57 research outputs found

    Exportación de lúcuma peruana en el periodo 2005 - 2013

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objeto de estudio a las empresas exportadoras de lúcuma producidos en el Perú, en la actualidad la lúcuma se ha convertido en una gran alternativa dentro de los productos de exportación no tradicionales, aumentando el volumen y el valor exportado cada año, la lúcuma es un producto único, donde muchos países hay intentado su cosecha y no han tenido resultados gracias a la ventaja natural que posee el Perú, por ello que esta investigación desea determinar la evolución de la exportación de lúcuma peruana en el periodo 2005 – 2013. Por otro lado que, los conceptos de población, muestra y muestreo no son pertinentes en esta investigación, ya que, se utilizaran datos ex post facto, es decir datos que ya existen durante esos años como por ejemplo el valor de exportación, volumen de exportación y precio de exportación. Para analizar estos datos utilizaremos el método estadístico que consiste en la recopilación de datos, para luego organizarlo mediante tablas, luego presentarlo en gráfico de líneas, y así de esta manera mostrar si hay una tendencia creciente, para luego describirlos, En conclusión el resultado de la investigación reflejó que hay una tendencia creciente en la exportación de lúcuma durante el periodo 2005-2013, según muestran sus indicadores, lo cual es muy favorable para nuestro país ya que demuestra que el mercado internacional demanda cada vez más este producto

    Discriminating the occurrence of inundation in tsunami early warning with one-dimensional convolutional neural networks

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    Tsunamis are natural phenomena that, although occasional, can have large impacts on coastal environments and settlements, especially in terms of loss of life. An accurate, detailed and timely assessment of the hazard is essential as input for mitigation strategies both in the long term and during emergencies. This goal is compounded by the high computational cost of simulating an adequate number of scenarios to make robust assessments. To reduce this handicap, alternative methods could be used. Here, an enhanced method for estimating tsunami time series using a one-dimensional convolutional neural network model (1D CNN) is considered. While the use of deep learning for this problem is not new, most of existing research has focused on assessing the capability of a network to reproduce inundation metrics extrema. However, for the context of Tsunami Early Warning, it is equally relevant to assess whether the networks can accurately predict whether inundation would occur or not, and its time series if it does. Hence, a set of 6776 scenarios with magnitudes in the range Mw 8.0–9.2 were used to design several 1D CNN models at two bays that have different hydrodynamic behavior, that would use as input inexpensive low-resolution numerical modeling of tsunami propagation to predict inundation time series at pinpoint locations. In addition, different configuration parameters were also analyzed to outline a methodology for model testing and design, that could be applied elsewhere. The results show that the network models are capable of reproducing inundation time series well, either for small or large flow depths, but also when no inundation was forecast, with minimal instances of false alarms or missed alarms. To further assess the performance, the model was tested with two past tsunamis and compared with actual inundation metrics. The results obtained are promising, and the proposed model could become a reliable alternative for the calculation of tsunami intensity measures in a faster than real time manner. This could complement existing early warning system, by means of an approximate and fast procedure that could allow simulating a larger number of scenarios within the always restricting time frame of tsunami emergencies.Tide gauge data were obtained from the Sea Level Station Monitoring Facility of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (http://www.ioc-sealevelmonitoring.org/list.php). The coarser bathymetric and topographic data from the General Bathymetric Chart of the Ocean (https://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/gridded_bathymetry_data/). The authors acknowledge SHOA for providing nautical charts and coastal zone plans used to generate high resolution topo-bathymetric grids for research purposes. We are deeply grateful with A. Gubler that prepared a first version of the high resolution bathymetry grids. The authors acknowledge the computer resources at CTE-POWER (https://www.bsc.es/supportkc/docs/CTE-POWER/overview) and the technical support provided by BSC. We are greatly thankful the EDANYA Group at Málaga University for sharing the Tsunami-HySEA code. Most figures were generated with Python91,92,93 and Global Mapping Tools94. JN deeply thanks support of Mitiga Solutions during his secondment. PAC would like to thank funding by ANID, Chile Grants FONDEF ID19I10048, Centro de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada del Riesgo de Desastres (CIGIDEN) ANID/FONDAP/15110017, and Centro Científico Tecnológico de Valparaíso, ANID PIA/APOYO AFB180002. NZ has received funding from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2016-75443.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Sociedad médica y medicina tropical en cartagena del siglo xix y xx

