613 research outputs found

    O “centro histórico” de Silves – limites e abordagens

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    Cada lugar detém características específicas, particularidades, que determinam diferentes formas de conformação dos espaços urbanos e respetivos modos de fruição. Aliados a estas condicionantes naturais, outros fatores como, a vocação, os materiais e técnicas disponíveis, local e temporalmente bem como, a ocupação territorial decorrente do processo de crescimento e vivência, vão originar a cidade, que apesar dum todo, não deixa de manter visíveis e materializadas em áreas urbanas distintas, as especificidades identitárias dos diferentes momentos da sua evolução. Na realidade, a cidade é um conjunto de testemunhos daquilo que foi sendo a sua sedimentação, facilmente reconhecidos nos diversos ―centros ou bairros históricos‖, ―baixas comerciais‖, ―zonas industriais‖, ―bairros residenciais‖, ―subúrbios massificados ou de luxo‖ e, ―interstícios rurais‖, que se articulam entre si, no quadro de dinâmicas urbanas de complexidade reconhecida

    O espaço nas igrejas dos conventos das clarissas da província dos Algarves

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    O reconhecimento da importância do estudo de tipologias na história da arte e, mais especificamente, na história da arquitectura1, enquadra investigações como a presente, sobretudo quando se pretende ultrapassar o critério monográfico e desenvolver uma pesquisa factual de cariz experimentalista, com enfoque nas tipologias como instrumento funcional de trabalho, de forma a entender como foram verificadas ou não, lógicas de construção. Neste pressuposto, seleccionámos as igrejas de conventos femininos - o objecto – da Ordem de Santa Clara – o cliente e o programa - da Província dos Algarves - o contexto geográfico mais especificamente, os conventos3 de: Nª Sª da Conceição em Beja, Jesus em Setúbal e, Madre de Deus em Xabregas - que denominámos de, antecedentes ou pré-existentes, por terem sido integrados na Província dos Algarves à data da sua criação; Chagas em Vila Viçosa; Nª Sª da Assunção em Faro; Nª Sª da Esperança em Vila Viçosa; Stª Helena do Monte do Calvário em Évora; Nª Sª de Aracoeli em Alcácer do Sal; Nª Sª da Quietação ou Flamengas em Alcântara; e, Servas de Nª Sª em Borba - com igrejas concluídas após a criação da Província dos Algarves

    Hierarchical linear models in education sciences: an application

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    The importance of hierarchical structured data analysis, based on appropriate statistical models, is very well known in several research areas. In this paper we describe an application in Education Sciences: we have students grouped in classes belonging to schools, which in turn are scattered throughout the country. This grouped organization is labelled as a hierarchical or multilevel structure, and the models usually adopted for statistical analysis of this kind of data are hierarchical linear or multilevel models. The development of these models takes into account data variability within and among the hierarchical levels. We apply a hierarchical linear model (HLM) with two levels – students and schools – in order to identify relevant differences in student performance (10th grade high school in 2004/2005), considering three scientific subjects and comparing two different regions of Portugal: Coastal and Inland

    O espaço das igrejas dos conventos das Clarissas da província dos Algarves

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    Dissertação mest., História da Arte, Universidade do Algarve: 200

    Editorial for special issue “Pollutants in Acid Mine Drainage”

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    [Excerpt] Acid mine drainage (AMD) is among the major environmental concerns related to mining activity and often causes the complete degradation of affected ecosystems during and/or after mine closure [...]This research was funded by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência and Tecnologia through projects UIDB/04683/2020, UIDP/04683/2020, and Nano-MINENV 029259 (PTDC/CTA-AMB/29259/2017)

    Spatial mobility of U and Th in a U-enriched area (Central Portugal)

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    Uranium and thorium are toxic in different environments. The exploitation of uranium mines and associated mine drainage leaching towards streams, sediments, and soils cause relevant pollution. The U-mine areas present high concentrations of potentially toxic elements with several consequences to ecosystems and human health. Physicochemical and potentially toxic elements of mine dumps, stream sediments, and soils from the Canto Lagar uranium mine area (Central Portugal) were analyzed. Stream sediments, soils, and mine dumps show a large range in the concentration values of Fe, U, As, Cu, Zn, Pb, and Th, suggesting geological and mine contributions. Most of the selected potential toxic elements from sediments present a low to moderate contamination degree, except for As, W, and U, which vary between high and very high contamination index. The soils must not be used in agricultural or residential activities due to contamination in As and U. This abandoned mine represents an environmental risk due to the spatial mobility and dispersion of potentially toxic elements from the dumps to the sediments and soils, as well as by surface runoff and wind.This research was funded by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., grant number FCT FRH/BPD/64921/2009 and Nano-MINENV PTDC/CTA-AMB/29259/2017

