84 research outputs found

    Heterogeneity and cross-country spillovers in macroeconomic-financial linkages

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    We investigate heterogeneity and spillovers in macro-financial linkages across developed economies, with a particular emphasis on the most recent recession. A panel Bayesian VAR model including real and financial variables identifies a statistically signifi cant common component, which proves to be very significant during the most recent recession. Nevertheless, countryspecific factors remain important, which explains the heterogeneous behaviour across countries observed over time. Moreover, spillovers across countries and between real and financial variables are found to matter: a shock to a variable in a given country affects all other countries, and the transmission seems to be faster and deeper between financial variables than between real variables. Finally, shocks spill over in a heterogeneous way across countriesEste trabajo investiga la heterogeneidad y las interdependencias en los vínculos macrofinancieros entre las economías desarrolladas, prestando particular atención a la última recesión. Mediante la estimación bayesiana de un modelo panel-VAR con variables agregadas reales y financieras se identifica un componente común estadísticamente significativo, especialmente en la última recesión. Además, se identifican factores específicos de cada país y significativos, lo que explica el heterogéneo comportamiento entre países y a lo largo del tiempo. Por otro lado, se encuentra que las interdependencias entre países y entre variables reales y financieras son relevantes: un shock a una variable en un país afecta a las de otros países. Esta transmisión parece además más rápida y profunda entre variables financieras que entre variables reales. Finalmente, se encuentra que las perturbaciones se transmiten de forma heterogénea entre paíse

    Knowledge production and commercialization from R&D: the pharmaceutical sector

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    Purpose – The objective of this work is to demonstrate the relationships between the two main processes of research and development (R&D) activities: the knowledge generation phase (KPP) and the knowledge commercialization, or transfer, phase (KCP), in a sector that is intensive in this type of activity, such as the pharmaceutical sector. In addition, within the framework of the general objective of this work, the authors propose two other objectives: (1) make advances in network efficiency measurement models, and (2) determine the factors associated with efficiency in the KPP and in the KCP in companies of the pharmaceutical sector in Spain. Design/methodology/approach – A Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) model (F€are and Grosskopf, 2000) with categorical variables (Lee et al., 2020; Yeh and Chang, 2020) has been applied, and a sensitivity analysis of the obtained results has been performed through a DEA model of categorical variables, in accordance with the work of Banker and Morey (1986), to corroborate the results of the proposed model. The sample is made up of 77 companies in the pharmaceutical sector in Spain. Findings – The results obtained point to a greater efficiency of pharmaceutical companies in the KPP, rather than in the KCP. Furthermore, the study finds that 1) alliances between companies have been the accelerating factors of efficiency in the KCP (but patents have slowed this down the most); 2) the quality of R&D and the number of R&D personnel are the factors that most affect efficiency in the KPP; and 3) the quality of R&D again, the benefits obtained and the position in the market are the factors that most affect efficiency in the KCP. Originality/value – The authors have not found studies that show whether the efficiency obtained by R&Dintensive companies in theKPP phase is related to better results in terms of efficiency in theKCP phase.Nopapers have been found that analyse the role of alliances between R&D-intensive companies and patents, as agents that facilitate efficiency in the KCP phase, covering the gap in the research on both problems. Notwithstanding, this work opens up a research path which is related to the improvement of network efficiencymodels (since it includes categorical variables) and the assessment of the opinions of those who are responsible for R&D departments; it can be applied to decision-making on the aspects to improve efficiency in R&D-intensive companies.This work has been co-financed by the 2014–2020 ERDF Operational Programme and by the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and the University of the Regional Government of Andalusia. Project reference: FEDER-UCA18-103353. Title: Circular Economy and Efficiency: Towards new economics models.26 página

    Balanced Scorecard and Efficiency: Desing and Empirical Validation of strategic Map in the University by Means of DEA

