134 research outputs found

    Tilaus-toimitusketjun kehittäminen : Toimitusvarmuusprosessin selvittäminen

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön toimeksiantaja oli konenäkö-, mittalaite-, radiotaajuus RF- ja valokuitutekniikan asiantuntija Orbis Oy. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia tilaus-toimitusketjua sekä toimitusvarmuutta, jotta ketjusta saataisiin tehokkaampi ja tuottavampi. Nykytilanne kartoitettiin haastattelemalla yrityksen henkilökuntaa eri vaiheissa ketjua sekä Vantaan että Viron toimipisteessä ja käsittelemällä ongelmia, joita työntekijöillä ilmenee osastoilla. Osa ongelmista ja kehityskohteista ilmeni opinnäytetyönkirjoittajan työskennellessä yrityksessä. Teoriatietoa opinnäytetyöhön haettiin alan julkaisuista, tutkimuksista ja yrityksen sisäisistä dokumenteista. Kehitysideat muodostuivat rajattaessa ongelmakohtia, jotka aiheuttivat hidas-teita ja myöhästymisiä ketjussa. Työssä nousi esille kolme pääkehitysehdotusta. Ensimmäinen kehitysehdotus oli rutiinitehtävien automatisointi niin, että kaikki työajat olisivat hyödynnettävissä. Toisena esille nousi tiedon jakaminen ilman sähköpostien kuormittamista aiempaa enempää. Tähän löytyi ratkaisuksi ennusteiden lisäämisestä intranetiin, josta ne olisi nähtävillä niille, jotka tarvitsevat ennusteita työssään. Kolmantena ja ehkä laajimpana asiana oli tarkentaa ennusteita sekä pyrkiä sitouttamaan ennusteet. Näillä saadaan esimiehille varmempi ote tehdä tarvittavia muutoksia etukäteen. Tämän opinnäytetyön valmistumiseen mennessä ei jatkotoimenpiteitä ole otettu käytäntöön, joten kehitysehdotuksien tuloksia ei ole vielä saatavilla.This thesis was commissioned by Orbis Oy, which is an expert in machine vision, measuring devices, RF- and modern fiber optic -technology. The aim of this thesis was to examine the demand-supply chain of Orbis Oy with a view of making it more effective and more productive. The current situation of the demand-supply chain was surveyed by interviewing companies’ employees along the demand-supply chain in Vantaa and Estonia. Also areas of development that the employees had in their units were examine here. Some of the problems and development targets came up while the writer of the thesis was working for the company. Theory for the thesis was collected from research publications with field, studies and the companies’ internal documentation. Development ideas were formed by separating the problems in the demand-supply chain which caused slow-downs and delays. Three main development targets emerged in the thesis. The first development point was to automate routine work so that all the working time could be utilized. Secondly came up sharing forecast information without overloading e-mails. The solution was to add forecasts into the Intranet so that anyone who needs forecasts can see them. The third and maybe the largest problem was to get more accurate forecasts with a goal of making binding forecasts, after which the managers would be confident to make the necessary changes in advance. By the date this thesis was completed further actions have not been taken into use, so that the results of the development process are not available.Opinnäytetyö ei ole julkinen, vaan salattu työnantajan ja tekijän välillä. Täällä oleva työ on vain raapaisu siitä, mitä se on alunperin opinnäytetyön antajalle ja tekijälle

    Conservation of Edible Ectomycorrhizal Mushrooms: Understanding of the ECM Fungi Mediated Carbon and Nitrogen Movement within Forest Ecosystems

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    Most edible ectomycorrhizal (ECM) mushrooms are currently harvested from nature and many of them are high-priced. Demand for the wild mushrooms as a culinary delicacy has stimulated research that aims to understand (1) the puzzled role that the ECM fungi play in the forest ecosystem, and (2) nutritional and other requirements for fruiting, which is highly variable. In this review, we focus on understanding of the ECM fungi mediated carbon and nitrogen movement between the symbiotic partners and on the interactions with other fungi in forest ecosystems. Thereby, we better understand the diverse nitrogen requirements for edible ECM fungal growth and mushroom fruiting. We attempt to provide a theoretical basis for the future research of edible ECM mushrooms in wild and controlled conditions.Peer reviewe

    Biogeography of the Japanese Gourmet Fungus, Tricholoma matsutake: A Review of the Distribution and Functional Ecology of Matsutake

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    Tricholoma matsutake (S. Ito & S. Imai) Singer is an ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete that produces highly prized mushrooms known as ‘true matsutake’. Recent research has shown that T. matsutake has a wide but patchy distribution in temperate and boreal forests of Eurasia and subtropical China in association with Pinus, Picea, Tsuga, Abies and even fagaceous broadleaves. Molecular analyses of the microbial communities living in shiro soil have been made in certain locations, but their generality has yet to be determined systematically and across the entire range. Variation in fruiting in relation to climate and geography has improved our understanding of matsutake phenology, and important in-roads have been made into its ecology over the past 15 years. T. matsutake is a commercially-important fungal species that plays a significant role in the functional diversity of forests in the Northern Hemisphere, but much remains to be learned about this enigmatic taxon.Peer reviewe

