1,082 research outputs found

    Explaining export regional involvement through marketing strategy : the case of Spanish companies exporting to Latin America

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    The equivalence between the absence of arbitrage and the existence of an equivalent martingale measure fails when an infinite number of trading dates is considered. By enlarging the set of states of nature and the probability measure through a projective system of topological spaces and Radon measures, we characterize the absence of arbitrage when the time set is countable


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    The equivalence between the absence of arbitrage and the existence of an equivalent martingale measure fails when an infinite number of trading dates is considered. By enlarging the set of states of nature and the probability measure through a projective system of topological spaces and Radon measures, we characterize the absence of arbitrage when the time set is countable.

    Identifying successful marketing strategies by export regional destination.

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    This study develops a model that explains export sales volume by destination based on a company's export marketing strategy. A seemingly unrelated regression model (SURE) simultaneously estimates the explanatory value of the different elements of the marketing strategy, as well as company characteristics, such as experience, size and motivation to export, on entry decisions to six different regional markets made by exporting companies in a southern European country. The data were collected from a sample size of 2,264 exporting companies. Findings confirm the importance of exporting experience and proactiveness in determining high export sales volumes in every regional market except for those psychologically close. Nevertheless, different marketing strategies depending on the region lead to high export sales volumes. For example, low price strategies in the case of Latin America or differentiation strategies based on the augmented product in the case of the USA generate high export sales. Promotional expenditures are of higher importance for distant markets, but for closer markets channel development is the key.Export markets; Exports; International business; Markets;


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    the article adresses the issue of school integration, using the realistic syntesis and sociology of the individual approaches . The systematic review suggests that school inclusion is called into question either by the means of identification used to access, the social treatment that has to be overcome to say included or for the assessment of personal effort that is made. The bottom line is that problems in school inclusion, intended as a means to equal opportunities and avoiding discrimination, have become an "unfair measure of capability".El artículo se aproxima a la problemática de la efectividad de los proyectos de integración escolar, desde los enfoques de síntesis realista y sociología del individuo. La revisión sistemática sugiere que la inclusión escolar es puesta en cuestión sea por los modos de identificación utilizados para acceder, el trato social que se debe sobrellevar para mantenerse una vez incluidos o por la valoración del esfuerzo personal que se hace para cumplir con las distintas exigencias escolares que el sistema regular de educación impone. El tema de fondo en la problemática es que la inclusión escolar, pensada como medio para igualar oportunidades y evitar las discriminaciones, se ha convertido en una “injusta medida de la capacidad”

    On the Corner: Day Labor in the United States

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    This report profiles, for the first time, the national phenomenon of day labor in the United States. Men and women looking for employment in open-air markets by the side of the road, at busy intersections, in front of home improvement stores and in other public spaces are ubiquitous in cities across the nation. The circumstances that give rise to this labor market are complex and poorly understood. In this report, we analyze data from the National Day Labor Survey, the first systematic and scientific study of the day-labor sector and its workforce in the United States. This portrait of day labor in the United States is based on a national survey of 2,660 day laborers. These workers were randomly selected at 264 hiring sites in 139 municipalities in 20 states and the District of Columbia. The sheer number of these sites, combined with their presence in every region in the country, reflects the enormous breadth of this labor market niche. Findings reveal that the day-labor market is rife with violations of workers' rights. Day laborers are regularly denied payment for their work, many are subjected to demonstrably hazardous job sites, and most endure insults and abuses by employers. The growth of day-labor hiring sites combined with rising levels of workers' rights violations is a national trend that warrants attention from policy makers at all levels of government

    A meaningful embrace: Contingent effects of embodied cues of affection

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    Can a mere gesture lead to intimate product bonding? In this research, we find that affectionate gestures (e.g. hugging, stroking) can serve as routes to object attachment. We suggest that the mere execution of an affectionate gesture can generate emotional attachment, which translates into enhanced product attitudes. However, this effect is contingent on the existence of facilitating conditions via the presence of humanlike characteristics in the target object of the affectionate gesture

