80 research outputs found

    On varieties defined by large sets of quadrics and their application to error-correcting codes

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    Let UU be a ((k12)1)({ k-1 \choose 2}-1)-dimensional subspace of quadratic forms defined on PG(k1,F)\mathrm{PG}(k-1,{\mathbb F}) with the property that UU does not contain any reducible quadratic form. Let V(U)V(U) be the points of PG(k1,F)\mathrm{PG}(k-1,{\mathbb F}) which are zeros of all quadratic forms in UU. We will prove that if there is a group GG which fixes UU and no line of PG(k1,F)\mathrm{PG}(k-1,{\mathbb F}) and V(U)V(U) spans PG(k1,F)\mathrm{PG}(k-1,{\mathbb F}) then any hyperplane of PG(k1,F)\mathrm{PG}(k-1,{\mathbb F}) is incident with at most kk points of V(U)V(U). If F{\mathbb F} is a finite field then the linear code generated by the matrix whose columns are the points of V(U)V(U) is a kk-dimensional linear code of length V(U)|V(U)| and minimum distance at least V(U)k|V(U)|-k. A linear code with these parameters is an MDS code or an almost MDS code. We will construct examples of such subspaces UU and groups GG, which include the normal rational curve, the elliptic curve, Glynn's arc from \cite{Glynn1986} and other examples found by computer search. We conjecture that the projection of V(U)V(U) from any k4k-4 points is contained in the intersection of two quadrics, the common zeros of two linearly independent quadratic forms. This would be a strengthening of a classical theorem of Fano, which itself is an extension of a theorem of Castelnuovo, for which we include a proof using only linear algebra

    Forbidden subgraphs in the norm graph

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    We show that the norm graph with n vertices about View the MathML source edges, which contains no copy of the complete bipartite graph Kt,(t-1)!+1, does not contain a copy of Kt+1,(t-1)!-1.Postprint (author's final draft

    Chapter Are Teachers Agents of Change? Teacher Training and The Gender Dimension in Adult Education: Italy and Nigeria in Comparison

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    Adult education can play a fundamental role in changing existing gender hierarchies, breaking down gender stereotypes, and promoting gender equality. Teachers can be important agents of change, but they not only have to be aware of their behaviours, attitudes, and views, they also have to be able to understand the specific needs and interests of learners, to use gender-based methods, and to implement practices free of gender stereotypes. In order to do this, adequate education and training are needed, but both in Italy and Nigeria, gender issues are not part of the education and training curriculum, and much remains to be done for raising awareness of this issue

    The application of therapeutic ultrasound on the vertebral circulation in the cervical region in patients who presented with neck pain

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinkovitost terapijskog ultrazvuka na vertebralnu cirkulaciju u bolesnika s vratoboljom. Terapijski ultrazvuk će u kliničkoj ocjeni dovesti do smanjenja bolova u vratu, a može promijeniti i ekstrakranijsku hemodinamiku u vertebralnim arterijama, što može biti jedan od mehanizama smanjenja bolova i mišićnog spazma. Mehanizam smanjenja bolova poboljšanjem protoka temelji se na poznatoj činjenici da bolje otplavljivanje ostatnih produkata metabolizma dovodi do manjeg podražaja nociceptora. Ispitivanje je provedeno na 100 bolesnika s vratoboljom (prosječna dob 55 godina), 69 žena i 31 muškarac. Ispitanici su bili podijeljeni u ispitivanu i kontrolnu skupinu. Ispitivana skupina dobivala je terapijski ultrazvuk mobilnom tehnikom paravertebralno cervikalno (1 MHz, 0,5 W/cm2, 5 min.). Kontrolna skupina tijekom primjene terapijskog ultrazvuka imala je aparat isključen. Trajanje intervencije iznosilo je 15 tretmana (3 tjedna). Obje skupine ispitanika provodile su medicinsku gimnastiku i dobivale su transkutanu električnu nervnu stimulaciju paravertebralno cervikalno. Rezultati su pokazali da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika između ispitivane i kontrolne skupine u brzini protoka u vertebralnim arterijama kako nakon 15 tretmana tako i nakon mjesec dana od provedene fizikalne terapije. Brzina protoka u vertebralnim arterijama bila je najniža prije tretmana u obje skupine ispitanika.The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of therapeutic ultrasound on vertebral circulation in patients with neck pain. Therapeutic ultrasound in clinical assessment will lead to reduction in pain in the neck, and can change hemodynamics in the extracranial vertebral arteries, which can be one of the mechanisms to reduce pain and muscle spasms. The mechanism of pain reduction by improving the blood flow is based on a known fact that the better elimination residual Products of metabolism leads to decreased stimulation of nociceptors. The study included 100 patients with neck pain (69 women and 31 men; mean age 55 years). Subjects were divided into test and control group. The test group received therapeutic ultrasound applied by mobile technology (1 MHz, 0.5 W/cm2, 5 min.) at the paravertebral cervical region. In control group, during the application of therapeutic ultrasound, device was turned off. Intervention was conducted 15 times within 3 weeks. Both groups of patients underwent a medical gymnastics program and received transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation of paravertebra cervical region. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the test and control groups in the rate of the blood flow in the vertebral arteries after 15 treatments, neither after a month of performed physical therapy. The lowest flow rates in the vertebral arteries, within both groups, were registered before treatment. It has been established that variation in blood flow in vertebral arteries does not diminish neck pain

    The reliability and validity of a croatian version of the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI) and Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

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    Cilj rada je bio utvrditi pouzdanost i valjanost hrvatske inačice Bath funkcijskog indeksa za ankilozantni spondilitis (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional indeksa - BASFI) i Bath indeksa aktivnosti bolesti za ankilozantni spondilitis (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity indeksa - BASDAI) u bolesnika s ankilozantnim spondilitisom (AS). U istraživanju su sudjelovali bolesnici s potvrđenom dijagnozom AS-a i to 52 bolesnika za ocjenu BASFI, a 48 bolesnika za ocjenu BASDAI upitnika. Prijevod upitnika je napravljen prema međunarodno prihvaćenim smjernicama. Za ocjenu pouzdanosti bolesnici su ispunili upitnik sljedeći dan. U cilju ocjene valjanosti upotrijebljeni su sljedeći parametri: pokretljivost kralježnice u sagitalnoj ravnini, indeks disanja, sedimentacija eritrocita, vrijednost serumskog C-reaktivnog proteina, jačina boli i bolesnikova globalna ocjena. Osim deskriptivne statistike, u statističkoj analizi je korišten Spearmanov rho koeficijent korelacije. Korelacija između rezultata BASFI i BASDAI upitnika je bila 0,621. Srednja vrijednost za BASFI u dva navrata (unutar 24 sata) bila je 4,82±2,67 odnosno 4,88±2,52 (r=0,961; p<0,01), dok je za BASDAI iznosila 5,46±2,30 odnosno 5,32±2,19 (r=0,959; p<0,01). Indeks stabilnosti za oba upitnika bio je 0,98. Visoka korelacija je utvrđena za svako ponovljeno pitanje BASFI i BASDAI upitnika. Za oba upitnika kongruentna valjanost je pokazala najbolju korelaciju s pokretljivosti vratne i prsne kralježnice. Također, nađena je korelacija BASFI vrijednosti sa pokretljivosti slabinske kralježnice i BASDAI sa stupnjem boli. Naši nalazi pokazuju da je hrvatska inačica BASFI i BASDAI upitnika pouzdana i valjana. Stoga, može se koristiti u kliničkim istraživanjima, kao i u kliničkoj praksi.The aim of the study was to investigate the reliability and the validity of the Croatian version of the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI) and Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity index (BASDAI) in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Patients with established diagnosis of AS participated in the study. Fifty-two and 48 patients were included for the evaluation of BASFI and BASDAI, respectively. For translation international translation steps were followed. For reliability patients recompleted both indices on the following day. To assess validity following parameters were obtained: spinal mobility in sagittal plane, chest expansion index, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum C-reactive protein, level of pain and patient’s global health. Apart from descriptive statistics Spearman’s rho coefficient was used. Correlation between BASFI and BASDAI score was 0.621. The mean BASFI scores on two occasions (within 24 hours) were 4.82±2.67 versus 4.88±2.52 (r=0.961; p<0.01), and for BASDAI scores were 5.46±2.30 versus 5.32±2.19, respectively (r=0.959; p<0.01). Stability index for both indices was 0.98. High correlation was found for each repeated question of BASFI and BASDAI. For both indices congruent validity demonstrated the best correlation with cervical and thoracic mobility. Also, the correlation was observed for BASFI with spinal mobility in lumbar region and with chest expansion index, and for BASDAI with the level of pain. Our findings indicate that Croatian version of BASFI and BASDAI is reliable and valid. Therefore, it can be used in clinical research as well as in clinical practice

