2,796 research outputs found

    Exponential torsion growth for random 3-manifolds

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    We show that a random 3-manifold with positive first Betti number admits a tower of cyclic covers with exponential torsion growth

    On stratification for spaces with Noetherian mod pp cohomology

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    Let XX be a topological space with Noetherian mod pp cohomology and let C(X;Fp)C^*(X;\mathbb{F}_p) be the commutative ring spectrum of Fp\mathbb{F}_p-valued cochains on XX. The goal of this paper is to exhibit conditions under which the category of module spectra on C(X;Fp)C^*(X;\mathbb{F}_p) is stratified in the sense of Benson, Iyengar, Krause, providing a classification of all its localizing subcategories. We establish stratification in this sense for classifying spaces of a large class of topological groups including Kac--Moody groups as well as whenever XX admits an HH-space structure. More generally, using Lannes' theory we prove that stratification for XX is equivalent to a condition that generalizes Chouinard's theorem for finite groups. In particular, this relates the generalized telescope conjecture in this setting to a question in unstable homotopy theory

    Quantum Phase Tomography of a Strongly Driven Qubit

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    The interference between repeated Landau-Zener transitions in a qubit swept through an avoided level crossing results in Stueckelberg oscillations in qubit magnetization. The resulting oscillatory patterns are a hallmark of the coherent strongly-driven regime in qubits, quantum dots and other two-level systems. The two-dimensional Fourier transforms of these patterns are found to exhibit a family of one-dimensional curves in Fourier space, in agreement with recent observations in a superconducting qubit. We interpret these images in terms of time evolution of the quantum phase of qubit state and show that they can be used to probe dephasing mechanisms in the qubit.Comment: 5 pgs, 4 fg

    Optical-conductivity sum rule in cuprates and unconventional charge density waves: a short review

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    We begin with an overview of the experimental results for the temperature and doping dependences of the optical-conductivity spectral weight in cuprate superconductors across the whole phase diagram. Then we discuss recent attempts to explain the observed behavior of the spectral weight using reduced and full models with unconventional dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} charge-density waves.Comment: 17 pages, RevTeX4, 4 EPS figures; Invited paper for a special issue of Low Temperature Physics dedicated to the 20th anniversary of HTS

    Collective motional resonances and instabilities of an electron cloud stored in a Penning trap

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    We have experimentally investigated the behavior of an electron cloud confined in a Penning trap at weak superimposed magnetic fields. Exciting the motional frequencies of the electrons by an external drive field we found the axial mode split into two components which were identified as center-of-mass and individual electron oscillations. When the trapping potential was varied, rapid electron loss appeared at numerous values of the applied voltage. They are determined by the relation n z ω z + n m ω m =ω c . ω z ,ω m ,ω c are the axial, magnetron, and cyclotron frequency of the trapped electrons, respectively. The reason for this loss is attributed to higher order contributions to the ideal quadrupole trapping potential

    A Bespoke Kinect Stepping Exergame for Improving Physical and Cognitive Function in Older People: A Pilot Study

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    © 2016 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Background: Systematic review evidence has shown that step training reduces the number of falls in older people by half. This study investigated the feasibility and effectiveness of a bespoke Kinect stepping exergame in an unsupervised home-based setting. Materials and Methods: An uncontrolled pilot trial was conducted in 12 community-dwelling older adults (mean age 79.3 ± 8.7 years, 10 females). The stepping game comprised rapid stepping, attention, and response inhibition. Participants were recommended to exercise unsupervised at home for a minimum of three 20-minute sessions per week over the 12-week study period. The outcome measures were choice stepping reaction time (CSRT) (main outcome measure), standing balance, gait speed, five-time sit-to-stand (STS), timed up and go (TUG) performance, and neuropsychological function (attention: letter-digit and executive function:Stroop tests) assessed at baseline, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and trial end (12 weeks). Results: Ten participants (83%) completed the trial and reassessments. A median 8.2 20-minute sessions were completed and no adverse events were reported. Across the trial period, participants showed significant improvements in CSRT (11%), TUG (13%), gait speed (29%), standing balance (7%), and STS (24%) performance (all P < 0.05). There were also nonsignificant, but meaningful, improvements for the letter-digit (13%) and Stroop tests (15%). Conclusions: This study found that a bespoke Kinect step training program was safe and feasible for older people to undertake unsupervised at home and led to improvements in stepping, standing balance, gait speed, and mobility. The home-based step training program could therefore be included in exercise programs designed to prevent falls

    Deformation of the Fermi surface in the extended Hubbard model

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    The deformation of the Fermi surface induced by Coulomb interactions is investigated in the t-t'-Hubbard model. The interplay of the local U and extended V interactions is analyzed. It is found that exchange interactions V enhance small anisotropies producing deformations of the Fermi surface which break the point group symmetry of the square lattice at the Van Hove filling. This Pomeranchuck instability competes with ferromagnetism and is suppressed at a critical value of U(V). The interaction V renormalizes the t' parameter to smaller values what favours nesting. It also induces changes on the topology of the Fermi surface which can go from hole to electron-like what may explain recent ARPES experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 ps figure

    Strategies to capture biotechnology opportunities in Chile

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    Two complementary strategies are proposed to help develop the biotechnology industry in Chile. The objectives of such propositions are based on identifying business opportunities, which can be transformed into biotechnology projects that complement the competitive advantages of the most active areas of the Chilean economy. As a result, the establishment of these initiatives may create the proper business environment where good information, investors'safeguards and economic incentives would be provided to encourage investors to support new biotechnology ventures focused on mining, aquaculture, forestry, as well as wine and fruit production. In addition, a complete description of the Chilean biotechnology industry is provided. Amongst other characteristics, this report shows that the industry lacks financial support from venture capital and foreign investors, has a relatively modest proportion of highly qualified employees that work in Research and Development, presents insufficient patent productivity and is mostly regulated in terms of the use of GMOs

    Impact of time-ordered measurements of the two states in a niobium superconducting qubit structure

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    Measurements of thermal activation are made in a superconducting, niobium Persistent-Current (PC) qubit structure, which has two stable classical states of equal and opposite circulating current. The magnetization signal is read out by ramping the bias current of a DC SQUID. This ramping causes time-ordered measurements of the two states, where measurement of one state occurs before the other. This time-ordering results in an effective measurement time, which can be used to probe the thermal activation rate between the two states. Fitting the magnetization signal as a function of temperature and ramp time allows one to estimate a quality factor of 10^6 for our devices, a value favorable for the observation of long quantum coherence times at lower temperatures.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure