4,974 research outputs found

    Corrigendum. Maars to calderas: end-members on a spectrum of explosive volcanic depressions

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    A corrigendum on Maars to calderas: end-members on a spectrum of explosive volcanic depressions by Palladino, D. M., Valentine, G. A., Sottili, G., and Taddeucci, J. (2015). Front. Earth Sci. 3:36. doi: 10.3389/feart.2015.00036 Reason for Corrigendum: In the original article (Palladino et al., 2015), there was an error in Figure 1. The vertical axis of the qualitative plot reported erroneously “ratio of juvenile to lithic materials in deposits outside of depression”. The correct wording is as follows: “ratio of juvenile to total (i.e., juvenile+lithic) materials in deposits outside of depression”. In fact, as it was reported correctly in the text, the amount of juvenilematerial (i.e., scoria or pumice) deposited ouside the different types of explosive volcanic depressions increases from zero (i.e., no juvenile, all lithic products), as is the case of hydrothermal (phreatic) explosion craters, to become largely dominant over the lithic component in the case of ash flow deposits associated with large overpressure collapse calderas. The corrected Figure 1 appears below. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way

    Maars to calderas. End-members on a spectrum of explosive volcanic depressions

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    We discuss maar-diatremes and calderas as end-members on a spectrum of negative volcanic landforms (depressions) produced by explosive eruptions (note—we focus on calderas formed during explosive eruptions, recognizing that some caldera types are not related to such activity). The former are dominated by ejection of material during numerous discrete phreatomagmatic explosions, brecciation, and subsidence of diatreme fill, while the latter are dominated by subsidence over a partly evacuated magma chamber during sustained, magmatic volatile-driven discharge. Many examples share characteristics of both, including landforms that are identified as maars but preserve deposits from non-phreatomagmatic explosive activity, and ambiguous structures that appear to be coalesced maars but that also produced sustained explosive eruptions with likely magma reservoir subsidence. A convergence of research directions on issues related to magma-water interaction and shallow reservoir mechanics is an important avenue toward developing a unified picture of the maar-diatreme-caldera spectrum

    Seeking ‘the New Normal’? Troubled spaces of encountering visible differences in Warsaw

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    In times of globalisation and super-mobility, ideas of normality are in turmoil. In different societies in, across and beyond Europe, we face the challenge of undoing specific notions of normality and creating more inclusive societies with an open culture of learning to live with differences. The scope of the paper is to introduce some findings on encounters with difference and negotiations of social values in relation to a growing visibility of difference after 1989 in Poland, on the background of a critique of normality/ normalisation and normalcy. On the basis of interviews conducted in Warsaw, we investigate how normality/ normalisation discourses of visible homosexuality and physical disability are incorporated into individual self-reflections and justifications of prejudices (homophobia and disabilism). More specifically we argue that there are moments of ‘cultural transgressions’ present in everyday practices towards ‘visible’ sexual and (dis)ability difference

    Intimate encounters: the negotiation of difference within the family and its implications for social relations in public space

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    This paper focuses on the neglected issue of encounters with difference within the context of family life at a moment in time when families are increasingly characterised by dissimilarity as a product of mobility and individualisation. The study upon which this paper is based involved both a survey of social attitudes (survey n = 3021) and qualitative multi-stage research (n = 60). The evidence of the findings is that intra-familial diversity does produce more positive attitudes in public life towards the specific social group that an individual family member is perceived to represent. However, such positive attitudes are not translated beyond this specific ‘difference’ to challenge wider prejudices towards other groups. As such, this research contributes to literatures on geographies of encounter and the geographies of family life by exposing the limits of intimate contact with difference in changing the way social relationships are lived in the wider world

    Emission spectrum of a dipole in a semi-infinite periodic dielectric structure: effect of the boundary

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    Journal ArticleThe emission spectrum of a dipole embedded in a semi-infinite photonic crystal is calculated. For simplicity we study the case in which the dielectric function is sinusoidally modulated only along the direction perpendicular to the boundary surface plane. In addition to oscillations of the emission rate with the distance of the dipole from the interface, we also observed that the shape of the emission spectrum srongly depends on the initial phase of the dielectric modulation. When the direction of light propagation inside the periodic structure is not normal to the boundary surface plane, we observed aditional singularities in the emission spectrum, which arise due to different angle dependence of the Bragg stop band for TE and TM polarizations

