22 research outputs found

    Um sistema microcontrolado para o monitoramento on-line, in situ e remoto de pH, condutividade e temperatura de águas

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    A portable microcontrolled system is proposed to monitor conductivity, temperature and pH in on-line, in situ and remote way from a water reservoir faraway 200 m. The system comprises two modules: one for data reception (located in laboratory) and another for data acquisition/transmission (located near water reservoir). It uses a microcontroller and a transceiver to remote data transmission/reception by radio frequency. Variations of water parameters were simultaneously monitored without interruption during a period of ten hours with a relative error about 4.0 %. The developed system showed simple, stable, accurate, robust and low-cost to determine parameters of water in field

    Perfil epidemiológico de casos de sífilis em gestantes em uma maternidade pública

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    Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi analisar operfil epidemiológico dos casos de sífilisem gestante em uma maternidade deTeresina, Piauí, em 2016. Método: Pesquisa epidemiológica descritiva e documental, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado no Serviço de Vigilância Epidemiológica da referida maternidade, de novembro de 2016 a janeiro de 2017, a partir de dados do Sistema de informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINANNET). Os dados foram estratificados segundo: faixa etária, escolaridade, idade gestacional no diagnóstico, titulação do teste não treponêmico, a classificação da sífilis e adesão do parceiro. Resultados e discussão: Em relação a prevalência, no ano de 2016 foram notificados setenta e cinco casos, que corresponde a 2,8%. A doença mostrou-se prevalente nas mulheres na faixa etária de 20 a 29 anos e que cursaram ensino fundamental incompleto. A maioria (77,33%) foi diagnosticada no terceiro trimestre, 22,7% das gestantes apresentaram VRDL de 1:16, a classificação clinica mais incidente foi a terciária e latente com 61,33% dos casos, com relação à adesão dos parceiros, somente 32% realizaram tratamento. Conclusões: É necessário um diagnóstico, tratamento e seguimento rigorosos na tentativa de reduzir os casos de sífilis em gestantes e sífilis congênita, assim como romper a cadeia de transmissão com estratégias e ações direcionadas no combate à doença.Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue analizar el perfil epidemiológico de casos de sífilis en gestantes en una maternidad de Teresina, Piauí, en 2016. Método: Investigación epidemiológica descriptiva y documental, con abordaje cuantitativo, realizada en el Servicio de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de la referida maternidad, desde noviembre de 2016 hasta enero de 2017, con datos del Sistema de Información de Agravios de Notificación (SINANNET). Los datos fueron estratificados según: grupo de edad, escolaridad, edad gestacional en el diagnóstico, titulación del test no treponémico, clasificación de sífilis y adhesión del socio. Resultados y discusión: En relación a la prevalencia, en el año 2016 se notificaron 75 casos, lo que corresponde al 2,8%. La enfermedad fue prevalente en mujeres de 20 a 29 años y que cursaron enseñanza fundamental incompleta. La mayoría (77,33%) fue diagnosticada en tercer trimestre, 22,7% de las gestantes presentaron VRDL de 1:16, la clasificación clínica más incidente fue la terciaria y latente con 61,33% de casos, con relación a la adhesión de los socios, sólo 32% realizaron tratamiento. Conclusiones: Es necesario diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento rigurosos con intento de reducir los casos de sífilis en gestantes y sífilis congénita, así como romper la cadena de transmisión con estrategias y acciones dirigidas a combatir la enfermedad.Objective: The objective of the study was to analyze the epidemiological profile of syphilis cases in pregnant women in a maternity hospital from Teresina, Piauí, in 2016. Method: Descriptive and documental epidemiological research with quantitative approach, carried out at the Epidemiological Surveillance Service of the maternity, from November 2016 to January 2017, based on data from the Notification of Injury Information System (SINANNET). Data were stratified according to age group, education, gestational age in diagnosis, titration of the non-treponemic test, syphilis classification and partner adherence. Results and discussion: In relation to the prevalence, seventy-five cases were notified in 2016, corresponding to 2,8%. The disease was prevalent in women aged from 20 to 29 years old who had incomplete elementary school education. The majority (77,33%) were diagnosed in third trimester, 22,7% of the pregnant women presented VDRL of 1:16, the most frequent clinical classification was tertiary and latent with 61,33% of the cases, with regard to the partners’ adherence, only 32% performed the treatment. Conclusions: It’s necessary a rigorous diagnosis, treatment and follow-up in the attempt to reduce cases of syphilis in pregnant women and congenital syphilis, as well as to break the chain of transmission with directed strategies and actions in the fight against the disease

