152 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Semantics: Metric and Logical Character\ua8ations for Nondeterministic Probabilistic Processes

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    In this thesis we focus on processes with nondeterminism and probability in the PTS model, and we propose novel techniques to study their semantics, in terms of both classic behavioral relations and the more recent behavioral metrics. Firstly, we propose a method for decomposing modal formulae in a probabilistic extension of the Hennessy-Milner logic. This decomposition method allows us to derive the compositional properties of probabilistic (bi)simulations. Then, we propose original notions of metrics measuring the disparities in the behavior of processes with respect to (decorated) trace and testing semantics. To capture the differences in the expressive power of the metrics we order them by the relation `makes processes further than'. Thus, we obtain the first spectrum of behavioral metrics on the PTS model. From this spectrum we derive an analogous one for the kernels of the metrics, ordered by the relation `makes strictly less identification than'. Finally, we introduce a novel technique for the logical characterization of both behavioral metrics and their kernels, based on the notions of mimicking formula and distance on formulae. This kind of characterization allows us to obtain the first example of a spectrum of distances on processes obtained directly from logics. Moreover, we show that the kernels of the metrics can be characterized by simply comparing the mimicking formulae of processes

    Probabilistic Semantics: Metric and Logical Character¨ations for Nondeterministic Probabilistic Processes

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    In this thesis we focus on processes with nondeterminism and probability in the PTS model, and we propose novel techniques to study their semantics, in terms of both classic behavioral relations and the more recent behavioral metrics. Firstly, we propose a method for decomposing modal formulae in a probabilistic extension of the Hennessy-Milner logic. This decomposition method allows us to derive the compositional properties of probabilistic (bi)simulations. Then, we propose original notions of metrics measuring the disparities in the behavior of processes with respect to (decorated) trace and testing semantics. To capture the differences in the expressive power of the metrics we order them by the relation `makes processes further than'. Thus, we obtain the first spectrum of behavioral metrics on the PTS model. From this spectrum we derive an analogous one for the kernels of the metrics, ordered by the relation `makes strictly less identification than'. Finally, we introduce a novel technique for the logical characterization of both behavioral metrics and their kernels, based on the notions of mimicking formula and distance on formulae. This kind of characterization allows us to obtain the first example of a spectrum of distances on processes obtained directly from logics. Moreover, we show that the kernels of the metrics can be characterized by simply comparing the mimicking formulae of processes

    A framework to measure the robustness of programs in the unpredictable environment

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    Due to the diffusion of IoT, modern software systems are often thought to control and coordinate smart devices in order to manage assets and resources, and to guarantee efficient behaviours. For this class of systems, which interact extensively with humans and with their environment, it is thus crucial to guarantee their correct behaviour in order to avoid unexpected and possibly dangerous situations. In this paper we will present a framework that allows us to measure the robustness of systems. This is the ability of a program to tolerate changes in the environmental conditions and preserving the original behaviour. In the proposed framework, the interaction of a program with its environment is represented as a sequence of random variables describing how both evolve in time. For this reason, the considered measures will be defined among probability distributions of observed data. The proposed framework will be then used to define the notions of adaptability and reliability. The former indicates the ability of a program to absorb perturbation on environmental conditions after a given amount of time. The latter expresses the ability of a program to maintain its intended behaviour (up-to some reasonable tolerance) despite the presence of perturbations in the environment. Moreover, an algorithm, based on statistical inference, it proposed to evaluate the proposed metric and the aforementioned properties. Throughout the paper, two case studies are used to the describe and evaluate the proposed approach

    On the Axiomatisation of Branching Bisimulation Congruence over CCS

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    In this paper we investigate the equational theory of (the restriction, relabelling, and recursion free fragment of) CCS modulo rooted branching bisimilarity, which is a classic, bisimulation-based notion of equivalence that abstracts from internal computational steps in process behaviour. Firstly, we show that CCS is not finitely based modulo the considered congruence. As a key step of independent interest in the proof of that negative result, we prove that each CCS process has a unique parallel decomposition into indecomposable processes modulo branching bisimilarity. As a second main contribution, we show that, when the set of actions is finite, rooted branching bisimilarity has a finite equational basis over CCS enriched with the left merge and communication merge operators from ACP

    On the Axiomatisability of Parallel Composition: A Journey in the Spectrum

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    On the Axiomatisability of Parallel Composition

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    This paper studies the existence of finite equational axiomatisations of the interleaving parallel composition operator modulo the behavioural equivalences in van Glabbeek's linear time-branching time spectrum. In the setting of the process algebra BCCSP over a finite set of actions, we provide finite, ground-complete axiomatisations for various simulation and (decorated) trace semantics. We also show that no congruence over BCCSP that includes bisimilarity and is included in possible futures equivalence has a finite, ground-complete axiomatisation; this negative result applies to all the nested trace and nested simulation semantics

    A framework to measure the robustness of programs in the unpredictable environment

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    Due to the diffusion of IoT, modern software systems are often thought to control and coordinate smart devices in order to manage assets and resources, and to guarantee efficient behaviours. For this class of systems, which interact extensively with humans and with their environment, it is thus crucial to guarantee their correct behaviour in order to avoid unexpected and possibly dangerous situations. In this paper we will present a framework that allows us to measure the robustness of systems. This is the ability of a program to tolerate changes in the environmental conditions and preserving the original behaviour. In the proposed framework, the interaction of a program with its environment is represented as a sequence of random variables describing how both evolve in time. For this reason, the considered measures will be defined among probability distributions of observed data. The proposed framework will be then used to define the notions of adaptability and reliability. The former indicates the ability of a program to absorb perturbation on environmental conditions after a given amount of time. The latter expresses the ability of a program to maintain its intended behaviour (up-to some reasonable tolerance) despite the presence of perturbations in the environment. Moreover, an algorithm, based on statistical inference, is proposed to evaluate the proposed metric and the aforementioned properties. We use two case studies to the describe and evaluate the proposed approach
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