    Intellectual determinants in the improvement of the critical thinking

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    El pensamiento crítico ha sido definido como «el pensamiento razonado y reflexivo que se centra en decidir qué creer o qué hacer» (Ennis, 1996). Este pensamiento tiene una gran importancia puesto que estå implicado en la resolución de problemas, en la toma de decisiones, en la elaboración de creencias, en comprobación de hipótesis, etc., esto es, en una buena parte de nuestro funcionamiento cognitivo diario. Sin embargo, no existen muchos estudios sobre qué factores personales pueden estar implicados en su posesión o en su aprendizaje. Nosotros hemos llevado a cabo una investigación con una muestra de estudiantes universitarios con el objetivo de explorar la relación entre el pensamiento crítico y la inteligencia. Los resultados demostraron que antes de la instrucción la relación entre esas variables era muy débil, sin embargo tras la enseñanza del pensamiento crítico dicha relación fue significativamente mås fuerte. Con el fin de explorar mås esta relación y determina si pudiera haber diferencias en pensamiento crítico en función del nivel intelectual, realizamos un ANOVA. Este reveló la existencia de diferencias significativas en el grado de aprendizaje tras la instrucción en función de la capacidad intelectual de los estudiantes. Siendo los mås inteligentes quienes mås se beneficiaron de esta instrucción, mostrando un mayor aprendizaje en el pensamiento crítico.The critical thinking has been defined as the reasoned and reflective thinking that focused on deciding what to believe or do (Ennis, 1996). This thinking has a big importance because it is involved in problem solving, in decision making, in production of beliefs, in checking hypothesis, etc., that is, in a good part of our cognitive daily functioning. However, there are not a lot of studies about what personal factors can be involved in its possession or in its learning. We have carried out a study with a sample of university students with the aim to explore the relation between the critical thinking and the intelligence. The results showed that before instruction the relation between these variables was very weak however after the instruction the relation was significantly stronger. With the aim to explore this relation and determine if there could be differences in critical thinking in function of intellectual level, we realized an ANOVA. That revealed significant differences in the degree of learning of critical thinking in function of the intellectual level of the students. Being the most intelligent those who more benefited from this instruction, showing a major learning in critical thinking

    Pleasurable Surprises: A Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Responses to Unexpected Incentives

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    Consumer reactions to a surprising event are generally stronger than those to an identical but unexpected event. But the experience of surprise differs across cultures. In this article, we examine differences between East Asian and Western emotional reactions to unexpected incentives. When given an unexpected gift, East Asians report less surprise and less pleasure than Westerners. East Asians’ dampened pleasure is explained by their motivation to maintain balance and emotional control, which leads to a reappraisal of perceived likelihood. However, if the unexpected gift is attributed to good luck, which is a desirable form of the unexpected, East Asians experience even greater pleasure than Westerners

    Gendered Carceral Logics in Social Work: The Blurred Boundaries in Gender Equality Policies for Imprisoned and Battered Women in Spain

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    This article uses feminist critical analysis as a conceptual framework in order to reflect upon the carceral drifts adopted by gender equality policies in Spain. This issue has been deeply analyzed in the American context, and we believe it is relevant to bring the experiences of other contexts into discussion, such the Spanish one, where the welfare state has been affected by the 2008 global financial crisis. With the aim of adding to the discussion and making a contribution from feminisms and social work perspectives, this work carries out a comparative analysis on carceral policies addressed to women, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, on protection policies for women victims of gender- based violence. Based on our fieldwork in Andalucia (Spain) for more than 10 years, as well as on legal and programmatical text analysis, we question the alleged control/protection separation, highlighting the existence of gendered carceral logics in both contexts. We highlight the social control to which women are subject and for which subjects women to the image of a “good victim” on the one hand and a “good mother” on the other.Funding from the University Lecturers’ Training Program (Reference: FPU16/00077) of the Spanish Government Ministry of Education, Culture and Spor

    Identifying successful marketing strategies by export regional destination

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    This study develops a model that explains export sales volume by destination based on a company's export marketing strategy. A seemingly unrelated regression model (SURE) simultaneously estimates the explanatory value of the different elements of the marketing strategy, as well as company characteristics, such as experience, size and motivation to export, on entry decisions to six different regional markets made by exporting companies in a southern European country. The data were collected from a sample size of 2,264 exporting companies. Findings confirm the importance of exporting experience and proactiveness in determining high export sales volumes in every regional market except for those psychologically close. Nevertheless, different marketing strategies depending on the region lead to high export sales volumes. For example, low price strategies in the case of Latin America or differentiation strategies based on the augmented product in the case of the USA generate high export sales. Promotional expenditures are of higher importance for distant markets, but for closer markets channel development is the key.Publicad