    Nutritional composition and fermentative characteristics of Massai grass silage added with licuri (Syagrus coronata) cake

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    This study evaluated the best level of inclusion of licuri cake (Syagrus coronata) in massai grass (Megathyrsus maximus) silage by chemical composition and fermentation quality of the silage. The experiment was conducted at Experimental Farm of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of Federal University of Bahia. The treatments were composed by massai grass cut at 40 days, chopped and added at levels 0, 80, 160 and 240 g kg DM-1 of licuri cake. After mixing, the material was compressed in experimental silos, which were opened after 76 days. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four treatments and four replications. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and regression. The addition of licuri cake improve linear increase (P < 0.01) in the contents of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, total digestible nutrients, pH, NH3-N, dry matter intake, digestible dry matter and forage value index in massai grass silage There was a linear reduction in the contents of ash, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, hemicellulose and cellulose (P < 0.01). There were no differences on contents non-fibrous carbohydrates (P = 0.356) and acid detergent lignin (P = 0.432). It is recommended the inclusion of licuri cake at level of 240 g kg DM-1 in massai silage, because provided the greatest chemical composition, dry matter intake, digestible dry matter and forage value index

    Development of a portable potentiostat/galvanostat and screen-printed electrodes for in situ determinations in flow analysis with data transmission in real time

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    The main purpose of this work was to develop a potentiostat/galvanostat (PG004) to perform the electroactive metallic ions determination in water samples automatically. A dry thermostated electrochemical cell and a flow system with multicommutation were developed based on the use of the solenoid micropumps and valves with screen-printed electrodes (SPE) for the electrochemical measurements with detection employing stopped flow or continuous flow techniques. Two types of the SPE were developed: i) the SPE based on bismuth film (SPE-BiF) electrochemically deposited for on-line and in situ or ex situ modes, and ii) the boron doped diamond coupled to the SPE (SPE-BDD). These devices, and the electrodes were optimized and their performances were evaluated firstly by employing commercially available potentiostat/galvanostat. Thus, individual or simultaneous determination of Zn2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ ions were carried out using the stopped flow technique and detection employing square-wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SWASV) to the SPE-BiF, and differential pulse (DPASV) for the SPE-BDD. Limits of detection (LDs) of 1.60 &#956;g L-1, 0.30 &#956;g L-1 and 0.09 &#956;g mL-1, respectively were obtained for the simultaneous determination of Zn2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ ions by using the SPE BiF ex-situ with SWASV. For the BDD-SPE-DPASV, LDs of 2.50 &#956;g L-1, 0.38 &#956;g L-1 and 0.10 &#956;g L-1 were obtained, respectively, for the determination mentioned previously. Determination of analytes individually or simultaneously were also carried out with SPE-BDD employing multiple pulse amperometry (MPA), and LDs of 150 &#956;g L-1, 87.0 &#956;g L-1 and 13.0 &#956;g mL-1 were obtained respectively for simultaneous determination of Zn2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ ions with a sampling rate of 54 determinations per hour. In parallel with the electroanalyticals determinations, the PG004 was developed according to the following sequence. i) development of the electronic circuits; ii) calibrations of the PG004; iii) assembly of the PG004 with the flow module coupled to it; iv) coupling of the peripheral devices to the CPU of the PG004 for the wireless transmission of the data with Bluetooth®, Wi-Fi® and 3G protocol, and a GPS receiver), and v) connections