    Toimintamalli käytettävyyspohjaiselle huoltosopimustoiminnalle: Malli käytettävyyden hallinnasta ja laskentaan vaikuttavista tekijöistä

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    Customers and suppliers have started to prefer availability based maintenance contracts as maintenance contracts and using these kinds of contracts is becoming a trend in the industry. In availability based maintenance contracts the supplier does not sell maintenance, but for example availability of the operation in the customer plant. The main objective of this study is to enable for the target company to manage these kinds of contracts and to create tools to support those contracts. This thesis is a study on what are the important factors in availability and how are those managed in the contract where equipment are not always manufactured by the supplier and equipment are not similar to one and other. The goal of the thesis is to examine availability based maintenance contract framework and availability costs with availability factors. To the research is selected a case study as a research method. It was grounded with literature review, benchmarking and interviews. Based on literature review, benchmarking and interviewing the framework was created for the target company to be used to manage availability based maintenance contracts. Based on the framework, it was determined a suitable availability calculation model. With the calculation model it is possible to examine different factors and costs influences on availability. Also, effects of changes in availability to the company’s total cost and profitability are investigated. The research offers a methodology for adopting availability based maintenance contracts in target company. The emphasis is put on clarifying and focusing the availability factors and those affect to availability. While doing the research it was noticed that small changes in availability have a large impact on company’s performance and profitability. As a future measurement is presented that the company becomes more familiar with availability and that the company’s management gives clearer instructions on where to invest in and what changes does it require from the company. This includes for example that the company start systematically design and manufacture equipment for availability purposes. This would make maintenance work faster and increase availability


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    Afzelia africana, Entada africana, and Pterocarpus erinaceus are economically important tropical tree species in Africa. In this study, we performed morphological and molecular analyses to examine the mycorrhizal status of these species in their natural habitat in Benin, West Africa. Fine roots were examined using trypan blue staining. Putative arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) were identified by extracting root DNA and sequencing the large subunit region of ribosomal DNA. Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were positioned on a consensus phylogenetic tree produced using maximum likelihood and neighbor-joining models. Morphological analyses revealed vesicles, arbuscules, and inter- and intracellular hyphae in roots of all three tree species. Molecular analyses revealed 39 AMF OTUs, among which 18 were from roots of E. africana, 15 from P. erinaceus, and 9 from A. africana. These OTUs belonged to Glomus, Nanoglomus, Rhizoglomus, Sclerocystis, Septoglomus, and Scutellospora; two unidentified species belonged to the family Glomeraceae. This is the first study to report AMF in roots of A. africana, E. africana, and P. erinaceus in Benin, and opens new avenues for future studies.Peer reviewe

    The effects of co-colonising ectomycorrhizal fungi on mycorrhizal colonisation and sporocarp formation in Laccaria japonica colonising seedlings of Pinus densiflora

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    Forest trees are colonised by different species of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi that interact competitively or mutualistically with one another. Most ECM fungi can produce sporocarps. To date, the effects of co-colonising fungal species on sporocarp formation in ECM fungi remain unknown. In this study, we examined host plant growth, mycorrhizal colonisation, and sporocarp formation when roots of Pinus densiflora are colonised by Laccaria japonica and three other ECM fungal species (Cenococcum geophilum, Pisolithus sp., and Suillus luteus). Sporocarp numbers were recorded throughout the experimental period. The biomass, photosynthetic rate, and mycorrhizal colonisation rate of the seedlings were also measured at 45days, 62days, and 1year after seedlings were transplanted. Results indicated that C. geophilum and S. luteus may negatively impact mycorrhizal colonisation and sporocarp formation in L. japonica. Sporocarp formation in L. japonica was positively correlated with conspecific mycorrhizal colonisation but negatively correlated with the biomass of seedlings of P. densiflora. The co-occurring ECM fungi largely competed with L. japonica, resulting in various effects on mycorrhizal colonisation and sporocarp formation in L. japonica. A variety of mechanisms may be involved in the competitive interactions among the different ECM fungal species, including abilities to more rapidly colonise root tips, acquire soil nutrients, or produce antibiotics. These mechanisms need to be confirmed in further studies.Peer reviewe

    Dynamic Evolution of Eukaryotic Mitochondrial and Nuclear Genomes: A Case Study in the Gourmet Pine Mushroom Tricholoma matsutake

