3 research outputs found
Understanding the evolution and spread of chikungunya virus in the Americas using complete genome sequences
Local transmission of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) was first
detected in the Americas in December 2013, after which it spread
rapidly throughout the Caribbean islands and American mainland,
causing a major chikungunya fever epidemic. Previous
phylogenetic analysis of CHIKV from a limited number of
countries in the Americas suggests that an Asian genotype strain
was responsible, except in Brazil where both Asian and
East/Central/South African (ECSA) lineage strains were detected.
In this study, we sequenced thirty-three complete CHIKV genomes
from viruses isolated in 2014 from fourteen Caribbean islands,
the Bahamas and two mainland countries in the Americas.
Phylogenetic analyses confirmed that they all belonged to the
Asian genotype and clustered together with other Caribbean and
mainland sequences isolated during the American outbreak,
forming an 'Asian/American' lineage defined by two amino acid
substitutions, E2 V368A and 6K L20M, and divided into two
well-supported clades. This lineage is estimated to be evolving
at a mean rate of 5 x 10-4 substitutions per site per year (95%
higher probability density, 2.9-7.9 x 10-4) and to have arisen
from an ancestor introduced to the Caribbean (most likely from
Oceania) in about March 2013, 9 months prior to the first report
of CHIKV in the Americas. Estimation of evolutionary rates for
individual gene regions and selection analyses indicate that (in
contrast to the Indian Ocean Lineage that emerged from the ECSA
genotype followed by adaptive evolution and with a significantly
higher substitution rate) the evolutionary dynamics of the
Asian/American lineage are very similar to the rest of the Asian
genotype and natural selection does not appear to have played a
major role in its emergence. However, several codon sites with
evidence of positive selection were identified within the
non-structural regions of Asian genotype sequences outside of
the Asian/American lineage
Understanding the evolution and spread of chikungunya virus in the Americas using complete genome sequences
Local transmission of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) was first
detected in the Americas in December 2013, after which it spread
rapidly throughout the Caribbean islands and American mainland,
causing a major chikungunya fever epidemic. Previous
phylogenetic analysis of CHIKV from a limited number of
countries in the Americas suggests that an Asian genotype strain
was responsible, except in Brazil where both Asian and
East/Central/South African (ECSA) lineage strains were detected.
In this study, we sequenced thirty-three complete CHIKV genomes
from viruses isolated in 2014 from fourteen Caribbean islands,
the Bahamas and two mainland countries in the Americas.
Phylogenetic analyses confirmed that they all belonged to the
Asian genotype and clustered together with other Caribbean and
mainland sequences isolated during the American outbreak,
forming an 'Asian/American' lineage defined by two amino acid
substitutions, E2 V368A and 6K L20M, and divided into two
well-supported clades. This lineage is estimated to be evolving
at a mean rate of 5 x 10-4 substitutions per site per year (95%
higher probability density, 2.9-7.9 x 10-4) and to have arisen
from an ancestor introduced to the Caribbean (most likely from
Oceania) in about March 2013, 9 months prior to the first report
of CHIKV in the Americas. Estimation of evolutionary rates for
individual gene regions and selection analyses indicate that (in
contrast to the Indian Ocean Lineage that emerged from the ECSA
genotype followed by adaptive evolution and with a significantly
higher substitution rate) the evolutionary dynamics of the
Asian/American lineage are very similar to the rest of the Asian
genotype and natural selection does not appear to have played a
major role in its emergence. However, several codon sites with
evidence of positive selection were identified within the
non-structural regions of Asian genotype sequences outside of
the Asian/American lineage