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    The principal objective of the research reported in this article is to validate a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) model and a Strategic Map for the University by studying the relationships of efficiency between its dimensions. Subsequently, the validation is completed by establishing hypotheses of efficiency relationships between the perspectives proposed, em- ploying Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Empirical evidence has been obtained on the validity of the proposed BSC for a unit of academic management in the university. The first contribution of this work is the establishment of a framework of analysis of the hypothetical cause-effect relationships in the BSC in university institutions. The second contribution is to obtain the determining factors of the performance in this type of institution and, therefore, the Strate- gic Map. Specifically, these factors are: the participation of teaching staff in innovation activities; the number of doc- torate-level staff; the academic subjects and credits in the Virtual Campus; and the scores in the surveys of student sat- isfaction. With respect to research, the determining factors of the performance are: the research sexennials; the funding obtained from contracts with companies; the number of research projects obtained; their financing; and the participation of teachers in these projects

    Cambios en los modelos de financiación internan y eficiencia en la Universidad

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    El objetivo fundamental de esta investigación es analizar el comportamiento de la eficiencia de los Departamentos de una Universidad Pública una vez implantados los nuevos modelos de financiación interna, en concreto, tras la introducción de los contratos programas (CP) como fórmula que vincula compromisos y objetivos a alcanzar por parte de los Departamentos de la Universidad con la financiación recibida. El estudio empírico se realiza en una muestra de Departamentos de la Universidad de Cádiz, donde se implantan los CP como formulas de financiación ligada a resultados en le curso 2003/2004, y se centra especialmente en los resultados alcanzados en docencia y en investigación, así como en la asociación entre ambas actividades. Para ello se toman los valores de los indicadores empleados en la evaluación de los contratos programas por parte del Rectorado, antes y después de los cambios implantados. La metodología empleada ha sido el Data Envelopment Analysis y los índices de Malmquits

    The effects of environmental regulation on the efficiency of distribution electricity companies in Spain

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    The objective of this work is to detect what problems of inefficiency electricity distribution companies have, in order to disseminate this information and to allow distributors and public agencies to be more precise in calculating their costs. In turn, this will have an indirect impact on the price of the kilowatt in order to try to reduce its volatility. It should be noted that the volatility of the kilowatt price is mainly due to distribution costs and more specifically to access tolls. In the present paper, knowing that the distribution activity is a regulated activity, the efficiency in the electricity distribution companies will be studied. To this end, a study has been carried out on the efficiency of the main electricity distribution companies in Spain (Endesa, Iberdola, Union Fenosa, EDP and Viesgo) during the period of 2006-2015. The technique used was the Multi-period efficiency measurement in Data Envelopment Analysis, an input-oriented model at constant scales, working with panel data. The conclusions in this paper indicate that Spanish electricity distribution companies could improve their levels of efficiency if they improve the use of some inputs. This analysis demonstrates that overcapacity and deficit tariff have a negative influence on the efficiency level. Finally, this paper is useful as it shows that regulation again plays an essential role in regulated activities, requiring a commitment on the part of the State in order to improve efficiency in regulated activitie

    Indicators toMeasure Efficiency in Circular Economies

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    In this paper, a number of indicators are shown to measure economic efficiency in terms of circular economy (CE). The European Union affirms the need for a comprehensive model of indicators relating to CE in order to meet the needs of all participants (individual companies and industry, society, and the nation), to be based on three perspectives: environmental impact, economic benefit, and resource scarcity. Therefore, the objective of this work is to define these indicators and establish models for measuring the efficiency of processes and products of CE (through Data Envelopment Analysis, (DEA)) in its different manifestations. The models will be useful for both organizations and external users in relation to CE in order to facilitate the search for indicators for all users. Following the bibliographic review of official reports and different high impact works, our results demonstrate the ability to obtain information concerning the main indicators of CE and how the efficiency of CE models has been measured through the most frequently used inputs and outputs