    Concordant cues in faces and voices: testing the backup signal hypothesis

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    Information from faces and voices combines to provide multimodal signals about a person. Faces and voices may offer redundant, overlapping (backup signals), or complementary information (multiple messages). This article reports two experiments which investigated the extent to which faces and voices deliver concordant information about dimensions of fitness and quality. In Experiment 1, participants rated faces and voices on scales for masculinity/femininity, age, health, height, and weight. The results showed that people make similar judgments from faces and voices, with particularly strong correlations for masculinity/femininity, health, and height. If, as these results suggest, faces and voices constitute backup signals for various dimensions, it is hypothetically possible that people would be able to accurately match novel faces and voices for identity. However, previous investigations into novel face–voice matching offer contradictory results. In Experiment 2, participants saw a face and heard a voice and were required to decide whether the face and voice belonged to the same person. Matching accuracy was significantly above chance level, suggesting that judgments made independently from faces and voices are sufficiently similar that people can match the two. Both sets of results were analyzed using multilevel modeling and are interpreted as being consistent with the backup signal hypothesis

    Intermolecular interaction of photoexcited Cu(TMpy-P4) with water studied by transient resonance Raman and picosecond absorption spectroscopies

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    photoinduced complex between Cu(TMpy-P4) and water molecules, reversibly axially coordinated to the central metal, was observed in picosecond transient absorption and nanosecond resonance Raman experiments. This complex is rapidly created (τ1 = 15 ± 5 ps) in the excited triplet (π, π*) state of Cu-porphyrin, and the subsequent relaxation is proposed to proceed via two parallel pathways. One is fast and efficient (≥90% of molecules), and presumably involves a (π, d) charge-transfer state. The second pathway is slow (τ2 >> 1 ns), has a low quantum yield (≤10%) and involves the excited (d, d) state which is responsible for transient Raman features at ≈ 1553 cm−1 (ν2*) and ≈ 1347 cm−1 (ν4*), and for low-intensity long-lived transient absorption features


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    Meningkatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi memberikan dampak yang cukup besar bagi setiap instansi maupun masyarakat, sistem informasi diyakini memberi kontribusi terhadap kebutuhan untuk membangun keunggulan kompetitif melalui biaya yang rendah, kualitas yang baik. Salah satu sistem informasi yang sedang berkembang dan membantu perkembangan contohnya pembuatan website perpustakaan. Perpustakaan merupakan kumpulan informasi yang bersifat ilmu pengetahuan, hiburan, rekreasi, dan ibadah yang merupakan kebutuhan hakiki manusia, perpustakaan sebagai tempat untuk mengakses informasi dalam format apapun. Hal ini pun ditemui pada Dinas Kearsipan Dan Perpustakaan Seram Bagian Barat. Dinas Kearsipan Dan Perpustakaan Seram Bagian Barat adalah salah satu dinas dibawah Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat. Dinas ini membawahi unit perpustakaan dan kearsipan. Tingkat pelayanan pada perpustakaan dan kearsipan masih belum tertata dengan baik karena masih menggunakan kearsipan secara manual, permasalahan yang ditemui sering terjadinya kehilangan data buku yang telah diarsipkan maupun buku yang ada pada perpustakaan serta proses peminjaman buku yang tidak terkontrol dengan baik hal ini sangat berpengaruh pada pelayanan perpustakaan sehingga perlu dibuat sebuah sistem informasi perpustakaan berbasis website yang dapat membantu proses pelayanan pada perpustakaan serta dapat dengan mudah dan cepat mengontrol dan menampilkan data-data yang ada pada perpustakaan. Sistem informasi berbasis website juga mempermudah para pengunjung perpustakaan, mereka dapat dengan mudah menggunakan website perpustakaan untuk meminjam buku secara online. Diharapkan website perpustakaan ini dapat membantu dan mempermudah pekerjaan pada Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Seram Bagian Barat

    Generation-making narratives and responses to diversity in Poland

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    In this article, the authors move away from approaching generations as static categories and explore how ordinary people, as opposed to scholars, distinguish generations and justify their different responses to cultural diversity in terms of ethnicity, race and religion/belief. The analysis draws on 90 in-depth interviews with 30 residents in the Polish capital, Warsaw (2012–2013). Through approaching generation as an analytical category, the authors identify various differentiating narratives which the study participants employed to draw boundaries between generations, reinforcing the common belief that the youngest Poles are most accepting of diversity. Although generations are seen as the axis of difference, conditioning generation-specific responses to diversity, the accounts emerging from the interviews reveal their relational nature, as well as similarities and points of connection between their experiences