58 research outputs found

    Governed by atmospheres: Affect, materiality and everyday benevolence in homeless encampments during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    This article explores the operation of homeless encampments as a part of governance by highlighting the role of affective atmospheres. The COVID-19 pandemic and the imposition of lockdowns have seen the introduction of unprecedented measures into homelessness governance in Czech cities. Some have set up temporary homeless encampments as a response to the declaration of the state of emergency. Relying on interviews and observations, this article reveals that such measures in cities differed significantly in both character and outcomes. Based on a repeated instances comparison of the socio-material and affective entanglements of operating two emergency encampments – one in the regional city of Pilsen and the other in the capital city of Prague – the article argues that affective atmospheres play a vital role in their practical operations and perceived outcomes. While no simple dichotomy is implied, in Pilsen, order was implemented through a surveillance logic that instigated conflicts and created an atmosphere of frustration, while in Prague, the benevolence and mutuality of people in the camp led to a relaxed atmosphere. The article introduces the notion of ‘governed by atmospheres’ and argues that it opens space for a more complex and nuanced examination of the unintended outcomes of particular policies and politics in homelessness governance.本文通过强调情感氛围的作用,探讨了作为治理的一部分的无家可归者营地的运营。新冠疫情和封锁的实施见证了捷克各城市在无家可归者治理方面所采取的前所未有的措施。在城市宣布进入紧急状态后,作为应对措施,一些城市建立了临时的无家可归者营地。通过访谈和观察,本文揭示了城市中的此类措施在性质和结果上都存在显著差异。我们选取了两个紧急营地(一个在区域中心城市比尔森,另一个在首都布拉格)作为案例,对两个紧急营地的运营所面临的社会物质和情感方面的复杂情况进行了多次比较,在此基础上,本文认为情感氛围在他们的实际运营和感知结果中起着至关重要的作用。尽管不能简单地将两者一分为二,但在比尔森,秩序是通过煽动冲突并营造沮丧氛围的监视逻辑来实施的,而在布拉格,营地中人们的仁慈和互助营造了轻松的氛围。本文介绍了“用氛围来治理”的概念,并认为该概念开辟了更为广阔的空间,使人们能够对无家可归者治理中特定政策和政治的意外结果进行更复杂、更细致的审视。European Commission https://doi.org/10.13039/501100000780Západočeská Univerzita v Plzni https://doi.org/10.13039/100009056Peer Reviewe

    Outline of the Janov media discourse: A critical-discursive approach

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    This paper focus on a media presentation of events related to the situation that is generally called as social tension in Janov. The tool of this aim is a specific qualitative research method - critical discourse analysis. The method allows combine classical textual and intertextual analysis. There are identified two ideological practices in the Janov media discourse: (1) construction of Gypsy ethnic category, (2) construction of socially excluded locality. These ideological practices are supported by specific textual features and their concrete discursive expressions, both outlined in the analysis.This paper focus on a media presentation of events related to the situation that is generally called as social tension in Janov. The tool of this aim is a specific qualitative research method - critical discourse analysis. The method allows combine classical textual and intertextual analysis. There are identified two ideological practices in the Janov media discourse: (1) construction of Gypsy ethnic category, (2) construction of socially excluded locality. These ideological practices are supported by specific textual features and their concrete discursive expressions, both outlined in the analysis

    Critical discourse analysis: A social constructionist in practice

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    This paper focus on the specific qualitative research method called Critical discourse analysis (henceforth CDA). Because there are still so many confusions and stigmation tendencies regarding CDA in the Czech Republic, the author offers a useful introduction to Discourse analysis generally and consequently to CDA particularly. It is exposed Norman Fairclough` s three-dimensional model, e.g. discourse as a text, discourse as a discursive practise and discourse as a social practise and particular phases of his method – Description, Interpretation and Explanation. Further, it is shown one of possibilities how could some analysis carry out. It is concluded by pointing out that CDA is the important part of wider social constructionist paradigm.This paper focus on the specific qualitative research method called Critical discourse analysis (henceforth CDA). Because there are still so many confusions and stigmation tendencies regarding CDA in the Czech Republic, the author offers a useful introduction to Discourse analysis generally and consequently to CDA particularly. It is exposed Norman Fairclough` s three-dimensional model, e.g. discourse as a text, discourse as a discursive practise and discourse as a social practise and particular phases of his method – Description, Interpretation and Explanation. Further, it is shown one of possibilities how could some analysis carry out. It is concluded by pointing out that CDA is the important part of wider social constructionist paradigm

    Communication system for I/O Boards

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    katedra: KŘT; přílohy: 1 x CD; rozsah: 56Systém pro komunikaci s měřící kartou (v C#) Cílem diplomové práce je seznámit se s možnostmi využití softwarové platformy .NET a programovacího jazyka C# při komunikaci s měřícími kartami v PC, sledování průběhů dynamických systémů a jejich regulaci. Navržený měřící systém následně realizovat a ověřit na reálné soustavě v laboratoři. Během programování bylo vyzkoušeno několik přístupů a možných implementací kódu. Výsledný systém je stabilní a nabízí univerzalitu v ovládání měřících karet firmy Advantech. Narozdíl od podobných produktů nabízí možnost okamžitého sledování systémů a jejich reakcí na akční zásahy i studentům bez znalosti programovacích algoritmů. Pro ověření poznatků byla použita soustava tachodynamo (řízení otáček tachometru propojeného pružnou spojkou s DC-motorem) z laboratoře KŘT. Kvalita získaných průběhů signálu sledovaných vstupů byla velmi dobrá a plně odpovídala totožné situaci sledované v aplikaci Matlab Simulink. Systém ControlSystem se osvědčil jako dobrý základ pro budoucí rozšíření v komplexní nástroj, pomáhající studentům při výuce.Communication system for I/O Boards The aim of thesis is to acquaint with capabilities of .NET platform and programming language C# for usage in communication with I/O boards inserted in PC, acquiring dynamic system outputs and controlling them by active inputs. Designed System is to be tested on real system in laboratory. There were few different ingresses to try, during the design of application. Final system is stable running and gives versatility in user control over I/O boards made by Advantech. In contrast to similar software solutions, ControlSystem enables immediate output monitoring and system control even to students without programming skills. Application was tested on system tachodynamo (rotation speed control of tachometer connected to DC-motor with elastic clutch) from KRT laboratory. Acquired results were good and fully comparable with results from Matlab Simulink

    Communication system for I/0 boards

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    Jakoubek, M. 2008. Cikáni a etnicita. Praha: Triton

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