    The reliability and validity of a croatian version of the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI) and Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

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    Cilj rada je bio utvrditi pouzdanost i valjanost hrvatske inačice Bath funkcijskog indeksa za ankilozantni spondilitis (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional indeksa - BASFI) i Bath indeksa aktivnosti bolesti za ankilozantni spondilitis (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity indeksa - BASDAI) u bolesnika s ankilozantnim spondilitisom (AS). U istraživanju su sudjelovali bolesnici s potvrđenom dijagnozom AS-a i to 52 bolesnika za ocjenu BASFI, a 48 bolesnika za ocjenu BASDAI upitnika. Prijevod upitnika je napravljen prema međunarodno prihvaćenim smjernicama. Za ocjenu pouzdanosti bolesnici su ispunili upitnik sljedeći dan. U cilju ocjene valjanosti upotrijebljeni su sljedeći parametri: pokretljivost kralježnice u sagitalnoj ravnini, indeks disanja, sedimentacija eritrocita, vrijednost serumskog C-reaktivnog proteina, jačina boli i bolesnikova globalna ocjena. Osim deskriptivne statistike, u statističkoj analizi je korišten Spearmanov rho koeficijent korelacije. Korelacija između rezultata BASFI i BASDAI upitnika je bila 0,621. Srednja vrijednost za BASFI u dva navrata (unutar 24 sata) bila je 4,82±2,67 odnosno 4,88±2,52 (r=0,961; p<0,01), dok je za BASDAI iznosila 5,46±2,30 odnosno 5,32±2,19 (r=0,959; p<0,01). Indeks stabilnosti za oba upitnika bio je 0,98. Visoka korelacija je utvrđena za svako ponovljeno pitanje BASFI i BASDAI upitnika. Za oba upitnika kongruentna valjanost je pokazala najbolju korelaciju s pokretljivosti vratne i prsne kralježnice. Također, nađena je korelacija BASFI vrijednosti sa pokretljivosti slabinske kralježnice i BASDAI sa stupnjem boli. Naši nalazi pokazuju da je hrvatska inačica BASFI i BASDAI upitnika pouzdana i valjana. Stoga, može se koristiti u kliničkim istraživanjima, kao i u kliničkoj praksi.The aim of the study was to investigate the reliability and the validity of the Croatian version of the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI) and Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity index (BASDAI) in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Patients with established diagnosis of AS participated in the study. Fifty-two and 48 patients were included for the evaluation of BASFI and BASDAI, respectively. For translation international translation steps were followed. For reliability patients recompleted both indices on the following day. To assess validity following parameters were obtained: spinal mobility in sagittal plane, chest expansion index, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum C-reactive protein, level of pain and patient’s global health. Apart from descriptive statistics Spearman’s rho coefficient was used. Correlation between BASFI and BASDAI score was 0.621. The mean BASFI scores on two occasions (within 24 hours) were 4.82±2.67 versus 4.88±2.52 (r=0.961; p<0.01), and for BASDAI scores were 5.46±2.30 versus 5.32±2.19, respectively (r=0.959; p<0.01). Stability index for both indices was 0.98. High correlation was found for each repeated question of BASFI and BASDAI. For both indices congruent validity demonstrated the best correlation with cervical and thoracic mobility. Also, the correlation was observed for BASFI with spinal mobility in lumbar region and with chest expansion index, and for BASDAI with the level of pain. Our findings indicate that Croatian version of BASFI and BASDAI is reliable and valid. Therefore, it can be used in clinical research as well as in clinical practice

