140 research outputs found

    Aplicativo para análisis químico cuantitativo – caso volumetría de neutralización UTP

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    La inclusión de nuevos métodos de aprendizaje y enseñanza mediante el uso de las TIC (Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación) ha generado una amplia gama de recursos informáticos permitiendo promover el proceso de formación a través de herramientas tecnológicas como los OVA (Objetos virtuales de aprendizaje), tanto para estudiantes como para docentes, destacando la importancia de los OVA dentro del proceso educativo teniendo una iteración e integración adecuada entre la teoría y la práctica. Este proyecto presenta un diseño metodológico de una OVA para un curso práctico de la facultad de química

    Plan Estratégico 2016 AC&C, Arquitectos Constructores y Consultores SAS

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    149 Páginas.Analizar el sistema en cual se desenvuelve la empresa AC&C SAS, sus factores internos y externos para identificar su desarrollo competitivo y lo que afecta su cambio del presente al futuro, con el fin de Diseñar y formular un plan estratégico para AC&C para el año 2016. Establecer y conocer los diferentes escenarios a los cuales se puede ver sometida la organización en el tiempo propuesto (2016). Nota: Para consultar la carta de autorización de publicación de este documento por favor copie y pegue el siguiente enlace en su navegador d

    The bumangués university student

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    Cuando se nos planteó el tema de los valores de los universitarios de Bucarmanga para realizar la investigación de primer semestre en la clase de Antropología, seleccionamos tres universidades: UIS, UNAB, USTA.When we were asked about the values ​​of Bucarmanga university students to carry out the first semester research in the Anthropology class, we selected three universities: UIS, UNAB, USTA

    Rotura espontánea de catéter de quimioterapia diagnosticada mediante proyecciones oblicuas de radiografía de tórax: Un enfoque de radiología intervencionista

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    Los sistemas de puerto venoso central totalmente implantados se utilizan ampliamente para acceder a las venas centrales de los pacientes que necesitan un tratamiento a largo plazo. Estos dispositivos presentan bajas tasas de complicaciones y se utilizan habitualmente para administrar medicamentos como agentes quimioterapéuticos. La rotura espontánea de un segmento del catéter es una complicación mecánica infrecuente, que suele diagnosticarse tardíamente y presentar complicaciones. Presentamos un caso de rotura espontánea de un catéter de quimioterapia diagnosticado mediante un novedoso abordaje a través de proyecciones oblicuas en radiografías de tórax y extraído con éxito mediante un abordaje endovascular.Totally implanted central venous port systems are widely used to access central veins for patients needing long-term therapy. These devices have low rates of complications and are commonly used to administer medications like chemotherapeutic agents. Spontaneous rupture of a catheter segment is a rare mechanical complication, usually belatedly diagnosed and presenting with complications. We present a case of a spontaneously ruptured chemotherapy catheter diagnosed using a novel approach via oblique projections on chest X-rays and successfully removed using an endovascular approach

    Mejora del Proceso de Diseño (Metodología BIM) para la Constructora Arango Arquitectos Constructores S.A.S.

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    En 2019, a raíz de la pandemia del COVID-19, la constructora Arango Arquitectos Constructores S.A.S, tuvo inconvenientes al iniciar la construcción del proyecto Bentho, generando sobrecostos administrativos y operativos, es así como surge la necesidad de mejorar la productividad de futuros proyectos, reduciendo el tiempo de diseño y mejorando la cuantificación de materiales. La metodología BIM como solución propuesta ha permitido a la constructora generar nuevos procesos de diseño con alcances 3D y 5D, reduciendo el tiempo de ejecución de los proyectos y aumentando sus márgenes de ganancias, también incorporar recorridos virtuales en modelos 3D incrementando el interés de los clientes, además de alienar sus objetivos con los lineamientos del sector nacional en cuanto al uso de la metodología BIM.In 2019, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company Arango Arquitectos Constructores S.A.S, had problems starting construction of Bentho project, increasing administrative and operational costs, this is how the need to improve the productivity of future projects appears, reducing design time and improving materials quantification. The BIM methodology as a solution for that problem, has allowed to create new design process with 3D and 5D scopes, reducing execution time of the projects and increasing the company profits, also incorporating virtual tours in 3D models increasing the interest of the clients, besides align its objectives according to the guidelines of construction in Colombia for use of the BIM methodology

    The deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap: a review

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    Breast cancer is recognized worldwide as a major health problem among women due to its high incidence and high mortality and morbidity rates. Breast reconstruction is an approach of great value for those patients who underwent mastectomy, impacting their quality of life and psychological stress. The deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP) flap was described as the preferred graft for breast reconstruction with an autologous flap by surgeons because it represented a decrease in complications for the time and obtained better results. DIEP flap reconstruction requires microsurgical skills as well as continuous monitoring of the patient to identify and resolve possible associated complications.

