455 research outputs found

    Rice Protein Extracted by Different Methods Affects Cholesterol Metabolism in Rats Due to Its Lower Digestibility

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    To elucidate whether the digestibility is responsible for the hypocholesterolemic action of rice protein, the effects of rice proteins extracted by alkali (RP-A) and α-amylase (RP-E) on cholesterol metabolism were investigated in 7-week-old male Wistar rats fed cholesterol-free diets for 3 weeks. The in vitro and in vivo digestibility was significantly reduced by RP-A and RP-E as compared to casein (CAS). The digestibility was lower in RP-E than that of RP-A. Compared with CAS, the significant cholesterol-lowering effects were observed in rats fed by RP-A and RP-E. Fecal excretion of bile acids was significantly stimulated by RP-E, but not by RP-A. The apparent cholesterol absorption was more effectively inhibited by RP-E than RP-A because more fecal neutral sterols were excreted in rats fed RP-E. There was a significant correlation between protein digestibility and cholesterol absorption (r = 0.8662, P < 0.01), resulting in a significant correlation between protein digestibility and plasma cholesterol level (r = 0.7357, P < 0.01) in this study. The present study demonstrates that the digestibility of rice protein affected by extraction method plays a major role in the modulation of cholesterol metabolism. Results suggest that the hypocholesterolemic action induced by rice protein with lower digestibility primarily contribute to the inhibition of cholesterol absorption

    The effect of vehicle on the tissue distribution profiles of radioiodinated cholesterol esters in the rat

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    Several groups have examined the possible use of radioiodinated cholesterol esters to achieve selective uptake of radioactivity in the adrenal cortex and have obtained variable results. This study indicates that the tissue distribution profile varies not only with the type of ester, but also with the vehicle employed for administration. Radioiodinated 19-iodocholesteryl (125-IC), iodocholesteryl palmitate (125-ICP)and iodocholesteryl oleate (125-ICO) were dissolved in either tween vehicle (saline containing 1.6% tween 80 and 10% ethanol) or myristate vehicle (isopropyl myristate-ethanol, 1:5 v/v) and administered i.v. to rats. Irrespective of the agent, considerably more radioactivity appeared in the target organs when the tween vehicle was employed. When the myristate vehicle was used, higher levels of radioactivity appeared in the lung. This finding suggests precipitation of the agents from the myristate vehicle occurred upon administration. In the tween vehicle, 125-ICO showed almost three times greater predilection for adrenal cortex than 125-ICP with levels of activity approaching those seen for 125-IC. Adrenal activity and adrenal to non-target ratios were sufficient for visualization of the adrenals at 5 days after injection of 125-ICO in the tween vehicle. Lipid extraction and TLC analysis of tissue radioactivity revealed that radioactivity in the adrenal and ovary was predominantly in an esterified form. Further analysis of the esters present after injection of 125-ICP showed these to be a mixture of mono and polyunsaturated esters. The site of hydrolysis and subsequent reesterification is an interesting biochemical aspect that remains to be elucidated.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/24488/1/0000764.pd

    Rice koji reduced body weight gain, fat accumulation, and blood glucose level in high-fat diet-induced obese mice

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    Rice koji is considered a readily accessible functional food that may have health-promoting effects. We investigated whether white, yellow, and red koji have the anti-obesity effect in C57BL/6J mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD), which is a model for obesity. Mice were fed HFD containing 10% (w/w) of rice koji powder or steamed rice for 4 weeks. Weight gain, epididymal white adipose tissue, and total adipose tissue weight were significantly lower in all rice koji groups than in the HFD-rice group after 4 weeks. Feed efficiency was significantly reduced in the yellow koji group. Blood glucose levels were significantly lower in the white and red koji groups with HOMA-R and leptin levels being reduced in the white koji group. White and red koji increased glucose uptake and GLUT4 protein expression in L6 myotube cells. These results showed that all rice koji have the anti-obesity or anti-diabetes effects although the mechanisms may differ depending on the type of rice koji consumed

    Exotic Corn Lines with Increased Resistant Starch and Impact on Starch Thermal Characteristics

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    Ten parent corn lines, including four mutants (dull sugary2, amyloseextender sugary2, amylose-extender dull, and an amylose-extender with introgressed Guatemalen germplasm [GUAT ae]) and six lines with introgressed exotic germplasm backgrounds, were crossed with each other to create 20 progeny crosses to increase resistant starch (RS) as a dietary fiber in corn starch and to provide materials for thermal evaluation. The resistant starch 2 (RS2) values from the 10 parent lines were 18.3–52.2% and the values from the 20 progeny crosses were 16.6–34.0%. The %RS2 of parents was not additive in the offspring but greater RS2 in parents was correlated to greater RS2 in the progeny crosses (r = 0.63). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measured starch thermal characteristics, revealing positive correlations of peak gelatinization temperature and change in enthalpy with %RS2 (r = 0.65 and r = 0.67, P ≤ 0.05); however, % retrogradation (a measure of RS3) and retrogradation parameters did not correlate with %RS2. The %RS2 and onset temperature increased with the addition of the ae gene, likely because RS delays gelatinization

    Effects of Ficus carica paste on constipation induced by a high-protein feed and movement restriction in beagles