    Microleakage Evaluation of Resin Composite Fillings - A Pilot Study

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    Svrha rada bila je ispitati propusnost između restorativnog materijala i stijenke zuba kod primjene dvaju različitih adhezijskih sustava. Ispitivanje je provedeno na 12 intaktnih trećih kutnjaka ekstrahiranih iz ortodontskih razloga. Zubi su prepiljeni na caklinsko-cementnom spojištu te su dobiveni krunski segmenti. Na okluzalnim površinama izrađeni su kaviteti I. razreda. Uzorci su podijeljeni u dvije skupine – po šest u svakoj. Za izradbu ispuna uporabljen je restorativni kompozitni materijal “Tetric Ceram” (Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) i dva različita samojetkajuća adhezijska sustava - u jednoj skupini dvofazni adhezijski sustav AdheSE (Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein), a u drugoj jednofazni adhezijski sustav Xeno III (DeTrey, Konstanz, SR Njemačka). Za mjerenje mikropropusnosti koristila su se dva postupka – konstrukcija za prijenos tekućine i tehnika prodora boje. U rezultatima dobivenima konstrukcijom za prijenos tekućine nije ustanovljena statistički znatna razlika između dviju skupina uzoraka (p=0,7488). Mjerenje rubnog propuštanja tehnikom prodora boje pokazalo je statistički znatno veće propuštanje (p=0,002) u skupini u kojoj je uporabljen adhezijski sustav Xeno III.The purpose of this study was to evaluate microleakage of two different adhesive systems between resin composite restorations and cavity walls. The experiment was conducted on 12 intact human third molars, extracted for orthodontic reasons, sectioned at the cemento-enamel junction to provide crown segments. The cavities were prepared in the occlusal surfaces. The samples were divided into two groups, six samples in each. Restorations were made with the resin composite “Tetric Ceram” (Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) and two different self-etch adhesive systems: in one group two-step self-etch AdheSE (Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein), and in the other single-step self-etch Xeno III (DeTrey, Konstanz, Germany). Microleakage was measured by two different methods, fl uid transport model and dye penetration. The results using fl uid transport model showed no statistically signifi cant difference between two groups of samples (p=0,7488). Marginal leakage measured using dye penetration technique method showed statistically signifi cant higher degree of marginal leakage (p=0,002) in the group where Xeno III was used

