Supernumerary Teeth Associated with Third Molar Impaction: a Case Report


Prekobrojni zubi nisu česta pojava, osobito ako nisu povezani s kleidokranijalnom displazijom, rascjepom usne i nepca ili sindromima poput Gardnerova. Naizgled zdrava 22-godišnja pacijentica bila je upućena na Odjel oralne kirurgije radi vađenja impaktiranih zuba. Naime, na njezinim panoramskim snimkama bila je otkrivena impakcija gornjih i donjih trećih kutnjaka s prekobrojnim zubima s obje strane gornje čeljusti. Na lijevoj strani, na kraju alveolarnog luka, nalazio se neiznikli distomolar, a na desnoj je bila dobro ograničena radiolucentna tvorba suspektna na odontogenu cistu, locirana između dvaju prekobrojnih zuba okružujući krunu trećeg kutnjaka. No, nakon što je zub bio izvađen i uzorak patohistološki analiziran, dijagnoza je glasila hiperplastična zubna vrećica. Svrha je ovoga rada predstaviti slučaj s višestrukim prekobrojnim zubima koji nije povezan sa sindromom, njihovu moguću upletenost u patološke promjene mekog tkiva zubne vrećice te posljedice za susjedne zube.The presence of multiple supernumerary teeth is not frequent, especially if it is not associated with cleidocranial dysplasia, cleft lip palate or syndromes, such as Gardner syndrome. An apparently healthy 22-year old female patient was referred for surgical extractions of impacted teeth. The panoramic radiographs disclosed impactions of maxillary and mandibular third molars with supernumerary teeth from both sides of maxilla. On the left side there was an unerupted distomolar at the end of the alveolar arch, while on the right side a well-circumscribed radiolucent formation suspicious to be a dentigerous cyst, was located between two supernumerary teeth, surrounding the crown of a third molar. However, after surgical extractions of the teeth and histopathological evaluation of the sample, the diagnosis of hyperplastic dental follicle was made. The purpose of this report is to present a case of non-syndrome associated multiple supernumerary teeth, their potential involvement in pathological changes of soft tissue of dental follicle, and consequences of their presence for adjacent teeth

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