102 research outputs found

    Maxillary Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma in a Male Patient with End-Stage Chronic Renal Disease

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    Aims & Objectives: The cemento-ossifying fibroma (COF) is a benign fibro-osseous lesion with controversial features that occurs most frequently in the mandible of female individuals. The presence of chronic renal disease (CRD) is a predisposing factor for the occurrence of soft and hard tissue lesions in the oral cavity. The aim of this report was to describe clinical, radiological and histopathological characteristics of an unusual case of COF who was also presented with CRD. Case Description: A 41 year-old male patient undergoing chronic hemodialysis was referred because of the painless, slow growing, firm mass in the maxilla. Cone Beam Computed Tomography disclosed a well-circumscribed lesion containing numerous ring-shaped and curvilinear ossified nodules in the left premolar-molar region. Patient was operated under local anesthesia. The histopathological examination revealed irregularly shaped bone and cementum-like hard tissue calcifications contained within hypercellular fibrous tissue stroma, leading to a final diagnosis of cemento-ossifying fibroma. Conclusion: The clinical characteristics and radiological appearance of maxillary COF is unspecific and its relapse potential is unpredictable. A reliable classification at the cellular level is required to support evidence based clinical decisions, particularly in the presence of systemic conditions such as CRD

    The effects of supplemental melatonin administration on the healing of bone defects in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) causes an increased production of free radicals that can impair bone healing. Melatonin is a hormone secreted mainly by the pineal gland, which participates in the neutralization process of free radicals. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate histologic and biochemical effects of supplemental melatonin administration on bone healing and antioxidant defense mechanism in diabetic rats. Material and Methods Eighty-six Sprague-Dawley male rats were used in this study. Diabetes mellitus was induced by intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of 65 mg/kg streptozotocin (STZ). Surgical bone defects were prepared in the tibia of each animal. Diabetic animals and those in control groups were treated either with daily melatonin (250 μg/animal/day/i.p.) diluted in ethanol, only ethanol, or sterile saline solution. Rats were humanely killed at the 10th and 30th postoperative days. Plasma levels of Advanced Oxidation Protein Products (AOPP), Malondialdehyde (MDA), and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) were measured. The number of osteoblasts, blood vessels and the area of new mineralized tissue formation were calculated in histologic sections. Results At the 10th day, DM+MEL (rats receiving both STZ and melatonin) group had significantly higher number of osteoblasts and blood vessels as well as larger new mineralized tissue surfaces (

    The Influence of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on the Healing of Experimental Defects Filled with Different Bone Graft Substitutes

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    To assess potential effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBOT) on artificial bone grafts, β - Tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) and calcium phosphate coated bovine bone (CPCBB) substitutes were applied to standard bone defects in rat tibiae. The control defects were left empty. Half of the animals received 60 minutes of 2.4 atmosphere absolute (ATA) of HBOT. Rats were sacrificed at one, two and four weeks. Bone healing was assessed histologically and histomorphometrically using light microscopy. The periosteum over the bone defects was examined ultrastructurally. Cardiac blood was collected to determine the serum osteocalcin levels. The HBOT increased new bone formation in the unfilled controls and β-TCP groups and significantly decreased cartilage matrix and fibrous tissue formations in all groups. Active osteoblasts and highly organized collagen fibrils were prominent in the periosteum of β-TCP and control groups. Serum osteocalcin levels also increased with HBOT. The healing of defects filled with CPCBB was similar to the controls and it did not respond to HBOT. These findings suggested that the HBOT had beneficial effects on the healing of unfilled bone defects and those filled with β-TCP bone substitute but not with CPCBB, indicating a material-specific influence pattern of HBOT

    Supernumerary Teeth Associated with Third Molar Impaction: a Case Report

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    Prekobrojni zubi nisu česta pojava, osobito ako nisu povezani s kleidokranijalnom displazijom, rascjepom usne i nepca ili sindromima poput Gardnerova. Naizgled zdrava 22-godišnja pacijentica bila je upućena na Odjel oralne kirurgije radi vađenja impaktiranih zuba. Naime, na njezinim panoramskim snimkama bila je otkrivena impakcija gornjih i donjih trećih kutnjaka s prekobrojnim zubima s obje strane gornje čeljusti. Na lijevoj strani, na kraju alveolarnog luka, nalazio se neiznikli distomolar, a na desnoj je bila dobro ograničena radiolucentna tvorba suspektna na odontogenu cistu, locirana između dvaju prekobrojnih zuba okružujući krunu trećeg kutnjaka. No, nakon što je zub bio izvađen i uzorak patohistološki analiziran, dijagnoza je glasila hiperplastična zubna vrećica. Svrha je ovoga rada predstaviti slučaj s višestrukim prekobrojnim zubima koji nije povezan sa sindromom, njihovu moguću upletenost u patološke promjene mekog tkiva zubne vrećice te posljedice za susjedne zube.The presence of multiple supernumerary teeth is not frequent, especially if it is not associated with cleidocranial dysplasia, cleft lip palate or syndromes, such as Gardner syndrome. An apparently healthy 22-year old female patient was referred for surgical extractions of impacted teeth. The panoramic radiographs disclosed impactions of maxillary and mandibular third molars with supernumerary teeth from both sides of maxilla. On the left side there was an unerupted distomolar at the end of the alveolar arch, while on the right side a well-circumscribed radiolucent formation suspicious to be a dentigerous cyst, was located between two supernumerary teeth, surrounding the crown of a third molar. However, after surgical extractions of the teeth and histopathological evaluation of the sample, the diagnosis of hyperplastic dental follicle was made. The purpose of this report is to present a case of non-syndrome associated multiple supernumerary teeth, their potential involvement in pathological changes of soft tissue of dental follicle, and consequences of their presence for adjacent teeth