    Ground-Based Ultraviolet-Radiation Measurements during Springtime in the Southern Hemisphere

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    We report the first measurements obtained by a network of UV-B detectors established through Argentina and Chile, at locations covering latitudes extending from 53°S to 18° S. Evidence that UVB increases are detected at these latitudes during the Austral spring 1993 is presented

    Cloud condensation nuclei activation properties of Mediterranean pollen types considering organic chemical composition and surface tension effects

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    Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119961This work was supported by BioCloud project (RTI2018.101154.A. I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa” and NUCLEUS project (PID2021-128757OB- I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and NextGener- ationEU/PRTR. This work received support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through projects ACT- RIS.IMP (grant agreement No 871115) and ATMO_ACCESS (grant agreement No 101008004), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through projects ELPIS (PID2020-120015RB-I00) and ACT- RIS-Espa˜na (CGL2017-90884REDT)). By the Junta de Andalucía Excel- lence, project ADPANE (P20-00136), AEROPRE (P-18-RT-3820) and by University of Granada Plan Propio through Visiting Scholars (PPVS2018-04), Singular Laboratory (LS2022-1) programs and Pre- Competitive Research Projects Pre-Greenmitigation3 (PP2022.PP34). Funding for open access charge, University of Granada/CBUA. Andrea Casans is funded by Spanish ministry of research and innovation under the predoctoral program FPI (PRE2019-090827) funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033, FSE “El FSE invierte en tu futuro”. Fernando Rejano is funded by Spanish ministry of universities through predoctoral grant FPU19/05340. Juan Andr´es Casquero-Vera is funded by FJC2021- 047873-I, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and NextGener- ationEU/PRTR. Elisabeth Andrews is funded in part by NOAA cooper- ative agreements NA17OAR4320101. Thanks to the NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory for the use of the CCN counterWind-dispersed pollen grains emitted from vegetation are directly injected into the atmosphere being an important source of natural aerosols globally. These coarse particles of pollen can rupture into smaller particles, known as subpollen particles (SPPs), that may act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and affect the climate. In this study, we characterize and investigate the ability of SPPs of 10 Mediterranean-climate pollen types to activate as CCN. A continuous flow CCN counter (CCNC) was used to measure the activation of size-selected (80, 100 and 200 nm dry mobility diameter) particles at different supersaturations (SS). Hygroscopicity parameter (κ) for each SPP type and size has been calculated using κ-K¨ohler theory. Organic chemical speciation and protein content has been determined to further characterize pollen solutions. Furthermore, the surface activity of SPPs has also been investigated by using pendant drop tensiometry. All studied SPP samples show critical supersat- uration (SSCrit) values that are atmospherically relevant SS conditions. Hygroscopicity κ values are in the range characteristic of organic compounds (0.1–0.3). We found that organic speciation and protein content vary substantially among pollen types, with saccharides and fatty acids being the only organic compounds found in all pollen types. A clear relationship between SPP activation and its organic composition was not observed. This study also reveals that all SPPs investigated reduce the surface tension of water at high concentrations but at diluted concentrations (such as those of activation in the CCNC), the water surface tension value is a good approximation in K¨ohler theory. Overall, this analysis points out that pollen particles might be an important source of CCN in the atmosphere and should be considered in aerosol-cloud interactions processes.BioCloud project (RTI2018.101154.A. I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa” and NUCLEUS project (PID2021-128757OB- I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033NextGenerationEU/PRTREuropean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through projects ACT- RIS.IMP (grant agreement No 871115)European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through project ATMO_ACCESS (grant agreement No 101008004Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through projects ELPIS (PID2020-120015RB-I00) and ACT-RIS-España (CGL2017-90884REDT)Junta de Andalucía Excel- lence, project ADPANE (P20-00136), AEROPRE (P-18-RT-3820)University of Granada Plan Propio through Visiting Scholars (PPVS2018-04), Singular Laboratory (LS2022-1) programs and Pre- Competitive Research Projects Pre-Greenmitigation3 (PP2022.PP34)Funding for open access charge, University of Granada/CBUASpanish ministry of research and innovation under the predoctoral program FPI (PRE2019-090827) funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033Spanish ministry of universities through predoctoral grant FPU19/05340FJC2021- 047873-I, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and NextGenerationEU/PRTRNOAA cooperative agreements NA17OAR432010

    Ground-based ultraviolet-radiation measurements during springtime in the Southern hemisphere

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    We report the first measurements obtained by a network of UV-B detectors established through Argentina and Chile, at locations covering latitudes extending from 53°S to 18° S. Evidence that UVB increases are detected at these latitudes during the Austral spring 1993 is presented. The destruction of the stratospheric ozone layer is generally considered one of the most serious environmental problems. It has been recently published that during October 1998 the ozone hole has been the deepest ever recorded. Reduction of the stratospheric ozone layer was un ambiguously detected about two decades ago in the Antarctic continent. Since then it has been systematically monitored by different means (satellite, balloon soundings and ground station observations. One of the most serious content reduction is the increase of biologically effective ultraviolet doses, particularly the so-called ultraviolet B radiation (280-320 nm) received at the Earth surface, with multiple possible hazards for living species. Despite these consequences, ground stations to check the UV Sun radiation are not very numerous, particularly outside the circumpolar area in the Southern Hemisphere. With the aim of studying whether the ozone depletion over the Antarctic area has extended further, and whether the possibility that UV radiation increase may begin to affect inhabited regions, a network of UVB detectors has been established through Argentina and Chile, at locations covering latitudes extending from 53°S to 18° S. Here we report the first measurements obtained by this network providing evidence that UVB increases are detected at these latitudes during the last Austral spring.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta