11 research outputs found

    Impact de l’évolution du statut nutritionnel durant l’attente d’une transplantation pulmonaire sur la mortalité postopératoire

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    Cette étude vise à évaluer l’impact de l’état nutritionnel et de son évolution durant l’attente d’une transplantation pulmonaire sur la mortalité et la morbidité postopératoire. Nous avons examiné les 209 dossiers de patients greffés pulmonaires au Programme de Transplantation Pulmonaire du CHUM entre 2000 et 2007 et regardé la mortalité et les complications post-transplantation en fonction de l’IMC, des apports protéino-énergétiques, de certains paramètres biochimiques et selon l’évolution pondérale durant la période d’attente. Les résultats montrent que la mortalité augmente en fonction de l’augmentation des strates d’IMC avec un risque relatif de décès au cours du séjour hospitalier de 3,31 (IC95% 1,19-9,26) pour un IMC 25-29,9 et de 8,83 (IC95% 2,98-26,18) pour un IMC ≥ 30 avec une issue postopératoire plus sombre en terme de complications chirurgicales (p=0,003), de durée de séjour aux soins intensifs (p=0,031) et de durée de séjour à l’hôpital (p<0,001) chez les patients avec IMC ≥ 30 comparativement aux patients de poids normal. Les patients ayant présenté une évolution inadéquate de l’IMC durant la période d’attente ont connu une durée de séjour hospitalier prolongée (p=0,015). Ceux dont les apports nutritionnels étaient sous-optimaux en pré-greffe ont aussi connu une durée de séjour hospitalier prolongée (p=0,002) et davantage de complications infectieuses (p=0,038), digestives (p=0,003) et chirurgicales (p=0,029) mais sans impact détectable sur la mortalité. Nos résultats suggèrent que l’obésité et l’embonpoint ainsi qu’une évolution inadéquate de l’IMC durant la période d’attente de même que des apports protéino-énergétiques sous-optimaux affectent négativement l’issue d’une transplantation pulmonaire.This study aims to assess the impact of nutritional status and its evolution while awaiting a lung transplant on the post-operative mortality and morbidity. We reviewed 209 consecutive cases of lung transplantation at the Centre Hospitalier de l’Universite de Montreal between 2000 and 2007 and looked at the mortality and rate of complications post-operatively according to BMI, intake of protein and energy, biochemical parameters and weight changes during the waiting period. The risk of death increased with increasing BMI strata with a relative risk of death during the hospital stay of 3,31 (IC95% 1,19-9,26) for BMI 25-29.9 and 8,83 (IC95% 2,98-26,18) for BMI ≥ 30 with a worse postoperative outcome in terms of surgical complications (p=0,003), length of stay in intensive care unit (p=0,031) and length of hospital stay (p<0,001) for patients with BMI ≥ 30 compared with patients of normal weight. Patients in whom the BMI evolved inadequately during the waiting period experienced a prolonged hospital stay (p=0,015). Patients whose intake was suboptimal in the pre-transplant period have also a prolonged hospital stay (p=0,002) and more infectious (p=0,038), digestives (p=0,003) and surgicals (p=0,029) complications but no detectable impact on the mortality. Our results suggest that obesity and overweight as well as inadequate changes of BMI during the waiting period and suboptimal protein-energy intakes negatively affect the outcome of lung transplantation

    Verbal and Visual Memory Impairments Among Young Offspring and Healthy Adult Relatives of Patients With Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: Selective Generational Patterns Indicate Different Developmental Trajectories

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    Objective: Memory deficits have been shown in patients affected by schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar (BP)/mood disorder. We recently reported that young high-risk offspring of an affected parent were impaired in both verbal episodic memory (VEM) and visual episodic memory (VisEM). Understanding better the trajectory of memory impairments from childhood to adult clinical status in risk populations is crucial for early detection and prevention. In multigenerational families densely affected by SZ or BP, our aim was to compare the memory impairments observed in young nonaffected offspring with memory functioning in nonaffected adult relatives and patients. Methods: For 20 years, we followed up numerous kindreds in the Eastern Québec population. After having characterized the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders phenotypes, we assessed cognition (N = 381) in 3 subsamples in these kindreds and in controls: 60 young offspring of a parent affected by SZ or BP, and in the adult generations, 92 nonaffected adult relatives and 40 patients affected by SZ or BP. VEM was assessed with the California Verbal Learning Test and VisEM with the Rey figures. Results: The VEM deficits observed in the offspring were also found in adult relatives and patients. In contrast, the VisEM impairments observed in the young offspring were present only in patients, not in the adult relatives. Conclusion: Implications for prevention and genetic mechanisms can be drawn from the observation that VEM and VisEM would show distinct generational trajectories and that the trajectory associated with VisEM may offer a better potential than VEM to predict future risk of developing the disease

    Association of Polyaminergic Loci With Anxiety, Mood Disorders, and Attempted Suicide