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    Constipation is one of the most common functional digestive complaints worldwide. We investigated the laxative effects of figs (Ficus carica L) in a beagle model of constipation induced by high protein diet and movement restriction. The experiments were consecutively conducted over 9 weeks divided into 3 periods of 3 weeks each. All 15 beagles were subjected to a non-treatment (control) period, a constipation induction period, and a fig paste treatment period. We administered fig paste (12 g/kg daily, by gavage) for 3 weeks following a 3-week period of constipation induction in dogs. Segmental colonic transit time (CTT) was measured by counting radiopaque markers (Kolomark) using a radiograph performed every 6 h after feeding Kolomark capsules, until capsules were no longer observed. Fig paste significantly increased fecal quantity in constipated dogs, and segmental CTT was also reduced following fig paste administration. There were no significant differences in feed intake, water intake, body weight, or blood test results, between the constipation and fig paste administration periods. Our results demonstrate that fig is an effective treatment for constipation in beagles. Specifically, stool weight increased and segmental CTT decreased. Fig pastes may be useful as a complementary medicine in humans suffering from chronic constipation

    Effect of time of administration on cholesterol-lowering by psyllium: a randomized cross-over study in normocholesterolemic or slightly hypercholesterolemic subjects

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    BACKGROUND: Reports of the use of psyllium, largely in hypercholesterolemic men, have suggested that it lowers serum cholesterol as a result of the binding of bile acids in the intestinal lumen. Widespread advertisements have claimed an association between the use of soluble fibre from psyllium seed husk and a reduced risk of coronary heart disease. Given the purported mechanism of cholesterol-lowering by psyllium, we hypothesized that there would be a greater effect when psyllium is taken with breakfast than when taken at bedtime. Secondarily, we expected to confirm a cholesterol-lowering effect of psyllium in subjects with "average" cholesterol levels. METHODS: Sixteen men and 47 women ranging in age from 18 to 77 years [mean 53 +/- 13] with LDL cholesterol levels that were normal or slightly elevated but acceptable for subjects at low risk of coronary artery disease were recruited from general gastroenterology and low risk lipid clinics. Following a one month dietary stabilization period, they received an average daily dose of 12.7 g of psyllium hydrophilic mucilloid, in randomized order, for 8 weeks in the morning and 8 weeks in the evening. Change from baseline was determined for serum total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides. RESULTS: Total cholesterol for the "AM first" group at baseline, 8 and 16 weeks was 5.76, 5.77 and 5.80 mmol/L and for the "PM first" group the corresponding values were 5.47, 5.61 and 5.57 mmol/L. No effect on any lipid parameter was demonstrated for the group as a whole or in any sub-group analysis. CONCLUSION: The timing of psyllium administration had no effect on cholesterol-lowering and, in fact, no cholesterol-lowering was observed. Conclusions regarding the effectiveness of psyllium for the prevention of heart disease in the population at large may be premature

    Effects of supplemented isoenergetic diets varying in cereal fiber and protein content on the bile acid metabolic signature and relation to insulin resistance

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    Bile acids (BA) are potent metabolic regulators influenced by diet. We studied effects of isoenergetic increases in the dietary protein and cereal-fiber contents on circulating BA and insulin resistance (IR) in overweight and obese adults. Randomized controlled nutritional intervention (18 weeks) in 72 non-diabetic participants (overweight/obese: 29/43) with at least one further metabolic risk factor. Participants were group-matched and allocated to four isoenergetic supplemented diets: control; high cereal fiber (HCF); high-protein (HP); or moderately increased cereal fiber and protein (MIX). Whole-body IR and insulin-mediated suppression of hepatic endogenous glucose production were measured using euglycaemic–hyperinsulinemic clamps with [6-62H2] glucose infusion. Circulating BA, metabolic biomarkers, and IR were measured at 0, 6, and 18 weeks. Under isoenergetic conditions, HP-intake worsened IR in obese participants after 6 weeks (M-value: 3.77 ± 0.58 vs. 3.07 ± 0.44 mg/kg/min, p = 0.038), with partial improvement back to baseline levels after 18 weeks (3.25 ± 0.45 mg/kg/min, p = 0.089). No deleterious effects of HP-intake on IR were observed in overweight participants. HCF-diet improved IR in overweight participants after 6 weeks (M-value 4.25 ± 0.35 vs. 4.81 ± 0.31 mg/kg/min, p = 0.016), but did not influence IR in obese participants. Control and MIX diets did not influence IR. HP-induced, but not HCF-induced changes in IR strongly correlated with changes of BA profiles. MIX-diet significantly increased most BA at 18 weeks in obese, but not in overweight participants. BA remained unchanged in controls. Pooled BA concentrations correlated with fasting fibroblast growth factor-19 (FGF-19) plasma levels (r = 0.37; p = 0.003). Higher milk protein intake was the only significant dietary predictor for raised total and primary BA in regression analyses (total BA, p = 0.017; primary BA, p = 0.011). Combined increased intake of dietary protein and cereal fibers markedly increased serum BA concentrations in obese, but not in overweight participants. Possible mechanisms explaining this effect may include compensatory increases of the BA pool in the insulin resistant, obese state; or defective BA transport