, el Yo produce algo nuevo. El concepto de querer es, por tanto, aquél sobre el que se fundamenta todo lo espiritual, todo lo que consiste en un mero pensar, y por eso el Yo mismo es espíritu puro (...) ¡Quien soy yo? Aquél en el que me convierto; mi determinación depende de mi libre decisión, y ésta surge de la tarea de limitarme a mí mismo. ¿Quién debo ser yo? Esto reside en mi individualidad. La voluntad pura no está limitada mediante un ser, sino que en ella reside originariamente la ley de cómo debe limitarse a lo largo del tiempo. Es la ley moral.

    Zinc and other metals deficiencies and risk of type 1 diabetes: an ecological study in the high risk Sardinia island

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    Type 1 diabetes incidence presents a decreasing gradient in Europe from the Nordic countries to the Mediterranean ones. Exception to this gradient is represented by Sardinia, the second largest Mediterranean island whose population shows the highest incidence in Europe, after Finland. The genetic features of this population have created a fertile ground for the epidemic of the disease, however, as well as being strikingly high, the incidence rate has suddenly presented a continuous increase from the '50s, not explainable by accumulation of new genetic variants. Several environmental factors have been taken into account, possibly interacting with the genetic/epigenetic scenario, but there are no strong evidences to date