79 research outputs found

    Biodegradation of Naphthenic Acids in Microbial Fuel Cell type bioreactors

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    Canada has the third largest oil reserves in the world. Close to 96% of these reserves are located in oil sands deposits (CAPP, 2015). Extraction of bitumen from these oil sands is carried out by alkaline hot water process (Clark Process) which results in the generation of large volumes of waters contaminated with naphthenic acids (NAs). These waters are referred to as Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW) and they are maintained in large tailing ponds due to their toxicity and a zero-discharge policy enforced by the Government. Given the environmental challenges associated with OSPW and tailing ponds, several physicochemical and biological treatments have been evaluated as remediation option. Previous studies in our research group have successfully achieved biodegradation of model NAs in conventional bioreactors of various configurations under aerobic and anoxic conditions (Paslawski et al., 2009; Huang et al., 2012; D’Souza et al., 2014; Gunawan et al., 2014; Dong and Nemati, 2016). Against this background, the current work offer an alternative treatment approach based on anoxic biodegradation of NAs in Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs). MFCs are unconventional bioreactor in which biodegradation of a contaminant occurs with concomitant generation of energy. In the present study, biodegradations of a linear (octanoic acid) and a cyclic NA (trans-4-methyl-1-cyclohexane carboxylic acid, trans-4MCHCA) were evaluated in MFCs. Firstly, biodegradation of individual NAs (100, 250 and 500 mg L-1) was carried out in batch operated MFCs with either graphite rod or granular graphite electrodes. Maximum biodegradation rates in the single rod electrode MFCs were achieved during the biodegradation of NAs with highest concentration (1.56 and 2.46 mg L-1 h-1 for trans-4MCHCA and octanoic acid, respectively). This trend was also observed in MFCs with granular electrodes, where the removal of 500 mg L-1 of each individual compound led to the highest biodegradation rates, with values of 7.2 and 22.78 mg L-1 h-1 for trans-4MCHCA and octanoic acid, respectively. Regardless of the type of employed electrodes, biodegradation of the linear NA occurred at a rate much faster than that of its cyclic counterpart. Moreover, sequential batch operation of MFCs enhanced the biodegradation rate of both compounds. In continuously operated MFCs with granular electrodes, biodegradation of each individual NAs (trans-4MCHCA or octanoic acid) was assessed at initial concentrations of 100, 250 and 500 mg L-1, with the maximum biodegradation rate again achieved with the highest NA concentration (36.5 and 49.9 mg L-1 h-1 for trans-4MCHCA and octanoic acid, respectively). Interestingly, the highest current and power densities were attained when the biodegradation rate was at the level, with the values being 481.5 mW m-3 and 4296.3 mA m-3 for trans-4MCHCA, and 963.0 mW m-3 and 6000.0 mA m-3 for octanoic acid. Co-biodegradation of linear and cyclic NAs was also studied using mixtures of NAs with different concentrations in two MFC configurations: batch-wise operated with single rod electrodes and continuously operated with granular electrodes. In batch MFCs with single rod electrodes, it was observed that biodegradation of the linear NA occurred first and biodegradation of the cyclic NA occurred only after complete exhaustion of the linear compound. Contrary to what observed in the batch MFC with rod electrodes, in the continuous flow MFC with granular electrodes biodegradation of cyclic and linear NAs occurred simultaneously, with the biodegradation rate of the linear NA being much faster than that of the cyclic NA

