276 research outputs found

    Inscripciones de Carthagonova, hoy Cartagena, en el reyno de Murcia

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    Apéndice: Memorial que el P. Gerónimo de Higuera, de la Compañía de Jesús, envió a la villa de Tobarra... por el qual consta, que Santa Victoria Romana, Virgen, padecio martirio...´ p.140-153Marca tip. en port.Sign.: *-2*4, A-X4En p. 106 grab. calc., [1] h. de grab. calc. pleg. con inscripciones romanas, y [1] h. de grab. calc. pleg., de la Torre Ciega de Cartagen

    Polarization instabilities in a two-photon laser

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    We describe the operating characteristics of a new type of quantum oscillator that is based on a two-photon stimulated emission process. This two-photon laser consists of spin-polarized and laser-driven 39^{39}K atoms placed in a high-finesse transverse-mode-degenerate optical resonator, and produces a beam with a power of \sim 0.2 μ\mu W at a wavelength of 770 nm. We observe complex dynamical instabilities of the state of polarization of the two-photon laser, which are made possible by the atomic Zeeman degeneracy. We conjecture that the laser could emit polarization-entangled twin beams if this degeneracy is lifted.Comment: Accepted by Physical Review Letters. REVTeX 4 pages, 4 EPS figure

    Medallas de las colonias, municipios, i pueblos antiguos de España ...

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    Sign. : *4, A-C4ReclamosViñeta calc. en port.Letra inicial decorada, frisos tip. decorativos, viñetas y otra ornamentaciónLa h. de grab. calc. son dibujos de medalla

    Barros Saguntinos : disertacion sobre estos monumentos antiguos, con varias inscripciones ineditas de Sagunto (oy Murviedro en el reyno de Valencia)

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    Marca tip. en portSign.: A-C8, D2Las h. de grab. calc. representan hallazgos de época romana de Sagunt

    Juris civilis : quae sequuntur theses ex tribus Institutionum Inperialium Libris depromptas ...

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    Cartel anunciador de la lectura de la tesisCopia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2016Fecha en tít.: 1774Texto con orla tip

    Removal efficiency for emerging contaminants in a WWTP from Madrid (Spain) after secondary and tertiary treatment and environmental impact on the Manzanares River

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    The effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) can be an important contamination source for receiving waters. In this work, a comprehensive study on the impact of a WWTP from Madrid on the aquatic environment has been performed, including a wide number of pharmaceuticals and pesticides, among them those included in the European Watch List. 24-h composite samples of influent (IWW) and effluent wastewater after secondary (EWW2) and after secondary + tertiary treatment (EWW3) were monitored along two campaigns. Average weekly concentrations in IWW and EWW2 and EWW3 allowed estimating the removal efficiency of the WWTP for pharmaceutical active substances (PhACs). In addition, the impact of EWW3 on the water quality of the Manzanares River was assessed, in terms of PhAC and pesticide concentrations, through analysis of the river water collected upstream and downstream of the discharge point. After a preliminary risk assessment, a detailed evaluation of the impact on the aquatic environment, including a toxicological study and screening of pharmaceutical metabolites, was made for the seven most relevant PhACs: sulfamethoxazole, azithromycin and clarithromycin (antibiotics), metoprolol (antihypertensive), diclofenac (anti-inflammatory/analgesic), irbesartan (antihypertensive), and the antidepressant venlafaxine. Among selected PhACs, irbesartan, clarithromycin and venlafaxine presented moderate or high risk in the river water downstream of the discharge. Albeit no acute toxicity was detected, more detailed studies should be carried out for these substances, including additional toxicological studies, to set up potential sublethal and chronic effects on aquatic organisms.This work was developed under the financial support of DRACE INFRAESTRUCTURAS S.A. as a part of the project Estudio de contaminantes emergentes en aguas residuales y superficiales de Madrid. The authors acknowledge the support of Jose Ramon Rodriguez from DRACE INFRAESTRUCTURAS S.A., for collection of wastewater and surface water samples, as well as the discussion and useful suggestions from Jesus Angel López, Pedro Miguel Catalinas and Maria Elvira Benito, from Sub-Direccion General de Aguas, Ayuntamiento de Madrid. The University Jaume I of Castellón, Spain (project UJI-B2018-55), the Ministry of Science, Innovation and University, Spain (Ref RTI2018-097417-B-I00) and Generalitat Valenciana, Spain (research group of excellence PROMETEO 2019/040) are also acknowledged. The authors are very grateful to the Serveis Centrals d'Instrumentació Científica (SCIC) of University Jaume I for the use of LC-MS/MS instrumentation

    Carta gratulatoria de un cosmopolita al autor de la obra intitulada Atlante español

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    Autor tomado de Aguilar Piñal, Tomo VIII, nº1906Precede al tít. : Victor Don Juan de Alarcón y el frayle de la Mercé por ensuciar la paré y no por otra razonSign.: A4, B

    Multistable Pulse-like Solutions in a Parametrically Driven Ginzburg-Landau Equation

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    It is well known that pulse-like solutions of the cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation are unstable but can be stabilised by the addition of quintic terms. In this paper we explore an alternative mechanism where the role of the stabilising agent is played by the parametric driver. Our analysis is based on the numerical continuation of solutions in one of the parameters of the Ginzburg-Landau equation (the diffusion coefficient cc), starting from the nonlinear Schr\"odinger limit (for which c=0c=0). The continuation generates, recursively, a sequence of coexisting stable solutions with increasing number of humps. The sequence "converges" to a long pulse which can be interpreted as a bound state of two fronts with opposite polarities.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; to appear in PR

    Coherent master equation for laser modelocking

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    Modelocked lasers constitute the fundamental source of optically-coherent ultrashort-pulsed radiation, with huge impact in science and technology. Their modeling largely rests on the master equation (ME) approach introduced in 1975 by Hermann A. Haus. However, that description fails when the medium dynamics is fast and, ultimately, when light-matter quantum coherence is relevant. Here we set a rigorous and general ME framework, the coherent ME (CME), that overcomes both limitations. The CME predicts strong deviations from Haus ME, which we substantiate through an amplitude-modulated semiconductor laser experiment. Accounting for coherent effects, like the Risken-Nummedal-Graham-Haken multimode instability, we envisage the usefulness of the CME for describing self-modelocking and spontaneous frequency comb formation in quantum-cascade and quantum-dot lasers. Furthermore, the CME paves the way for exploiting the rich phenomenology of coherent effects in laser design, which has been hampered so far by the lack of a coherent ME formalism