877 research outputs found

    The effect of decoupling on water resources: Insights from European international trade

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    The concern on the effects and potential consequences of the displacements of water resources through international trade has increased in the last decades. Today, water scarcity is considered one of the main problems in the world. Despite large advances on its quantification and understanding, further research on the anthropogenic determinants of the exchanges of water embodied in international trade is necessary. Our study aims to shed light on the trajectories and explaining factors of water exchanges in the European Union. In particular, we analyse how the 2003 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform, which decoupled direct subsidies from production, affected European water consumption through agri-food exports. First, our methodology relies on the bottom-up approach to estimate European long-term exports of virtual water from 1995 to 2013. Second, we assess the effect of the reform on water consumption using panel data analysis in a trade gravity framework. Our main results show that the 2003 reform boosted extra European virtual water exports. We also observe a large heterogeneity in our sample, pointing to Mediterranean areas as the most affected by the policy reorientation. Spain, one of the most water scarce countries in the European Union, is essential to explain this link

    Production and consumption-based water dynamics: A longitudinal analysis for the EU27

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    This paper investigates the relationship between economic development and water pressures using a global Multiregional Input-Output model (MRIO) dataset that takes into account the increasingly connected global supply chains underlying the economic systems. In particular, we analyse differences in water indicator outcomes by income level among European Union countries (EU27) from 1995 to 2008, focusing specifically on production and consumption-based water metrics for the member states. We use panel fixed effects regressions to study the dynamics of adjustment of water resources alongside controlling for individual country heterogeneity. Our main results indicate that the effects differ substantially depending on the approach used for measurement, especially when we conditioned on the country economic development, indicating opposite trajectories of water consumption and per capita gross domestic product (GDP). Furthermore, the analysis of the main components associated to water indicators highlight the role of water embodied in trade flows as the transmission mechanisms of the main effects. In particular, our estimates suggest that the growth path followed by the most developed areas in the EU27 is based on the externalisation of the environmental burden over the less developed European partners, and external developing countries. On the policy front, our findings call for the implementation of integrated water resources management, technological specific policies and the corresponding environmental regulation to combine the conservation of water ecosystems and sustainable economic growth at the national, supranational and global levels

    El gaucho como figura literaria.

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    An agent-based approach to model land-use change at a regional scale

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    Land-use/cover change (LUCC) is a complex process that includes actors and factors at different social and spatial levels. A common approach to analyse and simulate LUCC as the result of individual decisions is agent-based modelling (ABM). However, ABM is often applied to simulate processes at local scales, while its application in regional studies is limited. This paper describes first a conceptual framework for ABM to analyse and explore regional LUCC processes. Second, the conceptual framework is represented by combining different concepts including agent typologies, farm trajectories and probabilistic decision-making processes. Finally, the framework is illustrated through a case study in the Netherlands, where processes of farm cessation, farm expansion and farm diversification are shaping the structure of the landscape. The framework is a generic, straightforward approach to analyse and explore regional LUCC with an explicit link to empirical approaches for parameterization of AB

    Assessment of left ventricle dynamic from cardiac magnetic resonance imaging by means a correspondence approach

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    In this research, an approach to assess the heart dynamics is reported. The cardiac magnetic resonance images are considered for assessing the left ventricle motion and deformation. The shape of the cavity is obtained by means a segmentation procedure based on a clustering algorithm at an initial instant. This three-dimensional structure is used to establish a region of interest around the border of the structure. An optical flow method allows determining the displacement vector of this region and then defining the shapes of the cavity during the all cardiac cycle. The points of the left ventricle are followed using the displacement vectors in the cardiac cycle, obtaining thus, a dense motion field of the cavity. This approximate deformation field is refined with a correspondence method that working in the three-dimensional space. The mapping of the points that define the left ventricle in the cardiac cycle obtained with the correspondence procedure are then used for computing a set of clinical parameters that allows assessing the motion and deformation of this principal structure of the human heart. The torsion, radial and longitudinal contraction are quantified. The obtained results are promising for evaluating the heart dynamics

