8 research outputs found


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    Insomnia is a common complaint in outpatient clinics. It usually affects quality of life negatively, especially in severe cases. Nowadays, routine medical interventions comprise pharmacological approaches and cognitive behavioral therapy. Common medications used by afflicted patients are not competent enough in addition to their annoying side effects. It would naturally denote the need for considering novel strategies for treating insomniac patients. Approach to insomnia in traditional Persian medicine (TPM) has been cited in a scrutinized manner focusing on its main causes. Accordingly, its treatment is tailored based on the constitution of the patient, intensity of the disease, and type of the cause. In this paper we have discussed the causes of insomnia, diagnostic approach, and various medical interventions proposed in valid sources of TPM.Pacijenti se u ambulantama često žale na nesanicu. Nesanica obično negativno utječe na kvalitetu života, posebno kod teških slučajeva. Rutinske medicinske intervencije danas obuhvaćaju farmakološki pristup i kognitivnu bihevioralnu terapiju. Lijekovi koji se obično uzimaju za nesanicu, uz neugodne nuspojave, nisu zadovoljavajući. To znači da postoji potreba za razmatranjem novih strategija u liječenju bolesnika koji pate od nesanice. Pristup liječenju nesanice u tradicionalnoj perzijskoj medicini (TPM) pomno je razmatran, s naglaskom na glavne uzroke bolesti. U skladu s tim, liječenje nesanice prilagođeno je pacijentu na temelju njegove konstitucije, intenziteta bolesti i vrste uzroka. U ovom radu raspravlja se o uzrocima nesanice, dijagnostičkom pristupu i različitim medicinskim intervencijama koje su predložene u postojećim izvorima tradicionalne perzijske medicine


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    Background: As a common disease in pediatrics, constipation has poses a high burden to the community. In this study, we aimed to investigate the efficacy of dry cupping therapy (an Eastern traditional manipulative therapy) in children with functional constipation. Materials and Methods: One hundred and twenty children (4-18 years old) diagnosed as functional constipation according to ROME III criteria were assigned to receive a traditional dry cupping protocol on the abdominal wall for 8 minutes every other day or standard laxative therapy (Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 40% solution without electrolyte), 0.4 g/kg once daily) for 4 weeks, in an open label randomized controlled clinical trial using a parallel design with a 1:1 allocation ratio. Patients were evaluated prior to and following 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks of the intervention commencement in terms of the ROME III criteria for functional constipation. Results: There were no significant differences between the two arms regarding demographic and clinical basic characteristics. After two weeks of the intervention, there was a significant better result in most of the items of ROME III criteria of patients in PEG group. In contrast, after four weeks of the intervention the result was significantly better in the cupping group. There was no significant difference in the number of patients with constipation after 4 and 8 weeks of the follow-up period. Conclusion: This study showed that dry cupping of the abdominal wall, as a traditional manipulative therapy, can be as effective as standard laxative therapy in children with functional constipation

    An investigation in the correlation between Ayurvedic body-constitution and food-taste preference

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    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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    کتاب «القانون الصغیر» در علم طب و نویسنده آن!