    Biodegradation of Naphthenic Acids in Microbial Fuel Cell type bioreactors

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    Canada has the third largest oil reserves in the world. Close to 96% of these reserves are located in oil sands deposits (CAPP, 2015). Extraction of bitumen from these oil sands is carried out by alkaline hot water process (Clark Process) which results in the generation of large volumes of waters contaminated with naphthenic acids (NAs). These waters are referred to as Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW) and they are maintained in large tailing ponds due to their toxicity and a zero-discharge policy enforced by the Government. Given the environmental challenges associated with OSPW and tailing ponds, several physicochemical and biological treatments have been evaluated as remediation option. Previous studies in our research group have successfully achieved biodegradation of model NAs in conventional bioreactors of various configurations under aerobic and anoxic conditions (Paslawski et al., 2009; Huang et al., 2012; D’Souza et al., 2014; Gunawan et al., 2014; Dong and Nemati, 2016). Against this background, the current work offer an alternative treatment approach based on anoxic biodegradation of NAs in Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs). MFCs are unconventional bioreactor in which biodegradation of a contaminant occurs with concomitant generation of energy. In the present study, biodegradations of a linear (octanoic acid) and a cyclic NA (trans-4-methyl-1-cyclohexane carboxylic acid, trans-4MCHCA) were evaluated in MFCs. Firstly, biodegradation of individual NAs (100, 250 and 500 mg L-1) was carried out in batch operated MFCs with either graphite rod or granular graphite electrodes. Maximum biodegradation rates in the single rod electrode MFCs were achieved during the biodegradation of NAs with highest concentration (1.56 and 2.46 mg L-1 h-1 for trans-4MCHCA and octanoic acid, respectively). This trend was also observed in MFCs with granular electrodes, where the removal of 500 mg L-1 of each individual compound led to the highest biodegradation rates, with values of 7.2 and 22.78 mg L-1 h-1 for trans-4MCHCA and octanoic acid, respectively. Regardless of the type of employed electrodes, biodegradation of the linear NA occurred at a rate much faster than that of its cyclic counterpart. Moreover, sequential batch operation of MFCs enhanced the biodegradation rate of both compounds. In continuously operated MFCs with granular electrodes, biodegradation of each individual NAs (trans-4MCHCA or octanoic acid) was assessed at initial concentrations of 100, 250 and 500 mg L-1, with the maximum biodegradation rate again achieved with the highest NA concentration (36.5 and 49.9 mg L-1 h-1 for trans-4MCHCA and octanoic acid, respectively). Interestingly, the highest current and power densities were attained when the biodegradation rate was at the level, with the values being 481.5 mW m-3 and 4296.3 mA m-3 for trans-4MCHCA, and 963.0 mW m-3 and 6000.0 mA m-3 for octanoic acid. Co-biodegradation of linear and cyclic NAs was also studied using mixtures of NAs with different concentrations in two MFC configurations: batch-wise operated with single rod electrodes and continuously operated with granular electrodes. In batch MFCs with single rod electrodes, it was observed that biodegradation of the linear NA occurred first and biodegradation of the cyclic NA occurred only after complete exhaustion of the linear compound. Contrary to what observed in the batch MFC with rod electrodes, in the continuous flow MFC with granular electrodes biodegradation of cyclic and linear NAs occurred simultaneously, with the biodegradation rate of the linear NA being much faster than that of the cyclic NA

    Perspective on the Genetic Response to Antiparasitics: A Review Article

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    Background: Drugs’ pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics can be af- fected by diverse genetic variations, within which simple nucleotide poly- morphisms (SNPs) are the most common. Genetic variability is one of the factors that could explain questions like why a given drug does not have the desired effect or why do adverse drug reactions arise. Methods: In this retrospective observational study, literature search limits were set within PubMed database as well as the epidemiological bulletins published by the Mexican Ministry of Health, from Jan 1st 2001 to Mar 31st 2017 (16 years). Results: Metabolism of antiparasitic drugs and their interindividual re- sponses are mainly modified by variations in cytochrome P450 enzymes. These enzymes show high frequencies of polymorphic variability thus af- fecting the expression of CYP2C, CYP2A, CYP2A6, CYP2D6, CYP2E6 and CYP2A6 isoforms. Research in this field opens the door to new person- alized treatment approaches in medicine. Conclusion: Clinical and pharmacological utility yield by applying phar- macogenetics to antiparasitic treatments is not intended as a mean to im- prove the prescription process, but to select or exclude patients that could present adverse drug reactions as well as to evaluate genetic alterations which result in a diversity of responses, ultimately seeking to provide a more effective and safe treatment; therefore choosing a proper dose for the ap- propriate patient and the optimal treatment duration. Furthermore, phar- macogenetics assists in the development of vaccines. In other words, the aim of this discipline is to find therapeutic targets allowing personalized treatments


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    A Estratégia de Saúde da família tem sido prioridade de ações dos serviços públicos com o intuito de atender ao ser humano de forma integral. A assistência médica de qualidade inclui o fornecimento de suporte necessário para que os pacientes desenvolvam-se de maneira saudável com modo e estilo de vida adequado. O desenvolvimento deste projeto de intervenção é considerado recurso importante para a promoção do atendimento individualizado e integral das necessidades dos pacientes que possuem fatores de risco para a hipertensão arterial. O presente projeto visou atuar com pacientes hipertensos portadores de fatores de risco da doença. A intervenção grupal procurou promover a saúde dos hipertensos, criando um espaço para compartilharem reflexões e informações acerca dos principais fatores de risco da hipertensão arterial pelos quais atravessavam. Foram realizados encontros, discussão de temas relacionados com a hipertensão e interação entre equipe e pacientes; cada encontro proporcionou momentos interessantes com uma equipe multiprofissional utilizando de palestras, rodas de conversa, dinâmica de grupo e outras atividades de promoção. Como resultado constatou-se que, o fato de compartilharem sentimentos, testemunhos das doenças e o apoio mútuo funcionaram como suporte social. Concluiu-se que o grupo constituiu uma intervenção educativa, à medida que tomou uma postura de promoção da saúde


