73 research outputs found

    Probabilistic analysis of unreinforced brick masonry walls subjected to horizontal bending

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    Published online on April 11, 2017Unreinforced masonry walls subjected to out-of-plane horizontal bending can fail by two alternate modes: stepped failure along the brick-mortar bond, or line failure cutting directly through the bricks. Because of random variations in material properties throughout a panel and the tendency for failure to occur across the weaker elements, vertical cracks will generally exhibit a combination of the two modes. This paper develops a pair of analytical methodologies that treat this phenomenon using a stochastic approach. The first part deals with calculating the ultimate moment capacity by allowing for the weakening effect associated with the mixed (stepped and line) mode of failure. This effect is quantified in terms of strength-reduction factors for mean and characteristic (0.05 quantile) values of strength, which may be applied toward generic ultimate strength design. The second part deals with estimating the relative probability of each failure mode and the probability distribution for the relative proportions of each failure mode along a crack. This is of particular relevance to seismic performance because the two failure modes lead to significantly different postcracking behavior.Jaroslav Vaculik and Michael C. Griffit

    Energy consumption of milking pump controlled by frequency convertor during milking cycle

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    ArticleThe article deals with selected parameters affecting the energy consumption of a vacuum pump in a milking system during the whole milking cycle in variants with and without regulation by a frequency convertor. When put into practice, the latest research of creation, control and stabilization of vacuum in milking devices allows dairy farmers to obtain a vacuum system that ensures maximum stability of milking pressure, which is a basic requirement affecting the health of dairy cows. The choice of vacuum system prioritizes in particular high performance, maximum operational reliability, minimum maintenance, long service life, environmental friendliness and economy. The vacuum pump was a Roots vacuum pump with a rotary piston which is typical for this use. Use of a frequency convertor significantly affected the efficiency of this pump for control of vacuum pressure level and pump performance by varying the rotation frequency according to the actual airflow requirement. Using this control system, only as much vacuum pressure is produced as necessary. By measurement of an experimental setup, it was found that the average power requirement of a setup with a control valve was 3.8 kW compared to 1.7 kW in the case of the variant with frequency convertor. Measurements and calculations have shown that this system is capable of saving more than 50% of electric energy

    Out-of-plane load-displacement model for two-way spanning masonry walls

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    Abstract not availableJaroslav Vaculik, Michael C. Griffit

    Bohdan Pavlu and His Activities in Russia (1915—1919)

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    The article is devoted to the study of the political activity of one of the prominent figures of the Czech and Slovak national movement Bohdan Pavlu, who played a significant role in the Civil War in Russia. The material was documents of personal origin and official documents containing information on the activities of sCzech-Slovak organizations in Russia. The author pays attention to the evolution of political views of B. Pavlu, his attitude to the tsarist government. It is shown how external circumstances influenced the support of the course of T. G. Masaryk. Particular attention is paid to the activities of B. Pavlu during the Civil War in Russia. The novelty of the research is due to the fact that for the first time the socio-political views of one of the leaders of the Czech national movement in Russia are comprehensively studied. The relevance of the study is due to the lack of consensus in Russian society on the role of foreign intervention in the events of 1917—1922. It is proved that B. Pavlu’s activities contributed to the consolidation of the Czech and Slovak national movement in Russia. It is emphasized that it was he who formulated the concept of “Czechoslovakia”, which formed the basis for the idea of creating a single state for the two peoples

    High-speed pullout behavior of deep-mounted CFRP strips bonded with a flexible adhesive to clay brick masonry

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    An experimental campaign was initiated to determine the high-speed pullout behavior of deep-mounted carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) strips bonded with a flexible, visco-elasto-plastic adhesive to clay brick masonry. A total of 14 direct pull-tests were conducted. Strong correlations were found between both the pull-out strength/bonded length relation and the pull-out strength/loading rate relation. The governing failure mechanism was either cohesive failure combined with brick splitting, or CFRP rupture without significant damage to the masonry prism. From the strain gauge readings, multiple bond-slip correlations were constructed and eventually generalized and simplified to a global, multi-linear bond-slip relation. Using the global bond-slip law as part of a partial-interaction analysis resulted in a good fit with the experimental results. Finally, the results of this study were compared to previous direct pull-tests found in literature, showing that the application of a flexible adhesive results in higher interfacial fracture energy and higher debonding slip.Ö.S. Türkmen, S.N.M. Wijte, J. Vaculik, B.T. De Vries, J.M. Ingha

    Impacto del programa de educación para la salud en preescolares de la ciudad de Corrientes

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    Una educación de calidad es el cimiento de la salud y el bienestar. Para llevar una vida productiva y saludable cada individuo debe poseer los conocimientos necesarios para la prevención de enfermedades y patologías, así lo establece Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura.1 Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal con el objetivo de evaluar el impacto del Programa de Educación para la Salud en niños de 4 años que asistieron al Centro de Desarrollo Infantil Nº I. El trabajo de investigación involucra a niños y tutores en los cuales trabajamos de manera articulada. Se ha realizado previa firma del consentimiento informado, la confección de 39 historias clínicas, Índices ceo, Índices de O´Leary y entrevistas. En el análisis de los datos se hallaron los siguientes resultados: en relación a la calidad de higiene bucal se demostró que el 61% de niñas y el 68% de niños de acuerdo al Índice de O’Leary inicial no contaba con niveles compatibles con salud, al control final este indicador ha proporcionado los siguientes datos: el 28% de niñas y el 34% de niños no alcanzaron niveles compatibles con salud. Al examen clínico inicial se observó que presentaron 115 piezas dentarias cariadas, 9 extracción indicada y 14 obturadas. Actualmente observamos, 80 piezas dentarias cariadas, 7 extracción indicada y 39 obturadas. En relación a la percepción de la salud bucal, del análisis de las entrevistas surge que existe una disociación entre salud general y salud bucal. Es importante destacar la importancia de desarrollar programas de educación para la salud desde temprana edad para que puedan ser incorporadas como buenos hábitos de salud

    Focal osteoporosis defects play a key role in hip fracture

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    BACKGROUND\textbf{BACKGROUND}: Hip fractures are mainly caused by accidental falls and trips, which magnify forces in well-defined areas of the proximal femur. Unfortunately, the same areas are at risk of rapid bone loss with ageing, since they are relatively stress-shielded during walking and sitting. Focal osteoporosis in those areas may contribute to fracture, and targeted 3D measurements might enhance hip fracture prediction. In the FEMCO case-control clinical study, Cortical Bone Mapping (CBM) was applied to clinical computed tomography (CT) scans to define 3D cortical and trabecular bone defects in patients with acute hip fracture compared to controls. Direct measurements of trabecular bone volume were then made in biopsies of target regions removed at operation. METHODS\textbf{METHODS}: The sample consisted of CT scans from 313 female and 40 male volunteers (158 with proximal femoral fracture, 145 age-matched controls and 50 fallers without hip fracture). Detailed Cortical Bone Maps (c.5580 measurement points on the unfractured hip) were created before registering each hip to an average femur shape to facilitate statistical parametric mapping (SPM). Areas where cortical and trabecular bone differed from controls were visualised in 3D for location, magnitude and statistical significance. Measures from the novel regions created by the SPM process were then tested for their ability to classify fracture versus control by comparison with traditional CT measures of areal Bone Mineral Density (aBMD). In women we used the surgical classification of fracture location ('femoral neck' or 'trochanteric') to discover whether focal osteoporosis was specific to fracture type. To explore whether the focal areas were osteoporotic by histological criteria, we used micro CT to measure trabecular bone parameters in targeted biopsies taken from the femoral heads of 14 cases. RESULTS\textbf{RESULTS}: Hip fracture patients had distinct patterns of focal osteoporosis that determined fracture type, and CBM measures classified fracture type better than aBMD parameters. CBM measures however improved only minimally on aBMD for predicting any hip fracture and depended on the inclusion of trabecular bone measures alongside cortical regions. Focal osteoporosis was confirmed on biopsy as reduced sub-cortical trabecular bone volume. CONCLUSION\textbf{CONCLUSION}: Using 3D imaging methods and targeted bone biopsy, we discovered focal osteoporosis affecting trabecular and cortical bone of the proximal femur, among men and women with hip fracture.Arthritis Research UK (grant no. ARC17822) and Cambridge National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre

    Evaluación del Programa de Promoción y Educación para la Salud Bucal en niños de 4 años que concurren al Centro de Desarrollo Infantil MitaÍ Roga N° V, Corrientes Capital

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    La educación para la salud en etapas iniciales es uno de los ejes que aseguran la preservación de la salud integral del niño, asegurando a largo plazo una mejor calidad de vida. Los centros escolares son los lugares más recomendados para llevar a cabo la Educación para la Salud Bucodental. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal con el objetivo de evaluar el impacto del Programa de Promoción y Educación para la Salud en niños de 4 años de ambos sexos que asistieron al Centro de Desarrollo Infantil Nº V, durante el año 2018. La investigación se realizó en tres etapas, la primera denominada diagnóstico inicial donde previa firma del consentimiento informado se confeccionaron las historias clínicas, odontograma e índices c.e.o.d y O'Leary inicial, la segunda en la cual se ejecutó el Programa de Promoción y Educación para la Salud a través de la implementación de los Módulos: Educativo y de Atención Preventiva y la tercera etapa donde se realizaron los Índices c.e.o.d y O'Leary final y se evaluó el impacto mediante el diagnóstico final. Los registros obtenidos reflejan que antes de la aplicación del Programa el 58% de los niños presentan caries y posterior a la aplicación del Programa disminuyó el porcentaje de niños que presentaban caries dental a 20%. Razón por lo cual es necesaria la implementación de Programas de Promoción y Educación para la salud bucal, la modificación de hábitos de vida para mantener y preservar la salud

    GID Salud Bucal. Estudio de la Salud Bucal en Centro de Desarrollo Infantil de la Ciudad de Corrientes P.I: J003-14

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    El GID Salud Bucal se desarrolla en el marco del Proyecto acreditado Estudio de la Salud Bucal en Centros de Desarrollo Infantil de la ciudad de Corrientes P.I: J003-14. La educación para la salud en escolares, es un proceso programado, continuo, dinámico y participativo, que actúa sobre factores condicionantes, sociales y personales, con el propósito de mejorar la calidad de vida de la comunidad educativa. El objetivo fue evaluar el estado de Salud Bucal de niños de 3 a 5 años que asistieron a los Centros de Desarrollo Infantil Mitaí Roga N° I, II, V, X, XIV y XV. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de intervención en niños de 3 a 5 años de edad, en ambos sexos durante el año 2018. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante observación clínica y registro en Historia Clínica-Dental y Consentimiento Informado; Autorizado por el Comité de Bioética de la Facultad de Odontología de la UNNE. Dictamen N°84/14. La investigación se realizó en tres etapas, la primera denominada diagnóstico inicial donde se llevó a cabo la recolección de los datos, la segunda en la cual se ejecutó el Programa de Promoción y Educación para la Salud y la tercera donde se evaluó el impacto mediante el diagnóstico final. En la primera etapa se confeccionaron las historias clínicas, odontograma e índices c.e.o.d y O'Leary inicial. En la segunda etapa se ejecutó el Programa de Promoción y Educación para la Salud a través de la implementación de los Módulos: Educativo y de Atención Preventiva. En la tercera etapa se realizaron los Índices c.e.o.d y O'Leary final. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan que el 68% de los niños presentan caries, por lo cual resulta fundamental la implementación de programas de promoción y educación para la salud para mejorar la calidad de vida de los niños