of the power unit (12 V batteries) and solar board. Then, the PG004 was employed to determine Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions with SPE-BDD and SWASV in laboratory to simulate in situ conditions. Then, the PG004 was placed to the field for in situ determinations of Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions with good results: i) individual and simultaneous determinations of the Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions with recoveries ranged from 93.3 to 109%; ii) voltammograms with no noises and with good resolutions; iii) reception of the geographical coordinates using the GPS receiver and sending experimental data via mobile technology (GPRS); iv) great autonomy of energy due to the solar board; v) automated capture, filtration and thermostatic temperature control for in situ analysis; vi) SPE-BDD and SPE-BiF reusable at the end of the analysis and vii) low waste generation per determination (700 &#956;L).Financiadora de Estudos e ProjetosO objetivo central deste trabalho foi desenvolver um potenciostato/galvanostato (PG004) para aplicação na determinação de íons metálicos eletroativos em amostras de águas naturais de modo automatizado. Foram também desenvolvidos uma célula eletroquímica termostatizada a seco e sistemas em fluxo com multicomutação baseado no emprego de microbombas, válvulas solenoide e eletrodos impressos para determinações eletroquímicas com detecção com parada de fluxo ou com detecção com fluxo contínuo. Os eletrodos foram de dois tipos: i) eletrodos impressos de filme de bismuto (SPE-BiF) depositados eletroquimicamente em modo online e in situ ou ex situ; ii) diamante dopado com boro acoplado a eletrodo impresso (SPE-BDD). Estes aparatos e eletrodos foram otimizados e seus desempenhos foram avaliados primeiramente empregando-se potenciostatos/ galvanostatos comerciais. Para isso, determinações em modo individual ou simultâneo dos íons Zn2+, Cd2+ e Pb2+ foram realizadas empregando-se a técnica de parada de fluxo e detecção por voltametria de redissolução anódica por onda quadrada (SWASV) empregando SPE-BiF e por pulso diferencial (DPASV) empregando SPE-BDD. Limites de detecção (LDs) de 1,60 &#956;g L-1, 0,30 &#956;g L-1 e 0,09 &#956;g L-1 foram obtidos para a determinação simultânea dos íons de Zn2+, Cd2+ e Pb2+, respectivamente, empregando-se SPE-BiF ex situ com SWASV. No caso de SPEBDD- DPASV, foram obtidos LDs de 2,50 &#956;g L-1, 0,38 &#956;g L-1 e 0,10 &#956;g mL-1, respectivamente para a determinação supramencionada. Determinações dos analitos, separados ou simultaneamente, também foram realizadas com SPE-BDD empregando amperometria de múltiplos pulsos (MPA); os LDs obtidos foram 150 &#956;g L-1, 87,0 &#956;g L-1 e 13,0 &#956;g L-1 respectivamente, com uma frequência de amostragem de 54 determinações por hora. Em paralelo às determinações eletroanalíticas supracitadas, desenvolveu-se o PG004 na seguinte sequência: i) desenvolvimento do circuito eletrônico; ii) calibrações PG004; iii) montagem do PG004 com o módulo em fluxo acoplado; iv) acoplamento dos periféricos de transmissão de dados sem fio (wireless) para comunicação Bluetooth®, Wi-Fi® e 3G, e receptor GPS à CPU do PG004; v) montagem da unidade de alimentação a base de baterias de 12 V e X placas de captação de energia solar. Em seguida, o PG004 foi empregado na determinação dos íons Cd2+ e Pb2+ com SPE-BDD e SWASV em laboratório com simulação das condições em campo. Posteriormente, o PG004 foi conduzido a campo para as determinações in situ dos íons Cd2+ e Pb2+. Resultados satisfatórios foram obtidos, tais como: i) determinações individuais e simultâneas dos íons Cd2+ e Pb2+ com percentual de recuperação entre 93,3 a 109 %; ii) voltamogramas não ruidosos com boa resolução; iii) recepção das coordenadas geográficas com o GPS e envio de dados experimentais via tecnologia de telefonia móvel (GPRS); iv) autonomia maior de energia com uso das placas de captação de energia solar; v) sistema automatizado de captação, filtração e controle termostático da temperatura para análises in situ; vi) SPE-BiF ou SPE-BDD reaproveitados e/ou reutilizados ao fim das análises e vii) baixa geração de resíduo por determinação (700 &#956;L)

