245 research outputs found

    Early emotional contacts with the Indo-Europeans. Lexical evidence of Estonian against a broader background

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    The etymological origins of the Estonian emotion vocabulary reveal that they include prehistoric loanwords from different Indo-European languages. In this paper, the emotional loans are examined according to the estimated time and sequence of acquiring them. The timetable is complemented with information about the other main fields of loanwords and, as background, changes in climate, population and material culture. Each of the periods is described in detail and followed by discussion of the relevance of those particular emotions and the possible social contexts where they might have been negotiated. The results show that the sequence in which the emotion categories emerged and were borrowed does not exactly match the supposedly universal sequence predicted in literature. Instead, the development of emotion categories broadly matches the differentiation and increasing complexity in the material culture, social relations and ideologies.KokkuvĂ”te. Ene Vainik: Emotsionaalsed kontaktid indoeurooplastega. Eesti keele laensĂ”nad laiemal eelajaloolisel taustal. Eesti keele emotsioonisĂ”nade etĂŒmologiseeringud osutavad, et osa neist on pĂ€ritolu poolest eelajaloolised laenud erinevatest indoeuroopa keeltest. KĂ€esolevas uurimuses grupeeritakse laenatud emotsioonisĂ”nad vastavalt nende arvatavale omandamise jĂ€rjekorrale ning perioodile. EmotsioonisĂ”nade jaotuvuse tabelit tĂ€iendatakse informatsiooniga teistest peamistest semantilistest laenurĂŒhmadest samal laenuperioodil ja kliima, rahvaarvu ning materiaalse kultuuri muutumisest. Artiklis iseloomustatakse iga perioodi tĂ€psemalt ning arutletakse selle ĂŒle, mis suhtes on olnud esiplaanil just teatud emotsioonid ning millistes sotsiaalsetes kontekstides vĂ”is tekkida vajadus neid keeleliselt kajastada. Tulemused osutavad, et emotsioonikategooriate esiletulemise ning laenamise jĂ€rjestus ei lange pĂ€ris tĂ€pselt kokku kirjanduse pĂ”hjal ennustatuga. Emotsioonikategooriate evolutsioon vastab ĂŒldjoontes hoopis materiaalse kultuuri, sotsiaalsete suhete ning ideoloogiate kasvavale eristumisele ning komplekssusele.MĂ€rksĂ”nad: Uurali keeled, indoeuroopa keeled, eesti keel, emotsioonikategooriad, esiajalugu, laensĂ”na

    Which Came First the Parent or the Child?

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    From the moment a child is born, she is a juridical person endowed with constitutional rights. A child’s parents, however, do not become legal parents until a state statute grants them the fundamental right to raise one’s child. The state, therefore, exercises considerable power and discretion when it drafts the parentage statutes that determine who becomes a legal parent. This article asserts that the state, through its parens patriae power, has a duty to act as an agent for children when it drafts its parentage statutes. In particular, the state must adopt parentage statutes that satisfy children’s fundamental right to legal parents at birth. This right derives from the Substantive Due Process privacy right to form intimate, familial relationships, as well as the right to intimate association and ensures that a child may develop the parent-child relationships necessary to preserve her liberty, protect her rights, and define her identity. To guarantee children’s fundamental right to legal parents at birth, states must reform their current parentage statutes. This article argues that states must first replace all presumptions in parentage statutes with clear determinations of legal parentage at birth. Next, states must grant legal parentage of children conceived through sexual reproduction to the child’s genetic parents. For children conceived through assisted reproductive technology, states must grant legal parentage to the intended parents. By adopting statutes that assign children parents from these respective groups, states ensure that the persons who are most likely to act in the child’s best interest become the child’s legal parents. In so doing, the state fulfills its parens patriae obligation to guarantee every child’s fundamental right to legal parents at birth

    A bottom-up approach dramatically increases the predictability of body mass from personality traits

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    Personality traits consistently relate to and allow predicting body mass index (BMI), but these associations may not be adequately captured with existing inventories’ domains or facets. Here, we aimed to test the limits of how accurately BMI can be predicted from and described with personality traits. We used three large datasets (combined N ≈ 100,000) with nearly 700 personality assessment items to (a) empirically identify clusters of personality traits linked to BMI and (b) identify relatively small sets of items that predict BMI as accurately as possible. Factor analysis revealed 14 trait clusters showing well-established personality trait–BMI associations (disorganization, anger) and lesser-known or novel ones (altruism, obedience). Most of items’ predictive accuracy (up to r = .24 here but plausibly much higher) was captured by relatively few items. Brief scales that predict BMI have potential clinical applications—for instance, screening for risk of excessive weight gain or related complications

    Rapid Assessment of Reward-Related Eating: The RED-X5.

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    OBJECTIVE:The prevalence of obesity has created a plethora of questionnaires characterizing psychological aspects of eating behavior, such as reward-related eating (RRE). The Reward-based Eating Drive questionnaires (RED-9, RED-13) broadly and deeply assess the RRE construct. However, large-sample research designs require shorter questionnaires that capture RRE quickly and precisely. This study sought to develop a brief, reliable, and valid version of the RED questionnaire. METHODS:All-subset correlation was used to find a subset that maximally associated with the full RED-13 in two separate samples. Results were validated in a third independent sample. Internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and ability to explain variance in external outcomes were also assessed. RESULTS:A five-item questionnaire (RED-X5) correlated strongly with RED-13 in the independent sample (r = 0.95). RED-X5 demonstrated high internal consistency (omega total ≄ 0.80) and 6-month test-retest reliability (r = 0.72). RED-X5 accurately reproduced known associations between RED-13 and BMI, diabetes status, and craving for sweet and savory foods. As a novel finding, RED questionnaires predicted laboratory intake of chips. CONCLUSIONS:RED-X5 is a short, reliable, and valid measure of the RRE construct and can be readily implemented in large-sample research designs in which questionnaire space is limited