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    La reforma Constitucional al artículo 1°, de junio del año 2011, trajo consigo la implementación de un nuevo sistema constitucional mexicano, caracterizado por la protección más amplia a los derechos humanos, la prevalencia principio pro persona, el reconocimiento de las normas contenidas en Tratados Internacionales referentes a derechos humanos, el control difuso de constitucionalidad y de convencionalidad y la interpretación conforme; herramientas necesarias para que todas las autoridades del Estado Mexicano, brinden mayor protección a los Derechos Humanos de todas las personas.La presente tesis contiene un capítulo del libro titulado Perspectivas de la Justicia Constitucional en México que, en coautoría con nuestro rector, el Dr. Jorge Olvera García será publicado por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. El capítulo se titula “El Control de Convencionalidad en el nuevo sistema constitucional mexicano: alcances y limitaciones”, en éste se debate el Control de Convencionalidad en México, el cual es un tema que pareciera muy trastocado, sin embargo, en el presente trabajo se analizan todas las repercusiones que ha tenido en México durante estos cuatro años de vigencia de la Reforma Constitucional, así como las limitaciones que los mismos teóricos, juristas, ministros y estudiosos del derecho han impuesto a través de sus diversas opiniones o criterios, algunos de aplicación obligatoria y algunos otros no

    Riqueza de especies y distribución geográfica de la subtribu Hippeastrinae (Amaryllidaceae) en México

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    Introducción y objetivos: Hippeastrinae se originó en Sudamérica y después migró a Norteamérica. México representa uno de sus centros de diversidad y la Zona de Transición Mexicana concentra la mayor riqueza. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron estimar la riqueza de Hippeastrinae en México, analizar su distribución geográfica e identificar las áreas de riqueza. M&M: Se elaboró una base de datos a partir de ejemplares de herbario, recursos electrónicos y literatura. Con el uso de sistemas de información geográfica estimamos la riqueza de especies y distribución por estado, región y provincia biogeográfica, tipo de vegetación, latitud, longitud y elevación. Adicionalmente, la riqueza de especies fue estimada en celdas de 50 × 50 km2. Resultados: Cuarenta y cinco especies de Hippeastrinae ocurren en México. La base de datos integró 1359 registros georreferenciados. Hippeastrinae se encontró en 31 estados, en todas las regiones, provincias biogeográficas y tipos de vegetación. Prospera en 15,9-31,8° de latitud, 88,2-118,3° de longitud y de 0 a 3508 m s.n.m. San Luis Potosí tuvo la mayor riqueza y endemismo. La región Neotropical presenta la mayor cantidad de especies. La Sierra Madre Oriental alberga la mayor riqueza de especies y las celdas más ricas. El grupo resultó diverso en el bosque de coníferas y encino, el matorral xerófilo y las zonas agrícola-acuícola. Conclusiones: Hippeastrinae presenta el patrón de distribución y riqueza neotropical moderno. La riqueza y endemismo está en la región Neotropical y la Zona de Transición Mexicana. La Sierra Madre Oriental representa un centro de diversidad del grupo

    Sleep quality and disturbances in patients with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa

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    Abstract Background Sleep disturbances in patients with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DEB) have never been investigated and still remain an open question. We sought to examine sleep quality and its relationship with pain and mood disorders in DEB patients. Methods Twenty-eight DEB patients and 26 healthy individuals completed the following battery of scales: the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), the Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) Sleep Scale, the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HAM-A) and Depression (HAM-D). Linear correlations and hierarchical regression analyses were performed. Results Patients with DEB have significantly lower scores in daytime sleepiness (p = 0.003) and higher level of pain (p = 0.009) in comparison to controls. The analysis of all PSQI and MOS items failed to demonstrate any statistically significant differences between DEB patients and controls, except for a sub component of PSQI measuring sleep disturbances (p = 0.003). In the study group, a positive correlation was found between PSQI and depressive symptoms (r = 0.56; p = 0.002), anxiety symptoms (r = 0.46; p = 0.015), and pain (r = 0.44; p = 0.020). These results were consistent with the hierarchical regression analysis showing a significant contribution of depression (ΔR2 = 21.8; p = 0.008), anxiety (ΔR2 = 14.5; p = 0.027), and pain (ΔR2 = 13.5; p = 0.032) to poor quality of sleep. Conclusions DEB patients showed a greater degree of sleep disturbances that can be influenced by depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and pain compared with controls. Therefore, they should be screened for sleep issues that can be possibly impacted by pain and mood disorders

    Inflammatory mediators and immune response in Mexican adolescents

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    Introduction: Low-grade inflammation and increased immunity related to cardiovascular diseases have been described in children and adults, however, studies in Mexican adolescents are being done at present. Objective: To evaluate inflammatory proteins and indicators of immunity in adolescents by gender and body mass index. Material and methods: 115 Mexican adolescents, 15-18 years old (36 men), were divided into non-overweight, risk of overweight and overweight by CDC pediatric criteria by body mass index. Serum concentrations of ceruloplasmin, C3 and C4 were quantified by nephelometry; IL-6 and TNF-α from stimulated supernatant were analyzed with Human Th1-Th2 cytokine CBA II kit (BD Biosciences Pharmigen, San Diego, CA), and detected by flow cytometry. Data were analysed by Mann-Whitney U. Results: Gender differences were found in C3 (men: median 118.8, mean rank: 41.0; women: median: 143.9, mean rank: 65.7, p = 0.001) and ceruloplasmin (men: median: 31.01, mean rank: 47.06; women: median: 31.0, mean rank: 62.9, p = 0.015). Differences by BMI were found in C3 (women non-overweight: median: 137.00 mena rank: 36.52; women with risk of overweight/overweight: median: 175.80, mean rank: 57.69, p = 0.002) and C4 (men non-overweight: median: 23.40, mean rank: 16.60; men with risk of overweight/overweight: median: 26.40, mean rank: 26.36, p = 0.028; women non-overweight: median: 24.25, mean rank: 37.16 and women with risk of overweight/overweight: median: 32.80, mean rank: 54.42, p = 0.013). Conclusion: Inflammatory proteins are increased in adolescents with risk of overweight and overweight, particularly in women

    Long-term infection passaging of Human Adenovirus 36 in monkey kidney cells

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    Human Adenovirus 36 (HAdV-36) has been related to diverse effects on metabolism and may attenuate the lipid accumulation in kidneys with increased adiposity. Some of these effects would be related to viral persistence. However, until now, a model of persistent in vitro infection by HAdV-36 is unknown. In this study, we examined the cells of the Vero lineage to explore their permissiveness to long-term HAdV-36 infection. HAdV-36 was productively replicated in Vero cells and maintained long-term infection for up to 35 cell passages. A subculture was obtained from the cells that survived the primary infection at a low MOI (0.5). The production of the extracellular infectious virus with titers ranging from 104 to 106 TCID50/mL and DNA-bearing cells was detected. In long-term infected cells, the intracellular distribution of viral antigen was demonstrated by performing immunolocalization (IFI) and expression of cell-viral antigen in 50% of cells by flow cytometry, using anti-HAdV-36 hyperimmune rabbit serum. Furthermore, E1a and E4orf1 genes in long-term infected passages showed a decreasing trend. Our preliminary results reveal that renal epithelial monkey cells are permissive for the productive infection of HAdV-36. Vero cell culture long-term infection might be a promising model for addressing the fundamental aspects of the HAdV-36 biology that cannot reveal broadly-used cultures, which do not maintain long-term infection in primary or transformed cells

    Ensiling on chemical composition and in vitro fermentation in rabbits of different forages

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    The effect of chemical composition of silages on in vitro gas fermentation profiles in rabbits was examined. The study was performed using 7 silages: beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), faba bean (FB, Vicia faba), common vetch (CV, Vicia sativa), ryegrass (Lolium perenne), barley (B, Hordeum vulgare), barley with common vetch (BCV) and barley with faba bean (BFB). We used 3 New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits as donors of caecal content in each incubation run (n=3). Data were analyzed in a completely randomized experimental design. The CV silage showed higher values of crude protein (CP), followed by FB and bean silages (P<0.001). Barley silage had the lowest CP content (96g kg -1 DM) (P=0.001). The NDF and ADF content were lower (P<0.001) for beans and CV compared with the rest of the forage silages. Ryegrass silage had higher values of dry matter degradation, organic matter degradation, relative GP and SCFA (P<0.001). The highest values of digestible energy were for CV and bean silages (P<0.001). Ryegrass and CV silages showed higher levels in GP parameters, which could be associated with their better chemical composition characteristics, mainly pr otein and fiber content