4,393 research outputs found

    Neutrino energy reconstruction in long-baseline experiments

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    Modern experiments aimed at measuring neutrino oscillation parameters have entered the age of precision. The determination of these parameters strongly depends on the ability to reconstruct the energy distributions of the neutrino beams. We compare two different energy reconstruction techniques: the reconstruction based on the kinematic of the outgoing lepton and the one based on the calorimetric method. Furthermore, we analyze realistic detector capabilities, such as energy resolutions, thresholds and efficiencies, in order to estimate how well they need to be evaluated to avoid a significant bias in the extraction of the oscillation parameters.Comment: Poster presented at NuPhys2015 (London, 16-18 December 2015). 5 pages, LaTeX, 2 figure

    CP violation in D decays

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    First evidence for CPC P violation in two-body singly Cabibbo-suppressed decays of D0D^0 mesons reported by LHCb has recently aroused great interest in charm physics. In this document the latest measurements of CPC P violation in the charm sector are discussed. LHCb and CDF results on time-integrated CPC P asymmetries in D0→π−π+D^0 \to \pi^-\pi^+ and D0→K−K+D^0 \to K^-K^+ decays are presented in some detail. A search for CPC P violation performed by Belle in other two-body decays, namely D0→KS0π0D^0 \to K^0_S \pi^0, D0→KS0η(′)D^0 \to K^0_S \eta^{(\prime)}, D(s)+→ϕπ+D^+_{(s)} \to \phi \pi^+ and D+→π+η(′)D^+ \to \pi^+ \eta^{(\prime)}, is also presented. Finally, results obtained by CDF with D0→KS0π+π−D^0 \to K^0_S \pi^+\pi^- decays, as well as by LHCb and BaBar with other multi-body DD decays, are shown.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, Presented at Flavor Physics and CP Violation (FPCP 2012), Hefei, China, May 21-25, 201

    Precision physics with heavy-flavoured hadrons

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    The understanding of flavour dynamics is one of the key aims of elementary particle physics. The last 15 years have witnessed the triumph of the Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism, which describes all flavour changing transitions of quarks in the Standard Model. This important milestone has been reached owing to a series of experiments, in particular to those operating at the so-called BB factories, at the Tevatron, and now at the LHC. We briefly review status and perspectives of flavour physics, highlighting the results where the LHC has given the most significant contributions, notably including the recent observation of the Bs0→μ+μ−B_s^0\to\mu^+\mu^- decayComment: 31 pages, 10 figures in 60 Years of CERN Experiments and Discoveries, Advanced Series on Directions in High Energy Physics 23 (2015), World Scientific Publishin

    William II of Hauteville (1171–1189)

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    William II of Hauteville King of Sicily (1171–1189). William II of Hauteville was the third king of the Norman dynasty on the throne of Sicily. He ruled independently from 1171 (from 1166 to 1171 he was under the regency of his mother) to 1189. From an iconographic point of view, he is particularly interesting because he was the first king of Sicily who made use of monumental images of himself. In particular, we have five official (namely, commissioned directly by him or his entourage) representations of him: the royal bull, the royal seal, and three images from the Cathedral of Monreale (near Palermo): two mosaic panels and one carved capital

    La sacralità della regina nella Sicilia normanna. Il caso dell'Ordo coronationis

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    Mirko Vagoni è un ricercatore indipendente le cui indagini si concentrano prevalentemente sulla rappresentazione del potere nel regno di Sicilia in età normanna, sveva, angioina e aragonese e in particolar modo sull'iconografia regia e il rapporto tra sovrano e elemento sacro. Laureatosi in Storia medievale all'Università di Siena (2004) e addottoratosi a quella di Firenze (2008), è stato borsista post-dottorato presso il Deutsches Historisches Institut di Roma (2009), il Zentrum für Mittelalter- und Renaissancestudien di Monaco di Baviera (2010), il Medieval Institute della University of Notre Dame, U.S. (2012) e la Kassel Universität (2013). E-mail: [email protected] genere la sacralità delle regine normanne di Sicilia ha ricevuto scarsa attenzione da parte della storiografia. Certamente al riguardo le fonti sono scarse ma il presente contributo intende affrontare l'argomento analizzando un testo in tal senso molto interessante: l'Ordo coronationis realizzato nella Sicilia normanna e che descrive lo svolgimento del rituale d'incoronazione di una regina.Generally historians have given little attention to the sacrality of the Norman queens of Sicily. Certainly, there are few sources on this subject but this paper wants to study this topic analysing a very important text for the representation of power: the Ordo coronationis written in the Norman Sicily and that describes the ritual for the coronation of a queen

    Environmental implications of dairy sheep supply chain and evaluation of climate change mitigation actions for Sardinian sheep farming systems

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    The contribution of small ruminant sector to overall livestock GHG emissions is quite significant and the optimization of environmental performances by the way of eco-innovation is considered a valid strategy to improve the competitiveness of Mediterranean dairy sheep systems. Despite their significant role in environmental and socio-economic terms, little research has been conducted on the environmental implications of dairy sheep production systems. In this context, the main aim of this thesis was to contribute to the environmental profile characterization of the Sardinian dairy sheep supply chain, in order to evaluate climate change mitigation actions for Sardinian sheep farming systems. Three studies were conducted using a LCA approach, with the following specific goals: i) comparing the environmental implications of contrasting dairy sheep systems and ii) identifying the hotspots to minimizing the ecological impacts of the Sardinian dairy sheep sector. In line with several LCA studies on dairy sector, the farm activities played the most relevant role in the overall environmental performances. Enteric methane emissions, feed supply chain, electricity and equipment seem to be the hotspots where the environmental performances can be improved. Future research will be dedicated to explore in detail the relationship between sheep breed, diet composition and enteric methane emissions and to properly assess the ecosystems services of pasture-based farming systems

    Missing energy and the measurement of the CP-violating phase in neutrino oscillations

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    In the next generation of long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments, aiming to determine the charge-parity violating phase δCP\delta_{CP} in the appearance channel, fine-grained time-projection chambers are expected to play an important role. In this Letter, we analyze an influence of realistic detector capabilities on the δCP\delta_{CP} sensitivity for a setup similar to that of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. We find that the effect of the missing energy, carried out by undetected particles, is sizable. Although the reconstructed neutrino energy can be corrected for the missing energy, the accuracy of such procedure has to exceed 20\%, to avoid a sizable bias in the extracted δCP\delta_{CP} value.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. v2 matches the version published in PR

    A Publix in Hollywood

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