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    Las primeras actividades de la Sociedad de Medicina y Ciencias Naturales de Bolívar, en 1893, coincidieron con el momento de mayor auge del pasterianismo en los discursos médicos publicados en la prensa científica y comercial de las principales ciudades de Colombia. Esto explica el lugar preponderante de esos primeros contactos científicos entre la Sociedad Médica de Cartagena y sus homólogas de Colombia y del mundo en las páginas de la Gaceta Médica de Bolívar, tema asociado siempre al de las investigaciones bacteriológicas que se desarrollaban en ese momento en casi todas las capitales del mundo, incluidas las del continente americano

    BRCA2 and Other DDR Genes in Prostate Cancer

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    BRCA2; DDR; Prostate cancerBRCA2; DDR; Càncer de pròstataBRCA2; DDR; Cáncer de próstataGermline and somatic aberrations in DNA damage repair (DDR) genes are more prevalent in prostate cancer than previously recognized, with BRCA2 as the most commonly altered gene. Germline mutations in BRCA2 have been linked to poor prognosis when patients are managed under the protocols currently approved for prostate cancer. The impact of germline mutations in other DDR genes beyond BRCA2 remain unclear. Importantly, a quarter of prostate cancer patients identified as germline mutation carriers lack a family history of cancer. The clinical implications of somatic DDR defects are yet to be elucidated. Poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors and platinum-based chemotherapy have proven to be effective in the treatment of other tumor types linked to BRCA1 and BRCA2 alterations and several trials are currently evaluating their efficacy in prostate cancer. Here, we summarize the available evidence regarding the prevalence of somatic and germline DDR defects in prostate cancer; their association with clinical outcomes; the trials assessing the efficacy of new therapies that exploit DDR defects in prostate cancer and briefly discuss some uncertainties about the most appropriate management for these patients.Supported by grants CM17/00221, PI16/01070, CP15/00090 and PI16/01565 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, PC170510P2 from the U.S. Department of Defense, W81XWH-18-1-0193 from the U.S. Department of Defense, RYC-2015-18625 from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and Young Investigator Awards from the Prostate Cancer Foundatio

    Some color in the desert: description of a new species of Liolaemus (Iguania: Liolaemidae) from southern Peru, and its conservation status.

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    The desert of southern Peru and northern Chile is an area with a high degree of endemismin squamate reptiles. In this work, an endemic new species is described in the genus Liolaemus with a restricted geographical distribution on the western slopes of the La Caldera batholith in the Department of Arequipa, southern Peru, that inhabits the Desert province of southern Peru, between 1,800 and 2,756 m asl. The new species is characterized by a unique combination of morphological and molecular characters that distinguish it from all other Liolaemus species, and it is included in the L. reichei clade within the L. montanus group. Evidence presented shows that the category of threat corresponds to Endangered under the IUCN Red List criteriaFil: Huamani Valderrama, Ling. Universidad Nacional de San Agustín. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Departamento Académico de Biología. Museo de Historia Natural; PerúFil: Quiroz, Aarón J.. Universidad Nacional de San Agustín. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Departamento Académico de Biología. Museo de Historia Natural; PerúFil: Gutierrez, Roberto C.. Universidad Nacional de San Agustín. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Departamento Académico de Biología. Museo de Historia Natural; PerúFil: Aguilar Kiriguin, Alvaro. Universidad Nacional de San Agustín. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Departamento Académico de Biología. Museo de Historia Natural; PerúFil: Huanca Mamani, Wilson. Universidad de Tarapacá; ChileFil: Valladares Faúndez, Pablo. Universidad de Tarapaca.; ChileFil: Cerdeña, José. Universidad Nacional de San Agustín. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Departamento Académico de Biología. Museo de Historia Natural; PerúFil: Chaparro, Juan C,. Museo de Biodiversidad del Perú; PerúFil: Abdala, Cristian Simón. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentin

    Thalidomide for the Treatment of Metastatic Hepatic Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma: A Case Report with a Long Term Follow-up