    Construction and application of a portable microcontrolled turbidimeter nephelometer

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    Development of a portable, simple and inexpensive equipment with adequate sensitivity for turbidimetric and/or nephelometric sequential analyses practically simultaneous is the aim of this study. In fact, in-situ and on-line analysis of chemical substances of interest (analytes) can be accomplished. This is requested mainly in situations in which the place is difficult to access or even in circumstances in which the physical- chemical characteristics of the samples should be unchanged. Thus, the equipment was applied in- situ sulfate determination in lake samples. Analytes of interest such as N-acetylcysteine, captopril and thiamine in pharmaceutical samples and potassium in isotonic beverages were also analyzed with the developed instrumentation. The PMTN (Portable Microcontrolled Turbidimeter Nephelometer) is made of LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) as radiation sources, phototransistors as optical sensors and a PIC microcontroller (Peripherical Interface Controller) as processing unit for control and data acquisition. The PMTN was tested and calibrated properly according to the norms establish by ISO 7027 for equipment base on LEDs as radiation source. The PMTN was applied to determine the concentration of analytes and compared with the reference or validated methods for each analyte, as described in the literature. In general, results agreed at the 95% confidence level were obtained. The detection limits and quantification for the determination of the several analytes were agreed with in some better cases than those found in the literature. On average, the PMTN furnished two decades of linear range of concentration and a reproducibility (RSD) lower than 3.0 % with an average error of less than 5.0 % were also obtained.Financiadora de Estudos e ProjetosA necessidade de um equipamento portátil, simples, de baixo custo e com boa sensibilidade para análises turbidimétricas e/ou nefelométricas de modo praticamente simultâneo motivou o desenvolvimento da presente dissertação de mestrado. Com esse equipamento, foi possível a realização de determinações de substâncias químicas de interesse (analitos) in-situ e em tempo real. Esse tipo de determinação é requerido principalmente em situações onde o deslocamento ao local é difícil, ou até mesmo, em circunstâncias nas quais as características físico-químicas das amostras devem ser rigorosamente inalteradas. Neste contexto, o equipamento foi aplicado na determinação de sulfato em águas de lago com análise em tempo real e no local de coleta. Analitos de interesse como Nacetilcisteína, captopril e tiamina em amostras farmacêuticas e potássio em bebidas também foram determinados com o emprego da instrumentação desenvolvida. O equipamento, intitulado PMTN (do inglês Portable Microcontrolled Turbidimeter Nephelometer), é composto principalmente por LEDs (do inglês Light Emitting Diodes), fototransistores como sensores ópticos e um microcontrolador PIC (Peripherical Interface Controller) como unidade de processamento, controle e aquisição de dados. O PMTN foi devidamente testado e calibrado conforme as normas exigidas pela ISO 7027 para equipamento à base de LEDs como fonte de radiação. Devidamente calibrado, o PMTN foi aplicado para determinações dos analitos supracitados e comparado com os métodos de referência ou métodos validados para cada analito descritos na literatura. Em todas as aplicações, os resultados obtidos empregando-se o equipamento foram concordantes a um nível de confiança de 95 %. Os limites de detecção e de quantificação para a determinação dos diversos analitos foram compatíveis e em alguns casos melhores que os encontrados na literatura. Em média duas décadas de faixa linear de concentração e uma reprodutibilidade (RSD) menor que 3,0 % com erros relativos em média menores que 5,0 % também foram obtidos

    Smartphone application for methanol determination in sugar cane spirits employing digital image-based method

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    A simple, accurate, and low-cost analytical procedure for methanol determination in sugarcane spirits (cachaça) employing analysis of digital images is presented. A portable system with cheap materials and lighting system to obtain images from a smartphone was built and an RGB system was used for analytical purposes. The reaction for determination of methanol in beverages consists in methanol oxidation to methanal, and consequent formation of a violet chromophore in the presence of chromotropic acid on heating in an oven at 80 °C for 15 min. From the system optimization, analytical curves that showed good linearity for the green channel (from RGB) was built, with regression coefficient (R^ 2) of 0.998. Relevant matrix effect in the samples was not verified, since the recovery percentage ranged from 83 to 110%. The results of methanol concentration in six cachaça samples obtained by the developed method were compared with using the spectrophotometric method with a confidence level of 95% (n = 3). The developed method has some economic and environmental benefits, since it has low reagent consumption with 800 μL per measured spot, as well as, it presents cheap and handle-easy devices, which encourages the quality control of this toxic and undesirable contaminant for smallholders and industries on production of sugar cane spirits

    Plano de ação nacional para conservação do Soldadinho do Araripe

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    The process of disappearance of native forest woods for alternative land use, mainly caused by human activity. Whole species of insects and animals disappear because of habitat destruction. However the aim of this was to check the actions of the National Action Plan for the Conservation Soldier Araripe, noting the positive and negative results. For the development of their work was the district Arajara, located in Barbalha-EC. Which, a survey was conducted of data from the ICMBio and Aquasis and lectures in schools community Arajara - CE, the period from June to August 2012. Also drafted up educational work twine, music, regional dances among others, for better interaction with students using the methodology puppet soldier-of-araripe as a strategy within the education environment. Throughout the whole work was observed and met a range of information about environmental education. Analyzing the negative impacts caused by man, such as degradation of riparian forests and the deviation of the springs inhabited the Soldier-of-Araripe we found their real and critical endangerment of the Araripe, why aroused much interest in performing the research project on conservation.O processo de desaparecimento de matas florestais nativas para o uso alternativo do solo, causada principalmente pela atividade humana. Espécies inteiras de insetos e animais desaparecem devido à destruição de seus habitats. Contudo o objetivo deste foi verificar as ações do Plano de Ação Nacional Para Conservação do Soldadinho do Araripe, observando os resultados positivos e negativos. Para o desenvolvimento do respectivo trabalho foi o distrito de Arajara, localizada na cidade de Barbalha-CE. O qual, foi realizado um levantamento de dados junto ao ICMBio e a Aquasis, bem como palestras nas escolas da comunidade de Arajara – CE, no período de junho a agosto de 2012. Também elaborou-se trabalhos educativos de cordel, músicas, danças regionais entre outros, para uma melhor interação com os alunos usando a metodologia do fantoche do soldadinho- do-araripe, como estratégia dentro da educação ambiental. No decorrer de todo o trabalho realizado foi observado e conhecido uma amplitude de informações a cerca da educação ambiental. Analisando os impactos negativos causados pelo homem, como a degradação das matas ciliares e o desvio das nascentes onde habitam o Soldadinho-do-Araripe, foi constatado a sua real e crítica ameaça de extinção da Chapada do Araripe, motivo pelo qual despertou tamanho interesse em realizar o projeto de pesquisa sobre a sua conservação