    1. Trabajo docente y respeto a la dignidad en el contexto de la educación media venezolana

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    This qualitative study pretended to state the axiological     framework that teachers build in their performance of respect for human dignity in the Venezuelan education. The hermeneutic phenomenological approach was privileged with this study. The interview in depth was used to collect, information. Once collected the information, categorization, interpretation and triangulation was followed in the presence of content analysis. The findings of the investigation can conclude that the axiological framework built by the teacher in their performance on respect for the dignity of the pupil in the context of the average Venezuelan education is a family inheritance. It is based on the values of love, respect, responsibility, commitment and honesty, which today constitutes a rediscovering of the axiological map and a reality in teaching performance, to treat with respect, dignity of pupils in high school education.El presente estudio de modalidad cualitativa, tuvo como pretensión,  reticular el marco conceptual  axiológico que construye el docente en su desempeño acerca del respeto a la dignidad, en el contexto de  la Educación Media Venezolana. El abordaje del método privilegió el campo fenomenológico hermenéutico. Para recoger,  información, se empleó la entrevista en profundidad. Una vez recogida, se procedió a la categorización,  interpretación y triangulación, en presencia del análisis de contenido. Los hallazgos de la investigación permiten concluir, que el marco conceptual axiológico construido por el docente en su desempeño acerca del respeto a la dignidad del alumno en el contexto de la educación Media Venezolana, es una herencia familiar. Fundamentada ésta, en los valores del amor, respeto, responsabilidad, compromiso y honestidad, lo cual, constituye hoy un redescubrir del mapa axiológico y   una realidad en el desempeño docente, para tratar con respeto,  la dignidad de los alumnos en Educación Media

    Aplicação do método Kanban a um software crm baseado na plataforma Open Source Vtiger

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    Introduction: This article is the result of the research “Importance of the CRM Software simplicity from the user’s perspective”, conducted by the Research Group in Interoperability in Academic Networks (GIIRA) of the District University Francisco Jose de Caldas, during the year 2015. Methodology: The Kanban method was implemented in the Open Source Vtiger-based platform, and 20 user companies were monitored for data collection in order to compare their usage with the information obtained during the first semester of 2015. During that period, the platform had an interface similar to Vtiger’s.  Results: 85 % of the companies increased their use of the platform significantly up to 310 %. The other 10 % did not present significant variations, and the remaining 5 % registered a decrease in their use of the platform. Discussion: The implementation of the Kanban method in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software allows access to commercial management information in an organized manner, thus highlighting key facts that are easily conclusive, and redirecting additional information, if necessary.Resumen. Introducción: este artículo es producto de la investigación “Importancia de la simplicidad Software CRM desde la perspectiva del usuario”, dirigida por el Grupo de Investigación en Interoperabilidad de Redes Académicas (GIIRA) de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas realizada durante el 2015. Metodología: se implementó el método Kanban en la plataforma basada en Open Source Vtiger y se hizo seguimiento a 20 empresas usuarias, a través de recolección de datos sobre estadísticas de uso para compararlas con la información previa obtenida durante el primer semestre del 2015, periodo en el cual la plataforma presentaba una interfaz similar a la de Vtiger. Resultados: el 85 % de las empresas aumentó significativamente el uso de la plataforma hasta en un 310 %; el 10 % no tuvo variaciones significativas y el 5 % restante registró un menor uso. Conclusiones: la implementación del método Kanban en el software Customer Relationship Management (CRM) permite tener acceso a la información de gestión comercial de manera organizada, resaltando en primer plano datos de interés fácilmente concluyentes, al igual que redireccionar la información complementaria si es necesario.Resumo. Introdução: este artigo é produto da investigação “Importância da simplicidadeSoftware CRM desde a perspectiva do usuário”, feita pelo Grupo de Investigação em Interoperabilidade de Redes Académicas (GIIRA), da Universidade Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, durante o ano 2015. Metodologia: foi aplicado o método Kanban na plataformabaseada em Open Source Vtiger fazendo acompanhamento a 20 empresas usuárias, atravésde coleta de dados sobre estatísticas de uso para serem comparadas com a informação previaobtida durante o primeiro semestre de 2015, durante o qual a plataforma apresentavauma interface semelhante à do Vtiger. Resultados: determinou-se que 85 % das companhiasaumentou significativamente o uso da plataforma até 310 %; 10 % não teve variações significativas e 5 % restante registrou um uso menor. Conclusões: a implementação do método Kanban no software Customer Relationship Management (CRM) permite ter acesso à informação de gestão comercial de maneira organizada, destacando em primeiro plano dadosde interesse facilmente concludentes, igual do que redirecionar a informação complementarse for preciso