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    The polyamine system has been implicated in a number of psychiatric conditions, which display both alterations in polyamine levels and altered expression of genes related to polyamine metabolism. Studies have identified associations between genetic variants in spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase (SAT1) and both anxiety and suicide, and several polymorphisms appear to play important roles in determining gene expression.We genotyped 63 polymorphisms, spread across four polyaminergic genes (SAT1, spermine synthase (SMS), spermine oxidase (SMOX), and ornithine aminotransferase like-1 (OATL1)), in 1255 French-Canadian individuals who have been followed longitudinally for 22 years. We assessed univariate associations with anxiety, mood disorders, and attempted suicide, as assessed during early adulthood. We also investigated the involvement of gene-environment interactions in terms of childhood abuse, and assessed internalizing and externalizing symptoms as endophenotypes mediating these interactions. Overall, each gene was associated with at least one main outcome: anxiety (SAT1, SMS), mood disorders (SAT1, SMOX), and suicide attempts (SAT1, OATL1). Several SAT1 polymorphisms displayed disease-specific risk alleles, and polymorphisms in this gene were involved in gene-gene interactions with SMS to confer risk for anxiety disorders, as well as gene-environment interactions between childhood physical abuse and mood disorders. Externalizing behaviors demonstrated significant mediation with regards to the association between OATL1 and attempted suicide, however there was no evidence that externalizing or internalizing behaviors were appropriate endophenotypes to explain the associations with mood or anxiety disorders. Finally, childhood sexual abuse did not demonstrate mediating influences on any of our outcomes.These results demonstrate that genetic variants in polyaminergic genes are associated with psychiatric conditions, each of which involves a set of separate and distinct risk alleles. As several of these polymorphisms are associated with gene expression, these findings may provide mechanisms to explain the alterations in polyamine metabolism which have been observed in psychiatric disorders

    Comparaison de la puissance de tests de déséquilibre de liaison dans les études génétiques

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    Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2006-2007L'identification du gène responsable d'une maladie peut être facilitée par des méthodes statistiques telles que des études d'association basées sur le déséquilibre de liaison. Différentes stratégies d'analyse sont possibles pour ce type d'étude. Comme pour les tests d'association classiques, un devis d'échantillonnage de cas-témoins peut être utilisé. Un deuxième devis possible est l'échantillonnage de trios. On peut également choisir d'étudier l'association allélique ou haplotypique des marqueurs génétiques sélectionn és. La présente étude vise à comparer par voie de simulation la puissance de tests de déséquilibre de liaison selon la stratégie d'analyse choisie. Dans un premier temps, on s'est intéressé à la comparaison des devis d'échantillonnage cas-témoins et trios ; dans un deuxième temps, on a comparé les approches allélique et haplotypique

    Cognitive structure from childhood to adulthood in kindreds densely affected by schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

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    The developmental aspects of cognitive structures from childhood until adulthood and across different levels of risk for psychopathology have been little studied. The aim of the current study was to explore the cognitive factorial structure in subsamples from highly familial and densely affected kindreds of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder – i.e. affected adult members, non-affected adult members and highrisk youth. The same neuropsychological battery was administered in a sample of 480 participants: schizophrenia and bipolar patients (n¼51), young high-risk offspring (n¼61), non-affected adult relatives of patients (n¼96), and controls (n¼272). Exploratory Factorial Analysis was performed in the control sample and yielded a 5-factor solution: verbal comprehension, processing speed/working memory, visual learning and memory, verbal learning and memory, reasoning and problem solving. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the hierarchical 5-factor solution was well suited for the young high-risk offspring, the non-affected adult relatives of patient and the patients. A hierarchical model with a “g” factor was a good fit for all subsamples. These results suggest that cognitive impairments may aggregate in highly familial individuals

    Classification of hypersensitivity pneumonitis: a hypothesis.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Regardless of the causative antigen, hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is usually classified as 'acute', 'subacute' or 'chronic'. Considerable confusion still surrounds this classification because there are no widely accepted criteria to distinguish the various stages. The objective of this study was to determine whether the current classification of HP truly reflects categories of patients with distinct clinical features. METHODS: Data obtained from a large prospective multicenter cohort study (the HP Study) were used to divide a cohort of patients with HP into a limited number of categories (clusters) with maximally differing clinical patterns, without prejudgment. The results of this cluster analysis were compared with the current classification of HP (acute, subacute or chronic). RESULTS: 168 patients were included in the analysis. A 2-cluster solution best fitted the data. Patients in cluster 1 (41 patients) had more recurrent systemic symptoms (chills and body aches) and normal chest radiographs than those in cluster 2 (127 patients) who showed significantly more clubbing, hypoxemia, restrictive patterns on pulmonary function tests and fibrosis on high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT). All p values were <0.0001, using Fisher's exact test. Nodular opacities were seen on HRCT as often in cluster 1 as in cluster 2. There was considerable disagreement between the current classification of HP and the results of our analysis. CONCLUSION: The current classification of acute, subacute and chronic HP is not supported by our analysis. Subacute HP is particularly difficult to define