    Landslides risk evaluation: proposal of a methodology

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem metodológica simples para a avaliação e cartografia de zonas susceptíveis à ocorrência de movimentos de massa. Assume-se assim como um contributo para o ordenamento do território, nomeadamente, ao nível do planeamento urbanístico e rodoviário, na medida em que gera instrumentos que podem evitar, ou pelo menos minorar, a ocorrência de acidentes com danos materiais e humanos.This work aims to present a simple methodological approach for the assessment and mapping of areas susceptible to the occurrence of landslides. Thus, it represents a contribution to land management, in particular regarding urban and road planning, in that it generates management tools appropriate to avoid or mitigate the occurrence of accidents with material and human damage.(undefined

    The integration of the cultural dimension in the management of internacional markets: The Covet case

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    O presente relatório diz respeito ao estágio curricular, inserido no Mestrado Intercultural Studies for Business do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto. O estágio foi realizado na empresa Covet Group, na marca Maison Valentina. Após uma contextualização do sector do móvel em Portugal, onde o Covet Group se insere, o relatório descreve a minha experiência enquanto estagiária, através de um relato minucioso sobre a empresa e sobre as suas práticas gerais e de estágio. Este será feito recorrendo a opiniões pessoais, relatos e gráficos. Posteriormente será feita uma argumentação teórica que aborda a dualidade da influência americana e portuguesa na empresa. Dois autores serão referenciados, Hofstede e Trompenaars/ Hampden-Turner cujas teorias se interligam com os temas abordados no presente relatórioThe present report is related to the curriculum internship, conducted within the ambit of the Master’s Programme in Intercultural Studies for Business of the “Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto”. The internship took place in the company “Covet Group”, more specifically in the brand Maison Valentina. After a contextualization of the furniture sector in Portugal, where the Covet Group operates, the report will describe my experience as a trainee, through a detailed report about the company and its general practises. This will be done by using my opinion, figures and graphs. Following this part, there will be a theoretical argumentation, talks about the duality of the American and Portuguese influence. Two authors will be mentioned, Hofstede and Trompenaars/Hampdem-Turner, whose theories connect to the topics mentioned in this report

    Occurrence, properties and pollution potential of environmental minerals in acid mine drainage

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    This paper describes the occurrences, the mineralogical assemblages and the environmental relevance of the AMD-precipitates from the abandoned mine of Valdarcas, Northern Portugal. At this mining site, these precipitates are particularly related with the chemical speciation of iron, which is in according to the abundance of mine wastes enriched in pyrrhotite and pyrite. The more relevant supergene mineralogical assemblages include the following environmental minerals: soluble metal-salts, mainly sulphates, revealing seasonal behaviour, iron-hydroxysulphates and iron-oxyhydroxides, both forming ochre precipitates of poorly and well-crystalline minerals. Pollution potential of the most highly water soluble salts was analysed in order to evaluate the environmental effect of their dissolution by rainfall. Laboratory experiments, carried out with iron and aluminium sulphates, demonstrated the facility to release metals, sulphate and acidity upon dissolution. Regarding the ochre precipitates, composed by several less soluble iron (III)-minerals, the spatial distribution on the nearby aqueous system as well as the proportion of Jarosite, Schwertmannite and Goethite in the mixtures gave information about the halo’s contamination promoted by the AMD emerging from the waste-dump

    Developmental motor profile in preschool children with primary stereotypic movement disorder

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    Aim. Different neuropsychological dysfunctions have been described in children with primary Stereotypic Movement Disorder (SMD), mainly attention or motor coordination problems. Up to now with no study has evaluated psychomotor functions in preschoolers primary SMD. The aim of this observational study was to gather information on the motor profiles of SMD patients in this age range in comparison with typically developing children. Patients and Methods. Twenty-six children (four girls) aged 36 to 76 months (mean= 53 ±10) with primary SMD were assessed by a structured evaluation including the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition (MABC-2), the Beery-Buktenica Developmental test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI), the Repetitive Behaviour Scale-Revised (RBS-R), the Motor Severity Stereotypy Scale (MSSS), and the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL). The diagnoses of Intellectual Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder were exclusion criteria from the study. A comparison group of twenty-seven (four girls) typically developing children without stereotypies aged 36 to 59 months (mean= 48 ±7) was also examined. Results. The MABC-2 total score was lower than 15th percentile in fifteen children with SMD (58%); the worst performances were observed in Balance and Manual Dexterity subtests. The motor coordination score of VMI was lower than 15th percentile in ten children (38%). The majority of the children with low scores at MABC-2 also had low scores at the motor coordination subscale of VMI. MABC-2 standard scores of the clinical group were significantly lower than those of controls on MABC-2 Total, Balance, and Ball Skills subtests. Conclusion. The finding of widespread dysfunction of gross and fine motor abilities in preschoolers with primary SMD seems to delineate a peculiar phenotype and could provide new approaches to the management of this neurodevelopment disorder