    Microleakage Evaluation of Resin Composite Fillings - A Pilot Study

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    Svrha rada bila je ispitati propusnost između restorativnog materijala i stijenke zuba kod primjene dvaju različitih adhezijskih sustava. Ispitivanje je provedeno na 12 intaktnih trećih kutnjaka ekstrahiranih iz ortodontskih razloga. Zubi su prepiljeni na caklinsko-cementnom spojištu te su dobiveni krunski segmenti. Na okluzalnim površinama izrađeni su kaviteti I. razreda. Uzorci su podijeljeni u dvije skupine – po šest u svakoj. Za izradbu ispuna uporabljen je restorativni kompozitni materijal “Tetric Ceram” (Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) i dva različita samojetkajuća adhezijska sustava - u jednoj skupini dvofazni adhezijski sustav AdheSE (Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein), a u drugoj jednofazni adhezijski sustav Xeno III (DeTrey, Konstanz, SR Njemačka). Za mjerenje mikropropusnosti koristila su se dva postupka – konstrukcija za prijenos tekućine i tehnika prodora boje. U rezultatima dobivenima konstrukcijom za prijenos tekućine nije ustanovljena statistički znatna razlika između dviju skupina uzoraka (p=0,7488). Mjerenje rubnog propuštanja tehnikom prodora boje pokazalo je statistički znatno veće propuštanje (p=0,002) u skupini u kojoj je uporabljen adhezijski sustav Xeno III.The purpose of this study was to evaluate microleakage of two different adhesive systems between resin composite restorations and cavity walls. The experiment was conducted on 12 intact human third molars, extracted for orthodontic reasons, sectioned at the cemento-enamel junction to provide crown segments. The cavities were prepared in the occlusal surfaces. The samples were divided into two groups, six samples in each. Restorations were made with the resin composite “Tetric Ceram” (Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) and two different self-etch adhesive systems: in one group two-step self-etch AdheSE (Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein), and in the other single-step self-etch Xeno III (DeTrey, Konstanz, Germany). Microleakage was measured by two different methods, fl uid transport model and dye penetration. The results using fl uid transport model showed no statistically signifi cant difference between two groups of samples (p=0,7488). Marginal leakage measured using dye penetration technique method showed statistically signifi cant higher degree of marginal leakage (p=0,002) in the group where Xeno III was used

    Razvoj ranih grafomotoričkih sposobnosti u djece s neurorazvojnim rizikom

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    Drawing as an early form of a child’s graphomotor skill is used as an element in the assessment of visual-motor coordination. Development of artistic expression is a precursor of the later development of writing that requires a high degree of coordination and precision. Children with perinatal impairment of the central nervous system and prematurely born children belong to a group of children with neurodevelopmental risk. Some of the possible results of this type of difficulty can be mild forms of motor disabilities. A retrospective study was conducted by archive review of children under the age of 3 hospitalized at University Department of Rheumatology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center. The aim was to determine the incidence of graphomotor difficulties in children with perinatal impairments of the central nervous system and prematurely born children. The study included 50 children aged 12-36 months. The results showed 72% of the tested children to have drawings within the limits expected for their age, 13 children showed graphic abilities below the expectations for their age, while one child did not show functional use of pen. Literature indicates a common learning disability and difficulties with attention and fine motor skills in preschool and particularly in schoolchildren born with neurodevelopmental risk. This study therefore suggests that, despite good initial compensation in the early development of graphomotor skills, it is necessary to maintain follow-up procedures in order to prevent later difficulties in the development of graphomotor and writing skills.Crtež kao rani oblik grafomotoričkih sposobnosti djeteta u ranom djetinjstvu koristi se kao procjena vizuo-motorne koordinacije. Razvoj crteža preteča je kasnijem razvoju pisanja koje zahtijeva visok stupanj koordinacije i preciznosti. Djeca s perinatalnim oštećenjem središnjega živčanog sustava i prijevremenim porodom pripadaju skupini neurorizične djece. Jedan od mogućih ishoda ovoga tipa oštećenja su i blaže motoričke teškoće. Provedeno je retrospektivno istraživanje pregledom arhive za djecu do 3 godine koja su hospitalizirana na Klinici za reumatologiju, fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju Kliničke bolnice „Sestre milosrdnice“ radi utvrđivanja vremena pojavnosti teškoća u grafomotoričkim sposobnostima kod djece s neurorazvojnim rizikom. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 50 djece u dobi od 12 do 36 mjeseci. Kod ispitane djece u 72% slučaja crtež je bio u granicama očekivanima za dob, kod 13 djece grafičke sposobnosti su bile ispod očekivanih za dob, dok jedno dijete nije pokazivalo funkcionalnu upotrebu olovke. Literatura ukazuje na učestale teškoće učenja, pozornosti i fine motorike u predškolskoj i osobito u školskoj dobi kod djece rođene s neurorazvojnim rizikom. Ovo istraživanje stoga ukazuje na to da je unatoč dobroj početnoj kompenzaciji u ranom razvoju grafomotoričkih sposobnosti nužno praćenje ove populacije djece kako bi se na vrijeme spriječile moguće kasnije teškoće u razvoju grafomotorike i pisanja