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    Background and Aim: In the importance of traditional medicine texts in libraries, several manuscripts are found with the same structure and text related to an effect. Two versions of this manuscript, under the titles of "Al-Kafi fi Al-Teb" and "Al-Kefaye fi Elm Al-Teb", which briefly "Al-Kefaye", were also referred to in the early sources of it to "Al-Qanon al-Saghir" and attributed to "Ibn Mandevaih". There are other versions of this work entitled "Al-Qanon al-Saghir" attributed to "Ibn Sina" and this is unlikely that the version is quite similar, belonging to two authors, so it is necessary to investigate the subject and it is determined by the writer of the work, who is. Methods: The purpose of this paper is to explain the truth, whether it belongs to "Ibn Mandevaih", or "Ibn Sina" or any separate book. Ethical Considerations: In the current research, have been observed the ethical aspects of library study, including the authenticity of texts, honesty and trustworthiness. Results: In historical documentation, a kind of dichotomy and in general, "Al-Qanon al-Saghir" was attributed to'Ibn Mandevaih' in early works and to "Ibn Sina" in later works. The similarity and matching of the versions in structural and content surveys is so much that each one cannot be considered as a separate book, but all of a book with different titles and belongs to a writer. In some issues between the votes of "Ibn Sina", if he seens in his authors, there is a difference or contradiction with what is presented in the versions of the study? Conclusion: The study of historical documentation, content analysis and structural text indicates that the book "Al-Kafi fi-Teb" or "Alkefaye" belongs to "Ibn Mandevaih", which, according to two comprehensive and complete characteristics and its small volume, to "al-Qanon al-Saghir" in contrast, "al-Qanon fi Teb", Ibn Sina, which has been widely addressed by medicine. This naming has caused the sputum, which is the same "Al-Qanon" of Ibn Sina, which he wrote briefly. Please cite this article as: Sharififar SH, Salmani Marvast MA, Afkhami Aghda R, Tafazoli V. The Book 'Al-Qanon al-Saghir' in the Science of Medicine and its Author!. Tārīkh-i pizishkī, i.e., Medical History. 2022; 14(47): e30.زمینه و هدف: در لا به ‌لای متون طب سنتی موجود در کتابخانه‌ها، چندین نسخه خطی با ساختار و متن یکسان و مشابه مربوط به یک اثر یافت می‌شود. دو نسخه از این نسخ، تحت عناوین «الکافی فی الطب» و «الکفایه فی علم الطب» که به اختصار «الکفایه» نیز به آن گفته شده، در منابع متقدم از آن به «القانون الصغیر» نیز نام برده شده و به «ابن مندویه» نسبت داده شده است. نسخه‌های دیگری نیز از این اثر تحت عنوان «القانون الصغیر» وجود دارد که به «ابن سینا» نسبت داده شده است و این بعید به نظر می‌رسد که نسخه کاملاً شبیه به هم، متعلق به دو نویسنده باشد، لذا ضروری می‌نماید تا موضوع بررسی گردد و مشخص شود که نویسنده اثر، چه کسی است. روش: این مقاله، با شیوه تحلیلی ـ توصیفی، درصدد تبیین حقیقت امر است که نویسنده این نسخه‌ها «ابن مندویه» است یا «ابن سینا» یا هر یک کتابی جداگانه و متعلق به یکی از این دو نویسنده است. ملاحظات اخلاقی: در پژوهش حاضر جنبه‌های اخلاقی مطالعه کتابخانه‌ای شامل اصالت متون، صداقت و امانتداری رعایت شده است. یافته‌ها: در مستندات تاریخی، نوعی دوگانگی به ‌چشم می‌خورد و به طور کلی، «القانون الصغیر» در آثار متقدم به ابن مندویه و در آثار متأخر به ابن سینا نسبت داده شده است. شباهت و تطابق نسخه‌ها در بررسی ساختاری و محتوایی به قدری است که نمی‌توان هر یک را کتابی جداگانه دانست، بلکه همگی یک کتاب با عناوین مختلف و متعلق به یک نویسنده است. در برخی مسائل میان آرای ابن سینا، چنانچه در مصنفات او ملاحظه می‌شود با آنچه در نسخه‌های مورد پژوهش آمده اختلاف یا تناقض وجود دارد. نتیجه‌گیری: بررسی‌ مستندات تاریخی، تحلیل محتوایی و ساختاری متن، نشانگر آن است که کتاب «الکافی فی الطب» یا «الکفایه» متعلق به «ابن مندویه» است که با توجه به دو ویژگی جامع و کامل‌بودن و حجم اندک آن، به «القانون الصغیر» در مقابل «القانون فی الطب» ابن سینا که به شکل گسترده به مطالب طب پرداخته، معروف شده است. این نامگذاری در گذر زمان موجب شده تا این خلط پیش آید که همان قانون ابن سینا است که وی به صورت مختصر آن را نگاشته است

    Green Urine in Traditional Persian Medicine

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    The color of urine is an important factor in urine examination, which can help physicians differentiate various diseases. Today, it is known that certain dyes, drug intoxications, and diseases can induce green urine discoloration. In the view of traditional Persian medicine, which is based on humoral medicine, green urine discoloration is generally referred to the dominance of coldness in the body. In fact, it is considered to be a result of a special kind of humoral imbalance and fluid depletion or retention in the human body. Persian scholars believed that green urine could be an indicator of intoxication or a predictor of an imminent spasm or convulsion in pediatric patients. Further investigations could result in finding new diagnostic scales of urine color based on the teachings of traditional Persian medicine

    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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