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    Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (HEH) is an unusual, low-grade malignant vascular tumor of the liver. Here we describe a case of a 40-year-old woman who presented with abdominal pain in the upper right quadrant and giant hepatomegaly, in which imaging studies and a fine-needle liver biopsy confirmed the presence of a large EHE with an isolated lung metastasis. After balancing all possible therapeutic modalities the patient was treated conservatively with thalidomide (300 mg/day). The drug was well tolerated with minimal toxicity and thepatient continues on therapy 109 months after treatment was started with no disease progression. Current therapeutic options for HEH are discussed in light of the clinical case with particular emphasis on anti-angiogenic therapies

    An endemic and endangered new species of the lizard liolaemus montanus group from southwestern peru (Iguania: Liolaemidae), with a key for the species of the l. reichei clade

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    The southwestern Andes of Peru harbor a hidden taxonomic diversity of reptiles. We describe a new species of Liolaemus Wiegmann (Iguania: Liolaemidae) from xerophytic environments of the southwestern slopes of the Andes of Peru, 2,400– 2,900 m asl. The new species, previously considered to be a population of L. insolitus Cei, exhibits unique diagnostic characters of morphology, scalation and color pattern, and molecular evidence that suggest that it belongs in the Liolaemus montanus species group and the L. reichei clade. Moreover, the species is endemic to the eastern slopes of La Caldera batholith in the Department of Arequipa, southern Peru. We also provide information on the conservation status of the species and suggest it be included in the IUCN red list of the threatened species as endangered (EN). A key for the species of the L. reichei clade is provided.Fil: Quiroz, Aarón J.. Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa; PerúFil: Huamaní Valderrama, Ling. Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa; PerúFil: Gutiérrez, Roberto C.. Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa, Museo de Historia Natural; PerúFil: Aguilar Kirigin, Alvaro Juan. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: López Tejeda, Evaristo Luciano. Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa; PerúFil: Lazo Rivera, Ana. Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa; PerúFil: Huanca Mamani, Wilson. Universidad de Tarapacá; ChileFil: Valladares Faúndez, Pablo. Universidad de Tarapacá; ChileFil: Morrone, Juan José. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Cerdeña, José. No especifíca;Fil: Chaparro, Juan C.. No especifíca;Fil: Abdala, Cristian Simón. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentin

    Faculty of Social Communication. #2

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    Los temas de amplían y su tratamineto mejora. La colaboración aumenta, en la medida en la cual la revista deja de ser la posibilidad de quedarse en un fugaz entusiamo pasajero, para convertirse en una publicación periódica.Comunicación social: ¡acceso o participación?. - 7 La vida cotidiana o la muerte de la realidad espiritual. - 12 El pensamiento verbal. - 17 El cura, el pastuso y las tejedoras. - 32 Hablemos sobre la panela. - 36 Los cronistas de tierra firme. - 41 Los temas del universo en Borgues. - 44 Nuestra literatura infantil: ficciones de una historia. - 48 El universo Bumangues. - 54 Reseñas. - 64The themes expand and their treatment improves. The collaboration increases, to the extent that the magazine ceases to be the possibility of staying in a fleeting passing enthusiasm, to become a periodic publication

    Risk factors associated with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus skin and soft tissue infections in hospitalized patients in Colombia

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    Q2Q160-66Pacientes hospitalizadosObjectives: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) represent a major clinical problem in Colombia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk factors associated with MRSA SSTI in Colombia. Methods: A multicenter cohort study with nested case–control design was performed. Patients with an SSTI with at least 48 h of inpatient care were included. Patients with an MRSA SSTI were considered the case group and patients with either a non-MRSA SSTI or with an Methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) SSTI were the control groups. A multivariate logistic regression approach was used to evaluate risk factors associated with MRSA SSTI with two different statistical models. Results: A total 1134 patients were included. Cultures were positive for 498 patients, of which 52% (n = 259) were Staphylococcus aureus. MRSA was confirmed in 68.3% of the S. aureus cultures. In the first model, independent risk factors for MRSA SSTI were identified as the presence of abscess (P<0.0001), cellulitis (P = 0.0007), age 18–44 years (P = 0.001), and previous outpatient treatment in the previous index visit (P = 0.003); surgical site infection was a protective factor (P = 0.008). In the second model, the main risk factor found was previous outpatient treatment in the previous index visit (P = 0.013). Conclusions: Community-acquired SSTIs in Colombia are commonly caused by MRSA. Therefore, clinicians should consider MRSA when designing the initial empirical treatment for purulent SSTI in Colombia, although there seems to be low awareness of this fact