    Does partial expander deflation exacerbate the adverse effects of radiotherapy in two-stage breast reconstruction?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The optimum protocol for expander volume adjustment with respect to the timing and application of radiotherapy remains controversial.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eighteen New Zealand rabbits were divided into three groups. Metallic port integrated anatomic breast expanders of 250 cc were implanted on the back of each animal and controlled expansion was performed. Group I underwent radiotherapy with full expanders while in Group II, expanders were partially deflated immediately prior to radiotherapy. Control group did not receive radiotherapy.</p> <p>The changes in blood flow at different volume adjustments were investigated in Group II by laser Doppler flowmetry. Variations in the histopathologic properties of the irradiated tissues including the skin, capsule and the pocket floor, were compared in the biopsy specimens taken from different locations in each group.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A significant increase in skin blood flow was detected in Group II with partial expander deflation. Overall, histopathologic exam revealed aggravated findings of chronic radiodermatitis (epidermal atrophy, dermal inflammation and fibrosis, neovascularisation and vascular changes as well as increased capsule thickness) especially around the lower expander pole, in Group II.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Expander deflation immediately prior to radiotherapy, may augment the adverse effects, especially in the lower expander pole, possibly via enhanced radiosensitization due to a relative increase in the blood flow and tissue oxygenation.</p

    Investigation of the protective effect of gel incorporating Eugenia jambolana leaf extract on 5‑fluorouracil‑induced oral mucositis: an animal study

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    Purpose The study aimed to evaluate the possible preventive effect of two concentrations (3 and 5% w/w) of Eugenia jambolana (EJ) extract against 5-FU-induced mucositis. Method Sixteen adult rats were separated into four groups: two control and two preventive groups. Animals in Groups 1, 2, and 3 were injected intraperitoneally with 60 mg/kg/day of 5-FU on Day 1 followed by 150 mg/kg/day on Day 5. The rats in Group 4 (negative control) were given physiological saline at the same times and doses. Furthermore, on the fifth day of the study, the cheek and sublingual mucosa were irritated by external superficial scratches using the tip of an 18-G needle, followed by the application 15 μL of 20% acetic acid, after which 3 and 5% EJ w/w gels were applied topically for animals in Groups 2 and 3, respectively. Results The weight and the mucositis scores were recorded. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory markers and biochemical tests were analyzed. Significant differences were found between the study groups in weight loss, clinical mucositis scores, mortality rates, and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory parameters. Conclusion The preventive effect of 3% gel was significant, with no mortality rate, making it an option for preventive strategies

    Histopathologic evaluation of the effects of local simvastatin application and photobiomodulation by light-emitting diode on bone healing of rat calvarial defects

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of photombiomodulation (PBM) and locally applied simvastatin on bone formation in critical size defects of the experimental rat model calvarium. A total of 28 Spraque-Dawley male rats, mean age of 18 weeks, were used. Bilateral 5 mm critical sized calvarial defects were created. Then 0.5 mg/mL simvastatin solution was inoculated into gelatin sponge and locally applied on one side. The other side served as control. Half of the animals were subjected to PBM treatment and the remaining half were left for spontaneous healing. The animals were sacrificed by guillotine at days 8 and 15. The specimens were histopathologically analysed. The histopathologic evaluation revealed that the new bone formation levels were significantly higher at the 15th day compared to the 8th day. The bone formation levels with PBM and simvastatin treatment either combined or applied individually were significantly higher than the control ones. PBM and local simvastatin applications had favourable effects on the early phase of new bone formation and reduced the bone healing period in the rat model. Further human trials must be performed for evaluation of the reliability of this protocol

    Statin-induced calcific Achilles tendinopathy in rats: comparison of biomechanical and histopathological effects of simvastatin, atorvastatin and rosuvastatin

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    Accumulating clinical evidence indicates the risk of tendinopathy and spontaneous and/or simultaneous tendon ruptures associated with statin use. This experimental study was designed to evaluate and compare the biomechanical and histopathological effects of the three most commonly prescribed statins (simvastatin, atorvastatin and rosuvastatin) on the Achilles tendon in rats