    Human VRK1 Is an Early Response Gene and Its Loss Causes a Block in Cell Cycle Progression

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    Background: In mammalian cells regulatory proteins controlling the cell cycle are necessary due to the requirements of living in a heterogeneous environment of cell-interactions and growth factors. VRK1 is a novel serine-threonine kinase that phosphorylates several transcription factors and is associated with proliferation phenotypes. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this report VRK1 has been identified as regulated in the cell cycle. VRK1 gene expression is activated by the addition of serum to starved cells, indicating it is required for the exit of G0 phase and entry in G1; a response that parallels the re-expression of MYC, FOS and CCND1 (cyclin D1) genes, suggesting that VRK1 is an earlyresponse gene. VRK1 gene expression is also shutdown by serum withdrawal. The human VRK1 gene promoter cloned in a luciferase reporter responds similarly to serum. In response to serum, the level of VRK1 protein expression has a positive correlation with cell proliferation markers such as phosphorylated-Rb or PCNA, and is inversely correlated with cell cycle inhibitors such as p27. The elimination of VRK1 by siRNA results in a G1 block in cell division, and in loss of phosphorylated-Rb, cyclin D1, and other proliferation markers. Elimination of VRK1 by siRNA induces a reduction of cell proliferation. VRK1 colocalizes with p63 in proliferating areas of squamous epithelium, and identifies a subpopulation in the basal layer. Conclusions/Significance: VRK1 is an immediate early response gene required for entry in G1, and due to its implication i

    Review and Support of the Relationship between Alliance Competence and Alliance Orientation

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    This paper seeks to contribute to the understanding of the formation of strategic alliances among companies. Specifically, it seeks to understand the relationship between alliance competence (Lambe, Speakman & Hunt, 2002) and alliance orientation (Kandemir, Yaprak & Cavusgil, 2006), following some of the most important guidelines of the leading exponents of theories based on resources and dynamic capabilities.Once the concepts were developed we proceeded to establish a hypothesis that seeks to better understand the relationships between the constructs and how they interact to achieve alliances that are beneficial for the parties involved.In particular, the findings corroborate the proposed relationships, supporting a direct link between market orientation constructs and senior management commitment to the alliances, as well as the commitment of senior management and competencies for alliances. As a fundamental contribution to this work, a mediating role of the alliance orientation construct was also detected between the relationship of senior management commitment and alliance competence.Future research is proposed into the elements of the practical guidelines for alliances and the relationship of this construct with the others related to alliances and particularly to their performance

    Compression of the median nerve in the proximal forearm by a giant lipoma: A case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Compression of the median nerve by a tumour in the elbow and forearm region is rare. We present a case of neuropathy of the median nerve secondary to compression by giant lipoma in the proximal forearm.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 46-year-old man presented with a six month history of gradually worsening numbness and paresthesia on the palmar aspect of the left thumb and thenar eminence. Clinical examination reveals a hypoaesthesia in the median nerve area of the left index and thumb compared to the contralateral side. Electromyography showed prolonged sensory latency in the distribution of the median nerve corresponding to compression in the region of the pronator teres (pronator syndrome). Radiological investigations were initially reported as normal. Conservative treatment for one month did not result in any improvement. Surgical exploration was performed and a large intermuscular lipoma enveloped the median nerve was found. A complete excision of the tumour was performed. Postoperative revaluation the X-ray of the elbow was seen to demonstrate a well-circumscribed mass in the anterior aspect of the proximal forearm. At follow-up, 14 months after surgery, the patient noted complete return of the sensation and resolution of the paresthesia.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In case of atypical findings or non frequent localization of nerve compression, clinically interpreted as an idiopathic compression, it is recommended to make a pre-operative complementary Ultrasound or MRI study.</p
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