38 research outputs found

    Interdisciplinarity in vocational guidance: an action theory perspective

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    In addressing the issue of interdisciplinary research in vocational guidance, twelve propositions important for understanding the vocational guidance process as joint, goal-directed action are presented. They address the encounter between client and counsellor leading to relational ethics, the relevance of everyday action theory and methods for the analysis of goal-directed processes as joint actions, projects, and careers. Research on the school-to-work transition illustrates this conceptualisation and analysis. Links to other disciplines concerned with vocational guidance are identifie

    Humor, Kreditierung und Vertrauensaufbau in einem Erstgespräch nach Suizidversuch: Theoretische und technische Überlegungen zur Verbindung des freudschen Konzepts der humoristischen Einstellung mit dem modernen technischen Konzept der Kreditierung

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    Zusammenfassung: Ausgehend von der Untersuchung einer auf den ersten Blick irritierenden Intervention einer Therapeutin im Erstgespräch mit einer Patientin nach Suizidversuch gehen die Autoren der Frage nach, was diese Intervention humorvoll macht und was eine solche, potenziell riskante Intervention für die Entwicklung der Begegnung bedeuten kann. Anhand der gesprächsanalytischen Untersuchung dieser konkreten Episode im Feintranskript befasst sich dieser Beitrag mit der konzeptuellen Beziehung zwischen der humoristischen Einstellung Freuds und dem modernen behandlungstechnischen Konzept der Kreditierung. Der Begriff der Kreditierung verweist auf eine entwicklungsfördernde therapeutische Haltung, die auf einer wohlwollend fordernden Einstellung gegenüber dem Patienten basiert. Therapeutisch eingesetzter Humor kann so als eine taktvolle Taktlosigkeit verstanden werden, die den Patienten zur spielerischen Übernahme einer alternativen Selbstpositionierung einlädt. Die humorvolle Zumutung kann als Einladung zu einem therapeutischen Spiel verstanden werden, das, ähnlich dem Spiel des Kindes, einen Übergangsraum eröffnet und narzisstische Restitution anbietet. Abschließend werden theoretische und technische Überlegungen zur Verwandtschaft des Konzepts der Kreditierung mit dem klassischen Konzept der humoristischen Einstellung besproche

    Suicide reporting in Swiss print media: Responsible or irresponsible?

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    All articles in Swiss newspapers with suicide or attempted suicide as the main topic were collected over a time span of 8 months. The aim was the investigation of a potential imitation effect and the extent of preventive messages given. A rating scheme for an assumed imitation effect based on different items for heading, text and picture was developed. The results show that approximately two-fifttis of all 151 articles were inappropriate in some aspects and were considered as bearing a high potential for imitation effect. The rating was significantly more unfavourable for the main Swiss tabloid paper than the other newspapers. A reason for suicide was specified in 41.7% of all articles, half of them in a very simple and monocausal way. Relevant preventive information was only given In 10% of cases. We conclude that media guidelines for suicide reporting are needed. A preventive strategy to influence the policy of suicide reporting in newspapers must primarily concentrate on a few papers with a high circulation (popular press

    Suicide reporting in Swiss print media

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    All articles in Swiss newspapers with suicide or attempted suicide as the main topic were collected over a time span of 8 months. The aim was the investigation of a potential imitation effect and the extent of preventive messages given. A rating scheme for an assumed imitation effect based on different items for heading, text and picture was developed. The results show that approximately two-fifttis of all 151 articles were inappropriate in some aspects and were considered as bearing a high potential for imitation effect. The rating was significantly more unfavourable for the main Swiss tabloid paper than the other newspapers. A reason for suicide was specified in 41.7% of all articles, half of them in a very simple and monocausal way. Relevant preventive information was only given In 10% of cases. We conclude that media guidelines for suicide reporting are needed. A preventive strategy to influence the policy of suicide reporting in newspapers must primarily concentrate on a few papers with a high circulation (popular press)

    Applying the principles of sustainability in cultural heritage objects care: the case study of cuneiform tablet

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    This paper discusses application of sustainability principles in the care of museum’s collections and more specifically, in the case of cuneiform tablet collection. The principles of sustainability are inherently present in the idea of memory institutions and their rules of collection preservation. This paper shows how digitalization of collections and the new ways of data storage are well suited for reaching goals of preservation of the collection for future and simultaneously widening access to the collection for those interested. Various methods and approaches employed to achieve protection and opening the collection are presented

    Evaluating the processes and outcomes of vocational counselling: An action theory perspective

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    In the context of current research in, and calls for, evidence-based practice, an action theory perspective is proposed for the evaluation of vocational counselling and other career guidance interventions. The proposition of an action theory perspective, which is based on the common understanding of human experience as being goal-directed, is made in light of several issues in the philosophy of science relevant to evaluation, including the role accorded common sense, the tension between evaluating processes and outcomes, how meaning is represented, how quality is judged, and the place of the intentionality of human agents. The specifics of this integrative approach for evaluation include the continuity of action, project, and career, as well as goals, functional steps, and behavioural and other elements that comprise them. These systems operate in vocational counselling itself, as well as in other systems of which counselling is a part. The research evidence on vocational counselling reflects the goal-directed processes that the perspective enunciates

    Suicide reporting in the Swiss print media: Frequency, form and content of articles

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    All the Swiss newspapers were screened for the target words ‘suicide' and ‘attempted suicide' and all relevant articles were analysed for form and content over a period of 8 months. In 151 out of 208 articles suiclde/attempted suicide was the major topic. Large differences between the newspapers regarding the frequency and format of the articles (e.g. placement on front page) were found. In a few newspapers with a large circulation suicide is clearly treated as a major topic of news sensation. The majority of articles reported cases of completed suicide, mainly shooting and hanging by young persons. Attempted suicide was only reported for persons with celebrity status. This survey shows that there is reason for concern in view of the danger of imitation effect

    Exploring Human Action in Counseling Psychology: The Action-Project Research Method

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    Qualitative research in counseling psychology in the last 2 decades has been characterized by the introduction and use of a range of methods and corresponding paradigms and conceptual frameworks. The action-project research method, described and updated in this article, is based on an understanding of human action as goal-directed and enacted in context: contextual action theory. We summarize this framework, prior to describing the method’s procedures for conceptualizing research problems and questions, collecting and analyzing data from dyads of participants, and presenting research findings. We also discuss recent adaptations to the procedures and how the method addresses core issues in counseling psychology; that is, methodological integrity, culture, ethics, and power. We proceed to describe how the method relates to other qualitative methods and the kinds of research questions asked by the discipline and how the action-project method connects to professional practice issues