    Desenvolvimento e validação de metodologia analítica baseada em imagens digitais de spot tests para determinação de etanol em cachaça

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    A análise de imagens digitais é um método analítico baseado na decomposição da imagem, cujos os valores RGB variam proporcionalmente com a concentração do analito. Para a determinação de etanol, empregou-se a reação de óxido-redução na qual o cromo (VI) é reduzido a cromo (III) ou cromo (II), sendo o etanol oxidado a aldeído acético, gerando mudança da cor amarelo-alaranjada para verde-azulada. Foi obtida uma curva analítica linear no intervalo de 10 a 70 % v/v de etanol, com coeficiente de regressão r 2 = 0,991. Os limites de detecção e de quantificação foram iguais à 1,72 % v/v e 5,74 % v/v. Seis amostras de cachaça foram analisadas empregando o método proposto e um método picnométrico, e conclui-se que três delas apresentaram teor de etanol fora da faixa permitida pela legislação. O método analítico baseado em imagens digitais mostrou-se versátil, preciso, exato, de custo baixo e com baixa geração de resíduos, muito útil para análises in situ.Digital image analysis is an analytical method based on the decomposition of the image through an RGB color model, which values of RGB varies in proportion to the analyte concentration. For the determination of ethanol, it was employed the reaction of redox in which chromium (VI) is reduced to chromium (III) or chromium (II) and the ethanol is oxidized to acetaldehyde, generating change in the yellow-orange color to blue-green. By determining the ethanol content, a linear calibration curve in the range from 10 to 70% v/v ethanol was obtained, with a coefficient of regression r 2 = 0.9910. Limits of detection and quantification respectively equal to 1.72 % v/v and 5.74% v/v also were obtained. six cachaça samples were analyzed using the digital image and the picnometric method. The results showed that three of them had ethanol content outside the range permitted by law. Besides the image capture system is versatile, accurate, precise, low cost, low waste generation, being it very useful for in situ analysis

    A digital image method of spot tests for determination of copper in sugar cane spirits

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    In this work the development and validation of analytical methodology for determination of copper in sugarcane spirit samples is carried out. The digital image based (DIB) method was applied along with spot test from the colorimetric reaction employing the RGB color model. For the determination of copper concentration, it was used the cuprizone - a bidentate organic reagent - which forms with copper a blue chelate in an alkaline medium. A linear calibration curve over the concentration range from 0.75 to 5.00 mg L^−1 (r2 = 0.9988) was obtained and limits of detection and quantification of 0.078 mg L^−1 and 0.26 mg L^−1 were acquired, respectively. For the accuracy studies, recovery per- centages ranged from 98 to 104% were obtained. The comparison of cooper concentration results in sugar cane spirits using the DIB method and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry as reference method showed no significant differ- ences between both methods, which were performed using the paired t-test in 95% of confidence level. Thus, the spot test method associated with DIB allows the use of devices as digital cameras and smartphones to evaluate colorimetric reaction with low waste generation, practicality, quickness, accuracy, precision, high portability and low-cost

    A simplistic portable LED-Based photometer for in situ determination of copper in sugarcane spirits

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    A low-cost and portable LED-based photometer was developed and applied for in situ determination of copper in sugarcane spirit. The determination was based on the chelation reaction between copper(II) and cuprizone (bis(cyclohexanone)oxalyldihydrazone). After optimizing the best experimental variables, a dynamic linear range to determine copper(II) was linear from 1.0 to 12.0 mg L−1 (r2 = 0.999) with the limits of detection and quantification of 0.20 and 0.70 mg L−1, respectively. The recovery of copper ranged from 96.5 to 104.4%. The paired t test was performed, and the results agreed at 95% level of confidence. The analytical method LED-based photometer demonstrated that it can be employed to determine copper in sugarcane spirit for quality purpose, e.g., small rural producers can evaluate the drink quality before bottling due to the easy handling, portability, fast response, and low-cost of the materials used