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    Fungi, as eukaryotic organisms, contain two genomes, the mitochondrial genome and the nuclear genome, in their cells. How the two genomes evolve and correlate to each other is debated. Herein, taking the gourmet pine mushroom Tricholoma matsutake as an example, we performed comparative mitogenomic analysis using samples collected from diverse locations and compared the evolution of the two genomes. The T. matsutake mitogenome encodes 49 genes and is rich of repetitive and non-coding DNAs. Six genes were invaded by up to 11 group I introns, with one cox1 intron cox1P372 showing presence/absence dynamics among different samples. Bioinformatic analyses suggested limited or no evidence of mitochondrial heteroplasmy. Interestingly, hundreds of mitochondrial DNA fragments were found in the nuclear genome, with several larger than 500 nt confirmed by PCR assays and read count comparisons, indicating clear evidence of transfer of mitochondrial DNA into the nuclear genome. Nuclear DNA of T. matsutake showed a higher mutation rate than mitochondrial DNA. Furthermore, we found evidence of incongruence between phylogenetic trees derived from mitogenome and nuclear DNA sequences. Together, our results reveal the dynamic genome evolution of the gourmet pine mushroom.Peer reviewe


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    ABSTRACT We studied carbon acquisition in Tricholoma matsutake by combining morphological, chemical and enzymatic experiments conducted both in the laboratory and natural setting. Associations between host plants and isolates of T. matsutake from Finland (2) and Japan (1) were confirmed via in vitro formation of ectomycorrhizae (ECM). Chemical properties and enzyme-activity rates were determined for samples of mycelia-soil aggregation (shiro) collected from sites of sporocarp formation and nearby control spots. Annual growth and seasonal changes in tissue and ECM health were monitored in a natural population of matsutake. Finally, several organic substrates were evaluated as the sole carbon source for T. matsutake growing in vitro and according to the most active enzymes in the shiro. Matsutake formed typical ECM with the conifers Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies but did not form associations with Silver Birch (Betula pendula). Finnish isolates formed ECM on both conifers but the Japanese strain was less compatible, with only a partial Hartig net being observed in P. sylvestris. Saprotrophic feeding of the Japanese isolate was observed in culture with P. abies. Preferred organic carbon sources and enzyme activities in vitro corresponded to those observed in the shiro. Enzyme assays confirmed the presence and increased production of organic carbon degradation related enzymes during sporocarp formation, when ECM root tips were necrotic. Mycelial growth on culture media consisting of complex polysaccharides was similar to that composed of simple sugars (e.g., glucose). In addition to its typical life strategy as an ECM symbiont, results suggest that T. matsutake can exist as a saprotroph

    Bioactive properties of streptomyces may affect the dominance of Tricholoma matsutake in shiro

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    Tricholoma matsutake is known to be the dominant fungal species in matsutake fruitbody neighboring (shiro) soil. To understand the mechanisms behind matsutake dominance, we studied the bacterial communities in matsutake dominant shiro soil and non-shiro soil, isolated the strains of Streptomyces from matsutake mycorrhizal root tips both from shiro soil and from the Pinus densiflora seedlings cultivated in shiro soil. Further, we investigated three Streptomyces spp. for their ability to inhibit fungal growth and Pinus densiflora seedling root elongation as well as two strains for their antifungal and antioxidative properties. Our results showed that Actinobacteria was the most abundant phylum in shiro soil. However, the differences in the Actinobacterial community composition (phylum or order level) between shiro and non-shiro soils were not significant, as indicated by PERMANOVA analyses. A genus belonging to Actinobacteria, Streptomyces, was present on the matsutake mycorrhizas, although in minority. The two antifungal assays revealed that the broths of three Streptomyces spp. had either inhibitory, neutral or promoting effects on the growth of different forest soil fungi as well as on the root elongation of the seedlings. The extracts of two strains, including one isolated from the P. densiflora seedlings, inhibited the growth of either pathogenic or ectomycorrhizal fungi. The effect depended on the medium used to cultivate the strains, but not the solvent used for the extraction. Two Streptomyces spp. showed antioxidant activity in one out of three assays used, in a ferric reducing antioxidant power assay. The observed properties seem to have several functions in matsutake shiro soil and they may contribute to the protection of the shiro area for T. matsutake dominance.Peer reviewe

    New findings on the fungal species Tricholoma matsutake from Ukraine, and revision of its taxonomy and biogeography based on multilocus phylogenetic analyses

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.Matsutake mushrooms are among the best-known edible wild mushroom taxa worldwide. The representative Tricholoma matsutake is from East Asia and the northern and central regions of Europe. Here, we report the existence of T. matsutake under fir trees in Eastern Europe (i.e., Ukraine), as confirmed by phylogenetic analysis of nine loci on the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. All specimens from Japan, Bhutan, China, North Korea, South Korea, Sweden, Finland, and Ukraine formed a T. matsutake clade according to the phylogeny of the internal transcribed spacer region. The European population of T. matsutake was clustered based on the β2 tubulin gene, with a moderate bootstrap value. In contrast, based on analyses of three loci, i.e., rpb2, tef1, and the β2 tubulin gene, T. matsutake specimens sampled from Bhutan and China belonged to a clade independent of the other specimens of this species, implying a genetically isolated population. As biologically available type specimens of T. matsutake have not been designated since its description as a new species from Japan in 1925, we established an epitype of this fungus, sampled in a Pinus densiflora forest in Nagano, Japan.Peer reviewe